


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 ntrol the forces generated within motor-filament arrays and provide insight into the self-organization and mechanics of c
2 role for Arid1b in interneuron development and behavior and provide insight into the pathogenesis of autism spectrum diso
3 e sequences can be used to improve viral classification and provide insight into the viral "tree of life".
4  recruitment and initiation of receptor desensitization and provide insight into the dysregulation of CXCR4 observed in p
5 results refine our understanding of drusen development, and provide insight into the absence of advanced AMD in nonhuman
6 st-benefit valuation across different domains of effort and provide insight into the multidimensional nature of motivatio
7  that Scn8a plays a vital role in neuronal excitability and provide insight into the mechanism and future treatment of ep
8 ty of this approach to inform severity of the infection and provide insight into pathogenic mechanisms.
9 rganismal aging through inhibition of ISC proliferation and provide insight into strategies used by stem cells to maintai
10 genesis of RadH was used to identify catalytic residues and provide insight into the mechanism of fungal halogenases.
11 a unique function for Themis2 in differential signaling and provide insight into how B cells discriminate between antigen
12 ies of rodent/primate prefrontal functional similarity, and provide insight into the role of these brain regions in affec
13  alter population dynamics of a sentinel alpine species and provide insight into how demographic modeling can be used to
14                                            DFT calculations provide insight into binding modes in line with experimental
15        Understanding the mechanism behind this mutation can provide insight into functional differences that exist in cul
16                                                    Our data provide insight into the pathological alterations occurring c
17                                                Our findings provide insight into cytokine recognition by the IL-10R famil
18                                      Together, our findings provide insight into the unique molecular architecture and ex
19                                              These findings provide insight into how a bacterial toxin functions to speci
20                                              These findings provide insight into the cytotoxic effects of PARP inhibition
21                                                  These hits provide insight into human vertebral segmentation disorders a
22  are frequently transferred in a particular environment may provide insight into the selective forces shaping microbial c
23    Greater knowledge of why CMV infection usually fails may provide insight into how to prevent it from succeeding.
24                              These preclinical findings may provide insight into why patients with arthritis being treate
25 cycle states, and sleep-state specific spectral mosaics may provide insight into mechanisms underlying sleep pathophysiol
26 zed that identification of cellular substrates of K-Rta may provide insight into the maintenance of KSHV latent infection
27                                                    This may provide insight into disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, and the
28 A9A bound to cellulosic and non-cellulosic oligosaccharides provide insight into the molecular determinants of their spec
29          Photophysical investigations in the solution phase provide insight into the correlation of energy-transport proc
30 Moreover, bioinformatics analyses of these phosphoproteomes provide insight into the unique functional roles, mechanisms
31                                                 Our results provide insight into a newly identified antiviral gene, as we
32                                                 Our results provide insight into a way to decrease CH4 production and inc
33                                                 Our results provide insight into how the visual system distinguishes opaq
34                                                 Our results provide insight into the effects of regulatory variants and t
35                                                 Our results provide insight into the HNSCC ecosystem and define stromal i
36                                                 Our results provide insight into the mechanisms by which NLRC4 inflammaso
37                                                 Our results provide insight into the observed correlation between medical
38                                       Together, our results provide insight into the role of gene expression in the susce
39                                       The presented results provide insight into the structure-activity relationship and
40                                               These results provide insight into the clinical and genomic dynamics of tum
41                                       Results of this study provide insight into molecular mechanisms underlying PTSD and
42          Comprehensive genomic profiling data in this study provide insight into nivolumab's mechanism of action.
43 eins not previously associated with systemic sclerosis that provide insight into pathogenesis and potential targets for t
44 s are associated with responses to drugs and doses and thus provide insight into the biology of pathogenesis reversion.
45         Imaging genetics and genomics research has begun to provide insight into the molecular and genetic architecture o
46                 This body of knowledge has been gathered to provide insight into the reactivity and constraints of these
47 terns in cytochrome P450, and subsequently has been used to provide insight into a range of biological and synthetic syst
48                   The high-quality genome and transcriptome provide insight into the green algal lineage and carotenoid p
49 lfactory sensory systems in Down syndrome model mice, which provide insight into defects in the function of neural circui
50 e memory and the impact of transplantation, this model will provide insight into further studies of cure strategies inspi

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