


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 for regulating vesicle docking and, in turn, quantal release.
2 although synapsin did not affect the rate of quantal release.
3 tter into the lumen of synaptic vesicles for quantal release.
4 mpal synapses are not generally saturated by quantal release.
5 ic recordings to characterize the effects on quantal release.
6 -expressing mast cells as a model system for quantal release.
7 se by setting a single probability level for quantal release.
8 2-fold greater quantal size and frequency of quantal release.
9 ecreased the frequency of stimulation-evoked quantal release.
10 at it does not account for the properties of quantal release.
11 ic and postsynaptic sites by increasing both quantal release and expression of AChR subunits and othe
12 eveals largely normal synaptic transmission, quantal release and trans-synaptic homeostatic compensat
13                              We investigated quantal release and ultrastructure in the neuromuscular
14 rably greater than typically measured during quantal release at cultured neurons.
15 taneous, as well as action potential-evoked, quantal release at nerve terminals and increases hormone
16                    Osmotic pressure enhanced quantal release at the lowest f tested (1 Hz) but suppre
17 s increased the action potential-independent quantal release by 12-fold without affecting neuronal su
18                                    We evoked quantal release by brief electric stimulation at single
19                      We enhanced the rate of quantal release by elevating the K+ concentration.
20   We adapted amperometric methods to observe quantal release directly from axonal varicosities of mid
21 ggest why each active zone averages only one quantal release event during every other action potentia
22 that a change in the efficacy of spontaneous quantal release events is sufficient to trigger the indu
23                           The observation of quantal release from central catecholamine neurons has p
24 ral and spatial resolution required to study quantal release from single cells.
25 e and with a brief latency characteristic of quantal release from synaptic vesicles.
26 nsitive stores to undergo multiple partial ("quantal") releases has been assessed.
27 e calcimycin stimulate FM1-43 destaining and quantal release in csp mutants at 32 degrees C when depo
28 We propose that the decline in K+-stimulated quantal release in preparations treated with CCCP, oligo
29 e physiological Ca(2+) concentration (2 mM), quantal release in Syn II KO synapses was unaffected.
30 nals reduced vesicular docking and inhibited quantal release, indicating a direct and selective synap
31 neurons, the Ca-dependence of toxin-enhanced quantal release is based on Ca entry through toxin-induc
32 transfer of LEMS appears to occur only after quantal release is significantly impaired for an extende
33 he actual EPSC evoked by cones, supporting a quantal release model at the photoreceptor synapse.
34 uivalent synapses;p, the mean probability of quantal release; mu, mean; and sigma(2), variance of the
35                                   Therefore, quantal release must be regular, giving narrower distrib
36                      Neither the spontaneous quantal release of acetylcholine (ACh) nor basal evoked
37 ting that they are caused by the spontaneous quantal release of acetylcholine (ACh).
38 otor endplate, i.e. they bring about massive quantal release of acetylcholine and eventually block ne
39                       However, reductions in quantal release of ACh occur even after very short perio
40      Submaximal concentrations of ATP caused quantal release of Ca2+ from the ER, resulting in a dose
41                             We conclude that quantal release of Ca2+ in response to caffeine in these
42  ATP is accompanied by a drastic fall in the quantal release of catecholamines.
43 ine (DA) and observed spontaneous and evoked quantal release of DA by amperometry.
44 ocytic neurotransmitter release, we measured quantal release of dopamine from pheochromocytoma PC12 c
45 cells, in which VMAT2 expression induced the quantal release of dopamine.
46                           We have found that quantal release of GABA from interneurons elicits GABA(A
47                                          The quantal release of glutamate depends on its transport in
48 Kinetic analysis of miniature EPSCs revealed quantal release of mixed events associating AMPARs and N
49 olutions cause markedly enhanced spontaneous quantal release of neurotransmitter from many nerve term
50 lpha-Latrotoxin (alpha-LT) potently enhances quantal release of neurotransmitter from nerve terminals
51  that neurotransmission is determined by the quantal release of neurotransmitter.
52 bending or direct application of JA caused a quantal release of oxidizable material from gland cells
53 red as increases in membrane capacitance and quantal release of preloaded serotonin.
54                                          The quantal release of serotonin was quantitatively characte
55                                              Quantal release of the principal excitatory neurotransmi
56 vestigate the mechanism responsible for this quantal release phenomenon, [Ca2+] changes inside intrac
57                 We investigated how elevated quantal release produced by motor nerve stimulation affe
58 aptic units are required to sustain the high quantal release rate needed to signal a single photon.
59                       Unsurprisingly, higher quantal release rates (Q(rates)) yield higher efficienci
60 h components reflect variations in hair-cell quantal release rates and are eliminated by pharmacologi
61 h higher affinity for glutamate than AMPARs, quantal release resulted in similar occupancy levels in
62  kinase inhibitor H7 (100 microM) suppressed quantal release significantly stronger in Syn II KO syna
63 ty of the resting membrane potential, evoked quantal release, synaptic potentials, acetylcholine rece
64        Since HS also stimulated asynchronous quantal release, the observed effect of HS on facilitati
65 ipophylic dye FM1-43 and focal recordings of quantal release to investigate how synapsin affects vesi
66  sculpting extracellular DA transients after quantal release, using a model based on data from the li
67                                        Since quantal release was first described, it has been clear t
68                                      Whereas quantal release was highly synchronized at low frequenci
69                                              Quantal release was monitored by focal extracellular rec
70                                           If quantal release were Poisson, the distributions of quant
71  of presynaptic syt-IV increased spontaneous quantal release, whereas a loss of postsynaptic syt-IV i
72 gnificant increase in evoked and spontaneous quantal release, while at the physiological Ca(2+) conce
73 nt reduction in the frequency of spontaneous quantal release with no change in quantal size.

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