


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 te to the beneficial vascular effects of the pteridine.
2 rst and NADP+ dissociating after the reduced pteridine.
3 acked significant activity for non-quinonoid pteridines.
4 ine metabolites were prepared in the purine, pteridine, [1,2,5]-thiadiazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine, and qui
5 zyme, which had a ratio of 0.84 mol of bound pteridine:1 mol of nNOS 160 kDa subunit.
6 no-5-deaza-7H-6,7,8,9-tetrahydropyrido[3,4-g]pteridine (23), followed by regioselective alkylation of
7 t screening lead, 4-amino-7-aryl-substituted pteridine (5) (AK IC(50) = 440 nM), led to the identific
8 arates and detects the following six urinary pteridines: 6-biopterin, 6-hydroxymethylpterin, d-neopte
9 (pugD), that causes variegated reductions in pteridine and ommochrome pigmentation of the Drosophila
10 ween the adenosine fragment of NADPH and the pteridine and p-aminobenzoyl fragments of methotrexate,
11                                     Both the pteridine and p-aminobenzoyl rings are located in the hy
12                                              Pteridine and PABA levels in transgenic fruit were >20-f
13                         The positions of the pteridine and pABA rings of PT523 and the nicotinamide a
14 ion (I/R) injury, we synthesized a series of pteridines and pyridopyrazines.
15 um eye is pigmented only by ommochromes, not pteridines, and indicate that Tcv is potentially useful
16                                              Pteridines are a class of compounds excreted in urine, t
17                                      Because pteridines are derived from GTP, the pigment defect may
18                The detection limits of these pteridines are under 1 x 10(-10) M.
19 e needed for proper investigation of urinary pteridines as breast cancer biomarkers.
20  preliminary studies have implicated urinary pteridines as candidate biomarkers in a growing number o
21 e present study, SD-208, a 2,4-disubstituted pteridine, ATP-competitive inhibitor of the TGFbeta rece
22 enzymes that are required for riboflavin and pteridine biosyntheses.
23 st energy production, nucleotide metabolism, pteridine biosynthesis, and fatty acid oxidation as key
24 he distances between the nicotinamide C4 and pteridine C6 and C7 are very short, 2.1 and 1.7 A in the
25 vides experimental proof of the existence of pteridine conformers through rotation about the C(6)-C(9
26 f the probe phosphoramidite, purification of pteridine-containing sequences and a deprotection proced
27       This engineering maneuver raised fruit pteridine content by 3- to 140-fold and fruit folate con
28 aa identity), which are hypothesized to be a pteridine-dependent dioxygenase and a regulatory protein
29 amino-5-deaza-6,7,8,9-tetrahydropyrido[3,4-g]pteridine derivatives 3-9 with different benzyl and a be
30                                      All the pteridine derivatives except 2-amino-O4-benzylpteridine-
31                              Eight different pteridine derivatives were well separated in 0.1 M Tris-
32                            Novel substituted pteridine-derived inhibitors of monocarboxylate transpor
33 hen alkylated by 2,4-diamino-6-(bromomethyl)-pteridine followed by ester saponification at room tempe
34 benzoic acid with 2,4-diamino-6-(bromomethyl)pteridine gave the target compounds.
35 h are folate biosynthesis intermediates; and pteridine glycosides not previously found in plants.
36 synthesized from 2, 4-diamino-6-(bromomethyl)pteridine in 50-75% yield by reaction with the sodium sa
37 ector enables us to detect minute amounts of pteridines in body fluid.
38                              The accumulated pteridines included neopterin, monapterin, and hydroxyme
39           The method detection limit for the pteridines is between 0.025 and 0.5 mug/L, and for creat
40 fluorescence (LIF) detection, to monitor the pteridine levels in urine.
41  these results into a comprehensive model of pteridine metabolism and discuss its implications in che
42                         Thus, the control of pteridine metabolism has relevance to the mechanism of L
43 reductase-thymidylate synthase in Leishmania pteridine metabolism, using purified enzymes and knockou
44  secondary metabolic enzymes and encodes new pteridine metabolites functionalized with cis-amide acyl
45 ing data, and (2) the calculated pKa for the pteridine N1 of the inhibitor while bound to the protein
46                                          The pteridine nucleoside analog 3-methyl isoxanthopterin (3-
47 nd P6(5) structures a water molecule bridges pteridine O4 and Trp-22(N epsilon 1) with ideal geometry
48 phosphinic acid esters with a 6-(bromomethyl)pteridine or the corresponding (bromomethyl)pyridopyrmid
49 Engineered fruit with intermediate levels of pteridine overproduction attained the highest folate lev
50                    When transgenic PABA- and pteridine-overproduction traits were combined by crossin
51                Plants synthesize folate from pteridine, p-aminobenzoate (PABA), and glutamate moietie
52                 Folates are synthesized from pteridine, p-aminobenzoate (PABA), and glutamate precurs
53 tabolites to be synthesized by a hybrid NRPS-pteridine pathway.
54                        The effect of pugD on pteridine pigmentation is most dramatic: the only remain
55  optimized for simultaneous detection of six pteridines previously implicated in breast cancer and cr
56 rate that engineering a moderate increase in pteridine production can significantly enhance the folat
57                     Previously, we increased pteridine production in tomato fruit up to 140-fold by o
58  protozoans depend upon exogenous sources of pteridines (pterins or folates) for growth.
59                  A small compound library of pteridines, purines, and pyrimidines was used to probe c
60 ich correlates with decreased levels of both pteridine (red) and ommachrome (brown) pigments.
61 methods were used to examine essentiality of pteridine reductase (PTR1) in pterin metabolism in the A
62                          The upregulation of pteridine reductase (PTR1) is a major contributor to ant
63                                              Pteridine reductase (PTR1) is a target for drug developm
64                                              Pteridine reductase (PTR1) is an NADPH-dependent short-c
65                                           As pteridine reductase (PTR1) levels are unchanged in SKO a
66                             A broad spectrum pteridine reductase (PTR1) was recently identified in Le
67 opterin transporter (BT1) and broad-spectrum pteridine reductase (PTR1).
68 rotozoan Trypanosoma brucei has a functional pteridine reductase (TbPTR1), an NADPH-dependent short-c
69  of the pterin- and folate-salvaging enzymes pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) and dihydrofolate reductase
70                              Mutants lacking pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) had low levels of H4B, rema
71                                              Pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) is a novel broad spectrum e
72                                   The enzyme pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) is a potential target for n
73 volving new molecular targets are important; pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1), an enzyme that reduces dih
74 ducts, we combined target-based screening on pteridine reductase 1 with phenotypic screening on Trypa
75 a targets beyond dihydrofolate reductase and pteridine reductase 1.
76  in VcCry1, but that hydrogen bonding to the pteridine ring amine hydrogens is stronger in VcCry-1.
77 a and indicates that the conformation of the pteridine ring and its interactions with the enzyme diff
78 enter of the pore, leads to puckering of the pteridine ring and promotes formation of the transition
79 ra of MTHF suggests that the carbonyl of its pteridine ring in EcPhr experiences stronger hydrogen bo
80 site, coupled with the fixed position of the pteridine ring in the center of the pore, leads to pucke
81 f these data shows that PT523 binds with its pteridine ring in the same orientation observed for meth
82  moiety may stabilize puckering at C6 of the pteridine ring in the transition state.
83       The glutamate residue and the aromatic pteridine ring interact with the primary and secondary r
84 n of the bound N3 pK(a), such that a neutral pteridine ring is preferred for pairwise interaction wit
85 ich the aminobenzoic moiety and the aromatic pteridine ring of folic acid remain outside the cyclodex
86 late (H(4)F) which contains the redox-active pteridine ring of H(4)B.
87                Our data demonstrate that the pteridine ring of MTHF in EcPhr has different interactio
88 he nicotinamide ring of the cofactor and the pteridine ring of the substrate, DHF, at the hourglass c
89  one being more stable-in which the aromatic pteridine ring penetrates into the CD cavity while the g
90 rlaps the more bulky side of the substrate's pteridine ring).
91 de ring, and the N3-O4 amide function on the pteridine ring.
92 ctors on opposite sides of the planes of the pteridine rings.
93 erties of PTR1 suggested a role in essential pteridine salvage as well as in antifolate resistance.
94 e these findings, limitations including poor pteridine specificity, asynchronous or nonexistent renal
95                                              Pteridines, such as pterins, folates, and flavins, are h
96 edented nonribosomal peptide synthetase-like-pteridine synthase hybrid biosynthetic gene cluster in P
97                                              Pteridine synthesis capacity is known to drop in ripenin
98 ng GTP cyclohydrolase I, the first enzyme of pteridine synthesis.
99 of GTP cyclohydrolase I, the first enzyme of pteridine synthesis.
100                                    Among the pteridines, the most potent against P. carinii DHFR and
101 reports cationic adduct formation of urinary pteridines under ESI-positive ionization for the first t
102 uid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) pteridine urinalyses among others have helped to enable

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