


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s into the host-cell genome to establish the provirus.
2 sors to the primer binding site (PBS) of the provirus.
3  intermediates in cells expressing the HIV-1 provirus.
4 n to regulate the transcription of the HIV-1 provirus.
5 with recognizable hallmarks of an integrated provirus.
6  infections plus an agent to activate latent provirus.
7 ks viral replication but cannot purge latent provirus.
8 ads to hypermutation and inactivation of the provirus.
9  spread in tumor cells containing integrated provirus.
10 nscripts were identified covering the entire provirus.
11 els similar to those in cells containing one provirus.
12 olymerase II transcription of the integrated provirus.
13 enomic features of the host DNA flanking the provirus.
14 duced this sequence into an infectious HIV-1 provirus.
15 distribution of RNA polymerase II in the HIV provirus.
16 ion as well as silencing of the latent HIV-1 provirus.
17 nscription as well as reactivation of latent provirus.
18  generation of infectious progeny virus from provirus.
19 to harbor full-length, replication-competent provirus.
20 omoter-driven transcription of an integrated provirus.
21  genetic structure of the gag region in each provirus.
22 anded CD4(+) T-cell clone contains an intact provirus.
23 ts integrated into the host cell genome as a provirus.
24 require prior establishment of an integrated provirus.
25 ing CpG-rich IAP (intracisternal A particle) proviruses.
26 y expanded cells carry replication-competent proviruses.
27 rimarily in CD4(+) T cells containing silent proviruses.
28 hat, in vitro, results in a higher number of proviruses.
29  and nonhuman primate cells expressing HIV-1 proviruses.
30 ies exist to selectively activate latent HIV proviruses.
31  packaging and virus titer in the context of proviruses.
32 cantly alter the expression of the remaining proviruses.
33  Tat protein leads to the activation of K111 proviruses.
34 ed, not a single mouse carried both parental proviruses.
35 mologues in prokaryotic cells, outside known proviruses.
36 tient and potential cell line sources of the proviruses.
37 ynthesis induced up to 40% of the latent HIV proviruses.
38 eting cells with specific types of defective proviruses.
39  due to limited or broad activation of HIV-1 proviruses.
40  of transcription from an extensive range of proviruses.
41  RTs extended mismatches in more than 90% of proviruses.
42 termined by the number of genetically intact proviruses.
43 o successful therapy to eradicate integrated proviruses.
44                     We show that three HML-2 proviruses-6q25.1, 8q24.3, and 19q13.42-are upregulated
45                  Here we show that defective proviruses accumulate rapidly within the first few weeks
46 ecipitation (ChIP) assays showed that latent proviruses accumulate RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) on the
47 5, X4, and R5/X4), six primary isolates, and provirus-activated ACH-2 cells examined.
48 laboratory strains and primary isolates) and provirus-activated latently infected cells.
49 Abs in triggering ADCML of HIV-1 virions and provirus-activated latently infected cells.
50 of antiretroviral therapy with RCA blockage, provirus activators, and therapeutic vaccines may repres
51 potentially containing replication-competent proviruses, along with evidence of continuing virus prod
52 as well as the distribution of both parental proviruses among different mouse species, are described.
53  transcriptional silencing of the integrated provirus and driven, at least in part, by histone deacet
54                    Mice transgenic for HIV-1 provirus and human cyclin T1 under the control of a CD4
55 scription originating outside and inside the provirus and identified the vector sequences contributin
56 ike properties (TSCM) that harbor infectious provirus and that likely contribute to HIV-1 persistence
57 firmed that E-MuLV originated from the Emv30 provirus and that recombination events were not necessar
58 transcriptional quiescence of the integrated provirus and the circumvention of immune defense mechani
59 TAM-containing proteins, one encoding a MMTV provirus and the other a B cell receptor fusion protein.
60 lentiviral vectors, yet fail to integrate as proviruses and are instead converted into episomal circl
61 ased methods, we identified seven CrERVgamma proviruses and demonstrated that they show various level
62 s (ESCs) repress the expression of exogenous proviruses and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).
63  the MT-2 cell line, which harbors truncated proviruses and expresses aberrant forms of the Gag prote
64  that BVs are transmitted only vertically as proviruses and produce replication-defective virions tha
65                Viral RNA arose from complete proviruses and proviruses devoid of a 5' long terminal r
66 fected cells harboring replication-competent proviruses and residual viremia.
67  to use the relationship between full-length proviruses and solo-LTRs to help identify large scale co
68  clonally expanded T cells contain defective proviruses and that the replication-competent reservoir
69 nt at high levels at the LTR of silenced HIV proviruses and was rapidly displaced following proviral
70 IFN-stimulated response element within HIV-1 provirus, and it is displaced following T cell activatio
71 ation of T cells harboring latent integrated provirus, and recent studies indicate that proliferation
72 anded clones can carry replication-competent proviruses, and cells from these clones can release infe
73 e genus Bracovirus (BVs) persist in wasps as proviruses, and their genomes consist of two functional
74                             Remarkably, K111 proviruses appear in the genomes of the extinct Neandert
75      Importantly, antigens derived from this provirus are immunogenic, stimulating cytotoxic T cells
76                Sequence reads that contain a provirus are mapped to the human genome, sequence reads
77 ndividuals, indicating that qualities of the provirus are unlikely to be a major driver of persistent
78                        The majority of HIV-1 proviruses are defective and considered clinically irrel
79                    That the vast majority of proviruses are defective clouds our assessment of the de
80 +)T cells are clonally expanded; most of the proviruses are defective.
81 chronic infection, and in this setting, most proviruses are defective.
82 dogenous retrovirus group K (HERV-K) (HML-2) proviruses are expressed at significantly higher levels
83 al cells of the oral mucosa, although latent proviruses are found in most, if not all, tissues.
84                               The noninduced proviruses are generally considered defective but have n
85 cell activation reverses latency, but <1% of proviruses are induced to release infectious virus after
86                       No extant CERV1 and -2 proviruses are known to encode functional proteins.
87 se results reveal that the majority of HIV-1 proviruses are not reactivated by current therapeutic ap
88 of the 91 currently annotated HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses are regulated by Tat.
89  Human endogenous retrovirus type K (HERV-K) proviruses are scattered throughout the human genome, bu
90                                   Latent HIV proviruses are silenced as the result of deacetylation a
91    Latent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proviruses are thought to be primarily reactivated in vi
92           Furthermore, hypermutation of XMRV proviruses at GG dinucleotides may be a useful and relia
93       The extent to which the HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses become activated and the nature of their acti
94          PDVs persist in wasps as integrated proviruses but are packaged as circularized and segmente
95 + T cells that contain replication-competent provirus, but exhibit little or no active viral gene exp
96 ins and wild mouse species for an endogenous provirus, Bxv1, that is capable of producing infectious
97 t-mediated transactivation of the integrated provirus by binding specifically to the TAR-binding doma
98 pharmaceutical reactivation of dormant HIV-1 proviruses by histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) rep
99 Thus, CTLs may change the landscape of HIV-1 proviruses by preferentially targeting cells with specif
100 duce HIV-1 transcripts, and cells with these proviruses can be recognized by HIV-1-specific cytotoxic
101 defective proviruses, we show that defective proviruses can be transcribed into RNAs that are spliced
102 limits in vivo expression of germ line X-MLV proviruses capable of producing infectious virus.
103  have identified the presence of "defective" proviruses capable of transcribing novel unspliced HIV-R
104                    The level of integration (proviruses/cell) in naive cells was lower than that in m
105 elics of ancient integration events, "young" proviruses competent for retrotransposition-found in man
106                          Further, cells with proviruses containing lethal mutations upstream of CTL e
107 ess likely to be found among highly expanded provirus-containing cell clones.
108                                The resulting provirus contains identical 5' and 3' peripheral long te
109 Viral RNA arose from complete proviruses and proviruses devoid of a 5' long terminal repeat, suggesti
110              Using isogenic tier 1 or tier 2 proviruses differing only in the 3N mutation, we showed
111  The NL4-3 YRHHY>A5 and NL4-3 DRMR>A4 mutant proviruses displayed G-to-A hypermutations primarily in
112  novel, independent mutant in which a single provirus disrupted one allele of the gene encoding the s
113                         Low levels of HTLV-2 provirus DNA were detected in the blood, lymphoid tissue
114 over, unrepaired rNMPs incorporated into the provirus during HIV-1 reverse transcription would be gen
115 ccumulation and the persistence of defective proviruses during acute HIV-1 infection are largely unkn
116 perienced no frequency increase in X4-tropic proviruses during therapy.
117 or but was generated by recombination of two proviruses during tumor passaging in mice.
118 h indicates a preferential tropism-dependent provirus elimination in the immunocompetent host.
119  viral plus-strand DNA transfer and inhibits provirus establishment in the host genome.
120 n vivo, and cells with replication competent proviruses expand and survive because only a small fract
121  Gag act during immature capsid formation in provirus-expressing cells.
122 cell chromatin that underlie integration and provirus expression are poorly understood.
123 omosomes, thus maximizing the probability of provirus expression immediately after integration.
124 RNAP II promoter proximal pausing and limits provirus expression in HIV-infected primary CD4(+) T cel
125 human endogenous retrovirus group K (HERV-K) provirus expression plays a role in the pathogenesis of
126 , there was less than 5% induction of latent proviruses following knockdown of SUV39H1, which is requ
127 step to reverse post-integrated latent HIV-1 proviruses for purging of reservoir cells.
128  whether A3F similarly interferes with HIV-1 provirus formation.
129  for A3G than A3F function in blocking HIV-1 provirus formation.
130 NA synthesis, at the step of 2LTR circle and provirus formation.
131 characteristically suppress transcription of proviruses formed after infection by exogenous retroviru
132 dy, we compare DNA sequences from latent SFV proviruses found in blood cells of 30 Bangladesh rhesus
133 fection may explain the high copy numbers of proviruses found in infected cells in vivo and may provi
134 ce of > 91,000 unique insertion sites of the provirus from 61 HTLV-1(+) persons and > 2100 sites from
135 me editing techniques that safely excise HIV provirus from cells, Tre, an engineered version of Cre r
136 found that AV6 reproducibly activated latent provirus from different lymphocyte-based clonal cell lin
137  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) provirus from host chromosomes.
138 kinetics comparable to reconstructed induced proviruses from the same patients.
139 d an initial set of 362 potentially complete proviruses from the three main classes of ERVs, which we
140                           In contrast to the proviruses from untreated cells, which were all normal,
141                                          HIV provirus gene-editing were confirmed by cell genomic DNA
142 in is encoded on the antisense strand of the provirus genome and entirely overlapped by the env gene
143 on led to abnormal integrations in which the provirus had one normal and one aberrant end, accompanie
144                         Most of the aberrant proviruses had one normal end and one aberrant end and w
145                   Strategies to target these provirus-harboring cells need to be considered for futur
146 cular, RNA from the HML-2 subgroup of HERV-K proviruses has been reported to be highly expressed at t
147                                Many of these proviruses have been characterized as defective and thus
148 induced myeloid leukemia in mice, integrated proviruses have been found upstream of c-myb in three re
149  of ancestral infectious retroviruses, whose proviruses have invaded the germ-line.
150                                   Noninduced proviruses have unmethylated promoters and are integrate
151                        In the context of the provirus, HBZ represses HTLV-1 transcription, in part, b
152     On reactivation of replication-competent provirus, HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) are express
153                                          One provirus, HML-2 12q24.33, in contrast, was repressed in
154 servoir by detecting replication-incompetent proviruses; however, viral outgrowth assays underestimat
155 escribe the formulation of the controversial provirus hypothesis by Temin, which ultimately was prove
156 he vast majority of the potentially complete proviruses identified in M. lucifugus were integrated in
157 o identify gRNA candidates for targeting HIV provirus in astrocytes.
158 ed infection, with low transient viremia and provirus in blood lymphocytes during acute infection.
159 th the potential to eliminate or disrupt HIV provirus in HIV reservoir cells, which may lead to a com
160                              A single HERV-T provirus in hominid genomes includes an env gene (hsaHTe
161                We identified the active Bxv1 provirus in many common inbred strains and in some Japan
162 DNA looping in M1 cells and tumor cells with provirus in Mml1, Mml2, or Mml3.
163 of histone 3 at lysine 27 (H3K27) of the HIV provirus in resting cells.
164 ion in vivo is favored by orientation of the provirus in the same sense as the nearest host gene.
165  screened for their efficiencies against HIV provirus in these cells.
166 was used to analyze the distribution of both proviruses in 48 laboratory mouse strains and 46 wild-de
167 ce, modulation of the expression of specific proviruses in a given biological situation can be ascert
168 esidual viremia is genetically distinct from proviruses in activated CD4(+) T cells, monocytes, and u
169                              Analysis of HIV proviruses in CD4+ lymphocytes from individuals after pr
170 ed to produce virions, compared with 1.5% of proviruses in cells treated with anti-CD3/CD28 antibodie
171 vectors, as well as that of integrated HIV-1 proviruses in latent reservoirs without significant cyto
172                The persistence of latent HIV proviruses in long-lived CD4(+) T cells despite antiretr
173 persistence of replication-competent, latent proviruses in long-lived resting T cells.
174                                 Thus, latent proviruses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)
175  that, analogously to Jurkat T cells, latent proviruses in primary CD4(+) T cells are enriched in het
176 s study, we quantified the fraction of HIV-1 proviruses in resting CD4(+) T cells from patients on su
177  of SAHA achieved clinically, only 0.079% of proviruses in resting CD4(+) T cells were reactivated to
178 ve detected the activation of HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses in the blood of patients with HIV-1 infection
179               HIV seeds reservoirs of latent proviruses in the earliest phases of infection.
180 so demonstrates that although HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses in the human genome are highly similar in ter
181  assay that detects 51 of the 89 known HML-2 proviruses in the human genome.
182 lthough the large majority (>95%) of the HIV proviruses in treated patients are defective, expanded c
183  total of 36 nonreference polymorphic HERV-K proviruses, including 19 newly reported loci, with inser
184 fication of replication-competent noninduced proviruses indicates that the size of the latent reservo
185                                     ERVs are provirus insertions in germline cells that are inherited
186  T cells bearing replication-competent HIV-1 provirus integrated into cellular DNA.
187 dergone clonal expansion and frequently have proviruses integrated in genes associated with regulatio
188 chronic infection, favoring establishment of proviruses integrated in transcriptionally silenced DNA:
189 e process, and the predominant SU genes from proviruses integrated in tumor DNA carried markers of ge
190 on was in the antisense orientation and from proviruses integrated within introns.
191                                          The provirus integration site for Moloney murine leukemia vi
192 nce remain uncertain, but integration of the provirus into the host genome represents a central event
193 cell population on ART, and insertion of HIV proviruses into certain host cellular genes has been ass
194     As is the case for all retroviruses, the provirus is inserted into the host DNA, where nucleosome
195 ected individuals harbor cells where the HIV provirus is integrated into the host's DNA but is not ac
196 xes are detected by Daxx, and the integrated provirus is rapidly chromatinized and repressed by DNA m
197                   The induction of quiescent provirus is the goal of a new class of potential therape
198 ngs suggest that proliferation of cells with proviruses is a likely mechanism of HIV-1 DNA persistenc
199 ifying induced virion production from single proviruses is important for assessing the effects of HIV
200 were all normal, approximately 10-15% of the proviruses isolated after treatment with a suboptimal do
201                      Interestingly, only one provirus, K103, was found to encode a functional RT amon
202         Furthermore, successfully integrated proviruses lacked detectable uracil, suggesting that onl
203 nic mouse Tg26 carries a noninfectious HIV-1 provirus lacking part of the gag-pol region, thus consti
204 ity of transcripts being antisense copies of proviruses located within introns.
205  proceeds through an obligate integrated DNA provirus, making retroviral vectors attractive vehicles
206 cell line harbors a relatively low number of proviruses, making it a more promising experimental syst
207 nd molecular mechanisms that activate latent provirus may, in the presence of highly active antiretro
208 fore, bidirectional transcription across the provirus might not restrict hbz or tax expression.
209 fected 293T cells with a furin cleavage site provirus mutant, R466G/K468G, and produced the virus in
210  The system for Single-Cell Imaging of HIV-1 Provirus, named SCIP, provides the possibility to indivi
211 We found that Gag expression from integrated proviruses occurred in resting cells that lacked surface
212              In blood, we detected inducible proviruses of archival origin among highly differentiate
213 ndings suggest that the persistent defective proviruses of HIV-1 are not "silent," but rather may con
214      These patients also show persistence of proviruses of HIV-1 in circulating peripheral blood mono
215 ion of circulating cells harboring inducible proviruses of recent origin.
216               PCR was carried out for HTLV-1 provirus on buffy-coat DNAs.
217 y infected cell lines that contain two HIV-2 proviruses, one with a wild-type gag/gag-pol and the oth
218 eered into Gag from a subtype B, lab-adapted provirus or Gag from a subtype C primary isolate that wa
219  strains with Xpr1(sxv) lack the active Bxv1 provirus or other endogenous X-MLVs and may provide a us
220 ly under development aim to eradicate latent provirus, or prevent viral replication, progression to A
221  assumed to be stable and to contain one HIV provirus per cell.
222 fails to cure HIV-1 infection because latent proviruses persist in resting CD4(+) T cells.
223 -1) but does not cure the infection, because proviruses persist in stable latent reservoirs.
224 oviruses within our set, including an intact provirus present at Xq21.33 in some individuals, with th
225 r, we found that the host mice contained two proviruses, PreXMRV-1 and PreXMRV-2, which share 99.92%
226 IV-1 DNA levels, suggesting that reactivated proviruses proliferate.
227 ed on ART) revealed that an average of 7% of proviruses (range: 2-18%) expressed HIV RNA.
228 eeks of infection to make up over 93% of all proviruses, regardless of how early ART is initiated.
229  Transcriptional latency of integrated HIV-1 provirus represents a major obstacle to curing HIV.
230 y dissected the cellular factors involved in provirus repression in embryonic carcinomas (ECs) and ES
231 c1/2) and Eset, while Sumo2 orchestrates the provirus repressive function of the canonical Zfp809/Tri
232 xistence of latent but replication-competent proviruses residing primarily in a very small population
233 sion of L9 in cells expressing the MMTV(C3H) provirus resulted in specific, robust accumulation of Ga
234                                         K111 proviruses show significant sequence variations in each
235 vates expression of 26 unique HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses, silences 12, and does not significantly alte
236 /Atf7ip) are key determinants that establish provirus silencing.
237 ed on Tat-treated PBLs of seven donors using provirus-specific primers and corroborated the results w
238 , while modern humans have at least 100 K111 proviruses spread across the centromeres of 15 chromosom
239 ajor ERV classes include recently integrated proviruses, suggesting that a wide diversity of retrovir
240 y expanded Th1 cells containing intact HIV-1 proviruses, suggesting that this polarized subset contri
241 mine whether the proliferation of cells with provirus sustain HIV-1 persistence in spite of effective
242 nologically silent but replication-competent proviruses - termed the latent reservoir.
243 tivates expression of a novel HERV-K (HML-2) provirus, termed K111, present in multiple copies in the
244 haracteristics of the latent, integrated HIV provirus that persists during treatment are associated w
245 wl produce piRNAs targeting ALV from one ALV provirus that was known to render its host ALV resistant
246 nus) and elk (Cervus canadensis) DNA contain proviruses that are closely related to mule deer CrERVga
247  type K (HERV-K) HML-2 (HK2) family contains proviruses that are the most recent entrants into the hu
248 nknown, however, is the proportion of latent proviruses that can be transcriptionally reactivated by
249  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviruses that express unspliced viral RNA in vivo or a
250 o express HIV RNA at levels similar to those proviruses that had no obvious defects.
251 onded poorly to external stimuli carried HIV proviruses that were enriched in H3K27me3 and relatively
252 V DNA content, which also includes defective proviruses that would not be able to replicate and initi
253 Polydnaviruses are vertically transmitted as proviruses through the germ line of wasps but also funct
254 d immediately after the activation of latent proviruses through the TCR.
255 ession originating from 15 HML-2 full-length proviruses, through four modes of transcription.
256 rochromatin structures present on the latent provirus to active euchromatin structures containing ace
257 ucted by engineering a CCR5-tropic subtype A provirus to express SIV vif, which counters the macaque
258                                  We found 15 proviruses to be significantly expressed through four di
259     Knockdown of EZH2 also sensitized latent proviruses to external stimuli, such as T-cell receptor
260 ion, and slowed the reversion of reactivated proviruses to latency.
261 stances of long terminal repeat (LTR)-driven provirus transcription but no evidence to suggest that t
262 Our studies reveal that CD28 regulates HIV-1 provirus transcription through a complex interplay of po
263 d a relatively large reduction in integrated proviruses upon NUP153 knockdown.
264            Lastly, direct detection of HIV-1 proviruses using fluorescence in situ hybridization conf
265 es transcriptional induction of latent HIV-1 proviruses using latency-reversing agents (LRAs) with ta
266 d by the emergence or expansion of X4-tropic provirus variants.
267 tion after T-cell activation from individual proviruses varies by 10,000-fold to 100,000-fold.
268 onesia were positive, yielding an endogenous provirus very closely related to a strain of GALV.
269 ients, the documented expansion of X4-tropic provirus was based on the outgrowth of single viral vari
270                               One CrERVgamma provirus was detected in all mule deer sampled but was a
271            Similarly, reactivation of latent provirus was facilitated in the absence of CYLD.
272 nes was significantly more frequent when the provirus was integrated near host genes in specific gene
273                                 A CrERVgamma provirus was sequenced and contained intact open reading
274                Integration of the uracilated proviruses was restored using an isogenic cell line that
275 ong terminal repeat (LTR) from Vpr-deficient proviruses was significantly reduced.
276 of an integrated form of retroviral DNA (the provirus) was first proposed by Howard Temin in 1964.
277  and reconstructed patient-derived defective proviruses, we show that defective proviruses can be tra
278               RNAP II pause sites on the HIV provirus were mapped to high resolution by ChIP with hig
279 ose host genes harboring a latent integrated provirus were transcriptionally active, mostly at high l
280                  Cells containing the intact provirus were widely distributed and significantly enric
281                               High-producing proviruses were associated with increases in cell-associ
282                 The chromosomal loci of both proviruses were determined in the mouse genome, and inte
283      RNA sequences from novel HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses were discovered, including K111, which is spe
284             In addition, we found that HML-2 proviruses were expressed in multiple blood cell types f
285                                    Defective proviruses were found to express HIV RNA at levels simil
286 rved in prokaryotic genomes outside detected proviruses were identified for two-thirds of the 57 taxa
287 e on ART, a greater proportion of persisting proviruses were in proliferating cells.
288 ts EZH2, led to the reactivation of silenced proviruses, whereas chaetocin and BIX01294 showed only m
289  and long-read sequencing to study the HIV-1 provirus, which is only 9700 bp in length, but encodes n
290 ly undetected, large group of HERV-K (HML-2) proviruses, which are descendants of the ancestral K111
291 rsing agents (LRAs) to reactivate the latent proviruses, which can then be eliminated by effective an
292    Additionally, the expression of defective proviruses will need to be considered in the measurement
293                    DNA was screened for XMRV provirus with two sensitive, published PCR assays target
294                                              Proviruses with defective major splice donors (MSDs) can
295                                  We observed proviruses with single APOBEC3G-mediated mutations (in t
296 romatin organization allows distally located provirus, with its own enhancer elements, to access the
297 dual loci identified three new unfixed 2-LTR proviruses within our set, including an intact provirus
298 lasma, they may persist as stably integrated proviruses within the latent reservoir in resting CD4(+)
299 eservoir have focused on reactivating latent proviruses without inducing global T cell activation.
300 compounds that selectively reactivate latent proviruses without inducing polyclonal T cell activation

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