


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ements of two distinct mat types (smooth and pustular) at a millimeter scale were undertaken in the p
2                        We describe a case of pustular dermatitis in a 15-year-old girl who had just r
3 rom the Poxviridae family, causes contagious pustular dermatitis in small ruminants.
4 nfection, immunobullous disorders, and other pustular dermatoses were considered.
5                                      Erosive pustular dermatosis (EPD) is a rare condition that typic
6                                      Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp (EPDS) is an inflammato
7                                Vesicular and pustular disorders are common in the neonatal period.
8 r psoriasis, acute generalized exanthematous pustular eruption), whereas hypomorphic mutations were i
9 llopeau, and acute generalized exanthematous pustular eruption.
10 ts are frequently asked to see patients with pustular eruptions caused by EGFR mAbs or tyrosine kinas
11 derlie the pathogenesis of psoriasis-related pustular eruptions including generalized pustular psoria
12 ochemical properties of two mats (smooth and pustular) from Shark Bay, Australia.
13 inoculation or when they developed a painful pustular lesion (days 7-14).
14 were biopsied after they developed a painful pustular lesion or were followed until disease resolved.
15                                          The pustular lesion was characterized by blister at the lowe
16 ion observed histopathologically and for the pustular lesions observed clinically.
17 laboratory confirmation of vaccinia virus in pustular lesions of a healthy adult vaccinee by use of a
18                                              Pustular mats were enriched with Halobacteria and Parvar
19  archaeal community structures of smooth and pustular mats were significantly different (global R = 1
20 d was up to seven-fold higher in smooth than pustular mats.
21 re up to four times higher in smooth than in pustular mats.
22 proteobacteria dominated the lower layers of pustular mats.
23 cussed: erythema toxicum, transient neonatal pustular melanosis, miliaria, neonatal acne, eosinophili
24 uous pustular pavements that extend >10 m2 ("pustular"), nonlaminated and nonnucleated masses with pe
25 ucleating center ("domed-plate"), continuous pustular pavements that extend >10 m2 ("pustular"), nonl
26  PPP, and AGEP, which is consistent with the pustular phenotypes.
27 analysis of 105 individuals with generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) identified a low-frequency vari
28                                  Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare and yet potentially l
29 is of 3 pustular skin disorders: generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP), palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP),
30  IL36RN mutations are a cause of generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP), three recent investigations at
31 =159), erythrodermic psoriasis (n=23), acral pustular psoriasis (n=100), or sporadic PRP (n=29).
32 zes several human cutaneous diseases such as pustular psoriasis and acute generalized exanthematous p
33                      These findings identify pustular psoriasis as an autoinflammatory phenotype caus
34 ysis of CARD14 mutations could help stratify pustular psoriasis cohorts but would be mostly uninforma
35                                  Generalized pustular psoriasis is a severe skin disease characterize
36 on, especially loss-of-function mutations in pustular psoriasis subtypes.
37 y of these genetic mutations in familial and pustular psoriasis suggests new links between cytokine-i
38                                  Generalized pustular psoriasis von Zumbusch type (GPP) is the most s
39 not the case when patients with palmoplantar pustular psoriasis were not included in the analysis.
40 s issue by investigating the pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis, a model of autoinflammatory disorder
41 generalized pustular psoriasis, palmoplantar pustular psoriasis, acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau
42 e identified in both localized (palmoplantar pustular psoriasis, acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau
43 with severe clinical phenotypes (generalized pustular psoriasis, acute generalized exanthematous pust
44 ted pustular eruptions including generalized pustular psoriasis, palmoplantar pustular psoriasis, acr
45 fsX29) in patients with familial generalized pustular psoriasis.
46 lso implicated CARD14 in the pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis.
47 vere autoinflammatory skin disorder known as pustular psoriasis.
48 hild with sporadic, early-onset, generalized pustular psoriasis.
49  c.425A>G [p.Glu142Gly]) and the generalized-pustular-psoriasis mutation, c.413A>C (p.Glu138Ala); the
50 ease in which the main clinical features are pustular rash, marked osteopenia, lytic bone lesions, re
51 difficult to distinguish smallpox from other pustular rashes by description alone.
52                  The molecular basis of most pustular skin conditions has remained unknown.
53                                              Pustular skin disorders are a category of difficult-to-t
54                  Transcriptomic changes in 3 pustular skin disorders, GPP, PPP, and AGEP, converged o
55 ught to investigate the molecular basis of 3 pustular skin disorders: generalized pustular psoriasis
56  unimmunized animals developed more than 500 pustular skin lesions and became gravely ill or died, wh
57  He later developed cyclical fevers, diffuse pustular skin lesions, and thrombus formation.
58 itor," combined with the terms "psoriasis," "pustular," "skin," "rash," and "palmoplantar." All relev
59          Thus, experimental infection to the pustular stage of disease does not provide protective im
60 on with neutrophils and in the dermis at the pustular stage of disease in the human model of infectio
61 s seen as early as 48 h and persisted at the pustular stage of disease.
62 the ability of H. ducreyi to progress to the pustular stage of disease.
63 the ability of H. ducreyi to progress to the pustular stage of disease.
64 n experimental infection with 35000HP to the pustular stage of disease.
65 ucreyi recruits CD4 cells to the skin at the pustular stage of disease.
66  with wild-type H. ducreyi progressed to the pustular stage, compared to 0 of 30 sites inoculated wit
67 . ducreyi replicates between the papular and pustular stages of disease.
68 ANTES was present throughout the papular and pustular stages of experimental infection, but not prese

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