


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 esidue of beta-galactosyl 1-->1 sphingosine (psychosine).
2 orm for developing a medicinal chemistry for psychosine.
3 actolipids, including galactosylceramide and psychosine.
4                                              Psychosine, a lipid-raft-associated sphingolipid that ac
5 he toxic metabolite of galactosylceramidase, psychosine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC)
6 ming cells resulting from an accumulation of psychosine, a toxic substrate of galactosylceramidase an
7  the cytotoxic lipid, galactosylsphingosine (psychosine), accumulates in the CNS and peripheral nervo
8 o secondary consequences of GALC deficiency (psychosine accumulation and neuroinflammation).
9 hallmarks such as gliosis, globoid cells and psychosine accumulation are present throughout the nervo
10 gue against a causative relationship between psychosine accumulation, white matter loss and gliosis.
11 sults are consistent with an accumulation of psychosine, an inhibitor of PKC, and suggest that the si
12 ebrosidase loss leads to the accumulation of psychosine and subsequent oligodendrocyte cell death, de
13 as lyso-phosphatidylcholine, galactosyl-Sph (psychosine), and lactosyl-Sph at 0.5-10 microM did not s
14 nce sphingolipid classes (e.g., sphingosine, psychosine, and lysosphingomyelin) and molecular species
15                        This study identifies psychosine as a pathogenic sphingolipid able to block fa
16                                              Psychosine (beta-galactosylsphingosine), a cationic lyso
17  phenomenon may provide a mechanism by which psychosine can exert its known inhibitory effect on prot
18                       The glycosphingolipid, psychosine (d-galactosyl-beta-1,1' sphingosine), accumul
19 yde conjugate of beta-galactosylsphingosine (psychosine) found in brain white matter, enhances p140tr
20     We hypothesized that the accumulation of psychosine (galactosyl-sphingosine) in the TWI CNS may r
21 d by the accumulation of a toxic metabolite, psychosine (galactosylsphingosine), which is a substrate
22                            Prior infusion of psychosine greatly attenuated quisqualate-induced behavi
23 e knockout mice and the significantly higher psychosine in the brain of the galc(-/-), bgal(+/-) mice
24  This study underscores the possible role of psychosine in the effect of inducible nitric oxide synth
25 , we have tested neuroprotective efficacy of psychosine in vivo, in a rat model of glutamate excitoto
26                                              Psychosine induced cytokine-mediated nuclear translocati
27 xpression results, TDAG8 was dispensable for psychosine-induced formation of multinucleated cells.
28    Myelin-free in vitro analyses showed that psychosine inhibited fast axonal transport through the a
29 presence of lyso-GM3 or its analogue but not psychosine, lactosyl-sphingosine, or lyso-phosphatidylch
30     This study hypothesizes that accumulated psychosine leads to production of cytokines and iNOS exp
31                     On the other hand, brain psychosine level is increased in all twitcher mice, but
32 ological levels of GALC activity and reduced psychosine levels in both the brain and spinal cord, it
33                         Glucocerebroside and psychosine levels were not elevated in these specimens,
34 n, persistent GALC expression, nearly normal psychosine levels, and decreased neuroinflammation.
35  GALC activity to the CNS and did not reduce psychosine levels.
36                           This suggests that psychosine maintained or sustained the cytokine-primed e
37           Activation of TDAG8 by its agonist psychosine markedly enhanced dexamethasone-induced apopt
38                                              Psychosine may prove useful in prophylaxis of neurodegen
39  and implicated by overexpression studies in psychosine-mediated inhibition of cytokinesis and in GC-
40 itical role for TDAG8 in immune development, psychosine-mediated inhibition of cytokinesis, and GC-in
41 cultured cells expressing this receptor with psychosine or structurally related glycosphingolipids re
42                                              Psychosine potentiated the LPS-induced production of pro
43  but not sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), PAF, psychosine (Psy), glucosyl-beta1'1-sphingosine (Glu-Sph)
44  cell death-associated gene 8, is a specific psychosine receptor.
45   In this communication, we demonstrate that psychosine specifically accumulates in LRs in the TWI br
46      Our discovery of a molecular target for psychosine suggests a mechanism for the globoid cell his
47 cant, 16.5%, reduction in the GALC substrate psychosine, the abnormal accumulation of which is believ
48 og muscles had significant capacity to store psychosine, the neurotoxin that accumulates in Krabbe di
49  Schwann cells are particularly sensitive to psychosine, thus leading to a demyelinating phenotype.
50  responded in vitro to medium conditioned by psychosine-treated oligodendrocytes, indicating the like
51  abnormal accumulation of the GALC substrate psychosine, which is thought to play a pivotal role in d

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