


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1              The estimated effects of recent pubic and workplace smoking restriction laws suggest tha
2 raphy (US) enables accurate determination of pubic arch interference (PAI) for prostate brachytherapy
3 Part 1: Transrectal US accurately showed the pubic arch relative to the prostate.
4                                  Part 1: The pubic arch was identified intraoperatively with transrec
5 were reviewed for findings including hernia, pubic bone marrow edema, secondary cleft sign, and rectu
6 vernment regulation, societal pressures, and pubic expectations.
7 at indicate a theropod ancestry, including a pubic foot and hyposphene-hypantra vertebral articulatio
8                Tanner stages [breast (B) and pubic hair (PH)], and body mass index (BMI) were measure
9 rooming frequency, men who removed all their pubic hair 11 times or more during their lifespan had an
10                  Women who removed all their pubic hair 11 times or more had increased odds of injury
11              Pubertal stage was Tanner 4 for pubic hair and penile size, which contrasted with small
12   An almost 3-year-old boy was evaluated for pubic hair and unilateral testicular enlargement 1 week
13                                              Pubic hair and voice changes were noticed 2 to 3 years b
14 ing (P = 0.006, N = 1,026) and more advanced pubic hair development in boys (P = 0.01; N = 4,588); a
15  PCBs were not significantly associated with pubic hair development.
16        Of these women, 2778 (83.8%) reported pubic hair grooming and 538 (16.2%) reported never groom
17     Interventions: A questionnaire examining pubic hair grooming habits.
18 esentative assessment of contemporary female pubic hair grooming habits.
19                                              Pubic hair grooming is a common practice that can lead t
20                                  Importance: Pubic hair grooming is an increasingly prevalent trend.
21           Objective: To characterize current pubic hair grooming practices in the United States.
22  and behavioral risk factors associated with pubic hair grooming-related injuries to characterize ind
23 racteristics and motivations associated with pubic hair grooming.
24                           Tanner stage 5 for pubic hair growth occurred 6-9 months later on average f
25 e 5 for genitalia growth, Tanner stage 5 for pubic hair growth, or testicular volume (TV) >/= 20 mL i
26  of serum p,p -DDE was associated with later pubic hair maturation.
27  daughter's earlier transition to breast and pubic hair stage 2+ in comparison with girls whose mothe
28 e at higher risk of an earlier transition to pubic hair stage 2+ than those whose mothers had neither
29 ncy and degree of grooming (ie, removing all pubic hair) are independent risk factors for injury.
30 ge 2 or above for development of breasts and pubic hair, using accelerated failure time regression mo
31 cultural variations in preference related to pubic hair.
32 ed with groomers who do not remove all their pubic hair.
33 d with groomers who did not remove all their pubic hair.
34  of the age at menarche and Tanner stage for pubic-hair and breast development.
35 ciated with significant delays in breast and pubic-hair development in African-American and Mexican-A
36  5.5, 6.0, and 2.2 months, respectively, for pubic-hair development; the associated delay in age at m
37 h the fetal origins of adult health, and for pubic health surveillance.
38 age with isolated fractured neck of femur or pubic ramus fracture were excluded.
39 sess rib end morphology, auricular surfaces, pubic symphyseal face, and cranial sutures, to produce a
40 ductor injury, and articular diseases at the pubic symphysis (osteitis pubis).
41 ollimated sections from the diaphragm to the pubic symphysis and 5-mm-collimated sections through the
42  103 (97%) of 106 examinations and below the pubic symphysis in 100 (94%) of 106.
43 from the upper abdomen (T12 vertebra) to the pubic symphysis with 5-mm collimation and a pitch of 1.6
44 m and 29% (median, 36%) for images below the pubic symphysis, compared with dose levels with manual s
45 the diaphragm and the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis, respectively.
46 s acquired above the diaphragm and below the pubic symphysis, respectively; with manual selection, me
47 ion were obtained from the lung bases to the pubic symphysis, without intravenous, oral, or rectal co
48 nd-socket hip joint and on both sides of the pubic symphysis.
49 njury, and injury or disease remote from the pubic symphysis.
50 enus Trichosporon and the etiologic agent of pubic white piedra.

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