


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 han that of wild-type fortilin as shown by a pulse-chase experiment.
2  cells when compared with control cells in a pulse-chase experiment.
3 7 +/- 17 and 245 +/- 29 min as determined by pulse-chase experiments.
4 pressed in the absence of virE1, as shown by pulse-chase experiments.
5 ylated mutant (N259Q,N263Q) were compared in pulse-chase experiments.
6 rmed delayed pulse, pulse-chase, and delayed pulse-chase experiments.
7 e observed processivity in pregnenolone/DHEA pulse-chase experiments.
8  other within 30 min of their synthesis with pulse-chase experiments.
9  detectably alter the stability of sigmaE in pulse-chase experiments.
10  of newly synthesized apo(a) was analyzed in pulse-chase experiments.
11 ines, as well as with BrdU incorporation and pulse-chase experiments.
12 cells and analyzed by immunofluorescence and pulse-chase experiments.
13 r rates of cleavage in vivo as determined by pulse-chase experiments.
14 cinal plant Pentalinon andrieuxii by (13)CO2 pulse-chase experiments.
15 mmunoprecipitation in the context of in vivo pulse-chase experiments.
16 n of protein synthesis with puromycin and by pulse-chase experiments.
17 ociation of the intermediates as revealed by pulse-chase experiments.
18  immunohistochemistry, and bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments.
19 r Abeta levels and hasten its degradation in pulse-chase experiments.
20 ar behavior of these mutants was assessed in pulse-chase experiments.
21 reaction amplitudes between pulse-quench and pulse-chase experiments.
22 tect replicase intermediates and products in pulse-chase experiments.
23 lesterol lead to increased apoE secretion in pulse/chase experiments.
24                                           In pulse-chase experiments, 14-3-3beta increased the synthe
25 oteins was determined by chemical detection, pulse-chase experiments,[3H]mannose labeling, and altera
26                                           In pulse-chase experiments, addition of LPL during the chas
27                                              Pulse-chase experiments after transferrin uptake showed
28                                      Second, pulse-chase experiments also establish that tREs are the
29                                      In vivo pulse chase experiments and immunoelectronmicroscopy hav
30  tail loss, we performed a bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiment and found that a subset of ependy
31                             Using nucleoside pulse-chase experiments and clonal analysis, we determin
32 cell fractionation in the context of in vivo pulse-chase experiments and immunoblot analysis.
33                                          EdU pulse-chase experiments and in vivo tracking of individu
34                            Here we performed pulse-chase experiments and showed that the C29/C30 ster
35 degradation of the molecule were analyzed by pulse-chase experiments and then by immunoprecipitation
36                                              Pulse-chase experiments and treatment of cells with bref
37 nce are based upon monoclonal antibodies and pulse-chase experiments, and there have been no reports
38 e results of serial transplantation and BrdU pulse-chase experiments are most consistent with the con
39                 The study shows that (13)CO2 pulse-chase experiments are powerful in elucidating, und
40         Lipid turnover rates were studied by pulse-chase experiments at the single cell level.
41                                           In pulse-chase experiments, [Cl-] in Tf-labeled early/recyc
42                                              Pulse chase experiments conducted in the presence of BFA
43                                      Isotope pulse-chase experiments confirm that all intermediates o
44                                              Pulse-chase experiments confirm that LRAD3 expression si
45                                              Pulse-chase experiments confirm these results.
46                                      (14)CO2 pulse-chase experiments confirmed that water deficit enh
47                                              Pulse-chase experiments confirmed the stress-dependent M
48                                              Pulse-chase experiments could not detect newly assembled
49 rrest of tumour cell proliferation with TMZ, pulse-chase experiments demonstrate a tumour re-growth c
50                                        Last, pulse-chase experiments demonstrate that Hsp70 preferent
51                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrate that in cells expres
52                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrate that PFK-M associate
53     Examination of selected mutants during a pulse-chase experiment demonstrated an increase in F pro
54                                          EdU pulse-chase experiments demonstrated a perivascular canc
55                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated similar levels of n
56                      Western immunoblots and pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that EsaR is stable
57                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that in the presenc
58                                         BrdU pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that LRCs were dist
59                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that NGF treatment
60                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that SpoIVFA synthe
61                         Western blotting and pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the D319E prot
62                                  Radioactive pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the defect lie
63                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the down-regul
64                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the loss of Si
65                                    Metabolic pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the two mutati
66                                         BrdU pulse-chase experiments demonstrated the longevity of th
67                                              Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated the reduced rate of
68 hese results were consistent with those from pulse-chase experiments demonstrating the conversion of
69         In fact, as directly demonstrated by pulse-chase experiments, EECs in the vascularized, but n
70                                           In pulse-chase experiments, either miR-33 overexpression or
71                                              Pulse chase experiments established that the reaction in
72  biosynthesis of both proteins were similar, pulse-chase experiments established that the apparent ha
73 rodimer formation in the ER was confirmed by pulse-chase experiment followed by coimmunoprecipitation
74                  Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiomet
75            In organello, pulse labelling and pulse-chase experiments have enabled us to track the mit
76                                              Pulse-chase experiments have shown that the increased N-
77                                              Pulse-chase experiments identified sites of cell surface
78                                              Pulse chase experiments in 293 T cells expressing rhGAA
79                                              Pulse chase experiments in cells labeled with 35S-methio
80                                              Pulse-chase experiments in combination with endoglycosid
81                                              Pulse-chase experiments in COS-7 cells show that there i
82                                              Pulse-chase experiments in gonococci demonstrated that L
83                           In [35S]methionine pulse-chase experiments in transiently transfected CHO c
84                                              Pulse-chase experiments in transiently transfected COS-7
85                                              Pulse-chase experiments in transiently transfected cultu
86 to the rate of loss of palmitate observed in pulse-chase experiments in vivo.
87                                              Pulse-chase experiments in which we utilized the transpo
88                                    Moreover, pulse/chase experiments in HepG2 cells treated with AvRB
89                                           In pulse-chase experiments, in which (64)Cu-TETA-OC was inc
90                                              Pulse chase experiments indicate that the newly-generate
91 f the elemental effect using dNTPalphaS, and pulse-chase experiments indicate that a rapid phosphodie
92 ted by cycling through the endosomal system, pulse-chase experiments indicate that cleavage at Gly-91
93                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicate that DBMsignal/PHMs tur
94                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicate that the probe turns ov
95                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicate that translation of tru
96                                     Finally, pulse/chase experiments indicate that the half-life of E
97                                              Pulse chase experiments indicated that A1PiZ was stabili
98                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated decreased protein turn
99                                   Radiolabel pulse-chase experiments indicated that all of the cell l
100                          Finally, results of pulse-chase experiments indicated that an increase in fu
101                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that early steps in DB
102                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that EGF stimulated th
103                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that HDC isoforms are
104                                     However, pulse-chase experiments indicated that p53 protein degra
105                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the G protein of
106                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the increased p53
107                                              Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the rates of hist
108                     For instance, radiolabel pulse-chase experiments indicated that the transport rat
109                                              Pulse/chase experiments indicated that RA affects FN bio
110                                   A modified pulse-chase experiment is applied to determine if the na
111      The half-life of bundlin as detected by pulse-chase experiments is dramatically reduced in a dsb
112                                 In a control pulse-chase experiment, levels of (64)Cu from [(64)Cu]cu
113 y of PDI is sufficient for wild-type growth, pulse-chase experiments monitoring the maturation of car
114 ks the starting point for a crystallographic pulse-chase experiment of the active site during turnove
115                                              Pulse-chase experiments of lens organ cultures with [35S
116                                            A pulse-chase experiment on living cells showed that the r
117      They enable regional optical marking in pulse-chase experiments on live cells and tissues, and t
118                                              Pulse/chase experiments on HepG2 cells treated with AvRB
119                                              Pulse-chase experiments or addition of the proteasome in
120                                              Pulse-chase experiments over extended chase periods show
121                                              Pulse-chase experiments performed in COS-1 cells indicat
122                                 Results from pulse-chase experiments performed with infected macropha
123                                 Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments previously demonstrated that the
124                                           By pulse-chase experiments, RanC/d proteins are more resist
125                                           In pulse-chase experiments, recycled peptidoglycan was not
126                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal a 4-5-fold increase in th
127                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal a delay in rRNA processin
128                                  First, BrdU pulse-chase experiments reveal that CD44(+) cells coloca
129                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal that Hsp70 does not regul
130    Cycloheximide and [(35)S]methionine pulse/pulse-chase experiments reveal that mevalonate depletion
131                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal that newly synthesized en
132            Immunofluorescence microscopy and pulse-chase experiments reveal that stabilization of ORF
133                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal that TCDD shortens the ha
134                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal that the p53 upregulation
135                                              Pulse-chase experiments reveal that, at a subsaturating
136 nding occurred at 2.1 muM(-1) s(-1), and the pulse-chase experiments revealed an ATP-promoted isomeri
137                                 In contrast, pulse-chase experiments revealed significantly shorter d
138                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that A774wt and avirule
139                                    Metabolic pulse-chase experiments revealed that after core glycosy
140                                      Fourth, pulse-chase experiments revealed that cholesterol enrich
141                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that CPAF was initially
142                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that cytoplasmic WHx ha
143                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that IE2-86 but not IE1
144                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that Msh2-Msh6 binds AT
145                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that newly made protein
146 nously expressing PC1, both steady-state and pulse-chase experiments revealed that peptides derived f
147                      Fate mapping using BrdU pulse-chase experiments revealed that such deficits may
148                                     In fact, pulse-chase experiments revealed that synthesis of p53 i
149                                 Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments revealed that the binding of QPD
150                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the DeltaMAM and a
151                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the half-life of t
152 y-state levels of the mMCP-2 transcript, and pulse-chase experiments revealed that the half-life of t
153                                  A series of pulse-chase experiments revealed that the origin of aort
154                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the t(1/2) of scFv
155 HO cells stably expressing the hKOR-N25/39Q, pulse-chase experiments revealed that the turnover rate
156                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the turnover rate
157                                              Pulse-chase experiments revealed that transferrin accumu
158                                              Pulse chase experiments show that Tap/NXT significantly
159                                              Pulse-chase experiments show that although the viral gly
160                                              Pulse-chase experiments show that approximately 35% of t
161                                      Rather, pulse-chase experiments show that decreases in steady st
162                            Bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments show that distal and proximal bl
163                              Pulse-label and pulse-chase experiments show that GPA is not incorporate
164                                    Pulse and pulse-chase experiments show that IL-2 stimulation resul
165 lferrin is also found in the cytoplasm where pulse-chase experiments show that it, in turn, releases
166                                              Pulse-chase experiments show that one of the splice vari
167                                    Metabolic pulse-chase experiments show that TC10 did not affect CF
168   Interestingly, both Western blotting and a pulse-chase experiment showed co-immunoprecipitation of
169                               In addition, a pulse-chase experiment showed that the depletion of MCL1
170                                            A pulse-chase experiment showed that, at 37 degrees C but
171                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed a monophasic degradation
172                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed an enhanced degradation a
173                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed CLIP dissociated more rap
174  affinity of the aldehydes for P450 2A6, but pulse-chase experiments showed only limited exchange wit
175                                 Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments showed PKCdelta is stabilized in
176                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that a fraction of gO rem
177                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that a portion of newly s
178                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that BIN1 was short-lived
179                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that both mutant and wild
180                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that caveolin-1 palmitoyl
181                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that collagen type I secr
182                               Significantly, pulse-chase experiments showed that cotransfection of Nr
183                       Metabolic labeling and pulse-chase experiments showed that ectopic hBH expressi
184                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that G protein folding in
185                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that p150 is rapidly gene
186                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that PreGN C-terminal cle
187                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that secretion of rVWFR27
188                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that sMR production in cu
189                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that SR-BII rapidly inter
190                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that the astrovirus capsi
191                                    Metabolic pulse-chase experiments showed that the CD3 gamma-chain
192                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that the contribution of
193                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that the induced form of
194                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that the interaction betw
195                                    Long-term pulse-chase experiments showed that the mature DeltaRI/D
196                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that the sulfated complex
197                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that these fragments were
198                             Pre-steady-state pulse-chase experiments showed that three ATPs were tigh
199                                              Pulse-chase experiments showed that UT-A1 half-life is r
200                                              Pulse/chase experiments showed that the newly synthesize
201                                           In pulse-chase experiments, stellate-shaped NCMs with rando
202                                           In pulse-chase experiments, stretch in parallel with the MF
203 ckdown, REGgamma-deficient MEF analysis, and pulse-chase experiments substantiate that REGgamma promo
204                    Our previous in organello pulse-chase experiments suggest that poly(A) tails stimu
205                     Cell synchronization and pulse-chase experiments suggest that the timing of Chs2p
206  cell medium very early during the course of pulse-chase experiments suggested that natural Abeta oli
207                      Here, we report genetic pulse-chase experiments that define osteoblastic cells a
208        We demonstrate, using [35S]methionine pulse-chase experiments, that native eNOS in adult rat v
209                               During a brief pulse-chase experiment, the fluorescent lipid accumulate
210                                           In pulse-chase experiments, the mutant islets incorporate l
211                                           In pulse-chase experiments, the newly synthesized type I pr
212                                           In pulse-chase experiments, the primary Vhs translation pro
213                                           In pulse-chase experiments, the two pools of calnuc had dif
214                      We employed a carbon-13 pulse-chase experiment to investigate how a temperate es
215                  Application of the modified pulse-chase experiment to the study of rapidly formed fo
216 rd commitment to catalysis was determined by pulse-chase experiments to be 0.70%.
217  To overcome this difficulty, we used Mg(2+) pulse-chase experiments to differentiate each reaction i
218 echniques to follow formation of NR by using pulse-chase experiments to examine protein and lipid del
219                                           In pulse-chase experiments to examine the effects of Ad-Acs
220 r organ culture and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse-chase experiments to identify and evaluate stem ce
221                                 We performed pulse-chase experiments to monitor the fate of endogenou
222 ng, molecular imaging, and [(35)S]methionine pulse-chase experiments, together with lysosome (chloroq
223                                              Pulse-chase experiments unambiguously demonstrate that a
224                                            A pulse-chase experiment using [35S]methionine labeling of
225                       Here we describe a new pulse-chase experiment using long-term enrichment with 1
226                                     Finally, pulse-chase experiments using [(14)C]serine revealed tha
227                                              Pulse-chase experiments using [(35)S]methionine metaboli
228                                              Pulse-chase experiments using [35S]methionine demonstrat
229 Rev protein in living cells was evaluated by pulse-chase experiments using a transient Rev expression
230                                              Pulse-chase experiments using hepatocytes isolated from
231                          From the results of pulse-chase experiments using radiolabeled intact yeast
232                                              Pulse-chase experiments using transiently transfected CO
233                                           In pulse chase experiments, using metabolically 35S-labeled
234                                           In pulse-chase experiments, vacuoles labeled with the lumen
235                                            A pulse-chase experiment was used to demonstrate that even
236  nucleocapsids into virions as determined in pulse-chase experiments was dependent on the activity of
237                          Here, using a (13)C pulse-chase experiment, we demonstrate how trophic struc
238                                        Using pulse-chase experiments, we also discovered that the pec
239                                           By pulse-chase experiments, we found that the half-lives of
240 lizing in vivo imaging and bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments, we have analyzed growth and reg
241                                        Using pulse-chase experiments, we have demonstrated that wild-
242 es to different parts of the molecule and in pulse-chase experiments, we showed that the C terminus o
243 ed cells to assemble the tripartite complex, pulse-chase experiments were performed.
244 action time courses, substrate trapping, and pulse-chase experiments were used to assess folate relea
245                                          NMR pulse-chase experiments were used to show that 13C-enric
246  of these mutant enzymes was also studied by pulse-chase experiments which produced results consisten
247                                              Pulse-chase experiments with (14)CO(2) show that transpo
248          In studies with cycloheximide or in pulse-chase experiments with [(35)S]methionine, we demon
249 lation of sarcolemmal eNOS, as determined by pulse-chase experiments with [3H]palmitate.
250 inetic lags were observed in acid formation; pulse-chase experiments with carrier aldehydes showed on
251                                      Optical pulse-chase experiments with Dendra2-tagged aSyn version
252                                              Pulse-chase experiments with dialkylindocarbocyanine low
253                                      Through pulse-chase experiments with halogenated thymidine analo
254                                           By pulse-chase experiments with in vivo L-[methyl-(3)H]meth
255                                              Pulse-chase experiments with labeled fatty acids in all
256                                              Pulse-chase experiments with radiolabeled sugars and ami
257                            Bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments with short survival times sugges
258                                    Pulse and pulse/chase experiments with BrdU confirmed the germinal

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