


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e (19.2% [15.2-23.9]) were not equipped with pulse oximeters.
2  of supplemental oxygen is given, a reliable pulse oximeter aiming to avoid hyperoxemia is necessary.
3 four patients had a total of 70 simultaneous pulse oximeter and blood gas pair samples.
4                                Two different pulse oximeters and a transcutaneous PO2 monitor were us
5 saturation of the blood was monitored with a pulse oximeter, and arterial oxygen levels were measured
6 gulated continuous positive airway pressure, pulse oximeters, and blenders are routinely used once an
7              We further recommend that other pulse oximeters be tested by a methodology similar to th
8                       Each patient's initial pulse oximeter/blood gas pair was used in the statistica
9 llowing aims: (1) Placement of a functioning pulse oximeter by two minutes after birth, (2) Delayed i
10 lar photoplethysmographic waves are present, pulse oximeters can be relied upon not to misdiagnose ei
11                                          The pulse oximeter caused false-positive alarms most frequen
12                                          The pulse oximeter correlated well with the cooximeter-measu
13 mploying conventional oximetry (conventional pulse oximeter, CPO) and one using an improved innovativ
14      Finally, the battery is used to power a pulse oximeter, demonstrating its effectiveness as a pow
15             Until now, commercially produced pulse oximeters have utilized two wavelengths of light a
16 variation in the readings of two widely used pulse oximeters in preterm infants.
17 n improved innovative technology (innovative pulse oximeter, IPO), on different fingers of the same h
18 e was studying the cost-effectiveness of the pulse oximeter, it would be important to state whether t
19                       Episodes of hypoxemia (pulse oximeter oxygen saturation <80%) or bradycardia (p
20 om comparison, leaving 21 arterial blood gas/pulse oximeter pairs for analysis.
21     Approximately one fifth of the time, the pulse oximeter readings could be established as artifact
22 he data showed that, on average, the Nellcor pulse oximeter recorded saturation percentages 2.2% high
23                                   Continuous pulse oximeter recordings were obtained through 40 weeks
24 the various devices ranged from < 1% for the pulse oximeter's heart rate signal to 74% for the arteri
25                                              Pulse oximeter saturation was normal throughout.
26                    In this work, we report a pulse oximeter sensor based on organic materials, which
27 hose warning against the use of transmission pulse oximeter sensors in a reflectance manner, unintend
28                                          The pulse oximeter significantly underestimated saturation b
29 il postmenstrual ages of 36 to 40 weeks with pulse oximeters that displayed saturations of either 3%
30                                 Conventional pulse oximeters use expensive optoelectronic components
31           The development of multiwavelength pulse oximeters, which can measure total hemoglobin as w

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