


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 od lipids of pectin, oat bran, guar gum, and psyllium.
2 L apo B flux in guinea pigs fed guar gum and psyllium.
3  (10 g of lactulose, a nonabsorbable sugar), psyllium (a fermentable fiber), or methylcellulose (a no
4                                              Psyllium, a water-soluble fiber, has been shown to lower
5 in Raftiline(R) HPX, inulin Raftiline(R) GR, psyllium and oat).
6 g beads in water was the lowest for alginate-psyllium beads and chitosan coated alginate beads.
7 wer in guinea pigs fed pectin, guar gum, and psyllium by 42%, 46%, and 35%, respectively (P < 0.001),
8 ) and soluble fibres (including guar gum and psyllium) can decrease the absorption of drugs.
9 al, significant changes were seen during the psyllium-cereal periods [0.31 mmol/L (12.1 mg/dL) and 0.
10 he safety and adverse events associated with psyllium consumption were summarized from pooled data of
11 ed the hypocholesterolemic effects of 10.2 g psyllium/d adjunctive to a low-fat diet for >/=8 wk in i
12                        Consumption of 10.2 g psyllium/d lowered serum total cholesterol by 4% (P < 0.
13 ssigned for 30 d to a fiber supplement (15 g psyllium/d) or a control.
14 e-fiber sources such as pectin, guar gum, or psyllium decrease plasma concentrations of low-density-l
15                                              Psyllium delays gastric emptying, probably by increasing
16    In patients with T2DM, multiweek studies (psyllium dosed before meals) showed significant improvem
17                           Consumption of the psyllium-enriched cereal resulted in a modest 7% reducti
18                                          The psyllium-enriched cereal was well tolerated throughout t
19                             The effects of a psyllium-enriched cereal were compared with a matched co
20 he hypothesis that a gel-forming fraction of psyllium escapes microbial fermentation and is responsib
21  perturbations to dietary casein protein and psyllium fiber in parallel accounted for most variation
22                                              Psyllium fiber reduced the severity of colitis through m
23                   In the metabolic ward, the psyllium group showed significant improvements in glucos
24 ncentrations were 4.7% and 6.7% lower in the psyllium group than in the placebo group after 24-26 wk
25 h in the ascending (control group: 2 +/- 3%, psyllium group: 11 +/- 8%; P < 0.02) and transverse colo
26  transverse colon (control group: 5 +/- 12%, psyllium group: 21 +/- 14%) with correspondingly less in
27                                              Psyllium has been reported to inhibit lactulose-induced
28                                     Alginate-psyllium husk blend was characterised with higher viscos
29 udy evaluated the long-term effectiveness of psyllium husk fiber as an adjunct to diet in the treatme
30  to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of psyllium husk fiber used adjunctively to a traditional d
31 nsisting of carrageenan, pectin, chitosan or psyllium husk powder were prepared for assessment of the
32         Soluble fibers, including those from psyllium husk, have been shown to augment the cholestero
33 2 sugars that are also found in abundance in psyllium husk, was isolated from psyllium stool.
34 tudies that assessed the glycemic effects of psyllium in nondiabetic, pre-T2DM, and T2DM patients.
35                   This trial showed that the psyllium-induced responses to plasma lipids were associa
36              When compared with the control, psyllium intake lowered plasma LDL-cholesterol concentra
37 holesterol acyltransferase was unaffected by psyllium intake whereas cholesteryl ester transfer prote
38 f apo B was lower with pectin, guar gum, and psyllium intakes (P < 0.01).
39 roteins indicated that pectin, guar gum, and psyllium intakes resulted in more rapid VLDL and LDL apo
40  needed to determine how best to incorporate psyllium into existing prevention and treatment algorith
41 nted completely in the colon, a component of psyllium is not fermented.
42                                              Psyllium is well tolerated and safe when used adjunctive
43 xamined to determine the mechanisms by which psyllium lowers plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations an
44 iber groups in the following order: pectin < psyllium &lt; guar gum.
45                    Our aim was to define how psyllium modified the whole-gut transit of a radiolabele
46                                              Psyllium offers a potential adjunct to a low-fat diet fo
47 re randomly assigned to receive either 5.1 g psyllium or a cellulose placebo twice daily for 26 wk wh
48 emia were randomly assigned to receive 5.1 g psyllium or cellulose placebo twice daily for 8 wk.
49 uction of hydrogel beads in combination with psyllium or chitosan coating would present the most favo
50 d (by wt) 12.5% pectin, 12.5% guar gum, 7.5% psyllium, or a control diet containing cellulose as the
51  on plasma lipids of soluble fiber from oat, psyllium, or pectin were not significantly different.
52 e lower with intake of pectin, guar gum, and psyllium (P < 0.01).
53                Among 9 fiber sources tested, psyllium, pectin, and cellulose fiber reduced the severi
54 volved in xylan biosynthesis we explored the psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk) seed mucilaginous layer
55 e colon was not significantly different with psyllium, psyllium significantly delayed the rise in bre
56 , guar gum, hydroxy-methylbutyrate, plantago psyllium, pyruvate, yerba mate, and yohimbe.
57                                The degree of psyllium's glycemic benefit was commensurate with the lo
58  containing 0 (control), 3.4, 6.8, or 10.2 g psyllium seed husk (PSH)/d for 24 wk on the serum lipid
59 n to increasing stool weight, supplements of psyllium seed husk produce stools that are slick and gel
60           In addition, pectin, guar gum, and psyllium significantly altered the composition of newly
61                                              Psyllium significantly delayed gastric emptying: the tim
62 s not significantly different with psyllium, psyllium significantly delayed the rise in breath-hydrog
63                                              Psyllium significantly increased the apparent viscosity
64 bundance in psyllium husk, was isolated from psyllium stool.
65                             The effects of a psyllium supplement in men, premenopausal women, and pos
66                                              Psyllium supplementation significantly lowered plasma tr
67                                              Psyllium supplementation significantly lowered serum tot
68 ransfer protein activity was 18% lower after psyllium supplementation than after the control treatmen
69 (P < 0.05) and 19.2% (P < 0.01) lower in the psyllium than in the placebo group.
70 13.0% (P = 0.07) lower, respectively, in the psyllium than in the placebo group.
71  food products containing soluble fiber from psyllium that state that they are associated with a decr
72                                              Psyllium therapy is an effective adjunct to diet therapy
73 lose three times daily with or without 3.5 g psyllium three times daily.
74 ciated with sex and hormonal status and that psyllium, through its action in the intestinal lumen, in
75                              The addition of psyllium to a traditional diet for persons with diabetes
76  study examined the effects of administering psyllium to men with type 2 diabetes.
77                         Treatment with 5.1 g psyllium twice daily produces significant net reductions
78 fine the hypolipidemic effects and safety of psyllium when used adjunctive to a low-fat diet in men a
79                     We assess the effects of psyllium, which is a soluble, gel-forming, nonfermented
80                     These data indicate that psyllium would be an effective addition to a lifestyle-i

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