


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mbrane compartments such as the soma vs. the proximal dendrite.
2 d charge density are similar at the soma and proximal dendrite.
3 tive Renshaw cell synapses on their soma and proximal dendrites.
4 tter forming first and being concentrated in proximal dendrites.
5 d VIP boutons associated with TH-IR soma and proximal dendrites.
6 ession was restricted to the cell bodies and proximal dendrites.
7  inhibitory synapses located on the soma and proximal dendrites.
8 d a robust UCP2 input on their perikarya and proximal dendrites.
9  a specific subdomain including the soma and proximal dendrites.
10 re distributed mainly over the cell soma and proximal dendrites.
11 naptic interactions with neuronal somata and proximal dendrites.
12 articipate in triads, and are presynaptic to proximal dendrites.
13 lex clusters concentrated in their somas and proximal dendrites.
14 ys, and outlining the membrane of somata and proximal dendrites.
15 ted by LC-NA afferents on their cell soma or proximal dendrites.
16  components mediate transport of nos mRNA in proximal dendrites.
17 c synapses located on the perikarya and most proximal dendrites.
18 ervate hundreds of pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites.
19 cal roles in the severing and degradation of proximal dendrites.
20 ction of synapses on motor neuron somata and proximal dendrites.
21 tal calcium response independent of the soma/proximal dendrites.
22 ge surface clusters on the neuronal soma and proximal dendrites.
23 cellular output compared to synapses on more proximal dendrites.
24 r inhibitory inputs was found in OT-PVN-RVLM proximal dendrites.
25 sters in the plasma membrane of the soma and proximal dendrites.
26 ng) membrane of multivesicular bodies within proximal dendrites.
27 es primarily of principal cell perikarya and proximal dendrites.
28  that control the spike outputs to axons and proximal dendrites.
29  limited to diffuse staining in the soma and proximal dendrites.
30  single APs and AP trains were restricted to proximal dendrites.
31 aMK+ pyramidal cell somata or large-caliber (proximal) dendrites.
32   The reverse was true for the contacts with proximal dendrites (33% in the lateral nucleus vs. 46% i
33 o differential input selection at distal and proximal dendrites according to the temporal characteris
34                   Within perikarya and large proximal dendrites, almost all of the DAT immunogold par
35  in brain are localized in the cell body and proximal dendrites, alpha 1C subunits in the hippocampus
36 in neuronal perikarya, with some labeling of proximal dendrites; analysis by confocal microscopy reve
37 quilibrium potential is more positive in the proximal dendrite and more negative in the distal dendri
38 urrounding cortical neuronal cell bodies and proximal dendrites and are involved in the control of br
39 n of the Golgi complex, but was dense in the proximal dendrites and axon initial segments emanating f
40                           In CA4 region, the proximal dendrites and cell bodies of mossy cells were i
41 nhibitory inputs enriched on cell bodies and proximal dendrites and excitatory inputs on distal dendr
42 eactivity (alpha 2AAR-ir) was present within proximal dendrites and fine processes.
43 aV1.2 and CaV1.3 channels in cell bodies and proximal dendrites and is closely co-localized with CaV1
44 he differential distribution of NKCC2 on the proximal dendrites and KCC2 on the distal dendrites of s
45 hat exhibit distinct localizations: Kv2.1 in proximal dendrites and Kv4.2 in distal dendrites.
46 ike terminals that made synaptic contacts on proximal dendrites and on somata.
47  injury, most synaptic loses occurred in the proximal dendrites and remaining synapses were decluster
48 ebellum, NRG-2 colocalizes with calbindin in proximal dendrites and soma of Purkinje cells.
49 R1alpha immunoreactivity was mainly found in proximal dendrites and somata and not usually associated
50 n cytoplasmic compartments of the somata and proximal dendrites and was associated with the cytoskele
51 ins, which predominate in the perikaryon and proximal dendrites, and acidic microdomains, which predo
52 micron-sized clusters localized to the soma, proximal dendrites, and axon initial segment of hippocam
53 y by virtue of ParV cell synapses onto soma, proximal dendrites, and axon initial segments.
54 ein was expressed selectively in the somata, proximal dendrites, and axons of cells lying within or n
55 e synaptic contact were found on the somata, proximal dendrites, and distal dendrites.
56 lowly inactivating current expressed only on proximal dendrites, and fast inactivating current predom
57  allowed to direct the beta-galactosidase to proximal dendrites, and in particular to axons.
58 ctive boutons along the motoneurone soma and proximal dendrites, and of immunoreactive cell bodies in
59  more elaborate thorny excrescences on their proximal dendrites, and project more axon collaterals in
60 anied by VC-dependent filopodia sprouting on proximal dendrites, and PSD-95 and VC-dependent quadrupl
61 ssed pro-NRG2 accumulates on cell bodies and proximal dendrites, and that NMDAR activity is required
62       Dendritic APs activated IC only in the proximal dendrites, and this activation decayed within t
63  fewer synaptic contacts on their somata and proximal dendrites, and those contacts were smaller in s
64 n the surface membrane of the soma and large proximal dendrites, and was present also in smaller diam
65  the soma, with the membranes of vesicles in proximal dendrites, and with the plasma membrane on dist
66                                           On proximal dendrites, approximately 50% of the synapses we
67          In addition, pvLNTB cell bodies and proximal dendrites are contacted by large synaptic termi
68 omoted increases in cypin protein levels and proximal dendrite branches.
69     SNAT1 protein was detected in somata and proximal dendrites but not nerve terminals of glutamater
70  In primary neurons, mRNAs are translated in proximal dendrites but repressed in distal dendrites and
71 t only within the CF input territory (smooth proximal dendrites) but also within the PF input territo
72 and is clustered primarily on the somata and proximal dendrites, but not axons, of both principal neu
73 nd to 3-5% of all synapses on the somata and proximal dendrites, but, because of their subcellular lo
74 rites, although Na+ channels in the soma and proximal dendrites differ in their inactivation properti
75  dendrite is more hyperpolarized than at the proximal dendrite due to KCC2 activity.
76 ses, the PN axons ran along PV somata and/or proximal dendrites, forming multiple contacts.
77 drites, it is likely that SK channels in the proximal dendrites govern the efficacy of dendrosomatic
78 terminals surround principal cell somata and proximal dendrites, have a privileged and influential po
79 els of L-type calcium channels are in somata/proximal dendrites (i.e., 0-26 mum) and distal dendrites
80 entials always appeared first in the soma or proximal dendrite in response to somatic current injecti
81  the CNS, surrounding neuron cell bodies and proximal dendrites in a mesh-like structure with open "h
82  to labeling of cell bodies along with their proximal dendrites in CA3.
83  the shape and orientation of the somata and proximal dendrites in horizontal sections, three distinc
84 l for the transport of cargo along axons and proximal dendrites in neurons.
85                These receptors colocalize to proximal dendrites in primary hippocampal neurons.
86  Morphologically, the numbers of branches of proximal dendrites increased significantly in a subset o
87  of 50 synchronized "gating" synapses on the proximal dendrites increased the relative gain by 17-38%
88      Inhibition directed toward the soma and proximal dendrites is crucial in regulating the output o
89                       The decay of IC in the proximal dendrites occurred despite AP amplitude, plus p
90 tion of simulated barrages of EPSCs into the proximal dendrite of layer 5 pyramidal neurons is greate
91 bing fiber at multiple synaptic sites on the proximal dendrite of the Purkinje cell.
92 tal of 5055 terminals on the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of 114 motoneurons from 14 animals we
93 s of the values of these three parameters in proximal dendrites of 15 mouse alpha retinal ganglion ce
94 d terminal boutons surrounded the somata and proximal dendrites of a small subset of neurons, presume
95 erminal fields occupy primarily the soma and proximal dendrites of abducens motor neurons.
96  SK channels are expressed in the somata and proximal dendrites of adult rat CA1 pyramidal cells.
97  form halos of 60-100 inhibitory synapses on proximal dendrites of AI gammaACs.
98                                  However, in proximal dendrites of all classes of neuron, approximate
99 its were clustered and located on somata and proximal dendrites of all pyramidal cells.
100 d with cholinergic C-boutons on the soma and proximal dendrites of alpha-MNs.
101 ccumulated as large punctate in the soma and proximal dendrites of both corticospinal motor neurons (
102 mber of GABAergic synapses on the somata and proximal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells of the hippoca
103 merized actin, was detected in perikarya and proximal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells that received
104 s free) within intracellular compartments of proximal dendrites of CA3 hippocampal neurons at times a
105 lly regulated excitatory synapses within the proximal dendrites of CA3 neurons.
106 , form powerful excitatory synapses onto the proximal dendrites of CA3 pyramidal cells.
107 dLGN) and pulvinar nucleus and in somata and proximal dendrites of cells in the thalamic reticular nu
108 llaterals appeared to contact the somata and proximal dendrites of cells within the SPN.
109 v2.2(long) are colocalized in the somata and proximal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons and are
110 Z form synaptic contacts with the somata and proximal dendrites of CR cells as early as embryonic day
111 terized symmetric contacts on the somata and proximal dendrites of cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons were
112 mr1 could be detected in the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of DA neurons and that Fmr1 loss-of-f
113  the inhibitory synapses present on soma and proximal dendrites of dentate granule cells.
114 euronal nets (PNs) which surround somata and proximal dendrites of distinct neuron types.
115 ntia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) neurons and proximal dendrites of dopaminergic substantia nigra pars
116 in-positive terminals on the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of efferent cells.
117    Together, these findings suggest that the proximal dendrites of GnRH neurons are highly excitable
118 evented excitatory axons from synapsing with proximal dendrites of granule cells and raise questions
119 vely asymmetric synapses with the somata and proximal dendrites of hilar ectopic granule cells.
120 hannels are localized mainly in the soma and proximal dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, but
121 their co-localization in the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
122 n (+) terminals contacting the perikarya and proximal dendrites of host alpha motor neurons.
123 c labeling was observed in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of human spinal motor neurons but not
124                At the ultrastructural level, proximal dendrites of large trigeminal motoneurons, but
125 ly present in large clusters on the soma and proximal dendrites of mammalian brain neurons.
126 sed in high-density clusters on the soma and proximal dendrites of mammalian central neurons; thus, d
127 noreactivity was preserved on the somata and proximal dendrites of motor neurons.
128 that MPO inputs may terminate on the soma or proximal dendrites of neurons exhibiting elevated Fos.
129 ies of T currents expressed in cell soma and proximal dendrites of nRT neurones indicate that various
130 e ipsilateral hippocampus are onto spines of proximal dendrites of presumed granule cells.
131 e varicosities were aligned along somata and proximal dendrites of projection neurons providing dense
132 GRIP staining was prominent in perikarya and proximal dendrites of Purkinje cells, whereas Golgi cell
133 s results in numerous spines on the soma and proximal dendrites of Purkinje cells.
134  PV+ targets of PN axons were the somata and proximal dendrites of PV neurons, although there were al
135 ERbeta-ir was primarily in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of pyramidal and granule cells.
136 king GABAergic synapses onto cell bodies and proximal dendrites of pyramidal cells, control pyramidal
137 vate the axon initial segment (AIS) and soma/proximal dendrites of pyramidal cells, respectively.
138 orms was observed within the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of pyramidal neurons, but only the al
139  can form tubular clusters that surround the proximal dendrites of relay cells.
140 rmed symmetric synapses on the perikarya and proximal dendrites of reticulospinal neurons.
141  and mitochondria accumulate in the soma and proximal dendrites of sacsin knockdown neurons.
142          In the motor layer, cell bodies and proximal dendrites of small, multipolar neurons, and lar
143 the extracellular surface of cell bodies and proximal dendrites of specific subsets of neurons in man
144 course of calcium transients in the soma and proximal dendrites of STN neurons during spontaneous fir
145 eling from superficial layers confirmed that proximal dendrites of superficially projecting cells are
146 VLPO selectively targets the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of the histaminergic TMN.
147 d galaninergic inputs to the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of the TMN and other components of th
148 onstructions revealed clusters of PSDs along proximal dendrites of transfected pyramidal neurons in a
149 f projection neurons, 14% formed synapses on proximal dendrites of undefined order, and only 7% estab
150                 Although the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of virtually every pyramidal cell app
151 metrical synaptic contacts, primarily on the proximal dendrites of WGA-HRP-labeled motoneurons.
152 lpha1D was found mainly in the cell soma and proximal dendrites ofvasoactive intestinal polypeptide-i
153 the majority of ATD synaptic endings contact proximal dendrites or somata.
154  CN but are selectively localized on somata, proximal dendrites, or distal dendrites depending on the
155 s were localized exclusively on the soma and proximal dendrites, placing them in a good location to i
156                                       In the proximal dendrite, potassium channels were activated by
157 cence was recorded from somatic, nuclear and proximal dendrite regions with high temporal resolution.
158 t a speed of millimeters per minute into the proximal dendrites, resulting in a reversal of the initi
159      NMDA receptors first formed nonsynaptic proximal dendrite shaft clusters within 2-5 d.
160  zones contacting either distal dendrites or proximal dendrites/somata do not change significantly 30
161                     Excitatory inputs to the proximal dendrite sum linearly and require precise tempo
162 ve less inhibitory input on their somata and proximal dendrites than granule cells in the GCL.
163 re commonly found within bulging segments of proximal dendrites that were notable for an absence of m
164                        In particular, in the proximal dendrite, the spine density was 5 times higher
165 oss of EAAT4 and GLAST, with degeneration of proximal dendrites, the site of climbing fibre innervati
166 as localized to pyramidal cell bodies, thick proximal dendrites, thin distal dendrites, most dendriti
167 microm2 on the soma and initial 25 microm of proximal dendrites to 4-5 per 100 microm2 on the surface
168 limited to neuronal cell bodies and the most proximal dendrites, unlike GLUT3 expression that is obse
169 Kv3.1 protein is distributed along the soma, proximal dendrites, unmyelinated axons, and axon termina
170 s sought at CA1 stratum radiatum synapses in proximal dendrites using postembedding immunogold labeli
171                                    Inputs to proximal dendrites usually produce large somatic EPSPs t
172 restricting channelrhodopsin to the soma and proximal dendrites, we are able to reliably evoke action
173  Occasional synapses on GABAergic somata and proximal dendrites were also observed in the dLGN.
174 pposition to TH-immunoreactive (IR) soma and proximal dendrites were revealed.
175                       Mitral cell somata and proximal dendrites were strongly labeled by the mGluR7 a
176 e receptor was restricted to cell bodies and proximal dendrites when a polyclonal antibody raised aga
177 In controls, VGLUT1 synapses were focused to proximal dendrites where they were grouped in tight clus
178 dendrite severing by breaking microtubule in proximal dendrites, where the dendrites subsequently sep
179  a synaptic target preference for somata and proximal dendrites, whereas the remainder of R-LM intern
180  from the entorhinal cortex, relative to the proximal dendrites, which receive an intrinsic excitator
181 und in high-density clusters on the soma and proximal dendrites, while Kv2.2 was uniformly distribute
182 ium release that spread through the soma and proximal dendrites without a decline in amplitude or rat

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