


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ine of AAT levels in sera is responsible for pulmonary emphysema.
2 ical scanner can be used in the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema.
3 itor activity, resulting in liver injury and pulmonary emphysema.
4 g-induced senescence of lung fibroblasts and pulmonary emphysema.
5 n and airspace enlargement characteristic of pulmonary emphysema.
6 arget for the treatment and/or prevention of pulmonary emphysema.
7 ng and age-related human diseases, including pulmonary emphysema.
8 nsidered an environmental hazard that causes pulmonary emphysema.
9 tation of increased feature sizes related to pulmonary emphysema.
10  oxidative stress, and inflammation, such as pulmonary emphysema.
11 lmonary disease including bronchiectasis and pulmonary emphysema.
12 1 (MMP-1) is up-regulated in the lung during pulmonary emphysema.
13  the major cause of sterile inflammation and pulmonary emphysema.
14  activation/apoptosis in the pathogenesis of pulmonary emphysema.
15                                              Pulmonary emphysema, a significant global health problem
16 ncy is an inherited disorder associated with pulmonary emphysema and a higher risk of chronic obstruc
17 idant N-acetylcystein significantly improved pulmonary emphysema and dysfunction.
18             Genetic ablation of FoxO3 led to pulmonary emphysema and exaggerated inflammatory respons
19 rized by local tissue destruction coexist in pulmonary emphysema and other diseases.
20 cifications, bone mineral density reduction, pulmonary emphysema and senile atrophy of skin.
21 the preceding generation, the mother died of pulmonary emphysema and she was blind after the age of 5
22              Three excised murine lungs with pulmonary emphysema and three excised murine control lun
23  contribute to destructive processes such as pulmonary emphysema and vascular aneurysm formation.
24 iseases, including capillary stress failure, pulmonary emphysema, and vessel wall aneurysms.
25 ant protein D (SP-D) gene caused progressive pulmonary emphysema associated with pulmonary infiltrati
26 ing is a major factor for the development of pulmonary emphysema because it induces abnormal inflamma
27 rs +/- 8 [standard deviation]) with advanced pulmonary emphysema before lung volume reduction surgery
28 mphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages, and pulmonary emphysema coexist in lungs from patients with
29            Two million Americans suffer from pulmonary emphysema, costing $2.5 billion/year and contr
30 cation, severe muscle wasting, hypogonadism, pulmonary emphysema, distention of intestinal wall, and
31                                              Pulmonary emphysema impairs lung and respiratory muscle
32 ntary contrasts could allow the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema in a murine model.
33                   The volume and severity of pulmonary emphysema in individual lungs were measured by
34                                              Pulmonary emphysema is a common disease in which destruc
35                                              Pulmonary emphysema is a disease characterized by alveol
36                                              Pulmonary emphysema is believed to result from an imbala
37 e for the lung destruction characteristic of pulmonary emphysema, macrophage elastase-deficient (MME-
38 es to induce alveolar remodeling in a murine pulmonary emphysema modeling system.
39 o address the role of neutrophil elastase in pulmonary emphysema, neutrophil elastase-deficient mice
40  in development, and during diseases such as pulmonary emphysema or vascular aneurysm.
41                                              Pulmonary emphysema overlaps partially with spirometrica
42 netic associations with distinct patterns of pulmonary emphysema quantified by computed tomography sc
43 tion of latent TGF-beta causes age-dependent pulmonary emphysema through alterations of macrophage Mm
44                                              Pulmonary emphysema, together with chronic bronchitis is
45 ts that the stripe sign is caused by central pulmonary emphysema, we report a case of an identical pe
46  Cigarette smoke is the most common cause of pulmonary emphysema, which results in an irreversible lo
47 The ensuing systemic AAT deficiency leads to pulmonary emphysema, while intracellular polymers are to
48 uted tomography (CT) in patients with severe pulmonary emphysema who were scheduled to undergo lung v

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