


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e targeted for screening and potentially for psychosocial intervention.
2 f antidepressant medications or some type of psychosocial intervention.
3 ation was to usual medical care or CBT-based psychosocial intervention.
4 ficacy of meta-cognitive therapy as a viable psychosocial intervention.
5  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or psychosocial intervention.
6 ansporter gene moderates susceptibility to a psychosocial intervention.
7 armacotherapy and with one of two adjunctive psychosocial interventions.
8 eir experiences and guide the development of psychosocial interventions.
9  and identify optimal timing and targets for psychosocial interventions.
10 the development and assessment of adjunctive psychosocial interventions.
11  of patients' presumed wishes as well as for psychosocial interventions.
12         There is little economic research on psychosocial interventions.
13 blish more firmly their role in responses to psychosocial interventions.
14 er them likely to benefit) when implementing psychosocial interventions.
15 patients were randomly assigned to intensive psychosocial intervention (30 sessions over 9 months of
16 free survival between usual care (75.9%) and psychosocial intervention (75.8%).
17                                              Psychosocial interventions aimed at alleviating the nega
18  recent studies that have used behavioral or psychosocial interventions aimed at preventing type 2 di
19 m the standpoint of relapse prevention using psychosocial interventions alone has produced only modes
20 mportance of targeting weight management and psychosocial interventions among African-Americans with
21  also no differences in survival between the psychosocial intervention and usual care arms in any of
22 s antidepressants, psychological treatments, psychosocial interventions and enhanced primary care ser
23 omized controlled trials in pharmacotherapy, psychosocial interventions and service delivery.
24 icates that physical activity interventions, psychosocial interventions, and mind-body interventions
25 re, weight, diabetes mellitus, and smoking), psychosocial interventions, and physical activity counse
26 scription of rescue medications, integrating psychosocial interventions, and providing close clinical
27 function, work disability, healthcare needs, psychosocial interventions, and psychoneuroimmunology.
28 nt as usual, including lithium carbonate and psychosocial interventions, and were randomized to recei
29                                     Although psychosocial interventions are an important adjunctive t
30                                              Psychosocial interventions are effective adjuncts to pha
31 have limited efficacy in this population and psychosocial interventions are inadequately investigated
32                                              Psychosocial interventions are one approach to reduce th
33                               Behavioral and psychosocial interventions are useful in preventing some
34 tematic implementation of quality-controlled psychosocial interventions as part of a multimodal appro
35 ad no superiority effect compared with brief psychosocial intervention at weeks 36 (treatment effect
36 ens (e.g., dosage adjustments, behavioral or psychosocial interventions) before switching medications
37 dings of this review support the delivery of psychosocial interventions by non-specialist providers t
38                          CONCLUSION Tailored psychosocial interventions can be effectively designed t
39                              Trauma-informed psychosocial interventions can be used to help patients
40 nforming us about the conditions under which psychosocial interventions can serve as adjuvants (e.g.
41 a-3 PUFAs in combination with a high-quality psychosocial intervention (cognitive behavioral case man
42      However, personal therapy, a definitive psychosocial intervention, continues to improve the soci
43  for randomized and non-randomized trials of psychosocial interventions delivered by non-specialist m
44  to locate prospective controlled studies of psychosocial interventions delivered by non-specialist p
45                                              Psychosocial interventions delivered by non-specialists
46 rence creates considerable distress, yet few psychosocial interventions directed at this population h
47 tential to greatly improve patient access to psychosocial intervention during chemotherapy treatment.
48 of cannabidiol) or placebo with standardized psychosocial interventions during a 9-day admission.
49 he present study sought to improve access to psychosocial interventions during chemotherapy treatment
50  overview of current evidence on efficacy of psychosocial interventions during those phases, and offe
51                        Here we ask whether a psychosocial intervention, focused improving parenting,
52   Findings emphasize the importance of early psychosocial intervention for distress in AYAs as well a
53 on therapy (CST) is a well-established group psychosocial intervention for people with dementia.
54 9, 2015, for randomised controlled trials of psychosocial interventions for adults after a recent (wi
55                Many of the recent studies of psychosocial interventions for caregivers have resulted
56                                              Psychosocial interventions for caregivers that are indiv
57 mized controlled trials and pilot studies of psychosocial interventions for caregivers.
58 nd evidence supporting three frequently used psychosocial interventions for chronic pain: cognitive-b
59   This systematic literature review examined psychosocial interventions for improving medication adhe
60 oth psychosocial factors related to pain and psychosocial interventions for pain management.
61    This study sought to continue research on psychosocial interventions for patients being treated wi
62 average costs of professionally administered psychosocial interventions for patients starting chemoth
63                                              Psychosocial interventions for people with intellectual
64              To summarize recent research on psychosocial interventions for people with intellectual
65 ) similarities to and differences from other psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia, 4) differe
66 ew and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for self-harm in adults.
67 hown to be more efficacious than alternative psychosocial interventions for the acute treatment of ad
68  significantly between patients in the brief psychosocial intervention group (n=6 [IQR 4-11]), CBT gr
69 on, although the relative improvement in the psychosocial intervention group compared with the usual
70 RSD score, -10.1 (7.8) in the depression and psychosocial intervention group vs -8.4 (7.7) in the dep
71 nge in ESSI score, 5.1 (5.9) in the LPSS and psychosocial intervention group vs 3.4 (6.0) in the LPSS
72                                              Psychosocial interventions had medium-size effects on bo
73                                              Psychosocial interventions have been shown to enhance ph
74                  Professionally administered psychosocial interventions have been shown to improve th
75                                   Similarly, psychosocial interventions have been shown to improve th
76 d multifactorial cardiac rehabilitation with psychosocial interventions have demonstrated a reduction
77                                              Psychosocial interventions have proven efficacy for alle
78 ality of life; antipsychotic medications and psychosocial interventions have shown limited efficacy t
79 ebo-controlled and open trials combined with psychosocial interventions have shown mixed results.
80 zardous alcohol use, and pharmacological and psychosocial interventions have some benefits for people
81                       Nonpharmacological (or psychosocial) interventions have been shown to be effect
82 , randomized controlled studies suggest that psychosocial interventions (i.e. self-management program
83 ychoanalytical therapy compared with a brief psychosocial intervention in maintenance of reduced depr
84 ychoanalytical therapy compared with a brief psychosocial intervention in maintenance of reduced depr
85 d be assessed when establishing the need for psychosocial interventions in conflict settings.
86 l evidence for efficacy of stress-modulating psychosocial interventions in slowing cancer progression
87 nce supporting the role of psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions in the treatment of patients
88                                              Psychosocial interventions include support groups or psy
89                           Recent research on psychosocial interventions includes evaluations of three
90 ested that diagnostic methods and concurrent psychosocial interventions influenced outcome.
91 ds to address improving delivery of existing psychosocial interventions, integrating these interventi
92 lth, the development of an evidence base for psychosocial intervention is of considerable importance.
93                             Psychological or psychosocial intervention is recommended as the primary
94           Evidence regarding the efficacy of psychosocial interventions is also presented.
95           Evidence regarding the efficacy of psychosocial interventions is also presented.
96 esting that opioid substitution coupled with psychosocial interventions is the best treatment option
97                                   Apart from psychosocial interventions, little scientific evidence e
98 s with major depression, pharmacological and psychosocial interventions may be useful treatments.
99                       There is evidence that psychosocial interventions may decrease osteoarthritis p
100 ver, can determine the extent to which these psychosocial interventions may impact morbidity and mort
101 y assigned 470 patients to receive the brief psychosocial intervention (n=158), CBT (n=155), or short
102 as effective as CBT and, together with brief psychosocial intervention, offers additional patient cho
103            Findings regarding the effects of psychosocial interventions on disease processes, morbidi
104  and comprehensive estimate of the effect of psychosocial interventions on pain-an important clinical
105 ntial evidence supports a positive effect of psychosocial interventions on quality of life in cancer,
106       However, the long-term impact of brief psychosocial interventions on the course of adolescent d
107    Families were randomly assigned to a 7-wk psychosocial intervention or to a control condition.
108 nic disorder (PD) may be treated with drugs, psychosocial intervention, or both, but the relative and
109                        Treatment consists of psychosocial interventions, pharmacological intervention
110 pants (n = 186) were randomized to receive a psychosocial intervention plus either citalopram (n = 94
111 cial workers reported types and intensity of psychosocial interventions provided.
112 are intervention offered case management and psychosocial interventions, provided by a trained lay he
113                                        Other psychosocial interventions remain largely untested, alth
114         Although the efficacy of stand-alone psychosocial interventions remains unclear, both exercis
115 ients with active psychiatric disorders, but psychosocial interventions such as psychological first a
116 ions of this study, but it is suggested that psychosocial interventions targeting appearance-related
117  research should examine the extent to which psychosocial interventions targeting caregiver social pr
118 ividuals not motivated to engage in existing psychosocial interventions targeting functioning, or who
119              We need to develop and evaluate psychosocial interventions that can be integrated into m
120      We focus this brief review on effective psychosocial interventions that emphasize and teach skil
121 mer disease and agitation who were receiving psychosocial intervention, the addition of citalopram co
122 hildren and families calls for comprehensive psychosocial interventions through which healing the psy
123               To test the effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention to improve early adherence amo
124 h may enhance "top-down" control, as well as psychosocial interventions to develop alternative coping
125  needs include effective pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life th
126                To evaluate recent studies of psychosocial interventions to improve survival, health,
127 xt step in this research, the development of psychosocial interventions to match family risk level ma
128 nidate, dexamphetamine, and atomoxetine, and psychosocial interventions, to those seen in children an
129 ht recent examples of randomized, controlled psychosocial intervention trials directed toward cancer
130 e two psychological therapies with the brief psychosocial intervention, we first established whether
131                                No effects of psychosocial intervention were observed on work/role fun
132 us of the empirical literature on effects of psychosocial interventions with cancer survivors, relyin
133   There is little research that has examined psychosocial interventions with carers or families, and
134 tify randomized controlled trials of various psychosocial interventions, with emphasis on studies pub

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