


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                 Taken together, our results provide additional insights into the pathogenesis of SFTSV in
2                                                          We provide chemical insights into the two main classes of these
3 emetastatic niche formation at distant sites, but they also provide comprehensive insights into how MDSCs are recruited t
4  underlying impulse control disorders and dyskinesias could provide crucial insights into other behavioural symptoms in P
5 ic, epigenetic and virus response also has the potential to provide deeper insights into other host-pathogen interactions
6 nity memory B cells into the plasma cell fate, our findings provide fundamental insights into the pathogenesis of allergi
7 n cultivars, and construct a comprehensive variation map to provide genomic insights into the divergence and dual domesti
8 cosylated insulin analogues, this natural glycosylation may provide important insights into diabetes research and therape
9 nalysis of important epigenetic markers in DNA, our results provide important insights into how the introduction of biolo
10                                               These results provide important insights into the mechanism underlying euka
11 ysregulation of a miRNA target and SCZ-related deficits and provide key insights into beneficial LoF mutations and potent
12                                             Two new studies provide key insights into the evolution of hearing specializa
13              These direct measurements of molecular binding provide mechanistic insights into organo-mineral interactions
14 epertoire of potential bacterial RNA capping molecules, and provide mechanistic insights into their incorporation.
15                                             Both structures provide molecular insights into malonate decarboxylase cataly
16                                           Thus, our results provide new insights into better understanding the coevolutio
17 t the potential existence of an additional binding site and provide new insights into GB1:IgG complex structure that amen
18                                                 Our results provide new insights into genetic histories of Siberian and N
19                                              These findings provide new insights into how chromatin regulation modulates
20                                       Furthermore, our data provide new insights into microtubule regulation during axona
21                                              These findings provide new insights into molecular convergence and building
22 esults highlight the potential for "big data" techniques to provide new insights into movement behaviour when applied to
23 iously unknown mechanism of antitumor immune regulation and provide new insights into our understanding of the alteration
24                               Taken together, these results provide new insights into regulatory mechanisms of seed vigor
25 al junction (rTPJ) in updating probabilistic beliefs and we provide new insights into the chronometry of the process by c
26 mporal resolution of light control, optobiology promises to provide new insights into the coordination of signaling circu
27               Together, the findings obtained in this study provide new insights into the function of SlCBL10 in salt str
28 d the complexity of tumor heterogeneity in glioblastoma and provide new insights into the genomic landscape of tumor cell
29 ur results show that differential connectivity analysis can provide new insights into the heterogeneity of drug treatment
30                                Collectively, these findings provide new insights into the inhibitory effect of SFN on HCC
31                                           Thus, our studies provide new insights into the mechanism of ligand recognition
32  D deficiency is potentially causal of sero-negative RA and provide new insights into the pathogenesis of the disorder.
33  dendritic arborization and synapse formation, our findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis of Ube3A/E6AP-depe
34 can play an important regulatory role in liver function and provide new insights into the regulation of hepatocyte viabil
35                                               These studies provide new insights into the regulatory effect exerted by JM
36                                                  These data provide new insights into the relevance of RNA pseudouridylat
37 of individual metal nanoparticles (NPs) with electrodes can provide new insights into their electrocatalytic behavior, ma
38 tion study using fast synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography to provide new insights into these processes by conducting a tim
39        In addition, we have demonstrated that DeBooster may provide new insights into understanding the regulatory functi
40                                     Together, these studies provide novel insights into developing networks that underlie
41 al important circuit mechanisms in memory consolidation and provide novel insights into memory and dreams.
42           SCN-enriched transcripts identified in this study provide novel insights into SCN function, including identifyi
43 ta open new fields of investigation into HSCR pathology and provide novel insights into the development of the ENS.
44                                              These findings provide novel insights into the role of bacteriophages as pot
45 nesin-3 based axonal transport in synaptic transmission and provide novel insights into the role of Unc-104 in synapse ma
46 ee virtual experiments to illustrate how the simulation can provide powerful insights into population coding in touch.
47 nrelated problems to be the same, and how such sameness can provide unexpected insights into apparently unrelated phenome
48               Studies of the Drosophila eggshell patterning provide unique insights into the multiscale mechanisms that c
49                                                Metagenomics provide unprecedented insights into the genetic diversity of
50                Together with muPA activity assays, the data provide valuable insights into regulatory mechanisms and conf

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