


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l damage and subsequent skin lesions, can be put forward.
2 ew directions for research in this field are put forward.
3 sentations required for naming have not been put forward.
4  and a proposal for the correct structure is put forward.
5 consistent with these observations have been put forward.
6 pal domains in GDA proteins has not yet been put forward.
7 smission of strain differences have yet been put forward.
8  to provide oxygen discrimination by sGC was put forward.
9 ould extract disparity information have been put forward.
10 main, a rationalization for these results is put forward.
11 nosis and treatment of recurrent DVT will be put forward.
12 Hermitian scattering that have recently been put forward.
13 small inorganic and all-metal rings has been put forward.
14  facilitates chromosome resolution have been put forward.
15                                    This work puts forward 20c, a novel tetra-sulfated N-arylacyl tetr
16                                           We put forward 27 SNPs from 15 novel regions and 12 SNPs pr
17        Remarkably, the principles originally put forward 50 years ago remain essentially unchanged.
18 esults in sparse graphical model learning to put forward a 'network clustering' approach in which dat
19 d of the target article, Keven & Akins (K&A) put forward a challenge to the developmental psychology
20                         In summary, our data put forward a coherent dynamic framework to understand h
21                                      Here we put forward a comprehensive picture dubbed nanoreactor,
22                            As an example, we put forward a computational model of the PFC circuit inv
23 epancy between previous models and new data, put forward a different signaling conceptual framework i
24 traditionally unidirectional progression, we put forward a framework that extends homeostatic hypothe
25 ecombinant monoclonal humanized anti-IgE has put forward a fundamentally new concept for the control
26 ient-cause model for rates, in this paper we put forward a general approach to testing for sufficient
27                      In this perspective, we put forward a hypothesis about the potential biological
28  mechanics (QM/MM) computational methods and put forward a hypothesis according to which T213 and T20
29 etween the cerebellum and basal ganglia, and put forward a hypothesis that dystonia is a basal gangli
30                                           We put forward a hypothesis that multiple gains of actinorh
31                                  In 2010, we put forward a hypothetical model of the major biomarkers
32 tory of malaria vaccine development and then put forward a manifesto for future research in this area
33 oscopic insights, and ab initio modeling, we put forward a mechanistic hypothesis in which oxygen-ter
34 ule relative to the melting substrate and to put forward a mechanistic model of nucleic acid melting
35              Based on these results, we have put forward a mechanistic scheme that explains how the c
36 ructures described in this study allow us to put forward a model for the 26S functional cycle driven
37 nalysis of single-molecule data allows us to put forward a model of transcription inhibition by MccJ2
38 inus in ligand-inhibited K(ATP) channels and put forward a model, based on the architecture of BtuCD,
39                                           We put forward a modified Zipper model inspired by the stat
40                       Baumard and colleagues put forward a new hypothesis about the nature and evolut
41                                      Here we put forward a newly developed simulation environment ARA
42                               These findings put forward a novel consequence of compromised SERCA2 fu
43                           A recent study has put forward a physiologically plausible population model
44                               These findings put forward a promising live attenuated influenza vaccin
45      Such a unified description allows us to put forward a qualitative clogging state diagram whose m
46                                     Thus, we put forward a regulatory model where kinase inhibition r
47 g, evaluation, and management strategies and put forward a scientific statement that would comprehens
48                                           We put forward a statistical model for sparse, noisy Boolea
49                                           We put forward a stochastic version of the Li-Rinzel model
50                 As a consequence of this, we put forward a suggestion for a treatment strategy involv
51                                 We therefore put forward a three-state kinetic framework, one of whic
52 sults and supported by experimental data, we put forward a trial-and-error oscillation and a stochast
53                                 Our analysis puts forward a generic mechanism that may be utilized br
54                             Overall our work puts forward a model in which the EF uses distinct polar
55                                Van de Vliert puts forward a model of how climate and economics intera
56                                    This work puts forward a novel role for electrical activity in cir
57 the thick filaments in those mechanisms, and puts forward a paradigm for the control of contraction i
58 ty of colorectal carcinogenesis, but it also puts forward a potential novel prognostic biomarker to p
59 le candidate proteins using DNA mimicry, and puts forward a range of potential uses of DNA mimics.
60  by the underlying band structure, have been put forward: a local-moment antiferromagnetic ground sta
61             In this article, a hypothesis is put forward about the sources of ATP released to activat
62                              This thesis was put forward after discounting several O2 production mech
63                              In addition, we put forward an analytical method to approximately calcul
64                                           We put forward an approach in which biological knowledge is
65                          In this context, we put forward an argument as to why RNAi approaches in viv
66                                           We put forward an argument that personality disorders are d
67                                           We put forward an associative account of the underlying cog
68                              Morsella et al. put forward an interesting theory about the functions of
69 nsition interventions: models that have been put forward and tested in the area of general medical ca
70  a more limited set of models that have been put forward and, to some extent, tested in the mental he
71 , gene, and analysis of GxE interaction) are put forward, and tentative solutions are proposed.
72                 Several hypotheses have been put forward, and the code has been analyzed extensively
73 ve selection on mitochondrial genes has been put forward, and the complex genetics of mitochondrial D
74           The parasitic energy (PE) has been put forward as a holistic parameter that measures how en
75 lly, the passivation of these rings has been put forward as a key issue in order to prevent them from
76 -shelf methane hydrate dissociation has been put forward as a possible explanation for this observati
77 AIL) mRNA in unseparated leukocytes has been put forward as a therapeutic response marker, but it is
78 ipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis has been put forward as an attractive organism for evolutionary d
79 constraining influence of behaviour has been put forward as an explanation for evolutionary stasis wi
80 toms in the high-Tc superconductors has been put forward as evidence supporting a magnetic mechanism.
81  pathophysiologic synaptic activity has been put forward as key mechanism in this context.
82 ependent recombination (MMRDR) have all been put forward as mechanisms to explain DNA rearrangements
83 stinguished by shape and geometry, have been put forward as meeting the criteria required of authenti
84 activated by diacylglycerol (DAG), have been put forward as possible candidates.
85 ng enzyme model of protein domain motion are put forward as possible interpretations.
86                 Three main factors have been put forward as potential causal mechanisms, but it appea
87  disease, and neurotrophic factors have been put forward as potential therapeutic agents, direct evid
88 ptor (MOR) partial agonist ligands have been put forward as potential treatment agents for cocaine an
89          The radical-pair mechanism has been put forward as the basis of the magnetic compass sense o
90 mplex in bacterial membranes, which has been put forward as the building block of nisin/lipid II bina
91 neointimal coverage on stent struts has been put forward as the main underlying mechanism leading to
92  factors, the cytokine environment, has been put forward as the major variable influencing Th develop
93  conformation for the diagnosis of cancer is put forward as way to improve the sensitivity of this po
94                                           We put forward, as a possible explanation, a simple and gen
95                 Several hypotheses have been put forward attempting to explain the evolutionary chang
96 nes silenced during differentiation has been put forward, but the molecular details remain unclear.
97                      We adopt the suggestion put forward by Erickson to process filaments, assuming t
98 liding filament model of muscle contraction, put forward by Hugh Huxley and Jean Hanson in 1954, is 6
99         We argue that although the framework put forward by Hulleman & Olivers (H&O) can successfully
100 logue of the fractional quantum Hall effect, put forward by Kalmeyer and Laughlin in 1987.
101                                   The theory put forward by Leibovich et al. of how children acquire
102 rt for the psychological constructivist view put forward by Lindquist et al.
103 argue that the cognitive-emotional framework put forward by Pessoa (2013) can be successfully applied
104 detected using only a single genome has been put forward by Plotkin and colleagues, who present a met
105 disparage the religiously tinged rationalism put forward by Rene Descartes.
106 se of third-generation preparations has been put forward by Rosing et al. from Maastricht, who develo
107 asibility of the biosynthetic proposal for 1 put forward by Schmitz involving intermolecular and tran
108 sical theoretical description of aggregation put forward by Smoluchowski more than 100 years ago.
109                     This supports the model, put forward by some historians, that the majority of fem
110                                The positions put forward by the American College of Physicians highli
111            The series of recent publications put forward by the National Institutes of Health consens
112 Murnick group and rather support the results put forward by the Salehpour group at Uppsala University
113 ations for hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening put forward by these agencies and the potential effect o
114            According to the utility concept, put forward by utilitarian philosophers and widely used
115         Two main alternative hypotheses were put forward, either lower polarity led to higher incorpo
116                                 Here we also put forward evidence that it had a major influence on th
117 modeling studies, a novel catalytic role was put forward for a fully conserved histidine residue in M
118 on of skin pigmentation, and a role has been put forward for alpha-MSH as an effective antioxidant.
119 ent diagnostic criteria, and suggestions are put forward for expanding our future research efforts.
120 mmary', we describe several different models put forward for the action of type III restriction enzym
121 underscore that the principle and strategies put forward for the catalytic activation of the above-me
122                                Other reasons put forward for the institution of vitamin B-12 fortific
123 ased production are discussed, and a case is put forward for the necessity of biotechnological produc
124                  Many explanations have been put forward for the observed preference of mothers to cr
125 ves, two distinct rationalizations have been put forward for the relative inertness of the alpha-C-H.
126         Although many explanations have been put forward for their anomalous properties, it is still
127  binding models, and instead support a model put forward from coarse-grained simulations indicating t
128                The various medical arguments put forward from the 18th through 20th centuries will be
129  modulate several of the hallmarks of cancer puts forward GRK2 as an oncomodifier, able to modulate c
130                                            I put forward here a hypothesis on how a cross-talk betwee
131 ng or in gestural motor processing; the view put forward here might help reconcile these positions.
132                               The hypothesis put forward here suggests that the primary function of m
133           In the 1940s and 1950s, Waddington put forward his theories of canalization and genetic ass
134 xplore the empirical evidence which has been put forward in favor of this conclusion.
135 bservations, two possible pathways have been put forward in literature.
136  experimental observations support the ideas put forward in our previous simulation study: In particu
137 s well as specific hypotheses that have been put forward in relation to the etiology of DS-i.e., the
138 he temporal lobe hypothesis of schizophrenia put forward in the 1960s notes that episodes with parano
139 ent component 3 (C3) tickover hypothesis was put forward in the early 1970s to account for the sponta
140 d, confirming a hypothesis that was recently put forward in the field.
141 The article describes new, interesting ideas put forward in the last year, and suggests that to make
142 of sulfur in glycosylated dendrimers is thus put forward in this review.
143 valuation of vulnerable plaques was recently put forward in which five major and five minor criteria
144                                   A model is put forward in which the weight of each sensory channel
145 of multiple industrial and urban systems was put forward, in which the produced CO + H2 could be util
146 , but a variety of other functions have been put forward, including NO dioxygenase activity.
147 nces in insect auditory research, which have put forward insect auditory systems for studying biologi
148                                 Our findings put forward insufficient autophagy as a potentially impo
149        Although several hypotheses have been put forward, it is unclear as to whether particular gene
150 ll-specific Cdh23(+68) splice variant, which puts forward MAGI-1 as an attractive candidate for an in
151            The hygiene hypothesis, which was put forward more than 20 years ago by Strachan, proposes
152                     In conclusion, our study puts forward mutations in RCBTB1 as a cause of autosomal
153 h recently have seen significant progress in putting forward new and improved vaccines, respectively.
154                       Overall, these results put forward novel roles for S100 proteins, whose metal-m
155           Additional fundamental evidence is put forward on ion discrimination with thin multi-ionoph
156       Of the different theoretical scenarios put forward, one posits the existence of a first-order p
157 al changes related to poststroke fatigue and put forward potential theories for mechanistic understan
158 e C 22 oxylipins that parallels a hypothesis put forward previously to explain the origin of C 20 cyc
159  strongly supports the first hypothesis, and puts forward ram pressure as another possible mechanism
160 t the occurrence of diabetes mellitus and to put forward recommendations for the follow-up of CS pati
161                                           We put forward several elements to illustrate our point, me
162 he recent findings on resistance mechanisms, puts forward some recommendations for limiting its impac
163  spectrally broadband laser action have been put forward, such as enhancing the optical feedback in t
164          Recently, a new hypothesis has been put forward suggesting that Cyt1A rather nonspecifically
165 isionary guidance of Professor N. G. M. Orie put forward that both genetic and environmental factors
166                              A hypothesis is put forward that in all EF-hand proteins the Ca2+-bindin
167                        Here, a hypothesis is put forward that Plk 1 plays a critical role in the deve
168      Thus, an intriguing suggestion has been put forward that seizures may be facilitated and perhaps
169                         Here the argument is put forward that stochastic events, potent amplification
170 fferent rice genomes, and the hypothesis was put forward that such duplications might arise due to th
171                                      We also put forward that the beneficial effects of these drugs a
172  serovars were described, and a proposal was put forward that they comprised a new serovar, serovar 1
173  It is more than 20 years since the idea was put forward that tropomyosin might act, at least in part
174 ation and repair of drug-induced damage, and put forward the case for targeting EV biogenesis pathway
175 otheses for the mechanism of SIT and we will put forward the concept that allergens may be viewed as
176                            Ten years ago, we put forward the histone code hypothesis, which provided
177    Our previous studies on p25 dysregulation put forward the hypothesis that CYFIP2 expression is red
178                          In this article, we put forward the hypothesis that different subdivisions o
179                                      Here we put forward the hypothesis that fungal load dynamics can
180                                      Here we put forward the hypothesis that MARF1 in mouse oocytes i
181                                  Finally, we put forward the hypothesis that protein acylation is a f
182                                Therefore, we put forward the hypothesis that strict clonotype specifi
183                                           We put forward the hypothesis that sustained immunity to T.
184 neration of immune recognition', Niels Jerne put forward the hypothesis that the primary antigen (Ag)
185                       Our results lead us to put forward the hypothesis that the supplementary eye fi
186            On the basis of these results, we put forward the hypothesis that these weak CF-HC6 electr
187 ons and previous measurements of spiking, we put forward the hypothesis that thick-tufted neurons in
188 e modulated by sensory and motor events, and put forward the idea that phase relation diversity may s
189                            In particular, we put forward the idea that the ascending and the descendi
190  development of literacy and urban life, and put forward the idea, inspired by life history theory, t
191                     Pickering & Garrod (P&G) put forward the interesting idea that language productio
192                           In this review, we put forward the main issues in need of evidence and prop
193                                  Finally, we put forward the need for gathering deeper knowledge of t
194 iples of tissue engineering by self-assembly put forward the notion that functional regeneration can
195                           Our data therefore put forward the possibility that targeting the mTORC1 si
196 l's actions within the mesolimbic system and put forward the potential value of the enzyme as a novel
197 ility to respond to neurotrophic stimuli and put forward the proposition that the ERK cascade is asso
198                               These findings put forward the rACC as a target for benzodiazepines and
199                         This study therefore puts forward the CaMKIIalpha 0.4 promoter as the best ch
200 its viability in closed or inert systems and puts forward the challenge of developing materials with
201 tatus of diseases in living systems but also puts forward the design strategy of a new category of ra
202 he best of our knowledge, the present report puts forward the first cases of allylic substitution rea
203                                    Our study puts forward the Gly1629Glu mutant as a very efficient e
204                                  This review puts forward the hypothesis that allergic multimorbiditi
205                                         This puts forward the possibility that RXR activation and inc
206   Indeed, although many hypotheses have been put forward, the functional role (if any) of disorder in
207                         Two models have been put forward: the budding model, based largely on structu
208  called "Collective Influence (CI)" has been put forward through collective influence maximization.
209        Although several hypotheses have been put forward to address the biological impact of GC conte
210                     Several models have been put forward to address this question, including specific
211             Qualitative mechanisms have been put forward to explain apparently divergent stereochemic
212 but, at times, controversial ideas have been put forward to explain basic problems that confront and
213                 Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain BH4 responsiveness, but the molec
214                           Leading hypotheses put forward to explain glacial-interglacial atmospheric
215                   Different models have been put forward to explain how these slow enzymatic steps ca
216                     Several models have been put forward to explain how this export is energized, and
217 lts, but two very different models have been put forward to explain such data.
218      A variety of other hypotheses have been put forward to explain the 'Cenozoic isotope-weathering
219                   Several concepts have been put forward to explain the effect of microbes on the dev
220     While there have been several hypotheses put forward to explain the enormous success of USA300, t
221 mical box model to test competing hypotheses put forward to explain the Eocene/Oligocene transition.
222 curate and efficient protein production) was put forward to explain the existence of codon usage bias
223  on "lattice errors" within the POPC LUVs is put forward to explain the fast and slow components.
224 more complex, different hypotheses have been put forward to explain the foundations of human cooperat
225                   Finally, three hypotheses, put forward to explain the genesis of dyskinesias, are r
226 The most prevalent hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the genetic basis of heterosis ar
227                         Two models have been put forward to explain the growth of new Golgi during th
228                Here, we review some theories put forward to explain the immunogenicity of therapeutic
229                     Two hypotheses have been put forward to explain the large and abrupt climate chan
230                 Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the measured pressure, seismic, a
231                         Two models have been put forward to explain the mechanisms by which the RNAs
232                 Among the various hypotheses put forward to explain the modulatory influence of helmi
233 programming and maintenance models that were put forward to explain the role of CD4 T cell help in Ag
234             Two competing theories have been put forward to explain the role of CD4(+) T cells in pri
235         Several theoretical models have been put forward to explain these data.
236                    Many hypotheses have been put forward to explain these two patterns, but parsimoni
237         Several theoretical models have been put forward to explain this apparent paradox.
238                 Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this discrepancy.
239                 Mechanistic models have been put forward to rationalize the high selectivities observ
240 ls such as preferential attachment have been put forward to reveal the evolution mechanisms of real-w
241 y to the characteristic wetting velocity was put forward to signify the strength of the inherent cont
242 at number of computational methods have been put forward to suit every possible charge transport regi
243  for this concept is reviewed and a model is put forward to support the rationale that therapeutic ta
244     In recent years, intense effort has been put forward to understand the molecular mechanisms regul
245 ts (MIC numbers), a collaborative effort was put forward to validate a series of bacterial penetratio
246                                           We put forward Tribolium as a model for studying a more anc
247  render insecticides cell-type selective and puts forward TRP targets to reduce side effects on non-t
248                                      We also put forward two major unresolved questions in the field
249                      This hierarchical model puts forward two main predictions.
250                               One hypothesis put forward was that a proline residue in the 1B subdoma

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