


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to, some of the strong negative emotions it provokes.
2 ons that create substantial cultural bridges provoke 2.52 times more comments about their messages fr
3 evidence that, in Arabidopsis thaliana, heat provokes 5'-ribosome pausing leading to the XRN4-mediate
4  systemic inflammation, cancer or infections provoke a catabolic state characterized by enhanced musc
5 to their hand of pain or warm intensities to provoke a constant sensation.
6 ecific disruption of CGI-58 is sufficient to provoke a defect in the formation of a functional corneo
7                For example, a gunshot should provoke a different response at a public park than a sho
8  were subject to Cytochalasin D treatment to provoke a drastic change in the power law coefficient an
9 bial communities that disrupt resilience and provoke a large and abrupt change in function and struct
10 oglycan (PG) fragments during infection that provoke a large inflammatory response and, in pelvic inf
11 myces cerevisiae, where this mechanism would provoke a never-ending increasing mRNA synthesis rate in
12                                  Major burns provoke a profound stress response, which is unrivalled
13  tumor cells, by augmenting Notch signaling, provoke a senescent and pro-inflammatory state in endoth
14 nin assay) challenge technique did, however, provoke a significant cellular immune response.
15  and streptococcal superantigens (SAgs) that provoke a swift hyperinflammatory response typified by a
16 ingle disease in which specific dynamics can provoke a variety of clinical outcomes in different pati
17 A1(46-112) did not induce CXCL6 ex vivo, but provoked a cooperative intraperitoneal neutrophil recrui
18        Consistently, RNAi against LmCYP4G102 provoked a decrease in the content of cuticular alkanes,
19        Combined treatment with both agonists provoked a further increase in the expression of apoE an
20 vent a HFD-induced inflammatory response, it provoked a genomic response that may protect skeletal mu
21 substrates involved in reversal learning has provoked a great deal of interest in the last years.
22                     The presence of proteins provoked a higher hydrolysis in triglycerides, a lower d
23  concentrations >1 mmol/L were cytotoxic and provoked a larger-amplitude increase in cytosolic Ca(2+)
24 predators into the respiratory tract of mice provoked a modest inflammatory response at 1 hour post-e
25        Intratracheal administration of IL-17 provoked a neutrophilic response in the airways of WT an
26                                     This has provoked a range of discussions on the role of water and
27 ed from 10% to 90% the sensitivity, although provoked a residual false reentrant activity approximate
28 pplication of the highest pressure (450 MPa) provoked a significant degradation of phosphoglycerate m
29 -trimester placental explants with TNF-alpha provoked a significant increase in fractalkine expressio
30                             EMD or TGF-beta1 provoked a significant increase of IL-11 and PRG4 expres
31          Intramuscular injection of ssGnih-3 provoked a significant reduction in gnrh-3 and lh expres
32 urvival of AD-MSCs in ischemic hindlimbs and provoked a synergetic effect with AD-MSCs to restore hin
33 l ethers under a bifunctional organocatalyst provokes a dramatic change in the regioselectivity, from
34 eshold response for neuronal hyperexcitation provokes a dramatic shift in rNSC function, which impair
35 ess by which binding of an effector molecule provokes a functional response from a distal site, is cr
36 challenge the view that dual n-back training provokes a general boosting of the WM system and of its
37                                 The reaction provokes a giant chromic effect of about 2.5 eV.
38  changing the nature of the lipophilic chain provokes a loss of selectivity.
39  highly invasive Basal B breast cancer cells provokes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition accompan
40 with mutations in phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) provokes a metabolic aberration in rod cells that promot
41 uctures in representing numerical quantities provokes a reconsideration of current theories of the ne
42 nders them susceptible to immune control and provokes a shift in the tumor inflammatory profile towar
43     Importantly, the protonated form 1a.H(+) provokes a specific staining of late endosome compartmen
44 es on a simplified retinal chromophore model provokes a substantial and regular increase in the trans
45 e surveillance of many different antibiotics provokes a worldwide challenge.
46 y of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), thereby provoking a cellular state of "ER stress." Sustained act
47 rotransmission via at least two ways: (1) by provoking a release of serotonin in key limbic regions;
48 isregulated Contactin-APP interactions might provoke aberrant activation of Goalpha and its effectors
49 he combined deficiency of both redox systems provokes aberrant chloroplast ultrastructure.
50 whelms the UPR, induces cellular injury, and provokes acinar metaplasia.
51 cted and non-infarcted hearts showed that MI provokes activation of an IRF3-interferon axis in a dist
52 the local degranulation of ocular mast cells provoked acute ocular inflammation, dilation, increased
53 nced that NaCl, used in vaccine formulation, provokes AH particle aggregation.
54 nd inflammatory mediators were sufficient to provoke AIMSS-like behaviors.
55 tabolic gene in a different background could provoke an entirely different transcriptional response.
56                    Consumption for six weeks provoked an increment in serum beta-Cryptoxanthin of 38.
57                                The treatment provoked an inflammatory response within the limbs, whic
58 rasites establish blood-stage infection, and provokes an altered host immune response, modifying immu
59 mosome synapsis at meiotic prophase I, which provokes an arrest at the pachytene-like stage and resul
60 to bring the concentration into a range that provokes an attractant response.
61    Unexpectedly, we find that excitotoxicity provokes an early inactivation of PKD1 through a dephosp
62                   Deleting the primary layer provokes an enhanced induction of the secondary layer to
63 pyrolipid-induced PDT kills tumour cells and provokes an immune response, resulting in calreticulin e
64 ered at an intensity below the threshold for provoking an MEP.
65 for the associations of current smoking with provoked and unprovoked VTE were 1.36 (95% CI: 1.22-1.52
66 for a better understanding of the mechanisms provoking and maintaining addiction, as evidenced by the
67  allowing to differentiate between reactive (provoked) and proactive (unprovoked) aggression.
68                   GCC inhibition reduced STa-provoked anion secretion in pig jejunal tissue, and flui
69 a, through infusion of a specific antagomir, provoked anxiolysis, mimicking the action of ethanol.
70  in the field of orthopedics and is known to provoke aseptic loosening around arthroplasties and is a
71                                    Adenosine provokes atrial fibrillation (AF) with a higher activati
72 nt and protective by directly killing caries-provoking bacteria (reducing proximal decay).
73                                         NFS1 provokes bacterial cell death and early nodule senescenc
74 r can have serious consequences in neonates, provoking brain damage and/or sudden death due to apnea
75  because stimulations of its tuberal portion provoke bursts of laughter.
76 s that cigarette smoking was associated with provoked but not unprovoked VTE.
77                Their reflections are thought-provoking, but some statements concerning various featur
78 ptomatic but has a Brugada electrocardiogram provoked by a drug.
79 ted the physiological and structural defects provoked by acute stresses.
80 may confer proarrhythmic susceptibility when provoked by additional environmental/acquired or genetic
81 fork instability and chromosomal aberrations provoked by aldehyde-induced BRCA2 haploinsufficiency, s
82             Disruption of circadian rhythms, provoked by artificial lighting at night, inconsistent s
83 ure is tightly coupled to substrate shedding provoked by diverse ADAM17 activators.
84  of evoked corticostriatal glutamate release provoked by dopamine deficiency after 6-OHDA-lesions or
85  cause nonesophageal symptoms, such as those provoked by ear, nose, throat, or respiratory disorders.
86                         Genetic instability, provoked by exogenous mutagens, is well linked to initia
87 aracterised by prolonged seizures, typically provoked by fever.
88 ed the cellular and humoral immune responses provoked by H5N1 and 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccin
89  as pathological features of allergic asthma provoked by house dust mite in vivo.
90 aHUS (p-aHUS), of which three appeared to be provoked by infection, bleeding, and curettage, and thre
91 way regulated by TAK1, which is unexpectedly provoked by inhibition of caspase activity and necroptos
92 ticipates in the acute systemic inflammation provoked by LPS.
93 nomic function and identify changes, if any, provoked by microgravity exposure.
94                    The wide range of effects provoked by NCRs such as cell enlargement, membrane alte
95  as a consequence of aberrantly elevated CK2 provoked by p53 ablation and irrevocably deregulated by
96     Here we show that a proteostatic insult, provoked by persistent expression of the secretory heavy
97 and life-threatening episodes of aHUS can be provoked by pregnancy.
98 ere we show that apoptotic cell extrusion is provoked by singularities in cell alignments in the form
99                   Similar YAP responses were provoked by stimulation with vasopressin or serum.
100  addicts, drug relapse and craving are often provoked by stress.
101                               The phenotypes provoked by the A and B strains differed regarding progr
102  impaired BCR signaling is to a great extent provoked by the accumulating CD74 NTF, which can interac
103 riptome-wide changes in messenger RNA levels provoked by various types of oxidative stress in Arabido
104 xpression of microRNA-146a in cardiomyocytes provoked cardiac hypertrophy and left ventricular dysfun
105 ote defense reactions on the one side but to provoke cardiovascular disease development on the other
106 ents, which elicits a cascade of events that provokes cell death.
107 ctivated p53-dependent transcription without provoking cell death and caused two discrete populations
108 with the clinical outcomes of the disease it provokes: Chagas disease (CD).
109        Maladaptive immunity and inflammation provoke changes in macrophage function that are causativ
110                              Addition of LPS provoked coalescence of VAMP3 and its interaction with s
111 as a strikingly heightened susceptibility to provoked colitis, and conversely by greater resistance t
112            MG accumulation by GLO1-knockdown provoked collagen expression, endothelial inflammation a
113 with the immaturity of GF MCs, degranulation-provoking compound 48/80 induced less edema in the skin
114 The migration of SMCs together with fibrosis provoke concentric intimal thickening of the coronary ar
115 hol-induced aggression in a provoking vs non-provoking condition with a variant of the Taylor aggress
116 d in RQ/+ mutant mice in vivo; however, when provoked, cortical seizures frequently led to apneas, br
117 sis (Arabidopsisthaliana) the isothiocyanate provokes covalent modification (K4me3, K9ac) of histone
118  Environments associated with prior drug use provoke craving and drug taking, and set the stage for l
119 or aggression, even in the absence of threat-provoking cues.
120 wed that abnormalities in epidermal function provoke cutaneous inflammation, and because intrinsicall
121  experiments demonstrate that nGO-PEG indeed provokes cytokine secretion by enhancing integrin beta8-
122 with pain onset (unconditioned stimulus, US) provoke defensive responses like startle potentiation, w
123 ms by which sex-steroid hormone fluctuations provoke depressive symptoms and thus provide a rationale
124  The indirect development of trochozoans has provoked discussion regarding the origin and evolution o
125 to examine how additional life adversity may provoke disease risk or resilience.
126     Chronic 50% reduction of C9ORF72 did not provoke disease, while its absence produced splenomegaly
127 central nervous system (CNS) have repeatedly provoked dismissal of the existence of immune privilege
128  studies, apelin-13 compared with dobutamine provoked distinctive effects on cardiac function: 1) opt
129 or the earliest amyloid beta accumulation to provoke DNA hypomethylation, influencing AD pathological
130 MSH2 serves as a sensor for DNA base analogs-provoked DNA replication errors and binds to various DNA
131 n p53-competent KRAS-mutant cells, MTH1 loss provokes DNA damage and induction of oncogene-induced se
132 otch proteins, Su(H)(S269D) and Su(H)(R266H) provoked dominant negative effects upon overexpression.
133                        In group A, adenosine provoked dormant conduction in 31 (41%) patients with a
134        Ninety-nine percent of Treg depletion provoked drastic changes in the tumor microenvironment,
135  caused by exposure to drug-associated cues, provoking drug craving even after prolonged abstinence.
136                  Thus, unpredictable, stress-provoking early-life experiences may influence adolescen
137  model of common developmental seizures that provoke epilepsy in a subset of individuals, we identify
138  the inflammatory cytokine TNF are likely to provoke episodes of renal failure.
139            The mechanisms by which allergens provoke epithelial IL-33 secretion are still poorly unde
140          It may occur spontaneously or after provoking events, such as traumatic injuries to the pelv
141 nsulin levels, via enhanced CD36 expression, provoke fatty liver development that in turn leads to he
142 that enter the body through the skin and can provoke features of allergic asthma.
143 electrical stimulation at the same site that provokes feeding, drinking and other species-typical mot
144 dorsal periaqueductal gray is sufficient for provoking flight behaviours.
145                          Their effect on STa-provoked fluid transport was assessed in ligated intesti
146 peats interfere with replication and repair, provoking fork stalling, chromosome fragility, and recom
147                Pointmutating this PxxP motif provoked formation of ectopic AZ-like structures at axon
148 hancer region of the RAG1/2 locus (Erag) and provoked FOXO1 cleavage.
149  interlayer electric polarization, which may provoke further exploration of interlayer exciton conden
150 rculating acyl-ghrelin levels, suppressed CR-provoked ghrelin signaling, and restored central ghrelin
151                                   Neat1 loss provokes global changes in gene expression, suggesting a
152 ve antibodies prolonged YF vaccine viraemia, provoked greater pro-inflammatory responses, and induced
153 omal dominant mutations in vinculin can also provoke HCM, causing acute cardiac failure.
154 nalysis of livers revealed that asparaginase provoked hepatic steatosis that coincided with activatio
155 ered via the intranasal route in addition to provoking higher cross-reactive immune responses against
156 t an increase in dietary potassium would not provoke hyperkalemia in this population despite treatmen
157  activation of innate immune mechanisms that provoke hypoxia, and superoxide and nitric oxide formati
158  potential to migrate within the body and to provoke immune-mediated pathological tissue reactions.
159 , but their utility was blunted because they provoked immune reactions that interfered with the thera
160 ion of the H protein, the main MV antigen in provoking immunity.
161 ically promotes cardiac regeneration without provoking immunologic reactions.
162 n about one third of the patients and can be provoked in another third.
163                              WASp deficiency provokes increased R-loops and R-loop-mediated DSBs in T
164 cularly with 1.2 x 10(8) cfu of S. aureus to provoke infection, and the second, with 1.2 x 10(8) cfu
165                 Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) provokes inflammation culminating in organ dysfunction a
166  APP, TREX1, NOTCH3, and Col4A1 are known to provoke inflammatory reactions and damage the brain in a
167 endosomal sensors, dependent on Unc93b1, can provoke inflammatory responses that contribute to a vari
168  critical to combat bacterial infections and provoke inflammatory responses.
169                    Furthermore, how IL-1beta provokes inflammatory bone disease inPstpip2(cmo)mice is
170 ge protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) provokes inhibition of the phospholipase C by an as yet
171 othesis that immune responses to these sites provoke inhibitors.
172  radiotherapy with breast reconstruction has provoked intense controversy in the management of breast
173 oorly absorbed fermentable carbohydrates can provoke irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms by escap
174 pond to and distinguish between stimuli that provoke itch or pain.
175  jet engines exacerbate the impact of ash by provoking its melting and sticking to turbine parts.
176 oxically, aPKC also phosphorylates Par3/Baz, provoking its relocalization to adherens junctions (AJs)
177      Although doubling halpha-Syn expression provokes LB pathology in humans, halpha-Syn overexpressi
178 d inflammation in the heart is sufficient to provoke left ventricular dysfunction and left ventricula
179 that activation of inflammation in the heart provokes left ventricular remodeling and left ventricula
180                                  Its overuse provokes liver injury and it is the second most common c
181                                 Space travel provokes long-lasting sympathetic and vagal neuroplastic
182 n and have described the optimal settings to provoke longer-lasting changes in swallowing neurophysio
183                             Germline removal provokes longevity in several species and shifts resourc
184                   Vascular amylin deposition provokes loss of endothelial cell coverage and tight jun
185 wed that the avian virus-derived NS segments provoked lower levels of expression of interferon-stimul
186 mented filamentous bacteria (SFB), distantly provoke lung pathology.
187 uss how dysregulated ER stress responses can provoke many diseases, including autoimmunity, firmly po
188                            This mutation may provoke meiotic defects leading to a depleted follicular
189                   The mechanisms of the eFSE-provoked memory problems involved complex disruption of
190 recruits DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) and provokes methylation of the Gata1 gene enhancer.
191 t stress-induced elevations in neuronal CSF1 provokes microglia-mediated neuronal remodeling in the m
192  chimera (SH1) acting together with TPPP/p25 provoke microtubule hyperacetylation, which is coupled w
193 iven this, we first established a model that provokes modest and progressive cardiotoxicity without c
194 zing physiological contributions and thought-provoking molecular modalities.
195                           Helminth parasites provoke multicellular immune responses in their hosts th
196 depletion in vitro or Rho inhibition in vivo provokes neutrophil-induced vascular leakage that manife
197 cular heterogeneity and cell subpopulations, provoking new questions about the role of stochastic pro
198 g mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) provokes noncell autonomous paralytic disease.
199 bition suppresses TGFbeta/contact disruption-provoked Nox4 protein and mRNA expression, Nox4 promoter
200 ion of the oncoprotein iASPP in cancer cells provokes NRF2-mediated induction of cytoprotective genes
201 nal axis perturbation could be sufficient to provoke olfactory impairments.
202 herapeutic strategy to treat aplastic anemia provoked or associated with short telomeres.
203 nity, could combine with an Aire mutation to provoke organ-specific autoimmunity.
204 norAbuMDP-Lys(B30) as adjuvant, are shown to provoke OspA-specific antibody responses with a strong T
205  for the NLRP3 inflammasome and caspase 8 in provoking osteomyelitic disease inPstpip2(cmo)mice.
206 Insulin resistance per se, however, does not provoke overt diabetes as long as compensatory beta-cell
207 is ample evidence that complement activation provokes overwhelming pro-inflammatory responses, whethe
208  MDA-5-IPS-1 antiviral pathway in tumors can provoke parallel tumoricidal and immunostimulatory effec
209           Loss and gain of col15a1b function provoke pathfinding errors in primary and secondary moto
210 atory milieu induced by this innate receptor provoked pathogenesis and death in severe experimental n
211                                        IGF-1 provoked phosphorylation and inactivation of PRAS40 in a
212           Failure to assemble such complexes provoked photodynamic damage through the generation of s
213  Remarkably, DC expansion in IL-10(-/-) dams provoked pregnancy loss, which could be abrogated by the
214 lar anti-diabetic drug, inactivates HSF1 and provokes proteotoxic stress within tumor cells, thereby
215 sms use to manipulate their environment, and provokes questions regarding the mechanisms of resistanc
216                                         ABMA provokes Rab7-positive late endosomal compartment accumu
217 expression and recombination activity, which provoked RAG-dependent DNA damage.
218                           Environmental cues provoke rapid transitions in gene expression to support
219 was more effective than paired combinations, provoking rapid tumor regressions in a PDX model.
220                              AUG recognition provokes rearrangement from an open PIC conformation wit
221                            Accordingly, eFSE provoked region-specific dendritic loss in the hippocamp
222 nd inhibitory control maintain addiction and provoke relapse during abstinence.
223  of treatments seeking to reduce environment provoked relapse.
224            Given the importance of these DNA-provoked responses, a better understanding of their mole
225 sustained EGFR signaling than seen with EGF, provoking responses in breast cancer cells associated wi
226 wild-type mice demonstrated that Exserohilum provokes robust neutrophilic and granulomatous inflammat
227  we show that chloride homeostasis pathology provokes seizure activity analogous to recordings from e
228 healthy visual cortex is also more likely to provoke seizures or pre-seizure activity in patients wit
229 n as to why some static images are likely to provoke seizures, while others pose little or no risk.
230 e effects of the Series, which seems to have provoked several important discussions and is on the age
231 ked contrast to intradermal vaccination that provoked severe inflammation and bruise.
232 positive OFC with a low threshold dose which provoked severe symptoms.
233  in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase provokes severe cardiac steatosis and heart dysfunction,
234 rophage lineage, affecting swine species and provoking severe economic losses and health threats.
235 neous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL); however, 1 can provoke side effects by impacting RXR-dependent receptor
236 eptococcus sanguinis with AMP-coated sensors provoked significant changes in the impedance spectra, w
237 rated that the removal of purines in culture provokes significant metabolic changes that enable Leish
238 ibodies against HMG-CoA reductase apparently provoke SINAM.
239 9918 led to less flight behavior during fear-provoking situations but rather increased anxious appreh
240 ammasome and IL-1R signaling are required to provoke skin inflammation in Sharpin(cpdm) mice.
241 25 Hz) lowered arterial baroreflex gain, and provoked smaller arterial pressure and R-R interval fluc
242 ntal stress consisted of anger recall (anger-provoking speech) followed by subtraction of serial seve
243 six public, but none of five private TCRbeta provoked spontaneous early-onset autoimmunity in mice.
244 pant could choose to reject or terminate the provoking stimuli resulting in cessation of the symptom
245 ition includes the presentation of emotional provoking stimuli, particularly evident for images with
246      siRNA mediated silencing of Cofilin/ADF provokes striking nuclear defects including aberrant sha
247                      Bm12.Kd.IE heart grafts provoked strong germinal centre alloantibody and autoant
248 discovered unexpected properties of WTe2 are provoking strong interest in semimetallic transition met
249 tively, we identify a signaling cascade that provokes structural remodeling of the RMS through recrui
250                                 In a thought-provoking study, Ocampo et al. show that the cyclic expr
251 pha K45M and ZAK-beta K45M, were not able to provoke such events, and instead exerted a dominant-nega
252 t a particular time in a person's life could provoke such strong emotions as to determine a sudden tr
253                             The factors that provoke such supercoiling, as well as the role that PF c
254 ubjects for percentages of doses per subject provoking symptoms (2.1% vs 16.1%, P = .0005), dose-rela
255        Combined application of both hormones provoked synaptic function collapse and spine disruption
256    In fission yeast, the Rpa1-D223Y mutation provokes telomere shortening.
257 structures, which hinder DNA polymerases and provoke template slippage.
258 s are therefore ideal candidates not only to provoke, test and refine theories of strongly correlated
259     Recently it was shown that zinc ions can provoke the aggregation of endogenous TDP-43 in cells, a
260 studies in humans using various paradigms to provoke the expression of positive emotions.
261  that single-DSBs and DSB-clusters uniformly provoke the formation of single gamma-H2AX foci, suggest
262 pathways, but the molecular mechanisms which provoke the onset and progression of the syndrome are la
263                  The DeltaM25 mutant did not provoke the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton obse
264               Adverse early-life experiences provoke the release and modify the expression of several
265 omosome, triggering a cascade of events that provoke the stable silencing of the entire chromosome, w
266 100% the time with detected rotors, although provoked the apparition of false rotors during 100% of t
267                    In contrast, CK depletion provoked the coordinated activation of As(V) tolerance m
268     Moreover, xrn4 and ski3 single mutations provoked the entry of nonsilenced transgenes into S-PTGS
269 a addition resulted in activation of DCs and provoked the expression of migration markers without ina
270 co-culturing of TDECC cells with TDFSM cells provoked the formation of a dense fibrocollagenous strom
271  truncated and full-length human tau in mice provoked the formation of soluble high-molecular-weight
272 lted in a positive reaction, and two of them provoked the occurrence of anaphylactic shock, which was
273 n N. benthamiana with its signal peptide, it provoked the plant immune system, whereas no stimulation
274                                Moreover, AMC provoked the production of ROS, H2O2, and NO, modulating
275                                        Smoke provoked the rapid nuclear entry of p120ctn in complex w
276                   In mice, SPPL2a deficiency provokes the accumulation of this NTF in endocytic vesic
277 -mediated blockade of host protein synthesis provokes the production of specific pro-inflammatory cyt
278                       We found that oxytocin provokes the release of serotonin, which in turn impacts
279 cells, the accumulation of misfolded protein provokes the unfolded protein response (UPR).
280 horses into a pool containing electric eels, provoking the eels to attack by pressing themselves agai
281 tor cortex could prevent the affordance from provoking the motor system.
282 und blasts to the participants, successfully provoking them.
283 odels in which surgical handling was used to provoke thrombosis.
284 y differentiated cells can be experimentally provoked to become pluripotent.
285 to adsorb the activity intrinsic to EMD that provokes transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signaling
286 lated the inositol trisphosphate receptor to provoke transient release of calcium from the endoplasmi
287 esence of an arginine rather than serine 512 provoked transporter misfolding, enhanced association to
288 in T cells, in which STING agonists not only provoke type I IFN production and IFN-stimulated gene ex
289 ctions or re-introductions that have failed, provoking unexpected negative consequences, and highligh
290 e implicit attitudes and their potential for provoking unintentional and potentially harmful behavior
291 gnetic properties not found in nature, which provokes us to rethink the established rules of optics i
292 several toxins from pathogenic bacteria that provoke vascular leakage.
293 traversing the epicardium, PVEM can reliably provoke VF if, and only if, the mechanical stimulation s
294 orrelates of alcohol-induced aggression in a provoking vs non-provoking condition with a variant of t
295  3.11; 95% CI, 1.41-6.89; P= .005), previous provoked VTE (HR, 3.20; 95% CI, 1.19-8.62; P= .022), and
296     Estimates were obtained for overall VTE, provoked VTE (ie, VTE occurring in the presence of 1 or
297                                   Age, prior provoked VTE, and smoking status may be important predic
298 he association between cigarette smoking and provoked VTE, which is potentially mediated through como
299        This theoretical construct is thought provoking with respect to the central processing of high
300 , the cellular and molecular mechanisms that provoke Zic2-deficiency phenotypes are yet unclear.

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