


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d Public Health (now the Bloomberg School of Public Health).
2 itical to mitigating its potential impact on public health.
3 o substantially impact clinical practice and public health.
4 make us well suited to a variety of roles in public health.
5 wing problem that has substantial effects on public health.
6 viruses present a continued threat to global public health.
7 virus (ZIKV) has imposed a serious threat to public health.
8 ts global distributions of air pollution and public health.
9 cle ownership are having profound effects on public health.
10 ance in bacterial pathogens is important for public health.
11 tionally controlling the exposome to protect public health.
12 ffective and offer a very good investment in public health.
13 cteriaceae (CPE) are a significant threat to public health.
14 pylobacter is considered a serious threat to public health.
15 ant Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a top threat to public health.
16 istinct H3N2 variants which pose a threat to public health.
17 e aimed to study the effect of ERW on global public health.
18 to the large impact of sleep disturbances on public health.
19  transport and to affect the environment and public health.
20  to move social connection into the realm of public health.
21  for managing water resources and protecting public health.
22 vestigation due to its significant threat to public health.
23  before representing a substantial threat to public health.
24 schistosome biology, immunoepidemiology, and public health.
25  that aim to reduce FGF23 levels and improve public health.
26 eralized epidemic is of major importance for public health.
27 continue to circulate in nature and threaten public health.
28                 Lessons from this monumental public health achievement by countries and partners will
29  and should be specifically accounted for in public health activities, disaster planning, and determi
30  part, by "reviewing regulatory authority in public health agencies to require culture isolates or sp
31      Food safety is a major issue to protect public health and a key challenge is to find detection m
32 dication a programmatic emergency for global public health and called for a comprehensive polio endga
33  resurgence of many infectious diseases with public health and economic consequences.
34 ence of the FX premutation and its effect on public health and family planning, most FX premutation c
35 f mammalian and avian species that threatens public health and food security.
36                                  Considering public health and legal regulations, there is an urgent
37  epidemiologists generate evidence to inform public health and medical interventions.
38  mitigate the direct and indirect damages to public health and resources.
39 onents in applications such as food science, public health and safety, and diagnostics.
40 e drinking is widely recognized as a leading public health and social problem for adolescents in the
41                             Due to its large public health and societal implications, multidrug-resis
42     Schistosomiasis japonica remains a major public health and socioeconomic concern in Southeast Asi
43 3N2 reassortants may pose a moderate risk to public health and that the canine host should be monitor
44 crobial resistance poses a growing threat to public health and the provision of health care.
45 are monitored for fecal pollution to protect public health and water resources.
46 odborne outbreaks are a continuing threat to public health, and tracking these outbreaks is an import
47 f patients, suggesting the potential role of public health approaches that screen for cardiovascular
48 such as skin cancer, is seriously concerning public health authorities as well as the scientific comm
49 e not on the priority list of veterinary and public health authorities.
50  children, highlighting the need for raising public health awareness about the detrimental effects of
51     Optimal medical therapy is of recognized public health benefit.
52 eening for HIV in primary care has important public health benefits as well as clinical benefits.
53  the study period, indicating that important public health benefits can follow from further control e
54 demonstrates the potential for a significant public health burden caused by filoviral infections.
55 abolic outcomes that constitute the greatest public health burden in the United States, including obe
56 otic therapy has the potential to lessen the public health burden of antimicrobial-associated disease
57  view of the Lao nationwide epidemiology and public health burden of RSV infection over time.
58 toes has the potential to greatly reduce the public health burden of the disease.
59 sclassification are required to quantify the public health burden possibly entailed by such associati
60 nism.IMPORTANCE IAV infections cause a large public health burden through seasonal epidemics and spor
61 ood allergies pose a considerable world-wide public health burden with incidence as high as one in te
62 prevalent in Southeast Asia, is an important public health burden, including a risk factor for develo
63 enza virus epidemics represent a significant public health burden.
64 cess cardiovascular risk, represents a major public health burden.
65 ctivation data will likely be protective for public health but may overestimate CT values for reducti
66               We must develop an appropriate public health campaign to educate MSM about these routes
67 utcomes, raising the possibility of a future public health catastrophe.
68 ty-based care, with subsidised access to non-public health centres [NPHCs]).
69 use of disability worldwide, remains a major public health challenge in the most severely affected co
70                 Despite the magnitude of the public health challenge posed by the prolonged mechanica
71 RTANCE The dengue epidemic presents a global public health challenge that causes widespread economic
72 elated death worldwide and therefore a major public health challenge.
73 searchers who were poised to tackle this new public health challenge; and (3) the high level of coord
74 cluding the United States, presenting global public health challenges that call for the expedited dev
75 nd poor child development remain significant public health challenges with implications across the li
76 he world because they continue to pose major public health challenges.
77  a lack of models that meet the needs of the public health community.
78 eogenic arsenic has emerged as a significant public health concern due to high prevalence in many rur
79                      Hearing loss is a major public health concern with no pharmaceutical interventio
80  disease is a major economic challenge and a public health concern worldwide.
81 areas with low access to healthy food, are a public health concern.
82 Angeles County alone, making CD an important public health concern.
83 occasional pandemics, representing a serious public health concern.
84 mosquito-transmitted pathogen, is of serious public health concern.
85 y in countries where this represents a major public health concern.
86                                              Public health concerns with regard to both low and high
87 nd Zika virus (ZKV), all of which are global public health concerns.
88  A(H3N2) variant (H3N2v) viruses have raised public health concerns.
89  of Ebola virus disease (EVD) is critical to public health containment efforts, particularly in devel
90 siology, clinical diagnosis, management, and public health control of soil-transmitted helminths.
91 resistant bacterial pathogens pose an urgent public-health crisis.
92 papers, reviews available methods to collect public health data pertaining to different domains of he
93 nd vaccine composition posing challenges for public health decision making.
94 ed benchmarks for lead and related community public health decisions.
95 ponse that may serve as a useful example for public health departments in the United States and inter
96                               Clinicians and public health departments preparing for and responding t
97 nary NTM disease is a neglected and emerging public health disease and enhanced surveillance is requi
98 rocesses may improve clinical management and public health disease control.
99 ssortment will inform and strengthen ongoing public health efforts to anticipate the emergence of new
100 has revealed new markers that can be used in public health efforts to limit the spread of multidrug-r
101 uctive biology could improve the efficacy of public health efforts to reduce the risk of hormone-sens
102 is conundrum and provide insights for future public health efforts, we analyze the geospatial pattern
103      Research involving human subjects after public health emergencies and disasters may pose ethical
104 reparing IRBs to review protocols related to public health emergencies and disasters.
105 , Afghanistan, and Nigeria (Borno) represent public health emergencies that require aggressive respon
106 n Brazil in 2015 and was declared a national public health emergency after local researchers and phys
107 ization changed the declaration of Zika as a public health emergency and designated the viral outbrea
108   This has resulted in ZIKV being declared a public health emergency and has greatly accelerated the
109 EBOV) over the last 4 decades and the recent public health emergency in West Africa, there are still
110 ika virus (ZIKV) infection an epidemic and a public health emergency of global concern due to its ass
111 World Health Organization of Zika virus as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, multip
112                                          The public health emergency of Zika virus, and the threat of
113 irus (ZIKV) epidemic in the Americas poses a public health emergency that requires a swift response.
114 in particular if development occurs during a public health emergency.
115  recognized in 1981, and it quickly became a public health emergency.
116 triggering a declaration of an international public health emergency.
117 -genome sequencing (WGS) typing pipelines at Public Health England are dependent on the initial ident
118 eased by National Health Service Digital and Public Health England for the 2014-15 financial year (Ap
119                  Using data from the 2013-14 Public Health England National Study of Flooding and Hea
120                      Deployed as part of the Public Health England solution for M. tuberculosis genom
121 ccesssful community engagement strategies in public health for its role in polio elimination in India
122 Solutions to the problem have application to public health (for example, in the detection of possible
123 her preventive measures has resulted in huge public health gains, while support for translational res
124 eral authoritative organizations have issued public health guidelines addressing dietary sugars.
125 ne industry, as well as a potential risk for public health if swine-adapted viruses with H1N1pdm09 ge
126                    This study calculated the public health impact and cost-effectiveness of 4 strateg
127 es (HDVs) have significant environmental and public health impacts.
128   These findings have important clinical and public health implications for evaluating the cost-effec
129 novel observation with potentially important public health implications for obesity control.
130                                              Public health implications of TFA restrictions are not w
131  mechanisms for these observations and their public health implications, and explore clinical and pop
132 iven these persisting inequalities and their public health implications, new and effective policies t
133 ction to metabolic imbalance has significant public health implications.
134 ive lenses to those in need likely has great public health implications.
135  chIFN-kappa with RNA viruses of poultry and public health importance.
136                                  Advances in public health in the past century have seen a sharp incr
137  in this population potentially have a large public health influence.
138 ombine to hamper the quantity and quality of public health information available to humanitarian resp
139 idemiological processes can provide valuable public health information, even in the absence of extens
140      These data support the possibility that public health initiatives targeting primordial preventio
141                          After comprehensive public health initiatives, the proportion of patients re
142 tribution of resources and implementation of public health initiatives.
143 otential to yield high-impact, consequential public health insights.
144 ddition, participants who were covered by US public health insurance had estimated IQs that were sign
145 spitals and leveraged recent developments in public health insurance schemes, emergency medical servi
146 sly understudied virus to one of substantial public health interest worldwide.
147 h of postmenopausal women continues to be of public health interest.This report evaluates low-fat die
148 al design and application of this successful public health intervention.
149  2015, a state of emergency was declared and public health interventions (distribution of filters and
150                                 "Low-agency" public health interventions do not rely on individuals u
151  underpins the effectiveness of humanitarian public health interventions in crises.
152 ning the quantity and quality of evidence on public health interventions in humanitarian crises to id
153  vaccine, urgent consideration is needed for public health interventions in the Netherlands and other
154                                              Public health interventions preventing neonatal GBS dise
155 -saving treatment and supporting more timely public health interventions to prevent disease transmiss
156 ence-informed framework for personalized and public health interventions to promote and maintain the
157    Method 4 assesses transmissibility before public health interventions, by estimating R for the cas
158 ormulary, antibiotic stewardship programmes, public health interventions, infection control policies,
159 lth and should be considered when developing public health interventions.
160 s allocate scarce resources to education and public health interventions.
161 apital within watersheds can be an important public health investment, especially for populations wit
162 nce of these factors is needed to prioritise public health investments to optimise human development.
163 statistics, Salmonella is still an important public health issue in the whole world.
164                                 Allergy is a public health issue of high socioeconomic relevance, and
165 e-based action plans to address allergy as a public health issue ought to be on national and regional
166  disorders have now become a major worldwide public health issue, but the effective treatment options
167      Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health issue, producing significant patient morta
168 cular local settings and applied to a global public health issue, the polio eradication Endgame plan.
169 asise the need for investment to tackle this public health issue.
170 illicit and prescription drugs are a serious public health issue.
171 ality differences are needed to address this public health issue.
172               Using our enrichment protocol, public health laboratories and researchers can now readi
173 ized for emergency use have been utilized by public health laboratories and the commercial sector, bu
174                                          Few public health laboratories sequence measles virus-positi
175 uirement) in the initial federal guidance to public health laboratories was enforced, if urine was no
176 souri, Tennessee, and Utah, will explain the public health laboratories' perspective on why having ac
177 ea and Kristy Kubota from the Association of Public Health Laboratories, along with state public heal
178 wever, this approach would be burdensome for public health laboratories, since those laboratories wou
179  on mandatory data submitted to the National Public Health Laboratory by public hospitals between 201
180 orial epidemiologists, state and territorial public health laboratory directors, and state and territ
181 Public Health Laboratories, along with state public health laboratory officials from Colorado, Missou
182 ognizing this, the State of New York enacted Public Health Law (NY PBH Law) 2803-o in 2011 mandating
183 es the dynamics of many diseases of critical public health, livestock health and conservation concern
184 rnal of Epidemiology and American Journal of Public Health, Masters et al. reported age-specific haza
185 introduction of peanut has been advised as a public health measure based on existing data.
186 S cases are acquired in healthcare settings, public health measures and scrupulous attention to infec
187  healthcare planning and decision-making and public health measures to prevent and reduce the morbidi
188 idence was sufficient to recommend increased public health measures.
189  highlight the need to establish a universal public health message about the potential harm of prenat
190 urs and the patient response and adoption of public health messages that is not borne out by the rese
191          As such, it is necessary to rethink public health messaging and consider how to reduce short
192                                              Public health microbiology laboratories (PHLs) are on th
193 ng of pathogen genomes - now a staple of the public health microbiology laboratory in well-resourced
194                          There is a critical public health need to develop interventions to reduce tr
195 The desire to make tangible contributions to public health needs and better protect the public from i
196 n close and fertile contact with medical and public health needs, produces distinct advancements in a
197 l microbiology laboratories to address these public health needs.
198 t at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health (now the Bloomberg School of Public Health
199 ent an opportune setting in which to deliver public health nutrition strategies because of their wide
200 ication of foods that merit consideration in public health nutrition strategies.
201 broader government strategy to improve child public health nutrition.
202 e, and reducing their consumption is a major public health objective.
203                                              Public health officials (when promulgating these recomme
204 nt for signs of poxvirus infection and alert public health officials when cases are suspected.
205  by serology at the California Department of Public Health or at clinical laboratories.
206 ote the health of their patients by offering public health or health promotion advice and referring t
207  a lack of studies occurring at the wildlife-public health or wildlife-livestock interfaces.
208 from universal screening despite traditional public health outreach efforts.
209 nd Salmonella" The document says CDC and its public health partners are approaching this issue, in pa
210          These findings are important from a public health perspective and highlight the usefulness o
211 sults should help identify priorities, guide public health planning, and inform strategies to alter d
212  implications for antibiotic stewardship and public health policies and, in particular, suggest that
213 residues (PRs) remains crucial for informing public health policies, despite strict regulation of pla
214 orm an important basis of recommendations in public health policies.
215 observations is essential to enable informed public health policy and commercial decisions about vacc
216 aboration between the modeling community and public health policy community.
217 ive outcomes in women are necessary to guide public health policy for this emerging pathogen.
218 mation for cervical screening guidelines and public health policy.
219                      Obesity is an important public health priority in the United States.
220 n and its large-scale epidemiology remains a public health priority.
221   Improving access to sanitation is a global public health priority.
222 rograms for people who inject drugs (PWID) a public health priority.
223 evelopment of a preventive vaccine is a high public health priority.
224        AMD continues to remain a significant public health problem among Europeans.
225                           Dengue is a global public health problem and is caused by four dengue virus
226                 Food allergy is an important public health problem because it affects children and ad
227 ive age (WRA) (age range: 15-49 y) remains a public health problem globally, and reducing anemia in w
228        In addition, confirmation whether the public health problem in Brazil extends to other regions
229                 Gonorrhoea is a major global public health problem that is exacerbated by drug resist
230                       Anemia is a widespread public health problem with 1/4 1/3 of the world's popul
231                 Dengue remains a significant public health problem, because protection conferred by t
232 c brain injury (TBI) is a significant global public health problem, but has received minimal attentio
233 ease is a substantial worldwide clinical and public health problem, but information about available c
234 cide remains a clear, present and increasing public health problem, despite being a potentially preve
235 ergic rhinitis (PAR) represents a global and public health problem, due to its prevalence, morbidity,
236    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious public health problem, often with devastating consequenc
237 e data on person, place, and time of a major public health problem, together with information on path
238 king this protein, thus posing a significant public health problem, which could be moderated by using
239 entions may be beneficial for this important public health problem.
240 ive impairment is a prevalent individual and public health problem.
241 ncreasing worldwide representing an emerging public health problem.
242   It is targeted for global elimination as a public health problem.
243 easing in prevalence and has become a global public health problem.
244 ciplinary approach to address this important public health problem.
245 lation by 2000 to eliminate the disease as a public health problem.
246 is currently one of the world's most serious public health problems.
247 ildhood might usefully inform clinicians and public health professionals regarding the causes of self
248 environmental justice issues that can inform public health programs and wildfire management.
249 d used by the polio program as well as other public health programs within Cameroon such as the Distr
250 dividual-level linkage of administrative and public health registers in Denmark.
251 hanism of this effect, critical to enhancing public health, remains poorly understood.
252                                              Public health research covered $308.1 million (37.8%) an
253  descriptive epidemiology in order to inform public health response strategies.
254 amplifying the power of models to inform the public health response to emergence events.
255 ted pathogen, at present there is no defined public health response to this relatively newly identifi
256  the humanitarian system relevant for future public health responses: (1) operationalise the concept
257 n, including black carbon, entails a serious public health risk because of its carcinogenic potential
258 lness, and may therefore possess a potential public health risk of transmission.
259  transmission of swine IAVs and minimize the public health risk.
260 or adaptation and therefore pose a potential public health risk.
261 status, physical and mental health outcomes, public health service availability, coverage and effecti
262  manifestations of infection, treatment, and public health significance of M. genitalium reviewed at
263                                          The public health significance of the reported higher incide
264 t regarding specific patients or clinical or public health situations.
265 iology is an innovative approach to estimate public health status using biomarker analysis in wastewa
266 ntibiotics need to continue to be a focus of public health strategies directed at S. pneumoniae.
267 establishing a platform to support effective public health strategies in this area.
268 ther high-risk groups is the mainstay of the public health strategy to combat influenza.
269 e, prevention of obesity may be an important public health strategy to reduce the incidence of childh
270 nity-based venues is a potentially important public health strategy.
271 f the control of infectious diseases was the public health success story of the first half of the 20t
272  The revised Common Rule expressly addresses public health surveillance in relation to scientific res
273 the New Mexico HPV Pap Registry, a statewide public health surveillance program, receives mandatory r
274 olates of enteric pathogens is essential for public health surveillance, detection, and tracking of o
275 cterized as "a serious and current threat to public health surveillance, particularly for Shiga toxin
276 ng: (i) use of pediatric donors, (ii) use of Public Health System (PHS) high infectious risk donors,
277 of individuals with tuberculosis engaged the public health system, just over half were successfully t
278 ettings); and the capacity of healthcare and public health systems to identify and effectively treat
279 h as asthma, and represent a large burden on public health systems.
280 ity is a major health issue and an important public health target for urban design.
281 chieve such levels, making this an important public health target.
282 -2016 on an unprecedented scale among global public health technical agencies and donors, vaccine man
283 ed scale from 2014 to 2016, involving global public health technical agencies and donors, vaccine man
284 ype influenza viruses represent a persistent public health threat because of their continued detectio
285 ation resolved to eliminate hepatitis B as a public health threat by 2030.
286               Zika virus (ZIKV) has become a public health threat due to its global transmission and
287 he emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) as a major public health threat has focused research on understandi
288                Rabies continues to present a public health threat in most countries of the world.
289                             Rabies remains a public health threat in most parts of the world, and app
290  clinical research agenda that addresses the public health threat of antibacterial resistance.
291 bsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) represents a major public health threat, including in the long-term acute c
292 stant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are a serious public health threat.
293 se our preparedness against this significant public health threat.
294 ika virus (ZIKV) remains a persistent global public health threat.
295 the adoption of strategies addressing global public health threats at the country level reinforces th
296  about Zika virus infection and for the next public health threats that will emerge.
297  timely information about various domains of public health underpins the effectiveness of humanitaria
298 In this Personal View, we document the first public health use of a reduced, single-dose regimen of o
299 science of health behavior change to improve public health: What strategies are effective in promotin
300 P has also informed the development of other public health workforce capacity to support polio eradic
301 uted to polio eradication by building global public health workforce capacity.

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