


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 midal, nonpyramidal multipolar, and inverted pyramidal neurons).
2 ic modeling of signaling pathways in the CA1 pyramidal neuron.
3 ger optogenetic silencing of a subset of CA1 pyramidal neurons.
4  the function of these stores in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
5 in mitochondria occurring in CA1 but not CA3 pyramidal neurons.
6 al circuitry of excitatory inputs to Layer 3 pyramidal neurons.
7 ibited egocentric spatial maps comparable to pyramidal neurons.
8 ramidal neurons than in superficial and deep pyramidal neurons.
9 ous excitatory synaptic inputs onto cortical pyramidal neurons.
10 CA3, INa,P was increased in both bipolar and pyramidal neurons.
11 terneuron inhibitory drive over layer II/III pyramidal neurons.
12 ological differences between rat and macaque pyramidal neurons.
13 pontaneous firings of somatosensory cortical pyramidal neurons.
14 nditional inactivation of Lis1 targeting CA1 pyramidal neurons.
15  excitability of CA1 or basolateral amygdala pyramidal neurons.
16 F to dendrites and spines of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
17 that IK1 channels do not mediate the sAHP in pyramidal neurons.
18 excitability of neocortical layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons.
19 lutamate release in hippocampal and cortical pyramidal neurons.
20 icity of inhibitory neurotransmission on CA1 pyramidal neurons.
21 despite impairing tonic inhibition onto L2/3 pyramidal neurons.
22 ut decreasing GABAergic inhibition onto L2/3 pyramidal neurons.
23 acilitated long-term depression (LTD) in PFC pyramidal neurons.
24 tional postsynaptic KAR complexes to the CA3 pyramidal neurons.
25 ing spine density in apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons.
26 urons and affecting inhibition onto cortical pyramidal neurons.
27 nnel, IK1 (KCNN4) as the sAHP channel in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
28 ty of evoked NMDAR currents on layer 2/3 PFC pyramidal neurons.
29 ed the slow AHP component (sAHP) in cortical pyramidal neurons.
30 ndritic Ca(2+) spikes in neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
31  that are 5-6 times larger than those in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
32 e synaptogenic immediate early gene NPTX2 by pyramidal neurons.
33 xamine ion dynamics in spines in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
34 and postsynaptic transmission in rat PL-mPFC pyramidal neurons.
35 reased length and number of intersections of pyramidal neurons.
36 napses between the entorhinal cortex and CA2 pyramidal neurons.
37 mined using whole-cell recordings in layer V pyramidal neurons.
38 elp to explain the morphology of neocortical pyramidal neurons.
39 ) is synthesized by diacylglycerol lipase in pyramidal neurons; 2) travels retrogradely to nearby inh
40 reased basal and apical spine density on CA1 pyramidal neurons 30 min and 2 h after infusion.
41                                Corticospinal pyramidal neurons, a cell type implicated in human micro
42 prelimbic medial prefrontal cortex (PL-mPFC) pyramidal neurons, a phenomenon that correlates with the
43 ility of prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) pyramidal neurons; a cocaine-induced increase in PL exci
44 found that native SK channel distribution in pyramidal neurons, across the somatodendritic domain, de
45 prefrontal cortex (PFC) is necessary for the pyramidal neuron activity believed to enable working mem
46  we report a persistent elevation of layer V pyramidal neuron activity in the somatosensory cortex of
47                                This enhanced pyramidal neuron activity was caused in part by increase
48 tion, respectively, altered resting cortical pyramidal neuron activity.
49 al arteriole tone increased resting cortical pyramidal neuron activity.
50 ontribute to the degeneration of hippocampal pyramidal neurons after recurrent seizures and brain isc
51        This resulted in the expected loss of pyramidal neuron AIS voltage-gated sodium and potassium
52        Large (Betz cells), medium, and small pyramidal neurons all expressed Kv3.1b.
53 d abnormal mitochondrial distribution in the pyramidal neurons along with mitochondrial dysfunction i
54 omato-dendritic GIRK currents in Girk2 (-/-) pyramidal neurons, although GIRK2c achieved a more unifo
55 ny in the firing activity of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, an impaired homeostatic response to p
56 olves the coordinated activity of excitatory pyramidal neurons and a specific population of inhibitor
57 or dendritic recordings from rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons and demonstrate that a majority of NMD
58  a significant decrease in the firing of PrL pyramidal neurons and did not seem to propagate to other
59  inhibitory neurons, also surround mouse CA2 pyramidal neurons and envelop their excitatory synapses.
60 ite arbors and spines in Cornu Ammonis (CA)1 pyramidal neurons and exacerbated behavioral defects.
61  cells convey strong excitatory drive to CA3 pyramidal neurons and express presynaptic, PKA-dependent
62 iform discharges were recorded in layer V-VI pyramidal neurons and fast-spiking interneurons in slice
63    This effect was observed in both putative pyramidal neurons and in interneurons and was stronger i
64 e cellular level by excitatory glutamatergic pyramidal neurons and inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid
65           We also found that both excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory interneurons received b
66 cess that controls excitatory inputs to both pyramidal neurons and interneurons can balance excitatio
67 KO mice revealed higher E/I ratio in layer 5 pyramidal neurons and lower general protein synthesis.
68 mice lacking ITSN1 suffer from dispersion of pyramidal neurons and malformation of the radial glial s
69                   FGF22 is released from CA3 pyramidal neurons and organizes the differentiation of e
70       Inhibitory transmission in hippocampal pyramidal neurons and striatal dopamine receptor D1-expr
71 d a more uniform subcellular distribution in pyramidal neurons and supported inhibitory postsynaptic
72 napses between the entorhinal cortex and CA2 pyramidal neurons and the persistence of long-term socia
73 cipal site of communication between cortical pyramidal neurons and their targets, a key locus of acti
74 fic gating), tested using a network model of pyramidal neurons and three classes of interneurons with
75 D and BD on synaptic connectivity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons and underscore the persistent impact o
76  inhibitory basket interneurons connected to pyramidal neurons and used cluster analysis to classify
77  did suppress aberrant spontaneous firing of pyramidal neurons and was associated with significantly
78 ii) BigLEN-mediated hyperpolarization of BLA pyramidal neurons, and (iii) feeding induced by DREADD-m
79 e, presented characteristics of non-adapting pyramidal neurons, and also had higher IPSC and EPSC fre
80 t required for scaling up in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and found that the GluA2 subunit is b
81 lity and action potential properties of L2/3 pyramidal neurons, and identifies Nav1.6 as a new potent
82 s from soma and dendrites of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and measured spectral tuning before a
83 ference in the immunoreactivity of Kv3.1b in pyramidal neurons, and this may be one of the factors ex
84 numbers, dynamics, and morphology of layer 5 pyramidal neuron apical dendritic spines in the primary
85  find that the effects of D2Rs on prefrontal pyramidal neurons are actually mediated by pathways asso
86                      We show that dorsal CA1 pyramidal neurons are all place cells, and do not respon
87 nd firing rate, number of active hippocampal pyramidal neurons are critical for reliable representati
88                       D3-receptor-expressing pyramidal neurons are electrophysiologically and anatomi
89 ng global cerebral ischemia, hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons are more vulnerable to injury than the
90 est that GIRK channels in dorsal hippocampal pyramidal neurons are necessary for normal learning invo
91 ated the consequences for E/I balance in PFC pyramidal neurons as well as cognition, social interacti
92 of Cre-recombinase in hippocampal CA1 region pyramidal neurons at postnatal day 0 (P0) or day 21 (P21
93 of dendritic measures differentiated typical pyramidal neurons between the Siberian tiger and the clo
94 -intrinsic neuronal excitability of cortical pyramidal neurons both in vitro and in vivo as shown by
95 -intrinsic neuronal excitability of cortical pyramidal neurons both in vitro and in vivo.
96 ilateral optogenetic stimulation of cortical pyramidal neurons both prevented and reduced pain-like b
97 y not essential for synapse formation in CA1 pyramidal neurons but shape synaptic properties and that
98  complexity of basal dendritic arbors of CA2 pyramidal neurons, but caused no alteration in the densi
99 inently expressed in hippocampal CA2 and CA3 pyramidal neurons, but little is known about its physiol
100 nduced in tandem in cultured rat neocortical pyramidal neurons by chronic manipulations of firing, bu
101                                   Inhibiting pyramidal neurons by optogenetically activating somatost
102 patial range of inhibitory input provided to pyramidal neurons by PV interneurons in layers 2/3, 4 an
103 y promotes the excitation of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons by suppressing feedforward inhibition.
104  in the LFP and the discharge of a subset of pyramidal neurons called "place cells" is spatially orga
105 Remarkably, upregulation of Dcc in mouse PFC pyramidal neurons causes vulnerability to stress-induced
106 uced KCa2 channel currents in layer V IL-PFC pyramidal neurons, confirming functional downregulation
107 xpression of c-fos was increased in cortical pyramidal neurons, consistent with increased neuronal ac
108                        Dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons contain intermingled excitatory and in
109          Finally, loss of GIRK2 in forebrain pyramidal neurons correlated with enhanced long-term dep
110                                       In CA1 pyramidal neurons, correlated inputs trigger dendritic p
111 d hippocampal area loss, and CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neuron count, was performed.
112 -expression is limited to a specific type of pyramidal neuron: CT.
113  theta-frequency resonance properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons, deficits in synaptic transmission at
114  inputs from different pathways cluster on a pyramidal neuron dendrite, a pathway can be gated-on by
115 red dendritic spines within layer II and III pyramidal neuron dendrites in Brodmann area 46 dorsolate
116 to hippocampus, which target the very distal pyramidal neuron dendrites, provide an unusually strong
117  Baseline electrophysiologic function of CA1 pyramidal neurons does not differ between Ndufs4(KO) and
118 ed saccade direction selectivity in putative pyramidal neurons due to nonspecific increases in activi
119  neurotransmission, increases onto cingulate pyramidal neurons during peri-pubertal development and t
120 embrane potential dynamics of identified CA1 pyramidal neurons during ripples.
121  mTOR-dependent spinogenesis on CA1 and mPFC pyramidal neurons, effects that may support the memory-e
122 ecording synaptic responses in dmPFC layer V pyramidal neurons elicited by repeated 5 Hz electrical s
123                                  In cortical pyramidal neurons EPSP suppression by preceding APs depe
124 ession, disrupted rhythmicity, and increased pyramidal neuron excitability.
125  development and general effects on cortical pyramidal neuron excitability.
126 t not males, by increasing ERK signaling and pyramidal neuron excitability.
127 ug technology to specifically manipulate CA1 pyramidal neuron excitatory activity, electrophysiology,
128 ction potentials, while in the macaque, some pyramidal neurons exhibit short duration "thin" spikes.
129                                   Excitatory pyramidal neurons exhibited inter- and intralaminar hete
130 ads to hyperexcitability of layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons, exhibiting an increased input resista
131                                  Hippocampal pyramidal neurons express an intraneuronal map of spectr
132                                          CA2 pyramidal neurons express mRNA transcripts for the major
133           In rat motor cortex, SMI32-postive pyramidal neurons expressing Kv3.1b were very rare and w
134 mal arteriole dilation and increased resting pyramidal neuron firing activity.
135 ade dendritic spine loss at directly injured pyramidal neurons followed by retrograde presynaptic hyp
136 ls (ChCs) target the axon initial segment of pyramidal neurons, forming an array of boutons termed a
137  dendritic arborization in isolated cortical pyramidal neurons from a mouse model of 16p11.2 duplicat
138             Here, using recordings from LIII pyramidal neurons from acute slices of mouse medial ento
139 ole-cell recording revealed that hippocampal pyramidal neurons from B6.Q54 and F1.Q54 animals exhibit
140                  Here we show that layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons from human temporal cortex (HL2/3 PCs)
141 ls and of native synaptic NMDARs in cortical pyramidal neurons from mice of either sex increased in c
142              Here we show that, in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons from slices of visual cortex of rats,
143                                              Pyramidal neurons from the hippocampus of Celsr3 knockou
144 oth their PPI and learning defects, cortical pyramidal neurons from Upf3b-null mice display deficient
145 round potassium current observed in cortical pyramidal neurons from wild type mice was conspicuously
146 w that one-third of the thick-tufted layer 5 pyramidal neurons have an axon originating from a dendri
147 ion of somatostatin-expressing cells reduced pyramidal neuron hyperactivity and reversed mechanical a
148  networks shifted their activity in favor of pyramidal neuron hyperactivity: somatostatin-expressing
149 hese channels counteracts the increased L2/3 pyramidal neuron hyperexcitability of Kcnq2-null neurons
150 oss cortical areas, whereas many lower-layer pyramidal neurons (i.e., layers V-VI) favor connections
151 re, CaMKv knockdown in mouse hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons impairs synaptic transmission and plas
152 s in mouse organotypic slices, and layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron in somatosensory cortex of living mice.
153  postsynaptic current frequency, measured on pyramidal neurons in acute hippocampal slices at 270 DAT
154 ned the intrinsic excitability of PRL and IL pyramidal neurons in adolescent rats 24 h following a br
155 of apical dendrites of layer 5 (L5) and L2/3 pyramidal neurons in adult V1 of Lynx1 knock-out (KO) mi
156 rareal excitation was stronger in PV than in pyramidal neurons in all layer 2/3 pathways, we observed
157       Using whole-cell recordings of layer V pyramidal neurons in an ex vivo brain slice preparation,
158 ion potential (AP) firing in Scn8a(N1768D/+) pyramidal neurons in brain slices revealed early afterde
159       Using dynamic clamp in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in brain slices, we showed that the ef
160 B activity in single dendritic spines of CA1 pyramidal neurons in cultured murine hippocampal slices.
161 nded with reduced dendritic spine density on pyramidal neurons in layer 1 of the medial PFC.
162 inputs to the dendritic spines of individual pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 of ferret visual cortex.
163 tic arborization of cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons in mice.
164 ns between apical and basal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons in mouse hippocampal slices.
165 aSyn were injected directly into the soma of pyramidal neurons in mouse neocortical brain slices duri
166 egulate the spatial frequency (SF) tuning of pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex.
167                             By analyzing CA1 pyramidal neurons in mutant hippocampal slice cultures t
168 n "in mind," requires persistent activity of pyramidal neurons in prefrontal cortex (PFC) mediated by
169  current clamp recording, we found that L2/3 pyramidal neurons in prefrontal cortex of fmr1(-/y) mous
170 xpression to identify Fos-expressing layer V pyramidal neurons in prelimbic cortex (PLC) of FosGFP-tr
171 cium imaging with single-spine resolution in pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices from either
172 el current in nucleated patches from layer 5 pyramidal neurons in rat neocortex, in physiological ext
173 tween hippocampal astrocytes and neighboring pyramidal neurons in rodent in vitro models of epilepsy.
174 ity of long/thin dendritic spines of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the adult PrL-C.
175                           Here, we show that pyramidal neurons in the barrel cortex of BC1 knock out
176  was accompanied by a marked preservation of pyramidal neurons in the CA3 area and increased expressi
177 pping of the probabilistic spiking nature of pyramidal neurons in the cortex to the stochastic switch
178 ary visual cortex by measuring the tuning of pyramidal neurons in the joint orientation and spatial f
179                                Specifically, pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
180 gnificantly increased basal spine density on pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
181 med postsynaptic dendritic spines of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mouse motor cortex during devel
182 ged postsynaptic dendritic spines of layer V pyramidal neurons in the mouse primary motor cortex usin
183 ery on dendritic spine remodeling of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex.
184 pses in the apical dendritic tuft of layer V pyramidal neurons in the mPFC.
185 icated GABAergic deficits onto layer (L) 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the pathogenesis of neocortical hyp
186 R activation can enhance the excitability of pyramidal neurons in the PFC.
187 ic and dendritic excitability of layer (L) 5 pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the fmr1(-
188                                              Pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic area of the mPFC were
189 ains in a randomly chosen group of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex triggered
190 -term potentiation of excitatory synapses on pyramidal neurons in the stratum radiatum rarely occurs
191                                              Pyramidal neurons in these animals' brains have reduced
192                      Moreover, activation of pyramidal neurons in this cortical region was sufficient
193  It is not known if the other major types of pyramidal neurons in this layer also express this enzyme
194 citatory and inhibitory synapses in cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo.
195 ncy adaptation - split layer 5 barrel cortex pyramidal neurons into two clusters: one of adapting cel
196 ergic excitation of commissural layer 5 mPFC pyramidal neurons is abolished in neuropathic pain rats
197 ecrease in the intrinsic excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons is believed to contribute to age-relat
198 , daily cocaine injections, t-LTP in layer V pyramidal neurons is induced at +30 ms, a normally ineff
199 nd that postnatal development of PNNs on CA2 pyramidal neurons is modified by early-life enrichment,
200 uppress anxiety, while the inhibition of CA1 pyramidal neurons is required to suppress fear responses
201 a result of KCNQ2 dysfunction in neocortical pyramidal neurons is still unknown.
202 fferential vulnerabilities of CA1 versus CA3 pyramidal neurons is unclear.
203                            In addition to L5 pyramidal neurons, L2/3 pyramidal neurons play an import
204                                  Hippocampal pyramidal neurons lacking CDKL5 show decreased dendritic
205 se of the CA1 microcircuit, we find that CA1 pyramidal neurons lacking CDKL5 show hyperexcitability i
206 IRK2c) expressed individually in hippocampal pyramidal neurons lacking GIRK2.
207  the excitatory projections of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons located in layer 3, whose activity is
208 tional development of the PFC by quantifying pyramidal neuron morphology and cognitive performance.
209                             Like neocortical pyramidal neurons, neurons in our model receive sensory
210 context for the relatively large size of the pyramidal neurons observed in the present study.
211                         Here, in hippocampal pyramidal neurons of both primary cultures and slices, w
212  detected coexpression of DCC and miR-218 in pyramidal neurons of human and mouse PFC.
213 that AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission in pyramidal neurons of prefrontal cortex (PFC) was diminis
214 ic plasticity between dorsal and ventral CA1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus.
215 model with conditional disruption of ANK3 in pyramidal neurons of the adult forebrain (Ank-G cKO).
216 -seq to identify mistranslating mRNAs in CA1 pyramidal neurons of the FX mouse model (Fmr1(-/y)) hipp
217                    Here we show that, in the pyramidal neurons of the hippocampal CA1 region in mice,
218 cial role for excitatory synapses connecting pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus and cortex with fas
219                                       In CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus two types of AMPARs
220 ies from dentate gyrus granule cells and CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus.
221            Dendritic spines on the principal pyramidal neurons of the orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex
222 e-pulse TMS on dendritic activity in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the somatosensory cortex using an o
223 cs in male Sprague Dawley rats to silence IL pyramidal neurons optically for 20 s immediately after u
224 nterneurons and decreases the firing rate of pyramidal neurons, phenomena mimicked by exogenously app
225    In addition to L5 pyramidal neurons, L2/3 pyramidal neurons play an important role in prefrontal c
226 ophysiological assessments were made of mPFC pyramidal neurons (PN) from adult male HIV-1 transgenic
227 es along the apical dendrites of layer (L) 5 pyramidal neurons (PNs) in the mouse barrel cortex, and
228 er collateral (SC) inputs to hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons (PNs) produces a long-term enhancement
229 cal pathway onto mouse CA2 compared with CA1 pyramidal neurons (PNs).
230               Deletion of HDAC2 in forebrain pyramidal neurons prevented the negative effects of anti
231                                       Layer3 pyramidal neurons projected to the medial entorhinal cor
232 ngs implicate failure of adaptive control of pyramidal neuron-PV circuits as a pathophysiological mec
233 nhibitory and excitatory responses to ACh in pyramidal neurons represent complementary mechanisms gov
234                                        Since pyramidal neurons represent the most abundant neuronal t
235  previously described thin- and thick-tufted pyramidal neurons, respectively.
236 increases in parenchymal arteriole tone, the pyramidal neuron response was unaffected by blockers of
237                               Differently to pyramidal neuron responses, increases in flow/pressure w
238 r-expression of either isoform in dorsal CA1 pyramidal neurons restored contextual fear learning in a
239                 Recordings from layer II/III pyramidal neurons revealed action potential widening tha
240 -term potentiation (sLTP) in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, revealing that the activation of thes
241 duces dendritic lengths of mPFC layer II/III pyramidal neurons, S-SDS increases arborization and spin
242 creases spine density and length in cortical pyramidal neurons, selective re-expression of FMRP in as
243 lular integrity in the motor cortex, and CA1 pyramidal neurons show abnormalities predominantly withi
244                                 Phase-locked pyramidal neurons showed gamma-phase-dependent rate modu
245 ing to SWRs in rTg4510 mice, whilst putative pyramidal neurons showed increased temporal and phase lo
246 ll voltage-clamp recordings of mEPSCs in CA1 pyramidal neurons showed that E2 increases both mEPSC fr
247          Patch clamp recordings from layer V pyramidal neurons showed that optogenetic stimulation no
248 nd locations along the dendritic tree of CA1 pyramidal neurons, showed diversity characterised by the
249 orsomedial prefrontal cortex, with different pyramidal neurons signaling Go and No-Go action plans.
250 reated Scn1a (+/-) mice exhibited normalized pyramidal neuron sodium current density and reduced hipp
251 amotrigine treatment had no effect on either pyramidal neuron sodium current or hippocampal NaV1.6 le
252 rongly limiting SK channel expression at the pyramidal neuron soma.
253  conditional Lis1 inactivation in excitatory pyramidal neurons, starting in juvenile mouse brain, wer
254                        However, do different pyramidal neuron subtypes also receive synaptic inputs t
255                                              Pyramidal neuron subtypes differ in intrinsic electrophy
256                                           In pyramidal neurons such as hippocampal area CA1 and basol
257 synaptic currents (mEPSCs) onto EC layer III pyramidal neurons, suggesting that these channels decrea
258 uts onto postsynaptic specializations of CA3 pyramidal neurons termed thorny excrescences and these s
259 ed presynaptic glutamate release at layer VI pyramidal neuron terminals.
260 -cAMP/protein kinase A dopamine signaling in pyramidal neurons that in turn pathologically recruits l
261 tion of excitatory synaptic responses in CA2 pyramidal neurons that relied on N-methyl-d-aspartate re
262  the authors construct biophysical models of pyramidal neurons that reproduce observed plasticity gra
263                                Therefore, in pyramidal neurons, the AIS location is finely tuned with
264 n phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1B(+) BLA pyramidal neurons to dopamine receptor 1(+) CeA neurons
265 petitive behaviors, while R-spondin 2(+) BLA pyramidal neurons to dopamine receptor 2(+) CeA neurons
266             This enhances the ability of CA1 pyramidal neurons to fire synaptically evoked dendritic
267 cells regulate surround suppression to allow pyramidal neurons to optimally encode visual information
268  our models using the responses of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons to simulated presynaptic input with di
269 s in response reliability and selectivity of pyramidal neurons to visual stimuli, as confirmed by two
270  ACh exerts two opposing actions in cortical pyramidal neurons: transient inhibition and longer-lasti
271 t electrophysiological responses in cortical pyramidal neurons: transient inhibition driven by calciu
272 t electrophysiological responses in cortical pyramidal neurons: transient inhibition driven by calciu
273 s-of-function variant KCNQ2(I205V) into L2/3 pyramidal neurons using in utero electroporation also re
274 fluence synaptic currents in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using patch clamp recordings in acute
275 rons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition.
276 usal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite thes
277       Increased excitability of layer II/III pyramidal neurons was accompanied by consistent reductio
278    In drinking monkeys, evoked firing of OFC pyramidal neurons was reduced, whereas the amplitude and
279 jury, cholinergic modulation of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neurons was severely impaired.
280           Via realistic simulations of a CA1 pyramidal neuron, we further demonstrate that theta-driv
281 patch clamp recordings from infralimbic mPFC pyramidal neurons, we found that chronic stress selectiv
282         In general, the dendrites of typical pyramidal neurons were more complex in the tiger than in
283                                   Excitatory pyramidal neurons were more likely to fire action potent
284   In macaque motor cortex, a large sample of pyramidal neurons were nearly all found to express Kv3.1
285 idea, EPSPs in both cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons were suppressed by preceding APs in an
286 e targeting proximal and distal dendrites of pyramidal neurons, where the defining feature of a beta
287 on, cholinergic stimulation excited putative pyramidal neurons, whereas the activity of putative inte
288 tic excitation and inhibition in hippocampal pyramidal neurons, which affects 'Hebbian' long-term syn
289 arization increased baseline firing rates of pyramidal neurons, which altered their susceptibility to
290 -cAMP/protein kinase A dopamine signaling in pyramidal neurons, which then pathologically recruits vo
291                            Activation of PFC pyramidal neurons with a CaMKII-driven Gq-coupled design
292 a rigid, predominantly fast-firing subset of pyramidal neurons with low spatial specificity and limit
293             More specifically, we found that pyramidal neurons with similar orientation selectivity p
294 ore target touch; suppression of activity in pyramidal neurons with the ArchT silencing opsin resulte
295 tion is much higher in ACC than LPFC layer 3 pyramidal neurons, with a significantly higher frequency
296 y strong excitatory drive at the soma of CA2 pyramidal neurons, with EPSPs that are 5-6 times larger
297 ty (M2R-ir) was absent from the perikarya of pyramidal neurons, with the exception of the Golgi compl
298 ions (ADPs) in subcortically projecting (SC) pyramidal neurons within L5 of the PFC.
299 ng this period, parvalbumin interneurons and pyramidal neurons within the same layers receive weaker
300 MDA EPSCs in mouse layer 5 prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons without affecting AMPA EPSC currents.

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