


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iscrimination thresholds of decrements shown psychophysically.
2  progressive multiple sclerosis were studied psychophysically and by MRI of the optic nerve and brain
3 ive abilities and have been of interest both psychophysically and clinically.
4                     Performance was assessed psychophysically and compared with that of control subje
5      Vernier acuity thresholds were measured psychophysically and electrophysiologically using square
6 l stimuli presented in his blind field, both psychophysically and in terms of the brain activity reve
7               We have measured these effects psychophysically, and we propose a model in which second
8 r: superior and inferior AF branches predict psychophysically assessed pitch discrimination and sound
9 t-adapted sensitivity (600 nm) were measured psychophysically at 52 loci in the central 38 degrees (d
10 ic luminance flicker perception was explored psychophysically by measuring middle- (M-) and long-wave
11 ance flicker perception was further explored psychophysically by measuring middle- (M-) and long-wave
12 to a behavioral prediction that we confirmed psychophysically by showing that TMS of the frontal site
13 nduced orientation-selective adaptation both psychophysically, by the behavioral tilt aftereffect, an
14      We used the motion aftereffect (MAE) to psychophysically characterize tuning of motion perceptio
15 ed physically with a spectrophotometer, from psychophysically derived color-matching functions.
16 icity that matches the inflection point in a psychophysically derived plot of scotopic visual acuity
17 uter segments by individually correcting for psychophysically determined lens density and MP density.
18 ysis indicated that the neurophysiologic and psychophysically determined odorant spaces were highly c
19           The result also maps well onto the psychophysically determined spatiotemporal response prof
20                 The results demonstrate that psychophysically distinct sensory modalities can have fu
21 ions of pressure, flutter, and vibration are psychophysically distinct tactile modalities produced by
22                           Subjects were made psychophysically equivalent by setting the display contr
23                                    Since the psychophysically equivalent stimulus displays had genera
24 s, MPI has been shown to be dependent on the psychophysically estimated spread of neural excitation a
25  fundus photographs for the eye to be tested psychophysically fell within steps 1 to 9 of the Age-Rel
26                 Macular pigment was measured psychophysically for 13 subjects.
27  acuity correlate well with those determined psychophysically for normal human observers.
28                                   We studied psychophysically how information from the local filters
29       The optical density of MP was measured psychophysically in 46 subjects ranging in age from 21 t
30 tended areas of visual space can be measured psychophysically in a task that requires the detection o
31                     Eye tracking was used to psychophysically measure the limits of spatial and tempo
32                                              Psychophysically measured dark-adapted thresholds were e
33 but not far-preferring, units, mirroring the psychophysically measured strategy.
34                                    Losses of psychophysically measured visual function in patients wi
35  detection performance had been investigated psychophysically over a range of spatial frequencies was
36 e neural response latencies at low contrast, psychophysically reveals fine-scale temporal interaction
37 tly account for contrast thresholds revealed psychophysically, suggesting that area MT is likely to p
38                                 Here we show psychophysically that circles are perceived in these pat
39                       It is well established psychophysically that humans perceive depth rather preci
40                                     Revealed psychophysically, the cone mosaic also manifests a varia
41                             We investigated, psychophysically, the contribution of temporal cues to h
42                                       First, psychophysically, the necessary 'critical' spacing, in t
43                             Chinchillas were psychophysically trained and tested before and after exp
44 Macular pigment optical density was measured psychophysically using a 1 degree, 460-nm test stimulus.
45 ave aberrations in 38 subjects were measured psychophysically using a spatially resolved refractomete
46 sitivity and adaptation, which were obtained psychophysically using dim and bright yellow backgrounds
47         Spatial profiles of MP were measured psychophysically using heterochromatic flicker photometr
48 p/step-down), with maximal TCE, resulting in psychophysically verified large decrements in pain respo
49 on-target stimuli does not pop out, which we psychophysically verified.
50     MP optical density (MPOD) was determined psychophysically with a 460-nm, 1 degrees test stimulus.
51         Macular pigment density was measured psychophysically with a centrally fixated stimulus 1 deg

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