


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s Bmp signaling, which in turn helps mediate proximodistal and anteroposterior patterning of Hgf expr
2 musculature, particularly in relation to the proximodistal and dorsovental axes.
3  mesenchymal signals expressed in restricted proximodistal and dorsoventral domains of the developing
4 of morphogenetic events involving outgrowth, proximodistal and dorsoventral patterning, and epithelia
5 srupted and the prominence failed to undergo proximodistal and mediolateral expansion.
6 ls first acquire different identities in the proximodistal and radial axes.
7 development occurs along three cardinal axes-proximodistal, anteroposterior and dorsoventral-that are
8  of the embryo develops from conversion of a proximodistal asymmetry established in the primitive end
9 ely that ectodermal Dll/Dlx expression along proximodistal axes originated once in a common ancestor
10  Dlx expression in the arches patterns their proximodistal axes.
11 imb patterning along the anteroposterior and proximodistal axes.
12 mechanisms regulating patterning along their proximodistal axis (base to tip) are thought to be quite
13 ortant for the rate of cell growth along the proximodistal axis and for cell cycle duration in epider
14 re microdissected into fractions along their proximodistal axis and thoroughly dissociated for tropho
15  and Decapentaplegic, and how these define a proximodistal axis as limbs appear.
16 osophila are divided into segments along the proximodistal axis by flexible structures called joints.
17 l for patterning the limb skeleton along the proximodistal axis during embryonic development.
18 lements in Drosophila limbs and can initiate proximodistal axis formation when expressed ectopically.
19 rict barrier to cellular migration along the proximodistal axis in the early stage 19-22 limb buds.
20 ent is essential for converting the existing proximodistal axis into an anteroposterior axis.
21 a wing imaginal disc is subdivided along the proximodistal axis into the distal pouch, the hinge, the
22  proliferation and differentiation along the proximodistal axis is crucial for lung organogenesis.
23 t of mossy fiber synaptic strength along the proximodistal axis is mirrored by an increasing gradient
24 atterning was co-opted for patterning of the proximodistal axis of appendages of bilaterian animals.
25 ts that neurons in different areas along the proximodistal axis of CA1 of the hippocampus will be fun
26 tion is differentially represented along the proximodistal axis of CA3.
27 scripts, proteins, and metabolites along the proximodistal axis of caudal fins of uninjured and regen
28      We find that Dll is expressed along the proximodistal axis of developing polychaete annelid para
29  proliferation and differentiation along the proximodistal axis of epithelial, mesenchymal and endoth
30  proliferation and differentiation along the proximodistal axis of epithelial, mesenchymal and endoth
31 xpression was typically restricted along the proximodistal axis of petals and stamens, indicating the
32 es in the state of differentiation along the proximodistal axis of the allantois were further borne o
33 c gives rise to three main regions along the proximodistal axis of the dorsal mesothoracic segment: t
34 tion of growth is maintained parallel to the proximodistal axis of the flower, irrespective of change
35 es were observed in final position along the proximodistal axis of the host allantois.
36  expression of Dlx genes acts to pattern the proximodistal axis of the pharyngeal arches during verte
37 radients of positional information along the proximodistal axis of the pupal wing.
38 kable effect that it has on respecifying the proximodistal axis of the regenerating limb so that seri
39 tion of positional values for patterning the proximodistal axis of the vertebrate limb has been quest
40                                 Limbs have a proximodistal axis that usually is not apparent early in
41 the ectoderm, and they then expand along the proximodistal axis to generate the narrow, tight morphol
42 that stat92E activity is regulated along the proximodistal axis to pattern this axis and control the
43 ore is required for more than induction of a proximodistal axis upon which homothorax superimposes an
44                                          The proximodistal axis was the subject of experimental and t
45 that the Prod 1 promoter is regulated on the proximodistal axis, and that Meis homeoproteins directly
46 bud normally exists in a gradient across the proximodistal axis, but uniformly across the anteroposte
47 the formation of distal structures along the proximodistal axis, or by overexpression of dominant-neg
48  an altered patterning of the leaf along the proximodistal axis, or in complete duplication of the de
49  to become asymmetrically distributed on the proximodistal axis.
50 ertebrate embryonic limb outgrowth along the proximodistal axis.
51 iscreet domains of gene expression along the proximodistal axis.
52 idermis differentiation is uniform along the proximodistal axis.
53 erior digit patterning and shortening of the proximodistal axis.
54  behavioral role of CA3 subregions along the proximodistal axis.
55 irect expansion, within the pouch, along the proximodistal axis.
56 gless signalling sequentially elaborates the proximodistal axis.
57 l requirement for Dll and position along the proximodistal axis; how this may relate to the generatio
58 iking heterogeneity along the transverse, or proximodistal, axis of CA3 in spatial encoding and memor
59 mi) proteins do not properly localize to the proximodistal boundaries of cells.
60  were no differences in remapping across the proximodistal CA1 axis.
61 s, we provide detailed quantification of the proximodistal coherence of theta activity in the dorsal
62                                              Proximodistal development of median fins occurs beneath
63 ducer and activator of transcription in wing proximodistal development.
64                  Thus, the identification of proximodistal differences in levels of RNAs, proteins, a
65                           Current flows in a proximodistal direction within the limb stump and is ass
66                                    Thus, the proximodistal domains are patterned in sequence and show
67 roups located at restricted dorsoventral and proximodistal domains of the limb.
68 ila appendages are subdivided into different proximodistal domains specified by specific genes, and t
69                        Plants leaves develop proximodistal, dorsoventral (adaxial-abaxial), and medio
70           Lateral organs are patterned along proximodistal, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes.
71                                     However, proximodistal epithelial differentiation is disrupted by
72  and extending gradually until it covers the proximodistal extent.
73 o a progressively limited range of potential proximodistal fates.
74 l transport decreased and LVT increased in a proximodistal gradient along the axon, but together they
75 embryonic limb in vertebrates is driven by a proximodistal gradient of cell movement, with WNT and FG
76 t the headfold-stage allantois may contain a proximodistal gradient of differentiation, and raise int
77        In young axons, activated JNK forms a proximodistal gradient of increasing intensity, beginnin
78                                            A proximodistal gradient of involvement of vasti muscles w
79 thin this distal portion of the subiculum, a proximodistal gradient of origin maps onto a presubicula
80      Here we report the presence of striking proximodistal gradients in intrinsic membrane properties
81            Four-jointed (fj) is required for proximodistal growth and planar polarity in Drosophila t
82 rowth and for the specification of points of proximodistal growth.
83                                         This proximodistal identity can be regulated by ectopic expre
84                             RA can respecify proximodistal identity in amphibian limb regeneration, a
85   The molecular basis is not understood, but proximodistal identity in newt blastemal cells may be re
86 gress zone model, which states that a cell's proximodistal identity is determined by the length of ti
87 onstrate that the ability of RA to respecify proximodistal identity is mediated by a specific RAR iso
88 in Prod 1 is a critical determinant of their proximodistal identity.
89 r studies suggest that RA signaling provides proximodistal information for limb buds that counterbala
90 ric apicolateral complexes that straddle the proximodistal junctional region between adjacent cells.
91 ) is a pleiotropic maize mutant that affects proximodistal leaf development.
92 ical ectodermal ridge (AER), is critical for proximodistal limb outgrowth mediated by FGFs.
93 ivate DLX genes, thereby contributing to the proximodistal limb patterning defects in CdLS.
94 that the fibroblast stem cells that regulate proximodistal limb patterning during regeneration are ta
95 asculature, as well as lines demarcating the proximodistal or abaxial/adaxial axes of the organs.
96 le involved in limb bud patterning along the proximodistal or anteroposterior axes functioning throug
97 t that RA signaling is not required for limb proximodistal or anteroposterior patterning but that RA
98                                        Thus, proximodistal organization of entorhinal inputs is instr
99           Our results add new details to the proximodistal organization of projections to the pre- an
100  found to couple dorsoventral patterning and proximodistal outgrowth during leaf development.
101 erning within the frontonasal prominence and proximodistal outgrowth of the middle and upper face.
102 ly anteroposterior (A-P) in the anterior and proximodistal (P-D) in the posterior.
103               However, signals that regulate proximodistal (P-D) patterning and thus formation of bet
104 including the lungs, which exhibit a defined proximodistal (P-D) polarity.
105 nd fly legs, suggesting that some aspects of proximodistal (P/D) patterning are evolutionarily conser
106 stal-less is required for the elaboration of proximodistal pattern elements in Drosophila limbs and c
107  in a dose-dependent fashion to organize the proximodistal pattern.
108 istal-less is genetically separable from the proximodistal patterning function in that certain Distal
109           We provide evidence that appendage proximodistal patterning genes are expressed in similar
110 he epistatic relationships among three major proximodistal patterning genes, Distal-less, dachshund a
111 segmentation by regional combinations of the proximodistal patterning genes.
112                                              Proximodistal patterning in Drosophila requires division
113                      This similarity between proximodistal patterning in vertebrates and flies suppor
114                     In vertebrates, however, proximodistal patterning is regulated by receptor tyrosi
115            Moreover, molecular evidence that proximodistal patterning is unaffected after X-irradiati
116 al discs, planar cell polarity (PCP) and the proximodistal patterning of appendages.
117 he Distal-less gene is known for its role in proximodistal patterning of Drosophila limbs.
118 h encodes a myb-domain protein that controls proximodistal patterning of leaves.
119 itional evidence that the Dlx genes regulate proximodistal patterning of the branchial arches.
120            Individual paralog groups control proximodistal patterning of the limb skeletal elements.
121 lt in tissue overgrowth and abnormalities in proximodistal patterning that phenocopy deleting a speci
122 at the intracellular domain of Ds can affect proximodistal patterning, both suggestive of functions i
123  digits, defects in both anteroposterior and proximodistal patterning.
124 lates growth, planar cell polarity (PCP) and proximodistal patterning.
125 required for its activity in growth, PCP and proximodistal patterning.
126 ically with ft and ds in planar polarity and proximodistal patterning.
127 mation depends on the subdivision of the leg proximodistal (PD) axis into broad domains by the leg ga
128                        Limb growth along the proximodistal (PD) axis is controlled by the apical ecto
129 gradient of positional information along the proximodistal (PD) axis of the appendage that assigns re
130 s, for head development, and for forming the proximodistal (PD) axis of the appendages.
131                                          The proximodistal (PD) axis of the Drosophila leg is thought
132 p) organize positional information along the proximodistal (PD) axis of the Drosophila wing imaginal
133 t limb bud, FGFR1 promotes the length of the proximodistal (PD) axis while restricting the dimensions
134 mb development requires the elaboration of a proximodistal (PD) axis, which forms orthogonally to pre
135 aplegic (Dpp) and Wingless (Wg), to form the proximodistal (PD) axis.
136 sential for limb pattern formation along the proximodistal (PD) axis.
137 ed with retinoic acid (RA), which results in proximodistal (PD) limb duplications.
138 s within a limited recruitment zone to reset proximodistal (PD) positional information and assemble t
139 egulate limb patterning and growth along the proximodistal (PD), anteroposterior (AP) and dorsoventra
140 formation of PIN1 convergence sites within a proximodistal polarity field.
141 vary in space and time and are oriented by a proximodistal polarity field.
142 al arches, embryonic structures that exhibit proximodistal polarity.
143 stema replaces structures appropriate to its proximodistal position.
144 thin developing vertebrate limbs occurs in a proximodistal progression.
145 he lateral plate mesoderm, which generates a proximodistal RA signal during limb outgrowth.
146  postcoitum; dpc) were subdivided into three proximodistal regions and transplanted into three sites
147 issue interactions differs between different proximodistal regions of the limb.
148       To identify which receptor(s) mediates proximodistal respecification, we have used the biolisti
149 f a cellular subpopulation that normally has proximodistal restrictions.
150 gest a model in which mecom and RA arbitrate proximodistal segment domains, while MCC fate is modulat
151  It has been recently proposed that distinct proximodistal segments are established early in limb dev
152 e specification and patterning of one of the proximodistal segments of the limb (upper arm, lower arm
153 laginous elements arranged in three distinct proximodistal segments resembling the developing stylopo
154                        Facial retrusion, the proximodistal shortening of the snout and widening of th
155 long the two principal axes of the limb: the proximodistal (shoulder to finger) and anteroposterior (
156 meobox genes that are expressed in different proximodistal spatial domains corresponding to presumpti
157 o propose that the acquisition of particular proximodistal subdomains and the evolution of their inte
158 hibit antenna-to-leg transformations without proximodistal truncations.

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