


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  years since their divergence from the spiny puffers.
2 rations in AID, we assayed AID from Japanese puffer and zebra fish for class-switching activity in mo
3                                          The puffer fish ( Fugu rubripes ) has a compact genome of 40
4       Mapping a putative CB2 ortholog in the puffer fish (Fugu rubripes T012234) suggests it may enco
5 ds with 93 and 65% identity to the human and puffer fish (Fugu rubripes) p55 sequences, respectively.
6                                          The puffer fish Fugu rubripes (Fugu) has a compact genome ap
7 have sequenced 60 kb of genomic DNA from the puffer fish Fugu rubripes (Fugu) that includes the CFTR
8 onal vertebrates, the mouse and the Japanese puffer fish Fugu rubripes, and investigated the genomic
9 ogs from both Caenorhabditis elegans and the puffer fish Fugu rubripes, suggesting that this eIF-2alp
10 s have been identified in mammals and in the puffer fish Fugu rubripes.
11 ng or fibrinolysis were searched against the puffer fish genome.
12  vertebrates, the mouse Mus musculus and the puffer fish Tetraodon nigroviridis, provides an independ
13                                     In fugu (puffer fish), expression of SCPP genes is also detected
14 ng of atonal homologs from red flour beetle, puffer fish, chicken, mouse, and human.
15 ssed the status of this unusual locus in the puffer fish, Fugu rubripes, and identified two INK4 gene
16         The blood coagulation scheme for the puffer fish, Fugu rubripes, has been reconstructed on th
17 nally occur from consumption of contaminated puffer fish.
18                          A putative IFN from puffer, Fugu rubripes, was also found when zfIFN was use
19 he repetitive nature of the smooth and spiny puffer genomes.
20 s, it appears that the genome size of smooth puffers has contracted in the last 50-70 million years s
21 NA class in spiny puffers relative to smooth puffers, in addition to nearly identical indel rates.
22 olidae have genomes twice as large as smooth puffers, it appears that the genome size of smooth puffe
23 zed chemical gradients in culture, including puffer pipet spritzing and photolytic release of caged e
24 ransposon-like repetitive DNA class in spiny puffers relative to smooth puffers, in addition to nearl
25 insertions and deletions in smooth and spiny puffers using defunct non-LTR retrotransposons.
26                            A "high potassium puffer" was used to elicit calcium action potentials fro

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