


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 atients, obligate anaerobes were isolated in pure culture.
2 tions yielded Aggregatibacter aphrophilus in pure culture.
3 ients, Veillonella species were recovered in pure culture.
4 y impeded by difficulties in growing them in pure culture.
5 ted with selected fecal bacterial strains in pure culture.
6 ay a role in the effects seen in soil or the pure culture.
7 ated with nine single strains of bacteria in pure culture.
8 umber of spores produced by member clones in pure culture.
9  genome of any organism that can be grown in pure culture.
10  was lower than the protection elicited by a pure culture.
11 esentative marine organisms were isolated in pure culture.
12 ylmuramic acid supplementation for growth as pure cultures.
13 few pathways have been already elucidated in pure cultures.
14 ficantly more resistant to heavy metals than pure cultures.
15 ent with diel cycling observed in laboratory pure cultures.
16 is 1.5 times the highest value reported with pure cultures.
17 ed within 6 h from the time of starting from pure cultures.
18 es, genera and species that were archived as pure cultures.
19    In no case was S. lugdunensis isolated in pure culture; 29 (94%) of 31 S. lugdunensis isolates wer
20                                        Using pure cultures, 3-NOP is demonstrated to inhibit growth o
21 f the 4 predominant serovars was isolated in pure culture, 448 (81.0%) were aged <5 years and case fa
22                 The organism was isolated in pure culture after inoculation of blood from wild-caught
23      Finally, when they were challenged with pure cultures, all 10 ribotypes of C. difficile generate
24 Recently, monochloramine cometabolism by the pure culture ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas eu
25 hod could be monitoring for contamination in pure cultures; analysis of mixed bacterial cultures, whe
26 ) were approximately 1 to 20 CFU/reaction in pure culture and 10(3) to 10(4) CFU/g in spiked ground b
27 ng the same number of H. pylori organisms, a pure culture and feces spiked with H. pylori, were estab
28 could be detected within 1h and 3h from both pure culture and ground beef samples, respectively.
29 PhiA1122::luxAB rapidly detects Y. pestis in pure culture and human serum by transducing a biolumines
30 ontamination, by virtue of being isolated in pure culture and in high concentrations (>100,000 CFU/ml
31                    The assay performances in pure culture and spiked ground beef and human stools wer
32 tivation of PCB-respiring Dehalococcoides in pure culture and the identification of PCB-RDase genes d
33 ysiologically diverse archaeal and bacterial pure cultures and enrichments, and used to visualize tra
34 the type of biosorbent (whether consortia or pure cultures), and the type of metal.
35 h blood from cats infected with LSU16 from a pure culture, and five naive cats were injected with fec
36 e these organisms have resisted isolation in pure culture, and so their phenotypic and genotypic char
37  been demonstrated in laboratory microcosms, pure cultures, and in situ sedimentary environments.
38 ed decorin up-regulated hepatic functions in pure cultures as well as cocultures with low-inducing fi
39 mM) did not reduce C. coli and jejuni during pure culture but did during co-culture with P. distasoni
40 le to infect the kidney when inoculated as a pure culture but were unable to efficiently compete with
41 ike growth factor II (IGF-II) grow slowly in pure cultures but have a proliferation advantage in mixe
42 d dechlorination of strain 195 maintained in pure cultures, but can be prevented by CO-metabolizing a
43  any of the tested growth conditions for the pure cultures, cocultures or the mixed communities, indi
44 n example for each of the following: (i) the pure culture cultivation of a methanogen at an ultralow,
45  that Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain JNA in pure culture dechlorinated pentachlorophenol to 3,5-dich
46                             JNA is the first pure culture demonstrated to carry out this extensive an
47 rowth were unable to survive when regrown in pure culture due to the production of excess acid.
48 , and the combination of different labels in pure culture (e.g., for 'virtual time-lapse' microscopy)
49  enabling the investigation of a mesocosm or pure culture experiment in a completely closed system, i
50 essential for chlorate reduction in isogenic pure culture experiments, but showed only minor fitness
51 r of 1,4-dioxane biodegradation by bacterial pure cultures exposed to chlorinated solvent mixtures as
52         The detection limit was 105CFU/ml in pure culture for Lactobacillus spp. and 120CFU/ml in pur
53 ture for Lactobacillus spp. and 120CFU/ml in pure culture for S. aureus.
54 rganism cultured from sheep, was isolated in pure culture from a pulmonary abscess in a horse.
55 Actinomyces-like bacterium were recovered in pure culture from infected root canals of teeth.
56 obic strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis in pure culture from the site of an infected prosthetic hip
57 , molecular, and geochemical tools to verify pure culture H(2) threshold measurements for hyperthermo
58                                 Thus far, no pure culture has been reported to respire on the notorio
59                            Bacteria grown in pure culture have been the starting point for the discov
60 iring that those organisms first be grown in pure culture, holds great promise for understanding key
61                                              Pure cultured I/CB PE cells were obtained from eyes of n
62 the absence of oxygen have been brought into pure culture in recent years.
63 ual bacterial species still relies on having pure cultures in the laboratory.
64     The bacteria colonized and persisted, in pure culture, in the alimentary tracts of both mouse str
65 sotopic dynamics during aqueous mesocosm and pure culture incubations.
66 simple and provides results in < 24 h once a pure culture is available for testing, which is consider
67 ing isolates of these targets, preferably in pure cultures, is crucial for advancing understanding of
68 Cs are often not amenable for cultivation in pure culture, it is possible to obtain a greater diversi
69 ssfully to analyze global gene expression in pure cultures, it has not been rigorously tested and eva
70 were evident in these C. albicans-colonized (pure culture) mice.
71 nutrient cycling, lifestyles not captured in pure culture must be considered.
72 ed to direct the growth of RGC neurites from pure cultures (n=105) and retinal explants (n=64) along
73 , we investigated the capabilities of an AOA pure culture, Nitrososphaera gargensis, to biotransform
74                                            A pure culture of a photosynthetic bacterium grew as a pho
75 tral heterotrophic symbiosis and a report of pure culture of a thioautotrophic endosymbiont.
76 ring in vitro fermentation of okara(ET) by a pure culture of Bifidobacterium bifidus was mainly repre
77                          Colonization with a pure culture of C. albicans was not lethal for adult or
78 d immune responses after colonization with a pure culture of C. albicans.
79 +/-, +/+) counterparts were colonized with a pure culture of Candida albicans to assess their natural
80 or IL-10 KO mice colonized as adults, with a pure culture of Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Lact
81 sease (IBD) after they were colonized with a pure culture of Enterococcus faecalis.
82 ich had been feeding on cats infected with a pure culture of LSU16.
83  resulted in up to 40-fold more toxin than a pure culture of lysogens, whereas the addition of phage
84 ative specimens revealed fungal hyphae and a pure culture of mould.
85 phage was detected in the transcriptome of a pure culture of Streptomyces avermitilis, suggesting for
86                         We maintained a >99% pure culture of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 for an operat
87        Moreover, reintubation of mice with a pure culture of the Acinetobacter sp. caused gastritis.
88 iazotrophic growth and metals acquisition in pure culture of the ubiquitous N(2) fixing bacterium Azo
89                                              Pure cultures of 47 subgingival E. faecalis clinical iso
90  naturally occurring radioactive element, by pure cultures of aerobic marine tellurite-resistant micr
91  assays for in vitro myogenesis using either pure cultures of alpha 4-null myoblasts derived from the
92                 The biosensor sensitivity in pure cultures of B. cereus was found to be 10(0) colony
93 ellular polymeric substances (EPS) from both pure cultures of bacteria and mixed species biofilm isol
94                                        Using pure cultures of bacterial isolates as food, we identifi
95 gradation of aniline and diphenylamine using pure cultures of Burkholderia sp. strain JS667, which ca
96 nipulation can be used to select essentially pure cultures of cardiomyocytes from differentiating ES
97 bes a simple approach to generate relatively pure cultures of cardiomyocytes from differentiating mur
98  an anoxia-reoxygenation (AX/RO) model using pure cultures of cerebral endothelial cells (CECs) isola
99                                 We generated pure cultures of cortical astrocytes from Period2::lucif
100 w or high organic matter contents as well as pure cultures of E. coli are challenged with either raw
101                                 In virtually pure cultures of embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) rat cortical
102 toxin, followed by 1 hour of incubation with pure cultures of enteric bacteria, namely, Salmonella ty
103 creases in extracellular adenosine in nearly pure cultures of forebrain neurons.
104 lthy little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) to pure cultures of G. destructans causes WNS.
105 domestic housefly, Musca domestica, when fed pure cultures of H. pylori, was able to harbor the organ
106                                              Pure cultures of HFRPE cells were isolated.
107                                              Pure cultures of human corneal epithelial cells and kera
108                                              Pure cultures of human corneal epithelial cells and kera
109 -athymic pups born to mothers colonized with pure cultures of L. reuteri or L. casei GG.
110 milar to that of CH4 production derived from pure cultures of methanogens and anaerobic microbial com
111 ope data for abiotic terrestrial samples and pure cultures of methanogens.
112                       Our previous work with pure cultures of methylating bacteria has demonstrated t
113 ic polyethylenimine (PEI) were more toxic to pure cultures of nitrogen-cycling bacteria than QDs coat
114 en times the yield obtained previously using pure cultures of Nitrosomonas europaea.
115                                              Pure cultures of termite gut spirochetes were obtained a
116                                   We show on pure cultures of the bacterium Pseudomonas azelaica that
117 ,4-dioxane degradation process was driven by pure cultures of the Fe(III)-reducing facultative anaero
118  acid mine drainage waters using (initially) pure cultures of the recently described acidophilic, iro
119 he detection limit of the current assay with pure cultures of the serotype was ca. 10(4) colony-formi
120             DNA templates were prepared with pure cultures of type strains.
121                                              Pure cultures of virus-infected and activated microglia
122                                  By using a "pure" culture of CTV from a cDNA clone and green fluores
123 xed microflora in enrichment cultures and in pure culture on solid media.
124 onucleic acid (DNA), precluding the need for pure cultures or screening of recombinant clones for enz
125 ctive than PEf1 in infecting E. coli K-12 in pure cultures, PEf1 was 20-fold more effective in suppre
126 strocytes, but not neurons, from hypoxia in 'pure' culture, presumably by increasing intracellular ci
127 H7 at the low concentration within 10 min in pure culture samples.
128         Until now there were no organisms in pure culture that degraded benzene anaerobically.
129 aritimus strain SCM1, the only marine AOA in pure culture thus far, demonstrated distinct adaptations
130 but only a few strains have been isolated in pure culture thus far.
131 ctions that cannot be observed in studies of pure cultures, underscoring the importance of synthetic
132 f H. hepaticus chromosomal DNA prepared from pure culture was 20 fg, which is equivalent to approxima
133 On the basis of previous work with microbial pure cultures, we demonstrate that N(2)O emitted during
134                                   Those from pure culture were identified with high accuracy, while t
135  an infrared transparent medium or produce a pure culture were the main advantages of reflectance mic
136                                              Pure cultures were noted for 20% of oxacillin-resistant
137 s, known to produce the target mycotoxins on pure cultures, were analyzed and alternariol concentrati
138 and study previously uncultured organisms in pure culture will enhance our understanding of microbial
139                                              Pure culture work using bacterial isolates related to th

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