


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 at involve the appearance of neutrophil-rich pustules.
2 subcorneal, intraepidermal, and subepidermal pustules.
3 m blood of infected volunteers who developed pustules.
4 ocalized with IL-36gamma around neutrophilic pustules.
5 viduals fail to clear the infection and form pustules.
6 ulatory T (T(reg)) cells in the formation of pustules.
7 ents (63%), commonly in those with cutaneous pustules.
8 , based on whether they formed 0, 1, 2, or 3 pustules.
9 aris lesions such as comedones, papules, and pustules.
10 ining pustules and in the dermis of 10 of 16 pustules.
11 eous nodules, several of which had overlying pustules.
12 , and 2 of the 3 cases demonstrated multiple pustules/abscesses in the region of the lacrimal gland t
13 phonuclear leukocytes and macrophages in the pustule and at its base, but was not associated with T c
14  study, Haemophilus ducreyi was found in the pustule and dermis of samples obtained at the clinical e
15 , by 48 h, bacteria were readily seen in the pustule and dermis.
16 reyi was recovered from biopsies of 12 of 15 pustules and 1 of 7 papules, suggesting that H. ducreyi
17 ed a dramatic decrease in the development of pustules and a partial decrease in acanthosis.
18 ed a significantly higher number of lesions, pustules and erupted pustules than leaves of non-transge
19 hilic infiltrates of all positively staining pustules and in the dermis of 10 of 16 pustules.
20 d perilesional epithelium - in particular in pustules - and a less marked upregulation of defensin-1
21 lved, 69% (95% CI, 47.1%-86.6%) evolved into pustules, and 4% remained at the papular stage.
22 culated with the mutant produced papules and pustules at rates similar to the rates observed at sites
23 eriments, the neuA mutant formed papules and pustules at rates that were no different than those of i
24         We identified H. ducreyi in 16 of 18 pustules but did not detect bacteria in the one papule e
25       FOXP3(+) T cells were found throughout pustules but were most abundant at their base.
26  disease entity manifested with blisters and pustules clinically and lower epidermal blister, acantho
27              In addition to the formation of pustules, common adverse events included the formation o
28  less than its parent and was unable to form pustules compared to the parent.
29                                  Papules and pustules contained a predominant T cell infiltrate that
30                             Both papules and pustules contained mixed or T helper 1 type cytokine mRN
31 n papule counts (-4.2 vs -2.2; P =.08), mean pustule counts (0 vs -1.0; P =.12), or mean comedone cou
32 nd closed comedones to inflammatory papules, pustules, cysts, and nodules, and scarring may result.
33 th similar doses of 35000HP and 35000HPwecA, pustules developed at 46.7% (95% confidence interval [CI
34                                              Pustules developed at 7 of 10 sites inoculated with 3500
35 ived similar doses of the parent and mutant, pustules developed at 7 of 15 sites (46.7%; 95% confiden
36                                              Pustules developed at a similar rate at sites inoculated
37                                Subjects with pustules developed local symptoms that required withdraw
38 eveloped in immune-competent animals in that pustules did not form and surface epithelia remained int
39 g-phase bacteria), H. ducreyi harvested from pustules differentially expressed approximately 93 genes
40                     Characterized by sterile pustules, erosions, and crusts, EPD is difficult to trea
41 or genes, pthA*, pthB, and pthC, also direct pustule formation and expression of CsLOB1.
42 ion, but not the CsSWEET1 promoter, promoted pustule formation and higher bacterial leaf populations.
43  (TAL) effector genes for the characteristic pustule formation at the site of infection.
44 that of hemolysin, nor both are required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.
45 ptose trisaccharide core is not required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.
46 globoside nor sialylated LOS is required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.
47  that expression of MOMP is not required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in the human model of in
48 the csrA mutant was partially attenuated for pustule formation compared to its parent.
49  showed it was also partially attenuated for pustule formation in human volunteers.
50 e double mutant was partially attenuated for pustule formation in human volunteers.
51    Compared to 35000HP, FX517 does not cause pustule formation in human volunteers.
52 creyi to initiate disease and to progress to pustule formation in humans.
53  expressed in vivo, FtpA is not required for pustule formation in the human challenge model.
54                          The outcome (either pustule formation or resolution) of infected sites for a
55 caused papules to form at similar rates, the pustule formation rate at sites inoculated with 35000HPs
56                                          The pustule formation rate in 5 volunteers was 33% (95% conf
57                                          The pustule formation rate was 55.6% (95% confidence interva
58                                          The pustule formation rate was 58% (95% confidence interval
59                                          The pustule formation rate was 72% (95% confidence interval
60                      Overall, the papule and pustule formation rates for 35000HP and FX533 were simil
61                   For EDDs of >/=25 CFU, the pustule formation rates were 30% for both 35000HP and 35
62                                          The pustule formation rates were 40% (95% confidence interva
63                                          The pustule formation rates were 44% (95% CI, 5.8 to 77.6%)
64                                          The pustule formation rates were 75% (95% confidence interva
65 ted delivered doses (EDDs) of >/=25 CFU, the pustule formation rates were 80% for 35000HP and 58% for
66                                          The pustule formation rates were similar at both parent and
67                                          The pustule formation rates were similar for the parent and
68                               The papule and pustule formation rates were similar to those observed i
69 st effects on the possible clinical outcomes-pustule formation versus spontaneous resolution of infec
70 ependent; the most important determinants of pustule formation were sex and host effects.
71 test whether sialylated LOS was required for pustule formation, a second trial comparing an isogenic
72 ragloboside-like structures was required for pustule formation, an isogenic mutant (35000HP-RSM2) was
73         To test whether CDT was required for pustule formation, six human subjects were inoculated wi
74 ous resolution of infection or progresses to pustule formation, which is associated with the failure
75 dicate the hemolysin does not play a role in pustule formation.
76 35000HP-sodC-cat and observed for papule and pustule formation.
77  35000 and FX517 and observed for papule and pustule formation.
78 r gene products did not play a major role in pustule formation.
79 ng association of the TLR9 TA haplotype with pustule formation; logistic regression showed a trend to
80                                          The pustule-formation rate in 5 volunteers was 93.3% (95% co
81                                          The pustule-formation rate was 55% (95% confidence interval
82                                  The overall pustule-formation rate was 61.1% at parent sites and 22.
83 inoculated with the mutant and parent, while pustules formed at 36.4% of parent sites and at 0% of mu
84                                              Pustules formed at five of nine parent sites and one of
85     In a reinfection trial, 2 of 11 previous pustule formers and 6 of 10 previous resolvers resolved
86 ired in its ability to form both papules and pustules in humans.
87 ibutes to the ability of H. ducreyi to cause pustules in humans.
88 nts of 35000HP and FX527 were recovered from pustules in semiquantitative culture.
89 95% CI, 36.8%-90.9%) of papules evolved into pustules in the reinfection group, compared with 41% (95
90                                              Pustules in various sizes could be found in 18 patients
91 stopathology of biopsy samples obtained from pustules inoculated with 35000HP or 35000HP-SMS1 were si
92 racterized by the presence of intraepidermal pustules, keratinocyte cytopathology, and epidermal and
93 acteria present in a mutant inoculation site pustule lacked a PAL-specific epitope.
94 nts, 14 with purpuric drug eruptions without pustules (mean [SD] age, 60 [11] years; 12 female and 2
95 le) and 18 with purpuric drug eruptions with pustules (mean [SD] age, 64 [11] years; 12 female and 6
96 erized by the formation of sterile cutaneous pustules, neutrophilia, fever and features of systemic i
97 ps contains intracorneal and intraepithelial pustules, nucleated corneocytes, and dilated superficial
98  surface markers in skin biopsy specimens of pustules obtained from experimentally infected volunteer
99                                           In pustules obtained from infected human volunteers, there
100                                  Biopsies of pustules obtained from volunteers infected with H. ducre
101                                              Pustules only developed at mutant-injected sites at dose
102 th H. ducreyi until they developed a painful pustule or for 14 days.
103 skin of a predisposed patient may elicit the pustules or ulcerations associated with pathergy.
104  developed papular lesions that evolved into pustules resembling natural disease.
105 ubsequently, there were numerous papules and pustules--similar to the rash seen in patients receiving
106 tes, defined by the presence of a vesicle or pustule ("take") at the inoculation site 6-11 days after
107 gher number of lesions, pustules and erupted pustules than leaves of non-transgenic plants containing
108                                           In pustules, there was a significant enrichment of CD4(+)FO
109                           35000HPwecA caused pustules to form at 3 sites inoculated with a dose 2.5-f
110 enged twice, some subjects form at least one pustule twice (PP group), while others have all inoculat
111                                      Grouped pustules were present under the right breast.
112                           He noticed a small pustule with surrounding erythema developing on the skin
113 n isogenic hemolysin-deficient mutant caused pustules with a rate similar to that of its parent.

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