


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tracts susbserving motor control (mainly the pyramidal tract).
2 lateral funiculi, which comprise the crossed pyramidal tract.
3 gradely, BDA3k was injected into the pontine pyramidal tract.
4 f the arm (median, radial and ulnar) and the pyramidal tract: (1) increased excitability of corticosp
5 ons responded to both intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract activation, arguing that these cortical
6 autonomic dysfunction, cognitive impairment, pyramidal tract and cerebellar dysfunction, and white ma
7 er, and those that send their main axon into pyramidal tract and have a collateral projection to stri
8 ed by stimulating the unlesioned ipsilateral pyramidal tract and the medial longitudinal fasciculus w
9 ns predominated in the basal ganglia and the pyramidal tracts and included fine, diffuse cytoplasmic
10 bria, and internal capsule in the brain, and pyramidal tracts and lateral columns of the spinal cord.
11 ernal capsule, the external capsule, and the pyramidal tracts and medial lemniscus of the pons and me
12 observed in association with the ipsilateral pyramidal tract as it descended ventromedially through t
13 n (cTMS) or by electrical stimulation of the pyramidal tract at the level of the pyramidal decussatio
14  of the contralesional, but not ipsilesional pyramidal tract at the level of the red and facial nucle
15  by collaterals of thick and fast conducting pyramidal tract axons originating from the frontal corte
16 genetic activation of intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract axons.
17 to the assertion that intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract cortical neurons innervate different str
18 xhibit hypoplasia of the corpus callosum and pyramidal tracts, dilated ventricles, and extensive dege
19 associated with an eye movement disorder and pyramidal tract features.
20 ransport of GDNF was evident in axons in the pyramidal tract from the cerebral peduncle to the caudal
21  labeled axons in the ipsilateral descending pyramidal tract in both species.
22 he parapyramidal area and just dorsal to the pyramidal tract in the raphe magnus.
23              Conditioning stimulation of the pyramidal tract increased both the terminal excitability
24 anced axonal sprouting from the ipsilesional pyramidal tract into the brainstem was observed in vehic
25                               Lesions of the pyramidal tract just rostral to the inferior olive subst
26 eral responses following M1 inactivation and pyramidal tract lesion could be evoked after systemic ad
27 hemisphere using reversible inactivation and pyramidal tract lesion.
28 ge of a major class of M1 output neuron, the pyramidal tract neuron (PTN), is modulated during observ
29 ns both corticocollicular neurons, a type of pyramidal-tract neuron projecting to the inferior collic
30 de of local field potential (slow waves) and pyramidal tract neurone (PTN) discharge from pairs of si
31                       The firing patterns of pyramidal tract neurones (PTNs) and unidentified neurone
32  the pericruciate cortex, and commoner among pyramidal tract neurones (PTNs) than non-PTNs.
33 ; 39 cells were antidromically identified as pyramidal tract neurones (PTNs).
34 ted rhythmicity of motor cortical (including pyramidal tract) neurones.
35 ly and callosally projecting) in layers 2-6, pyramidal tract neurons (corticocollicular, corticoponti
36 l limbs to the posture-related modulation of pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) arising in the primary mo
37     Here, we investigated whether identified pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) in area F5 of two adult m
38 re the activity of fast- and slow-conducting pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) of the motor cortex in ca
39 al neurons were identified antidromically as pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs).
40 Some cells were antidromically identified as pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs).
41 he major output cell type of the neocortex - pyramidal tract neurons (PTs) - send axonal projections
42                                              Pyramidal tract neurons (PTs) represent the major output
43                  We recorded the activity of pyramidal tract neurons in the motor cortex of the cat b
44 s in the motoneuron inputs (e.g., 20 Hz from pyramidal tract neurons) would be filtered out by the mu
45 uts excited neurons mainly in L5B, including pyramidal tract neurons.
46  of CM cells includes both "fast" and "slow" pyramidal tract neurons.
47 osite hemisphere was inactivated or when the pyramidal tract on the nonstimulated side was sectioned.
48 e matter tracts were involved, including the pyramidal tract, optic radiation, and corpus callosum, l
49  separated cortical sites, and encompass the pyramidal tract output neurones.
50 s with proximal RFs (upper arm/shoulder) and pyramidal tract-projecting neurons (PTNs) with fast-cond
51  subtypes of Fezf2(+) neurons that resembled pyramidal tract projection neurons (PT-PNs) and intratel
52 f contralesional rather than of ipsilesional pyramidal tract projections.
53   We investigated whether stimulation of the pyramidal tract (PT) could reset the phase of 15-30 Hz b
54 esponses in both intratelencephalic (IT) and pyramidal tract (PT) dendrites, whereas monosynaptic hip
55 ording from CT, intratelencephalic (IT), and pyramidal tract (PT) projection neurons, we found strong
56 jection to the ipsilateral brainstem via the pyramidal tract (PT-type); and 2) one that projects intr
57 n studies of TAI focused on limited areas of pyramidal tract (Py) but not its entire length.
58 r distribution were evoked from sites in the pyramidal tract rostral and caudal to the inferior olive
59 eral spinal CST connections after unilateral pyramidal tract section (PTx), which models CST loss aft
60 ng the OPA3 -linked phenotype by early-onset pyramidal tract signs and marked lower limb dystonia.
61 low progression, distal limb amyotrophy, and pyramidal tract signs associated with severe loss of mot
62                                              Pyramidal tract signs were described in 13 patients and
63 ded chorea, cerebellar ataxia, dystonia, and pyramidal tract signs.
64 ancement produced by the second of a pair of pyramidal tract stimuli, or a higher stimulus multiple o
65 c EPSPs and disynaptic IPSPs evoked from the pyramidal tract that were present in the intact monkey s
66                   In the corpus callosum and pyramidal tracts, the ratio of parallel to perpendicular
67        Eight weeks after injury, produced by pyramidal tract transection, half of the rats received f
68 ivity of antidromically-identified lamina 5b pyramidal-tract type neurons (n = 153) and intratelencep
69        This reduced activation was strong in pyramidal tract-type neurons (-50%) but essentially abse
70                                   Given that pyramidal tract-type neurons form the primary efferent p
71  dysfunction of movement-related activity in pyramidal tract-type neurons is likely to be a central f
72       DTT was performed to segment bilateral pyramidal tracts using semiautomated fiber tracking soft
73                   Input from the ipsilateral pyramidal tract was rare and weak in both lesioned and c
74 of the medullary corticospinal fibres in the pyramidal tract were made in three adult macaque monkeys
75 vity (D(av)) (median, -2.0% per week) in the pyramidal tract were measured in infants without brain i
76  electrical stimulation of the contralateral pyramidal tract were measured in intracellular recording
77 the SC and pons but avoid ventral SC and the pyramidal tract, whereas cells transplanted deep into th
78 e first being the rostral decussation of the pyramidal tract, which instead of occurring at the spino

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