


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and July 5, 2013) were assessed by a blinded psychologist.
2 arm of the trial were referred to a clinical psychologist.
3 te sessions (ie, 19.5 hours) with a clinical psychologist.
4  career decisions is the focus of vocational psychologists.
5 parison group homes had an enriched staff of psychologists.
6 ample of 1,901 experienced psychiatrists and psychologists.
7  and experienced nurses, social workers, and psychologists.
8 ase of clinical symptoms by neurologists and psychologists.
9 appealing concept for social and personality psychologists.
10 ation by primatologists, anthropologists and psychologists.
11 ssessments are conducted by psychiatrists or psychologists.
12 xcellent ethologists, but on the whole, poor psychologists.
13 iry among social, personality, and political psychologists.
14   However, we are skeptical that most social psychologists adhere to a liberal progress narrative.
15                                              Psychologists already contribute to individual-level beh
16 manager and a pharmacist by telephone, and a psychologist and a psychiatrist via videoconferencing.
17 ehaviors (100+ cases rated) and 4 novices: 2 psychologists and 2 surgeons.
18  both a growing interest in creativity among psychologists and a growing fragmentation in the field.
19                                              Psychologists and behavioral economists also make use of
20 Nearly 25 years ago, the shared interests of psychologists and biologists in understanding the neural
21 r health and a growing collaboration between psychologists and cardiovascular scientists to achieve s
22                       The latest research by psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists increasingly
23                                              Psychologists and ecologists have observed that individu
24                                              Psychologists and economists have long appreciated the c
25      We describe two collaborations in which psychologists and economists provided essential support
26                      For more than 50 years, psychologists and neuroscientists have recognized the im
27 n of long-standing interest to philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists is how the brain selec
28 s research could aid forensic psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals in a
29              Participating in these efforts, psychologists and other social scientists have hypothesi
30  In addition, we detail the contributions of psychologists and other social scientists in helping to
31                          Throughout history, psychologists and philosophers have proposed that good s
32 d interactions, and has been investigated by psychologists and social scientists.
33 ange of response patterns long recognized by psychologists and survey researchers but previously not
34 elligence are of interest to a wide range of psychologists and to many people outside the discipline.
35 nvestigated by hearing scientists, cognitive psychologists, and audiologists.
36 to underpin the training of teachers, school psychologists, and clinicians, so that they can reliably
37 se workers, dietitians, physical therapists, psychologists, and information systems specialists.
38               For almost 200 years, artists, psychologists, and neuroscientists have debated whether
39                                              Psychologists are increasingly involved in the assessmen
40        We suggest, instead, that most social psychologists are paranoid egalitarian meliorists (PEMs)
41                                 Evolutionary psychologists are personally liberal, just as social psy
42                               Economists and psychologists are providing rich conceptual tools for un
43 gists are personally liberal, just as social psychologists are.
44                        At 8.5 years, trained psychologists assessed the children's bullying involveme
45                                 Are clinical psychologists' assessment practices cost-effective?
46                                         Many psychologists assume that adaptations come in two kinds,
47                        Many philosophers and psychologists believe that only people with rich languag
48                             Thirty years ago psychologists believed that human reasoning depended on
49                 Interviewing was by research psychologists blind to original group allocation and str
50 been studied extensively by philosophers and psychologists, but their neuroanatomical substrates are
51 ansition planning, and discuss how pediatric psychologists can assist this process.
52               By drawing on three resources, psychologists can make more rapid progress in understand
53                             Neuroscientists, psychologists, clinicians, and economists have long been
54               For this reason, intuitions of psychologists, cognitive scientists, and mathematicians
55  accounting for individual behavior, and ego psychologists' concepts of the organizing functions of t
56                   We begin by describing how psychologists' concerns with publication bias shifted fr
57                                              Psychologists debate whether consciousness or unconsciou
58                                              Psychologists debate whether disconfirmed expectations o
59 e domains of interest to both economists and psychologists: decision making under risk and uncertaint
60                                              Psychologists delivered cognitive processing therapy via
61        The insights gained can not only help psychologists do their research better but also provide
62                                              Psychologists, economists, and others have highlighted s
63                                              Psychologists' efforts to understand love began in the m
64 s can make in the context of hiring a social psychologist for an academic position.
65 ICT was recorded and compared with that of a psychologist for cost analysis.
66 tinct forms have fascinated philosophers and psychologists for generations.
67 ists provided significantly more visits than psychologists for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, subst
68                            Psychiatrists and psychologists from a random national sample provided dia
69 istribution of patients among psychiatrists, psychologists, general medical physicians, and other hea
70                                 Evolutionary psychologists have argued that attractive adults are fav
71                                              Psychologists have been particularly interested in the f
72                                              Psychologists have begun to contribute to the study of f
73                                              Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity--
74                                    Discourse psychologists have developed models that specify how the
75                           We also review how psychologists have examined variations in people's attit
76                                     Although psychologists have found extensive evidence that context
77                                     However, psychologists have identified pervasive and systematic b
78 hat the scientific practices of experimental psychologists have improved dramatically.
79           Since the early twentieth century, psychologists have known that there is consensus in attr
80                                  Comparative psychologists have long been interested in the species g
81                     Economists and cognitive psychologists have long known that prior rewards bias de
82                               Cross-cultural psychologists have mostly contrasted East Asia with the
83 tion is a fascinating field and one in which psychologists have much to contribute, both to the devel
84                     Political scientists and psychologists have noted that, on average, conservatives
85                      Despite its importance, psychologists have only recently begun empirical study o
86  then review the methodological changes that psychologists have proposed and, in some cases, embraced
87                                              Psychologists have repeatedly shown that a single statis
88                     For 120 years, cognitive psychologists have sought general laws of learning and m
89                                     Recently psychologists have taken up the question of whether danc
90                                              Psychologists have traditionally thought of sample size
91 iplinary panel (consisting of clinicians and psychologists/human factors specialists) of experts in s
92 sciplinary team consisting of clinicians and psychologists/human factors specialists.
93 orientation and research interests of social psychologists in capitalist Western countries versus pos
94 s unique to DNA methylation studies to guide psychologists in incorporating DNA methylation into a pr
95  significant difference between surgeons and psychologists in their calibration with the expert.
96 a group format and was administered by Ph.D. psychologists in two 90-minute sessions per week.
97 ribe my professional life as an experimental psychologist, in which I've eavesdropped on this process
98                                        Early psychologists, including Galton, Cattell, and Spearman,
99 ce has attracted attention from experimental psychologists interested in gathering human subject data
100 nal approach among behavioral economists and psychologists interested in judgment and decision making
101 planations proposed by economists and social psychologists maintain that attractiveness is a marker o
102 lf-proclaimed political identities of social psychologists may make things worse.
103 vatives would provide advantages, and social psychologists may not be as opposed to increasing the nu
104         Taking a closer look at evolutionary psychologists might offer the broader social psychology
105 ational sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N=1,201) described a randomly selected cu
106 ational sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N=1,201) described a randomly selected cu
107 ational sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N=203) completed the Therapist Response Q
108 ational sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N=291) described a randomly selected pati
109 hose of the professional groups of assistant psychologists (n=87) and graduate workers (n=66) (P<0.01
110 , social workers [n = 5], ethicists [n = 2], psychologist [n = 1]) from 20 centers in 10 countries.
111                                              Psychologists need to develop models for incorporating a
112 rk is integral to human functioning, and all psychologists need to understand the role of work in peo
113                                              Psychologists often assume that short-term storage is sy
114 ated to mental health but no psychiatrist or psychologist on site.
115 ortunities for research by psychiatrists and psychologists on NTDs.
116 t provided by a psychiatrist or split with a psychologist or social worker.
117 estimate diagnoses were also made by blinded psychologists or psychiatrists.
118  psychotherapy each year from psychiatrists, psychologists, or social workers.
119 nical cancer expertise-from epidemiologists, psychologists, policy makers, and cancer specialists-has
120 es and interdisciplinary teams (specialists, psychologists, primary care providers, mental health pro
121 udies, a large nationwide sample of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical social worker
122 atients who received mental health care from psychologists, psychiatrists, general medical physicians
123 y less expensive than split treatment with a psychologist psychotherapist.
124 s including its renewed respectability among psychologists, rapid progress in the neuroscience of per
125                                              Psychologists refer to this practice as "observational b
126 relied more on psychodynamic approaches, and psychologists relied more on behavioral therapies relati
127                              First, that the psychologists' setpoint model is questionable.
128 h care providers such as practice nurses and psychologists should routinely enquire about sleep habit
129                        I suggest that social psychologists should stick to studying positive and nega
130                                       Social psychologists should welcome having conservatives in the
131 y a total of 1,221 participants, physicians, psychologists, social workers, and nurses.
132 stants, physical or occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, and others.
133 cipation from clinicians, specialist nurses, psychologists, social workers, and, in some countries, n
134 have been studied by economists, biologists, psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists.
135 ocesses that are of longstanding interest to psychologists such as cognition and affect, attribution,
136              Decision-making is explained by psychologists through stochastic accumulator models and
137 ven of the interviews were coded by a second psychologist to measure inter-rater reliability.
138 rogram can be broadly used by biologists and psychologists to accelerate neurological, pharmacologica
139 of acceptability - whereas it is the task of psychologists to determine how language is processed, an
140 largely coincidental events led experimental psychologists to realize that their approach to collecti
141 tal conditioning is often used by behavioral psychologists to train an animal (or human) to produce a
142                A research nurse and clinical psychologist used a computer-based resource to tailor th
143  hundred three experienced psychiatrists and psychologists used a Q-sort procedure (the Shedler-Weste
144 nal sample of 530 psychiatrists and clinical psychologists used the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedu
145 A total of 496 experienced psychiatrists and psychologists used the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedu
146 l of 797 randomly selected psychiatrists and psychologists used the SWAP-200 to describe either an ac
147 onal sample of experienced psychiatrists and psychologists used the SWAP-200 to describe either their
148 iteria by a trained and experienced clinical psychologist using a semistructured clinical interview f
149 and psychologic stability were assessed by a psychologist using in-depth interview techniques and a p
150 disability was done by a paediatrician and a psychologist using standardised tests.
151 by psychiatrists and doctoral-level clinical psychologists using semistructured instruments.
152 pain (FLACC) for children 2-7 years old by a psychologist who was unaware of the MC's presence.
153 cted by the same nurses, social workers, and psychologists who provided psychotherapy, involved discu
154  women with positive results, as measured by psychologists who were unaware of the group assignments.
155  and evidence-based practices on the part of psychologists will increase the sophistication of the ex
156 cle closes by presenting the reasons why (a) psychologists will probably continue to use historical d
157 emporary research participants, occasionally psychologists will study historical persons or events.
158 he Principles of Psychology, philosopher and psychologist William James defined attention as: "... th
159 our sessions were led by a licensed clinical psychologist with mindfulness training.

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