


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ined four proteins on an anti-FABP1 antibody pulldown.
2  CSNAP (Chemical Similarity Network Analysis Pulldown), a new computational target identification met
3  Here we miniaturize the concept of affinity pulldown, a gold-standard in vitro PPI interrogation tec
4 ed activation of GEF-H1 and RhoA detected in pulldown activation assays.
5     Glutathione S-transferase (GST) affinity pulldowns also suggest that p18 and Gag interact.
6 ransfer (FRET) and glutathione S-transferase pulldown analyses identified Akt1 pleckstrin homology do
7          This interaction was confirmed with pulldown analyses in which the GST-PerCter protein selec
8                      Immunoprecipitation and pulldown analyses revealed that Plk3 physically interact
9 yeast 2-hybrid and glutathione-S-transferase pulldown analyses show Robo4 binding to a Wiskott-Aldric
10 e EGFR by coimmunoprecipitation and affinity pulldown analyses, and the primarily trans-Golgi network
11                                 Accordingly, pulldown analysis and fluorescent FKBP12 binding studies
12                                          GST pulldown analysis confirmed that the N terminus region o
13                                       Immuno-pulldown analysis from wild-type (WT) mouse tissue showe
14                                              Pulldown analysis revealed that Cdh1, but not Cdc20, was
15                                              Pulldown analysis revealed that Plk1 physically interact
16 e globular regions of C1q as demonstrated by pulldown and cell surface co-localization experiments.
17                         Both oligonucleotide pulldown and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays reveal
18                           By oligonucleotide pulldown and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we fo
19    The interaction was confirmed by in vitro pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation assays and was shown
20 merizations of these three NHERF proteins by pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation assays.
21 ms a stable complex with DAT in vivo via GST pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation assays.
22                                              Pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation experiments identifi
23 n was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown and co-immunoprecipitation experiments.
24             The interaction was confirmed by pulldown and coimmunoprecipitation assays in native cell
25 P1 interaction was confirmed by both peptide pulldown and coimmunoprecipitation assays, which also de
26                                          GST pulldown and coimmunoprecipitation studies reveal that R
27                               Using in vitro pulldown and competition assays, we demonstrate that thi
28 equences was demonstrated by oligonucleotide pulldown and fluorescence polarization.
29  is an interacting partner of IRSp53 through pulldown and Forster resonance energy transfer analysis,
30                      We show by mutagenesis, pulldown and hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectromet
31 o glutathione S-transferase (GST) E-cadherin pulldown and immunoblot analysis to assess levels of unc
32                                   SA-agarose pulldown and immunoblotting for IRF5 were used to determ
33                                              Pulldown and immunofluorescence binding assays and surfa
34      Nanog directly binds the FAK protein by pulldown and immunoprecipitation assays, and proteins co
35                                   In protein pulldown and immunoprecipitation experiments, binding of
36 olecular mechanisms were investigated by RNA pulldown and immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry, mic
37 racts with ERK1/2 by using both in vitro GST pulldown and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation assays.
38                                     Affinity pulldown and kinase profiling studies implicate Erb3 bin
39  is simple, reusable, and also applicable to pulldown and kinetic activity/binding assays.
40                           By oligonucleotide pulldown and mass spectrometry discovery approaches, we
41                                Using peptide pulldown and mass spectrometry, we identified angiomotin
42  target of Semapimod using ATP-desthiobiotin pulldown and mass spectroscopy.
43                                 We have used pulldown and peptide array overlay assays to study inter
44             Glutathione S-transferase fusion pulldown and receptor mutational analyses indicate that
45                                     In vitro pulldown and surface plasmon resonance assays, in contra
46  Vav3-Cdc37 interaction was confirmed by GST pulldown and, for native proteins, by co-immunoprecipita
47       We demonstrate in this paper using GST pulldowns and coimmunoprecipitation studies that SAP con
48                                          RNA pulldowns and costainings show that MyoD mRNA interacts
49           However, glutathione S-transferase pulldowns and intragenic complementation analysis of sel
50                                              Pulldowns and isothermal titration calorimetry revealed
51                       Further analysis using pulldowns and size-exclusion chromatography underscored
52  MORF proteins by yeast two-hybrid, in vitro pulldown, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation a
53                       Promoter analysis, DNA pulldown, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays supp
54  FAK could be shown by mammalian two-hybrid, pulldown, and far Western studies.
55 munoprecipitation, glutathione S-transferase pulldown, and fluorescence polarization assays employing
56 -hybrid screening, glutathione S-transferase pulldown, and immunoprecipitation methods.
57 tography, Forster resonance energy transfer, pulldown, and in vitro GEF assays to demonstrate that re
58 munoprecipitation, glutathione S-transferase pulldown, and luciferase assays show a physical and func
59 l2 as confirmed with co-immunoprecipitation, pulldown, and mammalian two-hybrid assays.
60      Immunohistochemical colocalization, GST pulldown, and surface plasmon resonance studies revealed
61                            Using a novel RNA pulldown approach that utilized endogenous S1-tagged PIN
62                   We used a biotinylated RNA pulldown approach to isolate host factors binding to the
63                         Using a directed RNA pulldown approach, we identified two components of this
64  Similarly, results from CBX4-BioTAP protein pulldowns are consistent with reports of a diversity of
65           Interaction was confirmed by a GST pulldown assay and by coimmunoprecipitation in human H29
66 s was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown assay and co-immunoprecipitation assay in human
67 rabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana using a pulldown assay and fluorescence resonance energy transfe
68 em and an in vitro glutathione-S-transferase pulldown assay and observed interactions between cyclin
69 egion of AKAP79 was able to bind PP1 by both pulldown assay and surface plasmon resonance.
70 interaction by site-directed mutagenesis and pulldown assay and thereby confirm that the major bindin
71 s work establishes the single-molecule lipid pulldown assay as a simple and highly sensitive approach
72 t with pU(L)6 in a glutathione S-transferase pulldown assay in the absence of other viral proteins an
73 oprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pulldown assay in vitro.
74                         A RAS-binding domain pulldown assay indicated that RIT1 A57G and Y89H were hi
75                                              Pulldown assay of GST-KOPR-C-tail with HA-GEC1 or HA-GAB
76 to embryonic organ explants, with a microRNA pulldown assay that allows direct identification of micr
77         To address this, we used an in vitro pulldown assay to define a series of five arginine resid
78 Rosetta pLysS cells, purified, and used in a pulldown assay to identify interacting proteins from hum
79            A luciferase reporter assay and a pulldown assay using biotinylated INS-class I VNTR probe
80 V envelope glycoproteins were also used in a pulldown assay with beads coated with heparin, a close H
81 ctivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a pulldown assay, and immunostaining with a monoclonal ant
82 ipt in human T cells and found, using biotin pulldown assay, that HuR specifically interacts with its
83                                         In a pulldown assay, the His-tagged Myb1 interacted with a GS
84 led-coil domain of MuRF1 was demonstrated by pulldown assay.
85 f apoE, as determined by an in vitro heparin pulldown assay.
86  Plk1 decreased its affinity for IKKgamma in pulldown assay.
87 or PP2A-B) using a glutathione S-transferase-pulldown assay.
88 active state of AIP1 assessed by an in vitro pulldown assay.
89 d to form a stable complex with SpoIVFB in a pulldown assay.
90 s by confocal microscopy and in an in vitro "pulldown" assay.
91                                     In vitro pulldown assays also indicate that DinB(C66A) binds RecA
92                                          The pulldown assays also indicated the presence of Cox16p in
93       Furthermore, our results from both GST pulldown assays and analytical ultracentrifugation show
94 een aldolase and SUR was confirmed using GST pulldown assays and coimmunoprecipitation assays.
95                                        Using pulldown assays and mass spectrometry, we have identifie
96 e in eIF5 interaction with eIF1 and eIF3c in pulldown assays and reduces the eIF5-mediated stimulatio
97 70-binding site in SOD2, we used a series of pulldown assays and showed that hsp70 binds to the amino
98 DM2 required for p21(Waf1) degradation using pulldown assays and Western blotting and then examined t
99            Complementary to this, we applied pulldown assays as well as microscale thermophoresis as
100 ation analysis, immunoprecipitation, and GST pulldown assays based on the theoretical predictions rev
101            Size exclusion chromatography and pulldown assays both indicate that the lower pH conforma
102  We used L-selectin cytoplasmic tail peptide pulldown assays combined with high sensitivity liquid ch
103                                        Using pulldown assays combined with mass spectrometry analysis
104 oprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays confirm the complex formation between TB
105                   Co-immunoprecipitation and pulldown assays confirmed PKC and beta-catenin as bindin
106      Both coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro pulldown assays confirmed that ASAP1 directly binds to F
107                                              Pulldown assays confirmed that the binding between the p
108                                              Pulldown assays confirmed the presence of newly translat
109                                     In vitro pulldown assays confirmed this interaction, which was fo
110                   Co-immunoprecipitation and pulldown assays coupled with site-directed mutagenesis d
111                                          GST pulldown assays demonstrate that the dimerization domain
112                                              Pulldown assays demonstrated interaction between betaCaM
113 erminal kinase domain combined with in vitro pulldown assays demonstrated that eriodictyol, a flavano
114                                     Pak-CRIB pulldown assays demonstrated that Norbin promotes the P-
115 and glutathione S-transferase fusion protein pulldown assays demonstrated that Rab8 interacted with t
116                                          RNA pulldown assays demonstrated that SRSF3 binds to an alte
117              Glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays demonstrated that the hnRNP H NLS intera
118 oprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays demonstrated that the N terminus of ClC-
119                               Two-hybrid and pulldown assays demonstrated that UL20, but no other HSV
120                                          GST pulldown assays demonstrated that vIRF1 interacts with U
121 roteins within platelets and confirmation by pulldown assays followed by immunoblotting, we identifie
122                                              Pulldown assays from Arabidopsis thaliana tissue culture
123 trometry and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays identified integrin alpha5 as a novel Sc
124                                          GST pulldown assays in yeast lysates demonstrated physical i
125 , isothermal titration calorimetry data, and pulldown assays indicated that CaM-N and CaM-C both can
126                       Structural results and pulldown assays indicated that L3 renders an in-built ge
127     In this study, glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays indicated that residues 1 to 68 of UL84
128                                              Pulldown assays of a Orai1-CMBD(W76E) mutant, gel filtra
129                      Immunoprecipitation and pulldown assays of purified proteins demonstrated a dire
130                                     Finally, pulldown assays reveal a bipartite physical interaction
131                    Co-immunopurification and pulldown assays reveal that P2X4 receptors complex with
132           Coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro pulldown assays reveal that phosphorylation of MyoGEF at
133                    Glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays revealed binding of CFTR to alpha-AP-2 (
134                                          Rho pulldown assays revealed that Cryptococcus induces activ
135                                              Pulldown assays revealed that either of CSS2A, CSS2B, an
136 pitation and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays revealed that GBP1 interacted with the N
137                  Yeast two-hybrid and direct pulldown assays revealed that the N-terminal domain of t
138                    Coimmunoprecipitation and pulldown assays revealed that vimentin interacted with A
139                                 Results from pulldown assays show that ARF6 exchanges GDP for GTP in
140                    Both in vitro and in vivo pulldown assays show that MyoGEF interacts with CSPP.
141 r hemin exporter, results with hemin-agarose pulldown assays showed that Abc3 binds to hemin.
142                                        Oligo pulldown assays showed that binding of Myc to the Inr el
143                                              Pulldown assays showed that NS2 forms complexes with bot
144 by absorbance spectroscopy and hemin-agarose pulldown assays showed that Shu1 interacts with hemin, w
145                         In vitro and in vivo pulldown assays showed that the carboxyl-terminal region
146                                          RNA pulldown assays showed that UL84 interacted with IRS1 mR
147                     In vitro translation and pulldown assays suggest direct interaction between BCL10
148                                     Although pulldown assays suggest that the presence of N- and C-te
149        Here, we show by yeast two-hybrid and pulldown assays that SpoVID also interacts directly with
150  selected biochemical pathways; (c) affinity pulldown assays that, in some cases, confirm and even ex
151 al mRNA-binding proteins identified from RNA pulldown assays to determine which of these exhibit bona
152    Here, we used biolayer interferometry and pulldown assays to identify regions of RAG1 necessary fo
153        Using G protein activity and in vitro pulldown assays we demonstrate that G alpha(i3) is a bet
154  depending on its CTD phosphorylation state, pulldown assays were performed using the CTD of the duck
155 tial effect, glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays were performed, revealing that Y544 is c
156                          However, our enzyme pulldown assays with different polymeric substrates sugg
157 o-immunoprecipitation, two-hybrid assay, and pulldown assays with expressed proteins.
158        For the active residues, we performed pulldown assays with membrane-impermeable 2-aminoethyl m
159 o-immunoprecipitation with ACCA antibody and pulldown assays with recombinant AKR1B10 protein.
160 ed both in vitro by Far-Western and antibody pulldown assays with recombinant proteins and in vivo by
161 say that combines principles of conventional pulldown assays with single-molecule fluorescence micros
162   Here, using size-exclusion chromatography, pulldown assays, and small angle x-ray scattering, we sh
163 brid mating and co-transformation protocols, pulldown assays, and surface plasmon resonance analysis.
164                                           In pulldown assays, CR binding to fusion proteins containin
165 biophysical methods, including heterocomplex pulldown assays, far-UV CD spectroscopy, the thioflavin
166 ombination of kindlin knockdown, biochemical pulldown assays, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence r
167 oplasmic capping complex was demonstrated by pulldown assays, gel filtration and proximity-dependent
168                                              Pulldown assays, gel filtration, isothermal titration ca
169                       As shown with affinity pulldown assays, PrgJ and the K471E mutant protein inter
170                   In immunoprecipitation and pulldown assays, ShcA, via its SH2 domain, was associate
171           GST-VCP/p97 bound purified PP2A in pulldown assays, showing direct protein-protein interact
172 acted with the helicase domain of BKV Tag in pulldown assays, suggesting that NFI helps recruit Tag t
173                                       By GST pulldown assays, the interaction domains between HMG2L1
174                                           In pulldown assays, the rank order of AnkG binding strength
175 g luciferase p-miR-Report constructs and RNA pulldown assays, we confirmed that miR-511 bound directl
176                                        Using pulldown assays, we demonstrate that SIRT1-Delta2/9 bind
177  Using EMSA, supershift assays, and promoter pulldown assays, we demonstrated that CREB, ATF-2, and c
178                                           By pulldown assays, we discovered that in addition to the p
179                           Furthermore, using pulldown assays, we discovered that Sam68 is a possible
180 ce energy transfer experiments, and in vitro pulldown assays, we have now identified the key residues
181  Using the human Cad11 cytoplasmic domain in pulldown assays, we identified human angiomotin (Amot),
182 pitation (co-IP), mass spectrometry, and GST pulldown assays, we identified poly(ADP-ribose) polymera
183  assays, and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays, we show that NR2A subunits interact dir
184                            We next performed pulldown assays, with GGGGCC5, in conjunction with mass
185  by using RNA immunoprecipitation and biotin pulldown assays.
186 cence, flow cytometry, real-time RT-PCR, and pulldown assays.
187  co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro protein pulldown assays.
188 d as the 14-3-3 binding region by GST-14-3-3 pulldown assays.
189 d the TM 4,5-loop was demonstrated using GST pulldown assays.
190 1 for binding to both PP2Acalpha isoforms in pulldown assays.
191 th E2 and interacted only weakly with NS3 in pulldown assays.
192 n protein (amino acids 475-589) on liposomal pulldown assays.
193 ently confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays.
194 nal domain of RPW8.2, which was confirmed by pulldown assays.
195 oprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays.
196 tion with Akt2 by co-immunoprecipitation and pulldown assays.
197 al 44 amino acids of PDZD11, as shown by GST-pulldown assays.
198 h phosphatase abolishes their association in pulldown assays.
199 and in vitro glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays.
200 otein complex immunoprecipitation and biotin pulldown assays.
201 ), as shown by yeast two-hybrid and in vitro pulldown assays.
202                                        Using pulldown binding assays, we find the alpha-spectrin EF-d
203 d -2 with recombinant integrin beta tails in pulldown binding assays.
204         The interaction was confirmed by GST pulldown, blot overlay, and co-immunoprecipitation assay
205 ng endosome compartments were seen following pulldown by immunoaffinity chromatography with Rab-speci
206 n was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown, coimmunoprecipitation, and laser confocal micr
207  this stem-loop region using an RNA affinity pulldown-coupled mass spectrometry approach and identifi
208 T84D enhances the ability of origin ssDNA to pulldown Dpb11, and Sld2 binding to origin ssDNA may be
209 reated samples, from which we also find that pulldown efficiency sharply increases for DNA fragments
210  found, although the corresponding biases in pulldown efficiency were all <5%.
211 equence specificity of MBD2-DNA binding in a pulldown experiment revealing three potential biases in
212  third protein in yeast three-hybrid assays, pulldown experiments (luminescence-based mammalian inter
213                                              Pulldown experiments also indicated that all four core p
214                                              Pulldown experiments and chemical shift perturbation ana
215                                 According to pulldown experiments and in vitro binding assays, Cspalp
216  However, the target was identified based on pulldown experiments and in vitro binding data, without
217                                              Pulldown experiments confirmed these results, as HMGB1 w
218 Yeast two-hybrid, co-immunoprecipitation and pulldown experiments demonstrate Piasy and Pias1 interac
219                              Single-molecule pulldown experiments demonstrate that each molecule of O
220                                          MBP pulldown experiments demonstrated that the UreD domain o
221      Chromatin immunoprecipitation and oligo pulldown experiments demonstrated that whereas binding o
222  ROMK antibody and glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments demonstrated the association betwee
223                                       By RNA pulldown experiments followed by MALDI/TOF-MS analysis,
224                                              Pulldown experiments from adult parasite culture medium
225                      Immunoprecipitation and pulldown experiments indicated that Tpr2 associates with
226               Co-immunoprecipitation and GST pulldown experiments provided evidence that EPLIN intera
227                    Glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments revealed a direct interaction betwe
228                              Mutagenesis and pulldown experiments revealed multiple Hsp70-binding sit
229                                              Pulldown experiments revealed that it is not stably asso
230 and glutathione S-transferase fusion protein pulldown experiments show that tyrosol-phosphorylated Er
231             Coimmunoprecipitation and biotin pulldown experiments showed that GR associates with CCL2
232                                              Pulldown experiments showed that the hsp90-iNOS complex
233                                          HCV pulldown experiments showed that this phenomenon was cau
234                    Glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments showed there was a direct physical
235 ological measurements in Xenopus oocytes and pulldown experiments to analyze the direct interaction b
236                                              Pulldown experiments using affinity-tagged Spx showed th
237   Reciprocal glutathione-S-transferase (GST) pulldown experiments using bacterially expressed UL44 an
238                                              Pulldown experiments using extracts of B. subtilis cells
239 his is a direct interaction, demonstrated by pulldown experiments using purified proteins.
240 unoprecipitation and AQP0 C-terminal peptide pulldown experiments were used to confirm the protein-pr
241 ial ligand lipopolysaccharide and subsequent pulldown experiments with biotin-avidin affinity chromat
242                                 We performed pulldown experiments with biotinylated thymosin beta-4 (
243                Using immunoprecipitation and pulldown experiments with domain-specific recombinant fr
244 eins interacting with GlyRbeta, we performed pulldown experiments with rat brain extracts using a glu
245 wo proteins using co-immunoprecipitation and pulldown experiments with truncated or mutant Drosophila
246 trast, results from kinetic studies, heparin pulldown experiments, and inhibition experiments with an
247 analysis, immunoprecipitations, mutagenesis, pulldown experiments, and peptide arrays constrained PP1
248              Using glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments, chemical cross-linking, size exclu
249             (v) According to 20 S proteasome pulldown experiments, Hsp60 is physically associated wit
250                                           In pulldown experiments, PC1 bound to Galpha(12), but not t
251 R1 constructs, and glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments, we demonstrate that TRAF2 rapidly
252 -tagged in vivo and used as bait in separate pulldown experiments.
253 unoprecipitation and AQP0 C-terminal peptide pulldown experiments.
254 embled the GAP complex in label transfer and pulldown experiments.
255 f 1 (1-Btn) to be used as a tool in affinity pulldown experiments.
256                                         GST "pulldown" experiments demonstrated that the Ptp52F subst
257                                    PAR-resin pulldown, followed by proteomic analysis, demonstrated h
258 le length regulators were identified in EML1 pulldowns from embryonic brain extracts.
259  This is confirmed by comparing input versus pulldown high-throughput sequencing data on M.SssI-treat
260 tiple studies in vitro and in vivo including pulldown, immunoprecipitation and chromatin immunoprecip
261 as shown using fluorescence energy transfer, pulldown, immunoprecipitation, cross-linking experiments
262 a was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pulldown in vitro and coimmunoprecipitation in vivo.
263 o anti-ubiquitin were seen in the optineurin pulldown, indicating that optineurin was ubiquitinated.
264 metal cofactor bound to LpxC, we developed a pulldown method to rapidly purify tagged LpxC under anae
265 pled to a green fluorescent protein-nanotrap pulldown methodology and liquid chromatography-tandem ma
266 Cq-IGFBP) protein was produced and, using a "pulldown" methodology, was shown to specifically interac
267                                      Protein pulldown, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulati
268 nterrogation technique, to perform nanoscale pulldowns (NanoSPDs) within living cells.
269                                              Pulldown of active Rap1 and fluorescence microscopic ana
270                                              Pulldown of ectopically expressed Cul1, the scaffold pro
271 re, we used immunoprecipitation and affinity pulldown of ectopically expressed p30 coupled with mass
272 ircPVT1, only let-7 was found enriched after pulldown of endogenous CircPVT1, suggesting that CircPVT
273 +), Ni(2+), Ag(+), Hg(2+), and Bi(3+) blocks pulldown of MTF1(321-675) by PAO beads in vitro and in v
274                               Using affinity pulldowns of Strep-tagged UAPs from Arabidopsis and rice
275 au interaction cluster that contained 33 Tau pulldown proteins.
276  biological approaches, including active RAS pulldown, reporter and Comet assays, small interfering R
277 on of a polyhistidine-tagged Pup followed by pulldown revealed that a broad spectrum of proteins were
278                           Moreover, affinity pulldowns show that p18 and the CTR interact.
279                                          GST pulldown showed that TAT-SNAP-23 bound to the combinatio
280                   We use the single-molecule pulldown (SiMPull) assay that combines principles of con
281                  By means of single-molecule pulldown (SiMPull), we determined a TAP/tapasin ratio of
282                                Using poly(A) pulldown stranded RNA-seq and a 3' end transcript counti
283                     Here, we use a novel RNA pulldown strategy coupled with mass spectrometry to iden
284 munoprecipitation and biotin-labeled miR-665 pulldown studies identified Kat6a as another potential t
285                                      Vesicle pulldown studies showed that acidic phospholipids recrui
286 unoprecipitated from T cell lysates, and GST-pulldown studies showed that Itk's Src homology 2 domain
287                     Using colocalization and pulldown studies we further document a noggin-insensitiv
288 t signaling that interacts with the VDR, GST pulldown studies were performed.
289 oprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pulldown studies.
290 ble proteins were studied by a precipitation pulldown technique.
291 ly to purified 14-3-3zeta as demonstrated by pulldown techniques.
292 ed animals demonstrated stronger acute viral pulldown than controls, but a trend for higher acute vir
293 , we have utilized glutathione S-transferase pulldowns, two-hybrid analysis, and NMR to demonstrate t
294 is interaction was confirmed by a reciprocal pulldown using FLAG-tagged Ycf54 as bait.
295 immunoprecipitations from heart extracts and pulldowns using heterologously expressed proteins provid
296                                   Biotin-RNA pulldown, UV-crosslinking and gel shift experiments indi
297                                        Using pulldowns, we here identify teneurins, type II transmemb
298     By using glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldowns, we identified an essential role of lysine 343
299 density gradient centrifugation and antibody pulldowns, we show that all six A subunits are associate
300                                      Protein pulldowns were used to identify Fam65b-interacting prote

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