


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oM) produced marked neurotoxicity in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer.
2 trol levels, most notably, in the CA1 region pyramidal cell layer.
3 ppocampal neuropil layers and weakly stained pyramidal cell layers.
4 timulation of either the granule cell or CA3 pyramidal cell layers.
5 4) with axons predominantly ramifying in the pyramidal cell layer; (2) Schaffer collateral/commissura
6 ronal density of large-caliber neurons only (pyramidal cells, layers 3 and 5).
7 umber of mossy fibers that can grow into the pyramidal cell layer and an inhibition of process retrac
8 inhibition after stimulation adjacent to the pyramidal cell layer and inhibited induction of long-ter
9 noreactivity (IR) was most noticeable in the pyramidal cell layer and interspersed interneurons, espe
10 ssed in glutamatergic neurons of the CA1-CA3 pyramidal cell layer and the granular layer of the denta
11 mpi, HCN1 mRNA expression was substantial in pyramidal cell layers and lower in dentate gyrus granule
12 ons with their dendrites confined to the CA3 pyramidal cell layer, and a previously undescribed cell
13 nule and mossy cells, disorganization of the pyramidal cell layer, and early postnatal death of pyram
14  CA3 field, the mossy fibers ran through the pyramidal cell layer, and while near the transition to f
15 n and diffuse ERbeta-ir primarily in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer as well as in a few interneurons.
16 rom both below and above the CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cell layer became highly coherent.
17 n aberrant and persistent innervation of the pyramidal cell layer by mossy fibers, including excessiv
18  and axons of cells lying within or near the pyramidal cell layer, consistent with their being GABAer
19 are found at lower levels in the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer, dentate granule cell layer and thr
20 increased independent of adrenals in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer, dentate gyrus polymorphic layer, b
21 piking interneurones with cell bodies in the pyramidal cell layer fired preferentially at input frequ
22 quently traveled mostly perpendicular to the pyramidal cell layer from CA3 (or CA1) but also in all d
23          From controls, the alveus, fimbria, pyramidal cell layer, hippocampal sulcus, and granule ce
24 aphy did not reveal changes in GR protein in pyramidal cell layers; however, increased GR signal was
25                                              Pyramidal cell layers in neo- and paleocortex had a bala
26  fine dendritic staining was observed in the pyramidal cell layer, in the granule cell layer, and in
27 Furthermore, we find that spiking in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer is modulated in a consistent travel
28     In that Gas6 is expressed throughout the pyramidal cell layer, it may activate these cells in bot
29               Most of the neurons in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer lost neuron specific nuclear protei
30 d local field potentials from the dorsal CA1 pyramidal cell layer of 7- to 8-month-old wild-type and
31 d local field potentials from the dorsal CA1 pyramidal cell layer of 7-8 month old wild-type and rTg4
32 hemical labeling of GABAergic boutons in the pyramidal cell layer of CA1 was preserved in the mouse m
33 campus in the granule cell layer, hilus, and pyramidal cell layer of CA3, CA2, and CA1 subfields.
34 calcium imaging of neuronal activity, in the pyramidal cell layer of mouse hippocampal in vitro prepa
35 urons that were evoked by stimulation of the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1, but not by depolarizing
36 ngiotensin II receptor mRNA was found in the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1, CA2 and CA3 subfields,
37 m, polymorph cells of the dentate gyrus, and pyramidal cell layer of the CA3 regions.
38 us displayed dense CNTFR alpha-ir within the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampal formation and th
39 tivity was found in a subset of cells in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus and in the granu
40 e [14C]AA incorporation in the claustrum and pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus compared with ve
41 UNEL-positive cells appeared only in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus, and DNA gel ele
42 ased intensity of signal is also seen in the pyramidal cell layers of medial prefrontal and anterior
43  heterotopia throughout the granule cell and pyramidal cell layers of mice containing a heterozygous
44  in immunoreactivity was seen, especially in pyramidal cell layers of the ipsilateral (stroked) hippo
45 layers-5 and 6) and the CA1 and CA3 sectors (pyramidal cell layers) of the hippocampus, were analyzed
46                 The proportional size of the pyramidal cell layers (supra- and infragranular) varied
47 re were ischemia-tolerant neurons in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer that survived delayed neurodegenera
48 rough adulthood, expression decreased in the pyramidal cell layer versus the dentate gyrus granule ce
49 mately 50% in each subregion, though the CA1 pyramidal cell layer was markedly more sensitive to the
50  amygdala and in the hippocampal CA3 and CA1 pyramidal cell layer were affected.
51 mage and neurogenesis in the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell layer were immunohistochemically studied.
52 mulation spots in the hilus and proximal CA3 pyramidal cell layer were more likely to evoke EPSCs in
53 ocated in the superficial portion of the CA1 pyramidal cell layer, whereas it is absent from deep-lay
54 ells are aligned in radial arrays across the pyramidal cell layer, whereas like-genotype cohorts in t
55  granule cell layer, hilus, and proximal CA3 pyramidal cell layer while measuring evoked EPSCs in nor
56  revealed dark degenerating terminals in the pyramidal cell layer with lingering CCK and CB(1) immuno
57 malformations included disruption of the SRK pyramidal cell layer, with spreading of the CA3 mossy fi

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