


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inhibitors (IC(50)s decrease 10-20-fold with putrescine).
2 he lowest measured concentration of 1mg/L of putrescine.
3  increase in synthesis of polyamines such as putrescine.
4 etyl-3-aminopropanaldehyde and spermidine or putrescine.
5 ells was inhibited by high concentrations of putrescine.
6 ese acidic residues modulates the effects of putrescine.
7 hibition by high exogenous concentrations of putrescine.
8 ecause it was prevented by administration of putrescine.
9  involved in the conversion of agmatine into putrescine.
10  in xylem even when plants were treated with putrescine.
11 defect were only observed with the polyamine putrescine.
12 esence of alpha-difluoromethylornithine plus putrescine.
13  which was reversed by addition of exogenous putrescine.
14 osis could be partially rescued by exogenous putrescine.
15 ity when incubated with spermidine, NAD, and putrescine.
16 onversion of spermidine and spermine back to putrescine.
17 n plant foods by the external application of putrescine.
18 oline and citrulline, and polyamines such as putrescine.
19 cued in culture by the addition of exogenous putrescine.
20 d slightly decreased levels of intracellular putrescine.
21  acid (0.1-7.5), cis-ChA (1.1-2.2), caffeoyl putrescine (0.6-2.5), sinapoyl hexose (0.1-1.8), N(1),N(
22                                              Putrescine (1,4-diaminobutane) activates the autoprocess
23                             The Km value for putrescine (1.12 mM) as a 4-aminobutyl acceptor, however
24 e (2.9-fold), N-acetylputrescine (1.8-fold), putrescine (2.7-fold) and cadaverine (28-fold), which de
25 ere the prevalent amines (100%), followed by putrescine (77%) and cadaverine (14%).
26 (-10)) < hydrogen sulphide (6.4 x 10(-10)) < putrescine (9.1 x 10(-10)) < dimethyl disulphide (5.9 x
27 sed enzyme activity, and increased levels of putrescine, a downstream product.
28                                              Putrescine, a polyamine that is not a sole carbon or nit
29 at catalyzes the decarboxylation of l-Orn to putrescine, a rate-limiting step in the formation of pol
30 -dependent decarboxylation of l-ornithine to putrescine, a vital step in polyamine biosynthesis.
31 duct of putrescine catabolism and shows that putrescine accumulates in puuA, puuB, and puuC mutants b
32  novo and therefore obligatorily relies upon putrescine acquisition from the host to meet its nutriti
33 the putrescine binding site, suggesting that putrescine activates the enzyme through electrostatic ef
34 f the enzyme, congruent with the role of the putrescine activator of the mammalian AdoMet decarboxyla
35 DP-ribosylation) is selectively regulated by putrescine (activator).
36 hown to encode a hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A:putrescine acyltransferase responsible for caffeoylputre
37                        The E256Q mutant with putrescine added shows an alternate conformation of His2
38 attachment to VECs was reversed by exogenous putrescine added to DAB-treated trichomonads.
39 tic measurements indicated that spuC encodes putrescine aminotransferase with pyruvate as the amino g
40               Previous studies indicate that putrescine, an intermediate in nicotine biosynthesis, ca
41                                          The putrescine analog Triamide-44 partially inhibited the up
42 that it also oxidizes N1-acetylspermidine to putrescine and 3-acetamidopropanal.
43            The meu1Delta cells have a higher putrescine and a lower spermidine level than MEU1(+) cel
44  contributing factors include high levels of putrescine and acetylated polyamines, a 50% reduction in
45 uces no Spm/Spd or their precursor compounds putrescine and agmatine.
46 s in a similar position to that observed for putrescine and alpha-difluoromethylornithine in previous
47 ine (decarboxylated arginine) to N-carbamoyl putrescine and ammonia.
48 lmethionine decarboxylases in the absence of putrescine and are consistent with previously proposed m
49   The polyamines (PAs) spermidine, spermine, putrescine and cadaverine are an essential class of meta
50 h-affinity transporters that recognized both putrescine and cadaverine but not spermidine or spermine
51                    Cooking process decreased putrescine and cadaverine content, both in conventionall
52                                   Histamine, putrescine and cadaverine levels increased significantly
53 ved in the presence of the reaction products putrescine and cadaverine to 1.7 and 2.15A, respectively
54  were detected in the 300MPa treatments, but putrescine and cadaverine were detected in the control a
55             Based on the results, histamine, putrescine and cadaverine were selected as input variabl
56 nly carried by two small aliphatic diamines, putrescine and cadaverine, which are generated by bacter
57 ycoprotein that catalyzes the degradation of putrescine and histamine.
58 a, CO2, and ATP while converting agmatine to putrescine and is proposed to augment the acid resistanc
59 ulation of the GP pathway shows induction by putrescine and not by a product of putrescine catabolism
60 al, but not plasma, levels of the polyamines putrescine and spermidine as well as the collagen breakd
61           DFMO treatment completely depleted putrescine and spermidine by 2 days and also significant
62 of hydroxycinnamic acids and two polyamines, putrescine and spermidine, is regulated by this transcri
63 1 to be a high affinity transporter for both putrescine and spermidine, whereas expression of LmPOT1
64                                              Putrescine and spermine, but not spermidine, showed evid
65 utants were expressed and dialyzed to remove putrescine and studied biochemically using X-ray crystal
66 al structure of the mutants with and without putrescine and their complexes with S-adenosylmethionine
67 ine) when compared to FD (from 1mgkg(-1) for putrescine and tyramine to 4mgkg(-1) for histamine); MS/
68 gmatine serves as the precursor compound for putrescine (and hence spermidine and spermine), which wa
69 els of polyamines (spermidine, spermine, and putrescine) and PGE2, treatment regimens, and risk of CR
70  up-regulation of polyamines (spermidine and putrescine) and potassium may mitigate oxidative stress
71 , histamine, tryptamine, 2-phenylethylamine, putrescine, and agmatine.
72             Significant amounts of tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine occurred especially in cheese
73 ine, tyramine, phenylethylamine, tryptamine, putrescine, and cadaverine) and two polyamines (spermidi
74 ine and spermine, increased concentration of putrescine, and inhibited cell growth.
75 mutant T. cruzi enzyme D174V no longer binds putrescine, and is not activated by the diamine.
76 d levels of dephosphocoenzyme A, spermidine, putrescine, and phosphatidylethanolamines and elevated a
77               The D174N mutant does not bind putrescine, and the E178Q and E256Q mutants bind putresc
78 enzyme was fully processed in the absence of putrescine, and the rate of this reaction was not stimul
79 tly decreased the levels of inosine, lysine, putrescine, and xanthine at the gingivitis sites as earl
80 s of DFMO, RS1-Reg mutants, the ODC1 product putrescine, and/or glucose on SGLT1 expressed in oocytes
81  followed by histamine, phenylethylamine and putrescine; and total amine levels were high.
82 lence of cadaverine followed by tyramine and putrescine; and total amine levels were low.
83  access to host spermidine pools, while host putrescine appears to be unavailable for salvage by the
84 ggest that polyamine metabolism and secreted putrescine are linked to host cell adherence and cytotox
85 crophage activation, indicating that ODC and putrescine are regulators of macrophage function.
86       Polyamines and their diamine precursor putrescine are ubiquitous to all organisms and fulfill p
87                                   Using [14C]putrescine as an acceptor, various spermidine analogs we
88  level of biofilm correlated to the level of putrescine as measured by high-performance liquid chroma
89                  A puuP mutant failed to use putrescine as the nitrogen source, which implies one maj
90                                              Putrescine as the sole carbon source requires a novel ca
91       We determined pathway utilization with putrescine as the sole nitrogen source by examining muta
92 rce, which implies one major transporter for putrescine as the sole nitrogen source.
93 athways were required to prevent growth with putrescine as the sole nitrogen source.
94  were profoundly influenced by extracellular putrescine availability.
95           Intriguingly, treating plants with putrescine before inoculation accelerated wilt symptom d
96 d was observed, with histamine, tyramine and putrescine being the most abundant in Pignoletto wines.
97 a series of hydrophilic residues connect the putrescine binding site and the active site.
98 e residues that link the active site and the putrescine binding site, suggesting that putrescine acti
99 sible for the majority of the activity ([14C]putrescine-binding assay) in whole brain and liver homog
100 e active site mutations altered the apparent putrescine-binding constant.
101 vidence for coupling between residues in the putrescine-binding site and the active site, consistent
102  suggests that this inhibitor binds both the putrescine-binding site and the active site, providing e
103  AdoMetDC we generated mutations in both the putrescine-binding site and the enzyme active site.
104                                          The putrescine-binding site is distant from the active site,
105 the active site, providing evidence that the putrescine-binding site of the T. cruzi enzyme has broad
106                 Mutations of residues in the putrescine-binding site that resulted in reduced (S111R)
107                           In human AdoMetDC, putrescine binds in a buried pocket containing acidic re
108 at swarming in response to the cues required putrescine biosynthesis and pathways involved in amino a
109 n TRV-infected plants and that impairment of putrescine biosynthesis promoted virus multiplication.
110                                         Also putrescine biosynthesis was upregulated in P. fluorescen
111                         The structure of the putrescine-bound enzyme suggests that a bridging water m
112 osed of two citric acid residues linked by a putrescine bridge and thus is identical in structure to
113 tic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, depleted putrescine but did not produce synergistic cell killing.
114      The oxidative deamination of methylated putrescine by a diamine oxidase activity (DAO) is an imp
115  of the triamine spermidine from the diamine putrescine by fusion enzymes from beta-proteobacterium D
116          The data suggest that generation of putrescine by ODC1 at the TGN stimulates release of SGLT
117 riamide-44 partially inhibited the uptake of putrescine by PlaP and decreased both putrescine stimula
118 nerated from the metabolism of polyamines to putrescine by polyamine oxidase.
119 nopropyl group donor to form spermidine from putrescine by the key enzymes S-adenosylmethionine decar
120                                   Histamine, putrescine cadaverine and cis-urocanic acid (UCA) have a
121                                              Putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine showed very good cor
122                                              Putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine showed very good cor
123 e detection of various biogenic amines (i.e. putrescine, cadaverine) and in the monitoring of spoilag
124 ogenic amines (tryptamine, phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, serotonine, tyramine,
125        The content of eight biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, histamine,
126        The content of seven biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, histamine,
127        The content of eight biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, histamine,
128 cally active molecules which have aliphatic (putrescine, cadaverine, spermine, spermidine), aromatic
129                                              Putrescine, cadaverine, tryptamine, beta-phenylethylamin
130                  Thus it was found that [14C]putrescine can replace eIF5A precursor protein as an acc
131 (GP) pathway but instead induces genes for a putrescine catabolic pathway that starts with a transami
132 termine if dual control regulates a complete putrescine catabolic pathway, we examined expression of
133 , which specify the first two enzymes of one putrescine catabolic pathway.
134 uction by putrescine and not by a product of putrescine catabolism and shows that putrescine accumula
135 drogenase that oxidizes all the aldehydes in putrescine catabolism.
136 basic clusters that are very closely spaced (putrescine cleavage) or less closely spaced (Nfo protein
137                   The level of the polyamine putrescine compared to the parental speA+ speC+ strain (
138 from cells resistant to growth inhibition by putrescine compared with transport in inverted vesicles
139 biosensors could be used in determination of putrescine concentration in meat samples but improvement
140                                        Xylem putrescine concentration was unchanged in putrescine-tre
141            These plants secrete agmatine and putrescine conjugates to high levels, indicating that DT
142       By the end of the ripening period, the putrescine content in both samples with the addition of
143    Finally, we showed that increments in the putrescine content in TRV-infected plants correlated wit
144 d disA, that restored swarming motility to a putrescine-deficient speA mutant of Proteus mirabilis.
145 llular putrescine, plaP was required for the putrescine-dependent rescue of swarming motility.
146 ced approximately 1 double-strand break: 1.3 putrescine-detected abasic clusters: 0.8 Nfo-detected ab
147      Extracellular spermine, spermidine, and putrescine directly activated TRPV1 in a charge-dependen
148 yamines that directly modulate ion channels, putrescine exerted its effect by altering the balance of
149 rotozoal parasite Trypanosoma cruzi requires putrescine for maximal enzyme activity, but not for proc
150 olobus solfataricus uses arginine to produce putrescine for polyamine biosynthesis.
151                             The loop shields putrescine from the external solvent, enhancing its elec
152 n does not induce genes of this glutamylated putrescine (GP) pathway but instead induces genes for a
153 is likely to be a factor in the finding that putrescine has no role in processing of the T. cruzi enz
154 on of flagellar rotation and accumulation of putrescine have been proposed to be sensory mechanisms.
155 factory receptors that detect cadaverine and putrescine have not been identified in any species so fa
156                Of the BA examined, tyramine, putrescine, histamine and cadaverine showed high concent
157 significantly correlated with their sum were putrescine, histamine and tyramine, even if reached leve
158 yramine was the prevalent amine, followed by putrescine, histamine, phenylethylamine and cadaverine.
159 Eight biogenic amines (spermine, spermidine, putrescine, histamine, tyramine, phenylethylamine, cadav
160  a macrocyclic dimer of N-hydroxy-N-succinyl-putrescine (HSP) and is structurally related to desferri
161          In this new study, PlaP, a putative putrescine importer, was characterized in P. mirabilis.
162 dicating that PlaP functioned as the primary putrescine importer.
163 d type, and this defect could be restored by putrescine in a PlaP-dependent manner.
164 etDC is regulated by the polyamine-precursor putrescine in a species-specific manner.
165 C activity and the resultant accumulation of putrescine in PKC epsilon transgenic mice are linked to
166 transporter capable of exporting the diamine putrescine in the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells sele
167 , provide side chains that mimic the role of putrescine in the human enzyme.
168 al collard green showed the highest level of putrescine in the leaves compared with organic.
169 ibition was prevented by supplying exogenous putrescine in the presence of alpha-difluoromethylornith
170 g enzyme in the conversion of ornithine into putrescine in the synthesis of polyamines, is reduced in
171                      Importantly, dbcAMP and putrescine increase expression of p35, the neuron-specif
172 found that spermidine remained unchanged and putrescine increased by 2.5-fold after 15 h and then dec
173 tion of 4EBP1 and decreased basal as well as putrescine-induced AZ1 expression.
174                            Asn decreased the putrescine-induced AZ1 translation.
175                         We demonstrated that putrescine induces protozoan trophozoite encystment and
176 rations (>100 microM), or in the presence of putrescine, inhibition was observed.
177 -glutamylation pathway for the conversion of putrescine into GABA is present in some organisms.
178 ediated by an atypical pathway that converts putrescine into GABA, which then activates presynaptic G
179 ed step of nicotine biosynthesis, converting putrescine into N-methylputrescine.
180                  These results indicate that putrescine is a pathogen-produced virulence metabolite.
181                   The upregulation of p35 by putrescine is also reflected in increased localization o
182 n animal cells and indicate that the diamine putrescine is exported by an arginine transporter contai
183 yamines avidly, with a marked preference for putrescine (Kd=10 nM) over spermidine (Kd=430 nM), but t
184 tor substrate, especially for spermidine and putrescine (Km values of 33 mum and 3.9 mm, respectively
185 l ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and putrescine levels approximately 3-4-fold more in PKC eps
186                                              Putrescine levels decreased between baseline and 12 mont
187 se in TPA-induced epidermal ODC activity and putrescine levels than their wild-type littermates.
188  4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT), ODC activity and putrescine levels were dramatically increased in the epi
189  putrescine-treated plants, so the exogenous putrescine likely accelerated disease indirectly by affe
190 e underlying type of infection, showing that putrescine, lysoPCaC18:0 and SM C16:1 are associated wit
191 addition, this previous study suggested that putrescine may act as a cell-to-cell signaling molecule.
192 which associated with levels of calcium, and putrescine measured.
193           Polyamine (spermine > spermidine > putrescine)-mediated enhancement of intracellular D-myo-
194                                              Putrescine modified F(ab')2 fragment of anti-amyloid ant
195                            We also show that putrescine must be converted to spermidine both in cultu
196 the JA-responsive genes is NtPMT1a, encoding putrescine N-methyl transferase, a key regulatory enzyme
197                                              Putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT) catalyzes the first
198 ed transcription of NtPMT1a, a gene encoding putrescine N-methyltransferase, the first committed step
199                      Except of a doubling of putrescine, nicotine treatment also did not change lung
200 letely reversed by addition of the polyamine putrescine or by Chk2 overexpression.
201 of ornithine or micromolar concentrations of putrescine or by complementation with either glycosomal
202 macological supplementation, either with low putrescine or high ornithine or spermidine concentration
203                               Treatment with putrescine or spermidine blocks myelin-mediated inhibiti
204 yzed, spermine concentration was higher than putrescine or spermidine; however, the differential was
205                 Histamine deshydrogenase and putrescine oxidase enzymes were respectively immobilized
206 matic oxidation to 4-aminobutyraldehyde with putrescine oxidase or diamine oxidase as catalysts.
207 easured concentration for the biosensor with putrescine oxidase was 1mg/L.
208 with greatly reduced levels of intracellular putrescine, plaP was required for the putrescine-depende
209  spermidine to norspermine by decreasing the putrescine pool.
210 ic mice, prostatic N(1)-acetylspermidine and putrescine pools were remarkably increased relative to T
211 roxyproline, glycine, leucine+isoleucine and putrescine proved to be useful for differentiating Canno
212  pauA5 was found to be inducible by diamines putrescine (PUT) and cadaverine (CAD) but not by diamino
213 rations increased with time, tyramine (TYR), putrescine (PUT) and cadaverine (CAD) were the most abun
214                                      Diamine putrescine (Put) and polyamines; spermidine (Spd) and sp
215 e-harvest foliar spraying of grapevines with putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) (0, 1, 2mM) was ev
216            We investigated the catabolism of putrescine (Put) in a non-transgenic (NT) and a transgen
217 mended with a single PA model compound, i.e. putrescine (PUT) or spermidine (SPD), or with no additio
218                               The effects of putrescine (Put) treatment on anthocyanin concentrations
219     Organic broccoli showed higher levels of putrescine (Put), and cooking resulted in lowering the o
220  polyamines, including diaminopropane (DAP), putrescine (Put), cadaverine (Cad), and spermidine (Spd)
221 amines; spermine (SPM), spermidine (SPD) and putrescine (PUT), or electrochemical investigation of th
222  Copper amine oxidases oxidize the polyamine putrescine (Put), producing an aldehyde, ammonia, and hy
223 studies have involved three biogenic amines: putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm), a
224 taneous determination of histamine (His) and putrescine (Put).
225 se and racemase coupled with SpuC, the major putrescine-pyruvate transaminase, were key components to
226  proteins preferentially bind spermidine and putrescine, respectively.
227 ne and N1-acetylspermidine to spermidine and putrescine, respectively.
228                                    Exogenous putrescine restored both the normal timing of swarmer ce
229                                   Binding of putrescine results in a reorganization of four aromatic
230  and that this hypusination is necessary for putrescine's ability to overcome inhibition by MAG.
231                                              Putrescine showed very good correspondence with the leve
232 oved resistance to V. dahliae and maintained putrescine, Spd and Spm at high levels.
233  Oaz1, regulates synthesis of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine by controlling stabi
234                                  The role of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in phorbol 12-myrist
235                                              Putrescine, spermidine and spermine were measured as dan
236  to the sequential appearance of fluorinated putrescine, spermidine, acetylated spermidine, and sperm
237                           Polyamines such as putrescine, spermidine, and cadaverine are small, polyca
238                                              Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine (i.e., polyamines)
239                                              Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine are the polyamines
240 ompanied by reduced levels of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine in mutant infloresc
241 e studied the ability of natural polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) and a series of th
242                                  Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) are major organic
243                              The polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, are essential poly
244 eadily acetylates various polyamines such as putrescine, spermidine, and spermine.
245 ferase (vPAT), acetylates polyamines such as putrescine, spermidine, cadaverine, and homospermidine p
246    Thus, interactions of natural polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) and polyamine-like pot
247 d) because of the following: (i) addition of putrescine, spermidine, spermine, or N(1)-AcSpd did not
248                                              Putrescine, spermidine, spermine, PhTX-343 (a derivative
249                 Increasing concentrations of putrescine, spermine and spermidine were observed with c
250 es (cadaverine, histamine, phenylethylamine, putrescine, spermine, spermidine, tyramine and tryptamin
251 ake of putrescine by PlaP and decreased both putrescine stimulated swarming and urothelial cell invas
252 icate dual control of patA transcription and putrescine-stimulated patA translation.
253       To probe the structural basis by which putrescine stimulates T. cruzi AdoMetDC we generated mut
254                                              Putrescine stimulates the k(cat)/K(m) for wild-type T. c
255 e identified residues that are important for putrescine stimulation of activity (F7 and T245), while
256 nteract with the distal primary amine in the putrescine substrate as well as the internal and distal
257 ized to direct putrebactin biosynthesis from putrescine, succinyl-CoA and molecular oxygen.
258 We wanted to examine the effect of decreased putrescine synthesis by inhibition of ornithine decarbox
259 egrade arginine and ornithine, precursors of putrescine synthesis, are activated by either regulators
260               Trichomonas vaginalis secretes putrescine that is readily detected in vaginal secretion
261                                 Spermine and putrescine, the endogenous polyamine and metabolic produ
262 t was grown in the presence of extracellular putrescine, the intracellular levels of putrescine were
263                                  Add-back of putrescine, the product of ODC, reversed the increased m
264 activity-dependent increases in synthesis of putrescine, the simplest polyamine.
265 fects of DFMO were reversible with exogenous putrescine, thus indicating that they are specifically m
266 or E15A and E256A mutants were stimulated by putrescine to a smaller extent than the wild-type enzyme
267 tive Cdk5 abolishes the ability of dbcAMP or putrescine to enhance neurite outgrowth in the presence
268       The tosylates were reacted with excess putrescine to give the final triamines.
269 speC mutant required >/= 15 microM exogenous putrescine to grow and could not grow alone in xylem eve
270                    The ability of dbcAMP and putrescine to overcome inhibition by MAG is abolished in
271 t kinase 5 (Cdk5) is required for dbcAMP and putrescine to overcome MAG-mediated inhibition.
272  synthase (SPDSYN), the enzyme that converts putrescine to spermidine, was created by double-targeted
273 ndent sets of enzymes can completely degrade putrescine to succinate and that their relative importan
274 d be completely reversed by adding exogenous putrescine to the culture medium.
275         The results show that the binding of putrescine to the wild type dimeric protein is cooperati
276 cating R. solanacearum produced and exported putrescine to xylem sap.
277 tent with previously proposed models for how putrescine together with the buried, negatively charged
278                              Assays of PatA (putrescine transaminase) activity and beta-galactosidase
279                                              Putrescine transport was increased in inverted plasma me
280 em putrescine concentration was unchanged in putrescine-treated plants, so the exogenous putrescine l
281                           Last, we show that putrescine upregulates p35 expression by serving as a su
282 h, generation of toxic metabolites (H2O2 and putrescine), upregulation of HO-1, disruption of cell an
283 ing short hairpin RNA, caused an increase in putrescine uptake and a decrease in arginine uptake acti
284 n of LmPOT1 in Trypanosoma brucei stimulated putrescine uptake that was sensitive to inhibition by pe
285                  R. solanacearum synthesized putrescine via a SpeC ornithine decarboxylase.
286 n almost evened out and the concentration of putrescine was >800mg/kg.
287                                     However, putrescine was an effective repressing molecule at conce
288 capable of robust growth only when exogenous putrescine was supplied in the culture medium, confirmin
289                                              Putrescine was the amine that showed the highest concent
290                                              Putrescine was the least concentrated of these substance
291 escine, and the E178Q and E256Q mutants bind putrescine weakly with no cooperativity.
292 inine catabolites citrulline, ornithine, and putrescine were detected in supernatants, indicating act
293 ular putrescine, the intracellular levels of putrescine were greatly reduced compared with the speA m
294                                Histamine and putrescine were not detected.
295 s of the SpeA and SpeB enzymes (agmatine and putrescine) were tested for repression of cmr437::lacZ.
296  spermidine and diamine oxidase specific for putrescine, were co-immobilized onto a novel chitosan/co
297 the levels of the polyamines, spermidine and putrescine, were found to be increased which is an indic
298 ed at average concentrations <10mg/L, except putrescine which reached 20.5 +/- 10.2mg/L in Cannonau w
299 he aguBA operon that metabolizes agmatine to putrescine, which can be subsequently converted into oth
300 monas aeruginosa in response to agmatine and putrescine with an emphasis in polyamine catabolism.

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