


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ociated with a reduction in the amplitude of quantal AMPA events.
2 glutamate by vesicular fusion, which induces quantal AMPA receptor-mediated currents in NG2(+) glial
3 ombined depolarizing effect enables the fast quantal AMPAR component to trigger action potentials at
4 of spontaneous release without any change in quantal amplitude (miniature endplate current), (2) redu
5 maturational increase in vesicle cycling and quantal amplitude and by excitatory and inhibitory recep
6 ariably found in the absence of increases in quantal amplitude and probability of release.
7  was mediated by a decrease in both synaptic quantal amplitude and quantal content, the latter inferr
8 mitral and external tufted cells had similar quantal amplitude and release probability, suggesting th
9                              Changes in both quantal amplitude and vesicle release contribute to home
10 s that the sensors triggering changes in the quantal amplitude and vesicle release exist at different
11                                   Changes in quantal amplitude and vesicle release should be consider
12 ot additive; whereas TNFalpha increased AMPA quantal amplitude at control synapses, TNFalpha reduced
13  optogenetic activation of FS cells to probe quantal amplitude at FS-->SP synapses.
14 litude at control synapses, TNFalpha reduced quantal amplitude at prescaled synapses, demonstrating s
15 (AMPARs), and results from a fourfold larger quantal amplitude compared with the thalamic inputs onto
16 two different mechanisms underlie changes in quantal amplitude during homeostatic synaptic plasticity
17 compensatory increases in both GABA and AMPA quantal amplitude in embryonic spinal motoneurons.
18 our data suggest that scaling up and down of quantal amplitude is not driven by changes in synaptic a
19 ndings suggest that homeostatic increases in quantal amplitude may normally be triggered by reduced l
20 natal week the quantal frequency but not the quantal amplitude of synaptic events increased more than
21  number of silent synapses with no change in quantal amplitude or presynaptic release.
22 ns were accompanied by scaling of excitatory quantal amplitude via the postsynaptic, GB(1b)-containin
23 us manipulations had no impact on inhibitory quantal amplitude.
24 reas a loss of postsynaptic syt-IV increased quantal amplitude.
25 d neurotransmission can trigger increases in quantal amplitude.
26      Glutamatergic blockade had no effect on quantal amplitude.
27 s been a compensatory increase in excitatory quantal amplitude.
28 this into compensatory changes in excitatory quantal amplitude.
29 endent release sites or average postsynaptic quantal amplitude.
30 aneous network activity had little effect on quantal amplitude.
31                   We observed a reduction of quantal amplitudes (amplitude occlusion) in pairs of con
32 reases the presynaptic vesicle size, reduces quantal amplitudes and evoked synaptic transmission and
33 lysis reveals that AMPA/NMDA ratios and AMPA quantal amplitudes increase during the first postnatal w
34 e was measured directly by comparing unitary quantal amplitudes of paired EPSCs before and during 5-H
35                                     Bayesian Quantal Analysis (BQA) of evoked EPSCs showed that the n
36                                        Using quantal analysis and mEPSP analysis, we demonstrate that
37        This verification supports the use of quantal analysis at central synapses.
38                                              Quantal analysis estimates showed a large number of conv
39 g in presynaptic axonal boutons with optical quantal analysis in postsynaptic dendritic spines to fin
40                                              Quantal analysis indicated that the synaptic perturbatio
41                                              Quantal analysis of NMJs in two different mouse models o
42                                              Quantal analysis of synaptic responses during cL-LTP(mGl
43                                     Although quantal analysis revealed both presynaptic and postsynap
44                                            A quantal analysis revealed that neither the charge of sin
45              However, unlike the traditional quantal analysis that attributes the quantal size change
46 ing protein (CREB) during induction, and (2) quantal analysis to identify synaptic changes during mai
47 ken together, these results expand classical quantal analysis to incorporate endocytic and exocytic p
48 onstruction, combined with a novel method of quantal analysis, showed that the strong inhibitory inpu
49                                        Using quantal analysis, we determined the quantity of blood cl
50                     Using two-photon optical quantal analysis, we first demonstrate robust presynapti
51 tion, which verifies the basic assumption of quantal analysis--the same mechanism controls the quanta
52 improved neurological outcome measured using quantal analysis.
53 ometry revealed that release of dopamine was quantal and calcium-dependent, but quantal size was much
54                    The release of FM1-43 was quantal and occurred in abrupt steps, each representing
55                                   Due to the quantal and stochastic nature of release, discrete distr
56 ynchrony, distinct from previously described quantal asynchrony.
57 HT2C) receptor, global analysis of construct quantal brightness was consistent with the predominant f
58 IDA for use in a two-dimensional system with quantal brightnesses, a method was developed to quantify
59 rst and cooperative gating kinetics provided quantal Ca(2+) increases (i.e., steps of fixed amplitude
60 vity with a timescale comparable to that for quantal Ca2+ release was observed under any steady ligan
61 s of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, including quantal Ca2+ release, by tuning ligand sensitivities of
62 ny schemes have been proposed to account for quantal Ca2+ release, including the presence of heteroge
63   To clarify the molecular mechanisms behind quantal Ca2+ release, the graded Ca2+ release from intra
64 to the single InsP3R channel can account for quantal Ca2+ release.
65 h will enable high-throughput measurement of quantal catecholamine release simultaneously with optica
66 ting persistent presynaptic and postsynaptic quantal changes at excitatory synapses in inhibitory loc
67 nce-dose (ID) models need to account for the quantal characteristics of cellular switches that contri
68  vesicle refilling prevented upregulation of quantal content (QC), while leaving baseline release rel
69  nerve-muscle preparations revealed that the quantal content (the number of ACh quanta released per n
70                                   Increasing quantal content also prolonged decay times of pharmacolo
71 ar junction is unique in having a very small quantal content and a high release probability under con
72 used by both a PKC-dependent increase of the quantal content and a PKC-independent increase of the qu
73 adily releasable pool of vesicles diminishes quantal content and antagonizes the postsynaptic enhance
74 dulation but not binding in vitro, increased quantal content and decreased paired-pulse and tetanic f
75 n 1A-calcium channel interactions, decreased quantal content at these synapses and increased paired-p
76 pha3*-nAChR currents are prolonged at higher quantal content because of ACh spillover and postsynapti
77 n FUS-ALS flies, consistent with a change in quantal content but not quantal size.
78 C) enhances synaptic release probability and quantal content but reduces the size of the ready-releas
79 alcium concentration, which may increase the quantal content by activation of protein kinase C (PKC).
80 ready showed, respectively, lower and higher quantal content compared with WT mice, before signs of M
81 rol and vesamicol-treated NMJs had identical quantal content for the first 10 min of 1 Hz stimulation
82 obability of release of neurotransmitter and quantal content is increased, yet the abundance of the p
83                                    Elevating quantal content lengthened EPSC decay time and prolonged
84 SCs in GCL neurons provided estimates of the quantal content of evoked EPSCs.
85 Cs occurs as a consequence of a low baseline quantal content of evoked IPSCs using whole cell patch-c
86 IH rats we clearly show that CIH reduced the quantal content of the TS-eEPSCs without affecting the q
87                                    Thus, the quantal content per unit area of synaptic contact was no
88  The effect upon EPSC decay time of changing quantal content was 5-10 times more pronounced for alpha
89  Prolongation of EPC decay was reversed when quantal content was lowered by reducing extracellular ca
90 r of vesicles released per action potential (quantal content) in R6/2 muscle, which analysis of eEPC
91 ude of evoked release (endplate current) and quantal content, (3) age-dependent changes in the extent
92 (flx) soleus muscles, one with high (mature) quantal content, and another with low (immature) quantal
93 striking reduction of the endplate potential quantal content, consistent with additional presynaptic
94 n quantal size and a concomitant decrease in quantal content, suggesting functional consequences for
95 rease in both synaptic quantal amplitude and quantal content, the latter inferred from an increase in
96 ese features in combination indicate reduced quantal content.
97 ations in synaptic transmission with reduced quantal content.
98 neous neurotransmitter release frequency and quantal content.
99 as a result of both reduced quantal size and quantal content.
100 tal content, and another with low (immature) quantal content.
101 l release were Poisson, the distributions of quantal count in the dark and in response to one Rh* wou
102 be regular, giving narrower distributions of quantal count that overlap less.
103  regulate the biochemical realization of its quantal-count threshold with respect to its Q(count).
104 duced efficiency, due to a necessarily fixed quantal-count threshold.
105 cal block of desensitization to identify the quantal determinants of short-term plasticity and combin
106                               This enables a quantal dissection of the local calcium puffs that const
107                                          The quantal dose-response calculator (QDREC) constitutes a s
108 se presynaptic mechanism for controlling the quantal efficacy of excitatory transmission during synap
109 xonal branches is preceded by a reduction in quantal efficacy.
110  we find that a combination of significantly quantal elements, six of seven atoms being hydrogen, bec
111 se-response relationships for all (including quantal) endpoints can be recast as relating to an under
112 stablishing the magnitude of the fundamental quantal event at this peripheral sensory synapse, we pro
113 n average of just seven receptors mediates a quantal event.
114                     In addition, much larger quantal events (>1 pC) occurred at predominantly axonal
115 f calcium (Ca2+) was applied to study evoked quantal events before and after LTP induction at the sam
116 s and stellate cells by triggering bursts of quantal events either with alpha-latrotoxin or with high
117 tic model of BG AMPA receptors, we find that quantal events recorded in BGs are produced by high-conc
118                                     However, quantal events recorded in rat cerebellar Bergmann glial
119 c currents and the frequency of asynchronous quantal events, and abolishes the activity-induced recru
120  synapses, have fewer spontaneous inhibitory quantal events, and exhibit reduced expression of inhibi
121                                              Quantal events, consistent with exocytotic release of no
122 hronous neurotransmitter release and produce quantal events.
123 ffers a significant metabolic advantage over quantal excitatory postsynaptic currents--an advantage t
124 evice will enable high-throughput studies of quantal exocytosis and may also find application in rapi
125 alyte ferricyanide and perform recordings of quantal exocytosis from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells
126 indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes to measure quantal exocytosis from cells in microfluidic channels.
127 scharge their contents during the process of quantal exocytosis, but microfabricated devices offer th
128 crochips in order to automate measurement of quantal exocytosis.
129  transmitter from individual vesicles, i.e., quantal exocytosis.
130 by spontaneous photopigment activation or by quantal fluctuations in photon absorption, but was inste
131         During the second postnatal week the quantal frequency but not the quantal amplitude of synap
132                                              Quantal frequency is not limited by vesicle number or im
133                             Thus, the higher quantal frequency seen in null-side pairs results from a
134                                 Increases in quantal frequency were invariably found in the absence o
135                                Asynchronous, quantal GABA release can be triggered by Ca(2)(+) influx
136 ptor agonist (JWH133 or GP1a) for 7-10 days, quantal glutamate release became more frequent and spine
137 al glycine transporter 2 (GlyT2) to maintain quantal glycine content in synaptic vesicles.
138 ess that is absolutely necessary to preserve quantal glycine content in synaptic vesicles.
139  how these constraints give rise to adaptive quantal information sampling in time, which maximises in
140    Our main message is that stochasticity in quantal information sampling is less noise and more proc
141 pens dynamically through stochastic adaptive quantal information sampling.
142 bition of PVN neuronal activity: a synaptic, quantal inhibitory modality (IPSCs, I(phasic)) and a sus
143  MeAIB effects on minimal stimulation-evoked quantal IPSCs (meIPSCs).
144 mplitude in L2/3 neurons or the amplitude of quantal L4-L2/3 synaptic responses measured in strontium
145                             We clarified the quantal mechanisms and the involvement of Synapsin I (Sy
146 elet decomposition, we develop the notion of quantal meta-surfaces.
147 ide flashes (mSOFs) are stochastic events of quantal mitochondrial superoxide generation.
148 f the connections could be described using a quantal model that assumed simple binomial statistics.
149 -adapted vision approaches limits set by the quantal nature of light.
150 sis of synaptic vesicle contents defines the quantal nature of neurotransmitter release.
151 ntact vertebrate central nervous system, the quantal nature of synaptic transmission is difficult to
152                                          The quantal nature of synaptic transmission requires a mecha
153 ease, but precise encoding is limited by the quantal nature of synaptic vesicle exocytosis.
154 a whole brain with eye attached preparation, quantal neurotransmission was examined in the turtle bra
155  inherent response variability expected from quantal neurotransmitter release, and thereby confers th
156 napsin II (-) terminals had a higher rate of quantal neurotransmitter release.
157                                 We find that quantal NMDAR calcium signals increase in amplitude as t
158                   Extrapolating the measured quantal noise of transgenic cone pigment to native human
159                                         This quantal noise produces a dark light of approximately 0.0
160  major determining factor for the slope of a quantal, population concentration-response curve is indi
161    We demonstrate that yolk proteolysis is a quantal process in which a subset of dormant YPs within
162 flash amplitudes suggests they represent the quantal product of one or more polyribosomes, while inte
163 d the release of ATP that directly activated quantal purinergic currents in the pyramidal neurons.
164 ic and postsynaptic sites by increasing both quantal release and expression of AChR subunits and othe
165 eveals largely normal synaptic transmission, quantal release and trans-synaptic homeostatic compensat
166 rably greater than typically measured during quantal release at cultured neurons.
167 ggest why each active zone averages only one quantal release event during every other action potentia
168 that a change in the efficacy of spontaneous quantal release events is sufficient to trigger the indu
169                                   Therefore, quantal release must be regular, giving narrower distrib
170  ATP is accompanied by a drastic fall in the quantal release of catecholamines.
171 Kinetic analysis of miniature EPSCs revealed quantal release of mixed events associating AMPARs and N
172 bending or direct application of JA caused a quantal release of oxidizable material from gland cells
173                                          The quantal release of serotonin was quantitatively characte
174                       Unsurprisingly, higher quantal release rates (Q(rates)) yield higher efficienci
175 h components reflect variations in hair-cell quantal release rates and are eliminated by pharmacologi
176 ipophylic dye FM1-43 and focal recordings of quantal release to investigate how synapsin affects vesi
177                                           If quantal release were Poisson, the distributions of quant
178 nt reduction in the frequency of spontaneous quantal release with no change in quantal size.
179 nals reduced vesicular docking and inhibited quantal release, indicating a direct and selective synap
180  of presynaptic syt-IV increased spontaneous quantal release, whereas a loss of postsynaptic syt-IV i
181 for regulating vesicle docking and, in turn, quantal release.
182 although synapsin did not affect the rate of quantal release.
183 tter into the lumen of synaptic vesicles for quantal release.
184                 We addressed this with novel quantal resolution imaging of transmission during locomo
185 on simultaneously at many release sites with quantal resolution.
186         Fusion of a single vesicle induces a quantal response, which is critical in determining synap
187  neural mechanisms that selectively transmit quantal responses and suppress noise.
188                                       Single quantal responses displayed normal dark-adapted kinetics
189               Vesicular release, detected as quantal responses in the postsynaptic neuron, showed an
190 ic photoreceptor responses, governed by four quantal sampling factors (limitations): (i) the number o
191 s of exocytotic events, and (iii) monitoring quantal secretory events from thin slices of the adrenal
192 s and deconvolution of resulting EPSCs using quantal signals as template.
193 pe vs CaSR(-/-) pairs) with little change in quantal size (23 +/- 4 pA vs 22 +/- 4 pA) or number of r
194 asticity expression components, reduction in quantal size (a postsynaptic property) contributing to L
195                                 However, the quantal size (amplitude of miniature end-plate currents)
196 rom an average of 19 release sites (N) and a quantal size (q) of 34.0 +/- 4.7 pA.
197               Release probability (P(r)) and quantal size (Q), as measured at the somatic recording s
198  of neurotransmitter release (Pr), and large quantal size (Q).
199  examined the mechanism underlying increased quantal size after block of synaptic activity at the mam
200 it appears likely that the site of increased quantal size after chronic block of activity is presynap
201 rometric spike half-widths without change in quantal size after either myosin II inhibition or actin
202 logical analysis demonstrated an increase in quantal size and a concomitant decrease in quantal conte
203 tic transmission as a result of both reduced quantal size and quantal content.
204 ase in striatal slices and reductions in the quantal size and release frequency of catecholamine in d
205 These data demonstrate that ACh controls the quantal size and release frequency of glutamate at haben
206                                          The quantal size and shape characteristics of amperometric e
207 ocytosis modes and their roles in regulating quantal size and synaptic strength, generating synaptic
208 in synaptic vesicles determines postsynaptic quantal size and thus the strength of synaptic transmiss
209 olecular determinants of vesicle filling and quantal size are regulated by neuronal activity in an op
210                                     However, quantal size at basket cell-to-granule cell synapses was
211 onsolidation resulting in a normalization of quantal size at the few remaining functional synapses.
212  propose that presynaptic activity modulates quantal size at the neuromuscular junction by modulating
213                We observed no differences in quantal size between control and occluded mice.
214 changes in transporter expression that alter quantal size can affect behavior.
215 itional quantal analysis that attributes the quantal size change to a postsynaptic mechanism, the pre
216 ytosis affects short-term plasticity through quantal size changes.
217                                          The quantal size distribution was modulated by treatment wit
218  analysis revealed a gradual augmentation in quantal size during trains of EPSCs, and application of
219 auses a transient reduction in AMPA receptor quantal size followed by synaptic consolidation resultin
220 ssion, expressed as a compensatory change in quantal size following chronic activity perturbation, is
221 a2+ produces a reduction in the postsynaptic quantal size in addition to its known effect on release
222 e fusion, parallels PTP, suggesting that the quantal size increase also contributes to the PTP genera
223                  These data suggest that the quantal size increase contributes to the enhancement of
224       We conclude that an activity-dependent quantal size increase contributes to the enhancement of
225       Furthermore, it is unclear whether the quantal size increase is also mediated by PKC.
226 e of our previous studies, suggests that the quantal size increase is caused by a presynaptic mechani
227  osmolarity influences quantal size, causing quantal size increases under hypotonic conditions, presu
228                    Presynaptic regulation of quantal size is an appealing mechanism for changing syna
229 the calcium-dependent effect on postsynaptic quantal size is mediated by group 1 metabotropic glutama
230                                              Quantal size is the postsynaptic response to the release
231 ms: an increase in the frequency but not the quantal size of Ca2+ syntillas, which are brief, focal C
232 expression of VNUT drastically increases the quantal size of exocytotic events.
233 al analysis--the same mechanism controls the quantal size of spontaneous and evoked release.
234 ntent of the TS-eEPSCs without affecting the quantal size or release probability, suggesting a reduct
235 creased amplitude reflects a decrease in the quantal size per mf-CA3 synapse and in the number of act
236  with postsynaptic changes that maintain the quantal size per release site.
237 , then, likely a reflection of the increased quantal size rather than any direct effect on exocytosis
238 Ag stimulation and is characterized by large quantal size release events.
239 hand, the presynaptic factors that determine quantal size remain poorly understood.
240                            The regulation of quantal size through pre- rather than postsynaptic mecha
241       However, determination of the unitary, quantal size underlying such putatively multiquantal eve
242 , suggesting that [Glu]v is a main source of quantal size variation.
243                                              Quantal size varies at most synapses.
244  to provide an activity-dependent scaling of quantal size via a presynaptic mechanism.
245                                Surprisingly, quantal size was increased in ClC mice before block of s
246                                              Quantal size was measured directly by comparing unitary
247 amine was quantal and calcium-dependent, but quantal size was much less than expected for large dense
248        When elimination was underway, AMPA-R quantal size was much reduced for the weakest terminals.
249                                              Quantal size was not altered following SNAT2 induction o
250 lease probability sharply increased, whereas quantal size was unaltered.
251 influx, readily releasable SV pool size, and quantal size were unaltered, the reduced synaptic streng
252 one dimensions correlate with an increase in quantal size without a change in presynaptic vesicle siz
253 otransmitter content of individual vesicles (quantal size), whereas deletion of all AP-3 produces a d
254 ts of transmitter per vesicle (i.e., reduced quantal size).
255                           TRPM7 affects EPSP quantal size, an intrinsic property of synaptic vesicle
256 learance and little delayed release, a large quantal size, and fast AMPA-type glutamate receptors.
257           Changes in synaptic activity alter quantal size, but the relative roles of presynaptic and
258 ionally, extracellular osmolarity influences quantal size, causing quantal size increases under hypot
259                    Spermidine did not affect quantal size, consistent with a presynaptic mechanism of
260 nt GABAergic neurons show reduced inhibitory quantal size, consistent with a presynaptic reduction in
261 to enhanced transmitter release and a larger quantal size, indicating enhanced responsiveness to indi
262 along axons had a distribution with the same quantal size, indicating that a vesicle releases all the
263 c K(+) at a glutamatergic synapse influenced quantal size, indicating that synaptic vesicle K(+)/H(+)
264                       This study reports how quantal size, or the quantity of chemical messengers wit
265     CIH also produced no changes in TS-eEPSC quantal size, since the amplitudes of both low calcium-e
266 naptic transmission as a result of increased quantal size, suggesting that the loss of Caz in animals
267    While elevated VGLUT expression increases quantal size, the minimum number of transporters require
268 d, exocytosis of compound vesicles increases quantal size, which increases synaptic strength and cont
269        Lowering clathrin levels also reduces quantal size, which occurs concomitantly with a decrease
270 eases in release probability or postsynaptic quantal size.
271 oorly understood but are key determinants of quantal size.
272 ontent and a PKC-independent increase of the quantal size.
273  distinct, presynaptic mechanism to regulate quantal size.
274 uestions about the presynaptic regulation of quantal size.
275 esicle filling also contribute to changes in quantal size.
276 t this synapse, involves a reduction in EPSC quantal size.
277 pontaneous quantal release with no change in quantal size.
278  that intracellular Ca2+ stores can regulate quantal size.
279 role of postsynaptic activity in controlling quantal size.
280 amplitude miniature IPSCs and larger BC-->GC quantal size.
281 ion with pHoenix only slightly increased the quantal size.
282 ncentration and thus controlled postsynaptic quantal size.
283 ine reduces synaptic vesicle transmitter and quantal size.
284 ent with a change in quantal content but not quantal size.
285  of all AP-3 produces a dramatic increase in quantal size; these changes were correlated with alterat
286               Here, we reveal how individual quantal-sized corticothalamic EPSPs propagate within tha
287 f AMPAR miniature events and compromised the quantal sizes of both AMPAR and NMDAR currents evoked at
288 bility fluctuation analysis revealed similar quantal sizes, but 4-times more functional release sites
289                       Parameters such as the quantal step size (e.g., current passing through a singl
290 necessary to trigger increases in excitatory quantal strength, few studies have been able to examine
291  Deprivation also increased the amplitude of quantal synaptic currents mediated by AMPA- and NMDA-typ
292 to elicit postsynaptic responses larger than quantal synaptic noise.
293                                  Analysis of quantal synaptic transmission in a TARP gamma-4 knockout
294 e showed no difference in either spontaneous quantal synaptic transmission or low frequency evoked sy
295                  Many cellular responses are quantal; that is, they either take place or they do not.
296                        The synaptic delay of quantal transmission added a phase lag at frequencies ab
297 lity with reduced synaptic fidelity, reduced quantal transmission, and more orphaned presynaptic and
298 ubstances at high concentrations, supporting quantal transmission.
299 and strontium, showing that they result from quantal transmitter release at single release sites.
300 d phenotypic changes in cells are also often quantal, where embedded molecular circuitry creates on-o

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