


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d independent from, inorganic proxies (e.g., pyrite).
2 ther with smaller quantities of siderite and pyrite.
3 and complete sorption of monothioarsenate to pyrite.
4 line ferrihydrite, goethite, mackinawite, or pyrite.
5 be explained by abiological precipitation of pyrite.
6  dark red-to-black fragments of hematite and pyrite.
7 s and increasing the oxidative weathering of pyrite.
8 sorption experiments with local Tl-rich coal pyrite.
9  record of seawater sulfates and sedimentary pyrites.
10 ntal tellurium, or a plating of magnetite or pyrites.
11              We studied the reaction between pyrite (5-125 mM) and nitrite (40-2000 muM) at pH 0, 5.5
12 ope differences in size-sorted aerosols from pyrite ablation are not analytically resolvable.
13                               In the case of pyrite acting as reductant, however, denitrification is
14 ization of transition metals, which produced pyrite and copious appended sulfur functionality.
15 opose a structure that is isostructural with pyrite and has the stoichiometry PtN2.
16 nderstanding the phase selection between the pyrite and marcasite polymorphs of FeS2.
17 ead to suggestions to improve single crystal pyrite and nanocrystalline or polycrystalline pyrite fil
18 21% of Se is present as selenide (Se(2-)) in pyrite and sphalerite, 19% of Se is present as selenite
19 ant source minerals for aqueous-phase Se are pyrite and sphalerite.
20                       Mackinawite, greigite, pyrite and sulfate coexist in the sediments, indicating
21 arcasite has a band gap at least as large as pyrite and that the two polymorphs share similar absorpt
22  Fe minerals can still be present along with pyrite and vivianite, and that ferric Fe-bound P pool ca
23  here are among the largest ever observed in pyrite, and are in phase with glacial-interglacial sea l
24 cles containing pyrite, Cu and Zn-containing pyrite, and iron in hydrothermal vent black smoker emiss
25 ) for the reduction of arsenite, As(III), by pyrite are incompletely understood.
26 tructure (EXAFS) spectra of these As-bearing pyrites are explained by local structure models obtained
27                  However, the performance of pyrite as an absorber material in photovoltaic devices h
28 d on the observation of natural hydrothermal pyrites, As(-I) is usually assigned to the occupation of
29 ectroscopy for As(II,III) incorporation into pyrite at octahedral Fe(II) sites and for As(-I) at tetr
30 ch reactions show that As(III) is reduced on pyrite at the Eh-pH predicted by the electrochemical stu
31 rals (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, bornite, and pyrite) at different flotation pulp conditions (feed, co
32 ord of remarkable biological preservation in pyrite back to the Paleoproterozoic and provides criteri
33 ciated with the primary minerals sphalerite, pyrite, barite, and chalcopyrite and secondary Fe oxyhyd
34  alloys are promising for the development of pyrite-based heterojunction solar cells that feature lar
35 ng minerals but is less well established for pyrite-based records.
36  two field-scale treatments from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB, southwest Spain).
37 sin in the US and three sites in the Iberian Pyrite Belt in Spain and found that the fastest rates of
38 ruces is a base-metal deposit in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, one of the world's best-known ore provinces
39  seawater sulfate and reflect an increase in pyrite burial and a crash in the marine sulfate reservoi
40 s that enhanced levels of organic-carbon and pyrite burial continued a few hundred thousand years aft
41     We estimate that this organic carbon and pyrite burial event added approximately 19 x 10(18) mole
42 tion rates from the global average record of pyrite burial, highlighting how the local nature of sedi
43 r sulfur represent periods of lower rates of pyrite burial, implying a shift in the location of organ
44 ochemical box modeling of organic-carbon and pyrite burial, the sulfur-isotope excursion can be gener
45 ults with a sediment biogeochemical model of pyrite burial, we find a strong relationship between obs
46 entary sulfur isotopic composition of marine pyrite by examining a 300-m drill core of Mediterranean
47 chalcogenides and first-row transition metal pyrites catalysts.
48                    We report metallic cobalt pyrite (cobalt disulfide, CoS2) as one such high-activit
49 natural magnetite, siderite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite, collected through cascade impaction, followed by
50  release occurring when sulfide (principally pyrite)-containing rock from mining activities and from
51 ogeochemical processes in a nitrate-polluted pyrite-containing aquifer and its evolution over the las
52 ure, which developed during the oxidation of pyrite-containing coal mining overburden/waste rock (OWR
53 oxidation rates coincided with maxima of the pyrite content, total cell counts, and MPN of iron(II)-o
54 n of a detailed energy band diagram for iron pyrite crystals.
55 de the formation of nanoparticles containing pyrite, Cu and Zn-containing pyrite, and iron in hydroth
56                                         Iron pyrite (cubic FeS2) is a promising candidate absorber ma
57 apacity of the aquifers, which is present as pyrite, degradable organic carbon, and geogenic U(IV) mi
58 nvironmental information can be derived from pyrite delta(34)S records.
59 e in the sulfur isotopic record preserved in pyrite (delta(34)Spyr) necessarily corresponds to local
60 ributions of these pools to the formation of pyrite depend on both the accumulation of the insoluble
61                    On average, the amount of pyrite detached was equivalent to 6.5 x 10(-11) mol m(-2
62 e surface layer is observed, with consequent pyrite dissolution rates reduced by more than 90% at neu
63  and weathering fluxes of organic carbon and pyrite driven by either Neogene cooling or increasing Pl
64  its effectiveness as the primary oxidant of pyrite during AMD generation.
65  However, the modes of As incorporation into pyrite during its crystallization under low-temperature
66  potential for hydrogen electroadsorption on pyrite, E approximately +0.1 V (versus RHE).
67 odified [FeFe](H) cluster stably linked to a pyrite electrode immersed in acidified water.
68                                          The pyrite electrode readily produces hydrogen from acidifie
69            Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and arsenian pyrite (FeAsxS2-x) of <25 mum size, which have escaped d
70 lyst containing Co doped earth abundant iron pyrite FeS(2) nanosheets hybridized with carbon nanotube
71  been used to show that the band gap of iron pyrite (FeS(2)) can be increased from ~1.0 to 1.2-1.3 eV
72                                              Pyrite (FeS(2)) thin films were synthesized using a H(2)
73 8% of greigite (Fe(2+)Fe(3+)(2)S(4)) and 72% pyrite (FeS(2)).
74 ous sulfur isotope (Delta(33)S) signature of pyrite (FeS2) in seafloor sediments from this period, wh
75                                         Iron pyrite (FeS2) is considered a promising earth-abundant s
76                                 Oxidation of pyrite (FeS2) plays a significant role in the redox cycl
77 al sulfate reduction that induce substantial pyrite (FeS2) precipitation.
78 g silver and gold (AgNPs and AuNPs), Fe, Mn, pyrite (FeS2), Ag2S, CuS, CdS, and ZnS, is dictated larg
79  Cu, Zn) with Na2S2 enables the formation of pyrite (FeS2), CoS2, and NiS2 at low temperatures (250-3
80 cles in suspension from mackinawite (FeS) to pyrite (FeS2).
81 yrite and nanocrystalline or polycrystalline pyrite films for successful solar applications.
82 re, large-grain, and uniform polycrystalline pyrite films that are fabricated by solution-phase depos
83                                         Iron pyrite (fool's gold, FeS(2)) is a promising earth abunda
84 Fe isotope fractionation accompanies abiotic pyrite formation in the absence of Fe(II) redox change.
85 artial Fe(II)(aq) utilization during abiotic pyrite formation rather than microbial dissimilatory Fe(
86 Greenstone Belt, South Africa, show that the pyrite formed by bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate
87 ol and the rate of sulfide production in the pyrite-forming environments.
88 ts revealed Se primarily correlated with the pyrite fraction with exact Se speciation highly dependen
89 he same epsilon(205)Tl value was found for a pyrite from the deposit that produced the cocombusted py
90                         The gold and rounded pyrites from the conglomerates yield a rhenium-osmium is
91 strate that Se is associated with framboidal pyrite grains as a discrete, independent FeSex phase.
92 esult suggests that mechanical detachment of pyrite grains could be an important pathway for the mobi
93 al detachment, and mobilization, of embedded pyrite grains.
94 brating suspensions containing the nanosized pyrite-greigite solid phase at different pH-values and w
95  The iron isotope composition of sedimentary pyrite has been proposed as a potential proxy to trace m
96       Iron chalcogenides, in particular iron pyrite, have great potential to be useful materials for
97                                         Bulk pyrite in most sediments carries weak S MIF because of m
98 f the early formation of authigenic arsenian pyrite in subsurface sediments.
99 ulfur isotope data from carbonate-associated pyrite in the ~2.5-billion-year-old Batatal Formation of
100 he geochemical reactivity of such As-bearing pyrites in low-temperature subsurface environments.
101         The sulphur isotopic compositions of pyrites in the shales show strong variations along a pal
102                                              Pyrite is a key mineral in the global biogeochemical cyc
103                                              Pyrite is a ubiquitous mineral in reducing environments
104  the isotopic composition of sulphur in this pyrite is large and shows no evidence of mass-independen
105                           Indeed, As-bearing pyrite is observed in a wide variety of sedimentary envi
106 eports indicated that anaerobic oxidation of pyrite is occurring, but the mechanism remains unclear.
107                     We found that syngenetic pyrite is present in organic-rich shales of the 2.32-Gyr
108 h faster than Se substituted in the euhedral pyrite lattice.
109 ntial incorporation of sulfur compounds into pyrite leads to preservation of S MIF, which is predicte
110 Zn(CN)2, P6(3)/mmc, P(trans) ~ 0.9 GPa), and pyrite-like (pyr-Zn(CN)2, Pa3, P(trans) ~ 1.8 GPa).
111  and 1.8 Ga, positive iron isotope values of pyrite likely reflect an increase in the precipitation o
112 toresponse observed experimentally for mixed pyrite/marcasite-FeS2 films can be ascribed to the prese
113  network of Pa3 symmetry, as observed in the pyrite model structure, at variance with the usual, but
114 with exact Se speciation highly dependent on pyrite morphology.
115 that for these elements to become mobilized, pyrite must first dissolve.
116 be coordination assembly of anisotropic FeS2 pyrite nanoparticles (NPs) that can facilitate charge tr
117                                We focused on pyrite nodules, precipitated in shallow sediments.
118 ted because arsenic acts as an inhibitor for pyrite nucleation at ambient temperature.
119             Remarkably, As(III) reduction on pyrite occurs at similar potentials to those for reducti
120 Variable and negative iron isotope values in pyrites older than about 2.3 Ga suggest that an iron-ric
121 iments of rocks from the watershed show that pyrite oxidation and carbonate dissolution control the s
122       These findings indicate that microbial pyrite oxidation and metal mobilization preferentially o
123                          The mass balance of pyrite oxidation and nitrate reduction revealed a closed
124 te dissolution following proton release from pyrite oxidation and subsequent exchange by calcium for
125            Our data imply a cyclic model for pyrite oxidation by Fe(III) on the basis of the oxidatio
126                                  The rate of pyrite oxidation by ferric iron in sterile suspensions a
127                                Inhibition of pyrite oxidation by SMP was shown to be comparable to, b
128  order of magnitude greater than the rate of pyrite oxidation expected under similar conditions.
129 Chemolithotrophic denitrification coupled to pyrite oxidation is regarded a key process in the remova
130     Maximal microcalorimetrically determined pyrite oxidation rates coincided with maxima of the pyri
131 onsidered in studies on microbially mediated pyrite oxidation with nitrate.
132 ocedure typically used to quantify microbial pyrite oxidation, in overestimating Fe(III) production.
133                                       Due to pyrite oxidation, metals (especially copper) are mobiliz
134 ct of phospholipid on the biogeochemistry of pyrite oxidation, which leads to acid mine drainage (AMD
135 ed organic matter can play a role in slowing pyrite oxidation.
136 equesters, on average, 37% of Se released by pyrite oxidation.
137 anaerobically oxidize a putatively nanosized pyrite particle fraction with nitrate as electron accept
138 , and temperature we found that in all cases pyrite particles became detached from the shale surfaces
139                   Without silicate, oxidized pyrite particles form an overlayer of crystalline goethi
140 factors between Fe(II)(aq), mackinawite, and pyrite permit the generation of pyrite with Fe isotope s
141                                          The pyrite phase of Fe(1-x)CoxS(2)/CNT was characterized by
142  cause of this may be the instability of the pyrite phase.
143 rtionation and atomic rearrangement into the pyrite phase.
144  but also from formation of intermediate and pyrite phases.
145 ly controlled formation of the high-pressure pyrite polymorph of CuSe2 (by exposure to air).
146 siently increasing the marine burial rate of pyrite precipitated under euxinic (i.e., anoxic and sulf
147                    On a geologic time scale, pyrite precipitation and burial governed a second feedba
148 han fossil Conotubus hemiannulatus show that pyrite precipitation was fuelled by the degradation of l
149 d sulfur pools and that the pathways forming pyrite precursors played an important role in establishi
150 s, particularly surface disulfide, to act as pyrite precursors.
151 ron and triangle combinations, MOFs based on pyrite (pyr) and rutile (rtl) nets were expected instead
152                            Combined with the pyrite record, these results show that sulfate does not
153 te the full range of sedimentary delta(56)Fe(pyrite) recorded in Archean to modern sediments.
154 ess, the solar conversion efficiency of iron pyrite remains below 3%, primarily due to a low open cir
155     Sulfur isotope evidence from sedimentary pyrites reveals that the exquisite fossilization of orga
156 contents, due to cocombustion of Tl-enriched pyrite roasting waste.
157 om the deposit that produced the cocombusted pyrite roasting waste.
158 iderite (C-rich agglomerates) and pyrrhotite/pyrite (S-rich spheres).
159 al and electrochemical properties to exploit pyrite's full potential for sustainable energy applicati
160 s knowledge opens up a new tactic to address pyrite's known defect problems.
161 e investigation on {100}-faceted n-type iron pyrite single crystals to understand its puzzling low VO
162  and poor photoconversion efficiency of iron pyrite single crystals.
163 ties and solar conversion efficiency of iron pyrite single crystals.
164 ds with high HER catalytic activity, such as pyrite structure cobalt disulphide (CoS2), and substitut
165 s the same polyanionic dimer as found in the pyrite structure, which would suggest the possibility of
166 on FeS(2) surface upon Co doping in the iron pyrite structure.
167  evolution electrocatalyst material based on pyrite-structured cobalt phosphosulfide nanoparticles gr
168 and experiments to identify a highly stable, pyrite-structured iron oxide (FeO2) at 76 gigapascals an
169 s the most active HER catalyst based on iron pyrite, suggesting a scalable, low cost, and highly effi
170 ndicating that changes in the burial rate of pyrite sulfur and organic carbon did not singularly cont
171 o the burial histories of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur.
172 ncreases in the burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulphur in sediments deposited under large-scale
173 richments of molybdenum and vanadium and low pyrite sulphur isotope values (Delta(34)S values >/=65 p
174 ron (oxy)hydroxide to goethite, resulting in pyrite surface passivation.
175      A fundamental question is what role the pyrite surface plays in the reduction process.
176 ) reduction to elemental As(0) occurs on the pyrite surface under suboxic-reducing conditions and is
177 degrees C in slime streamers and attached to pyrite surfaces at a sulfide ore body, Iron Mountain, Ca
178 d be avoided if nitrite was removed from the pyrite suspensions through a washing procedure prior to
179  compositions of microscopic-sized grains of pyrite that formed about 3.4 billion years ago in the Ba
180  and experimental study to establish ternary pyrite-type cobalt phosphosulphide (CoPS) as a high-perf
181 drogen-bearing iron peroxide (FeO2Hx) in the pyrite-type crystal structure was recently found to be s
182                       Neither pyrrhotite nor pyrite was found.
183 0 with a yield of 100 muM Fe(III) after 5 mM pyrite was incubated with 2000 muM nitrite for 24 h.
184                     Significant oxidation of pyrite was measured at pH 0 with a yield of 100 muM Fe(I
185                              No oxidation of pyrite was observed at pH 5.5 and 6.8.
186                                    Nanosized pyrite was readily oxidized to ferric iron and sulfate w
187                                  In euhedral pyrites, we found Se(-II) substitutes for S in the miner
188 uble S, total Fe and total As, implying that pyrite weathering posed a substantial stress on microbia
189 gements of crystalline intermediates to form pyrite, which is attributed to partial solvation of the
190                                              Pyrite, which is common in organic-rich shales, is a pot
191  sulfide-polysulfide promotes Mo fixation in pyrite while promoting formation of organo-Re adducts; t
192 quent reaction of sulfide with iron produces pyrite whose burial in sediments is an important oxygen
193 inawite, and pyrite permit the generation of pyrite with Fe isotope signatures that nearly encapsulat
194 nd gap dropped from 2.2 (hematite) to ~1 eV (pyrite), with completely converted layers exhibiting abs
195 s been proposed as a possible alternative to pyrite, yet has only been studied for interesting magnet

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