


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 7 (17.1%) were diagnosed as having dementia, and 634 (9.3%) provided written informed consent to participate.
2 rmed about the investigational nature of the procedures and provided written informed consent.
3 hemical failure after radiation therapy for prostate cancer provided written informed consent and were enrolled in a pros
4 l institutional review boards approved the study and donors provided written informed consent before death.
5 L-12-02/1/2/3/4) and all the patients and the control group provided written informed consent.
6 med a retrospective data review of stem cell donors who had provided written informed consent for stem cell donation and
7 in the HERA trial, three patients had no evidence of having provided written informed consent to participate.
8 nt in the dyad spoke English, and all participating parents provided written informed consent.
9 l was approved by local ethical committee; each participant provided written informed consent.
10                                                Participants provided written informed consent to a protocol that was appr
11                                                Participants provided written informed consent.
12 tional review board approved the study and all participants provided written informed consent.
13                                            All participants provided written informed consent.
14                                            All participants provided written informed consent.
15 dy approval by the local ethics committee, all participants provided written informed consent.
16 d institutional review board approval, and all participants provided written informed consent.
17 ved by the institutional review board, and all participants provided written informed consent.
18 al was obtained at each clinical site, and all participants provided written informed consent.
19   This study received ethics approval, and all participants provided written informed consent.
20 onal board approved multicenter study, and all participants provided written informed consent.
21                  All ethics were approved, and participants provided written informed consent.
22  institutional review board of each center and participants provided written informed consent.
23 al of the institutional review boards, and all participants provided written, informed consent.
24                                                    Patients provided written informed consent, or, at select sites, there
25                                                All patients provided written informed consent before the study; the need
26                                                All patients provided written informed consent for study participation, th
27 principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and all patients provided written informed consent prior to enrollment.
28                                                All patients provided written informed consent prior to undergoing any stu
29                                                All patients provided written informed consent.
30                                                All patients provided written informed consent.
31 pproved by the institutional review board, and all patients provided written informed consent.
32  local review board approved the protocol, and all patients provided written informed consent.
33 tional review board approval was obtained, and all patients provided written informed consent.
34                                                All patients provided written informed consent.
35                                                All patients provided written informed consent.
36 eview board of all four participating centers, and patients provided written informed consent.
37 ltiple sclerosis ( SPMS secondary progressive MS ) patients provided written informed consent and underwent 3-T MR imagin
38                                                All subjects provided written informed consent, and the local institutiona
39 osture, and muscle tone, Materials and Methods All subjects provided written informed consent, and the protocol was appro
40 view board-approved prospective study in which all subjects provided written informed consent, six patients with relapsin
41                                                All subjects provided written informed consent.
42                                                All subjects provided written informed consent.
43 tional review board approval was obtained, and all subjects provided written informed consent.
44                                                All subjects provided written informed consent.
45                                                All subjects provided written informed consent; the study protocol was app
46 etween 2011 and 2013 were included in this study after they provided written informed consent.
47 r this institutional review board-approved study after they provided written informed consent.
48 pitalization were monitored over 5 years in 91 subjects who provided written informed consent.
49 lation (all participants randomly assigned to treatment who provided written informed consent).
50         Between Jan 14, 2008, and July 31, 2012, 4512 women provided written informed consent of whom 3977 (88%) were eli

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