


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                          The purulent abscess drainage was sent for culture.
2 aining lymph node and the formation of large purulent abscesses that contained the bacteria.
3 ruginosa to respond to signals found in muco-purulent airway liquids collected from chronically infec
4 thick, tenacious, protease- and oxidant-rich purulent airway secretions that are difficult to clear e
5 vated peripheral white blood cell count, and purulent amniotic fluid.
6 mend CA-MRSA coverage for cellulitis, except purulent cellulitis, which is uncommon.
7                Physical examination revealed purulent conjunctivitis of the right eye associated with
8            Patients with chronic, relapsing, purulent conjunctivitis should have their upper eyelid e
9 ian male was referred to our department with purulent conjunctivitis, occurring five days after chemo
10 ert tortoises and include serous, mucoid, or purulent discharge from the nares, excessive tearing to
11 s not unique to staphylococcal infection and purulent discharge has been widely considered a physiolo
12                       There was no bloody or purulent discharge.
13 r the infection (impetigo or cellulitis with purulent drainage but no abscess), there was no differen
14 ess at the wound site, swelling at the site, purulent drainage, and leukocytosis).
15 ections were identified in the subset having purulent drainage, antibiotic therapy, or debridement.
16                       For cellulitis without purulent drainage, beta-hemolytic streptococci are presu
17  than 12 years with cellulitis and no wound, purulent drainage, or abscess enrolled from April 2009 t
18                                            A purulent exudate was seen in 22% (99/450) of these child
19 oplasmacytic bronchiolitis with intraluminal purulent exudate, BOOP, and pulmonary edema.
20 ent, presence of serous discharge, erythema, purulent exudate, separation of the deep tissues, isolat
21 une cells, transforming abscess lesions into purulent exudate, with which staphylococci disseminate t
22 actoferrin (Lf) is abundant on mucosa and in purulent exudates, many gonococci do not express an Lf r
23 n of the lacrimal gland that were expressing purulent fluid into the superior fornix.
24                                              Purulent fluid was drained in 13 patients.
25 led cavity containing an air-fluid level and purulent fluid.
26 so an opportunistic pathogen associated with purulent infections at oral and nonoral sites.
27 y etiological agent in a variety of necrotic purulent infections in animals and humans.
28  etiological agent in a variety of necrotic, purulent infections in humans and animals.
29 nfections at multiple sites characterized by purulent infections without organisms detected by Gram s
30 acterized by poor chlamydial clearance and a purulent inflammatory infiltrate vs effective eliminatio
31 occus, causes strangles, a highly contagious purulent lymphadenitis and pharyngitis of members of the
32       A Brucella isolate was identified from purulent material collected during a hip surgery.
33                                              Purulent material was found in the grafts in all patient
34 al small fluctuant masses that were draining purulent material.
35 itor necrostatin-5 promoted the formation of purulent microlesions and blocked cell death, respective
36  with a salivary/mucosalivary (compared with purulent/mucopurulent) appearance of sputum (odds ratio,
37  flagellin transcription when it is grown in purulent mucus from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) a
38                          Mice succumbed to a purulent multifocal severe exudative bronchopneumonia th
39 s or signs of high fever (>39 degrees C) and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain lasting for at l
40 mptoms for more than 10 days, high fever and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain lasting for at l
41 ce or teeth (especially when unilateral) and purulent nasal secretions.
42 scharge from the nares, excessive tearing to purulent ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, and edema of
43 ement of left-sided colonic perforation with purulent or fecal peritonitis remains controversial.
44 affected members suffered from cementoma and purulent osteomyelitis (p.Cys360Tyr).
45               Perforated diverticulitis with purulent peritonitis (Hinchey III) has traditionally bee
46               Perforated diverticulitis with purulent peritonitis has traditionally been treated with
47  resection in perforated diverticulitis with purulent peritonitis.
48 ice for acute perforated diverticulitis with purulent peritonitis.
49 emperature, abnormal white blood cell count, purulent pulmonary secretions defined by neutrophils on
50 f fever, abnormal white blood cell count, or purulent pulmonary secretions do not substantively alter
51 ia, persistence of fever or hypothermia with purulent respiratory secretions, greater than or equal t
52    Because mucus hypersecretion is common in purulent rhinitis, we questioned whether clarithromycin
53 t sinus disease and from patients with acute purulent rhinitis.
54 d without methacholine from 10 patients with purulent rhinitis.
55 ed on the presence of "cardinal symptoms" of purulent rhinorrhea and either facial pressure or nasal
56 ce, local pain with unilateral predominance, purulent rhinorrhea bilateral, presence of pus in the na
57  sinusitis (had > or =2 diagnostic criteria: purulent rhinorrhea with unilateral predominance, local
58  daytime cough that may be worse at night or purulent rhinorrhea, or both, lasting at least 10 days,
59 acheobronchitis defined as the production of purulent secretions (> or = 2 mL during 4 hrs) with orga
60 ey exhibited signs of respiratory infection (purulent secretions and Clinical Pulmonary Infection Sco
61                                              Purulent secretions from the nares or throat (commonly o
62 d with gram-negative organisms, and produced purulent secretions which could be sampled daily.
63 llenged in this model, they developed small, purulent, self-clearing lesions with predictable areas o
64 n is presented here with 14 years of chronic purulent sinusitis, a chronic fungal rash of the scrotum
65       We enrolled adult patients with acute, purulent skin and soft-tissue infections presenting to 1
66 A) is the most common organism isolated from purulent skin infections.
67 rols but in 79% of persons with sinusitis or purulent sputa.
68                                              Purulent sputum from patients with chronic obstructive p
69 e with at least 2 of fever, leukocytosis, or purulent sputum increases the likelihood of VAP (summary
70 demonstrated to result in the chronic cough, purulent sputum production, and airway dilation that cha
71 inical diagnosis of PN (fever, leukocytosis, purulent sputum, and new or changing infiltrate on chest
72 tomatic infection characterized by a painful purulent urethral discharge, while in women, the infecti

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