


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                 We developed quantitative gene assembly and DNA library insertion int
2                         Applying an advanced quantitative gene-by-environment interaction analysis wh
3                                              Quantitative gene content analysis reveals habitat-speci
4                                              Quantitative gene conversion assays show that this SNP a
5                    Little is known regarding quantitative gene expression (QGE) of the LMNA gene in b
6 opathologic observations were verified using quantitative gene expression analyses examining gob5 gen
7 ic cell culture and fluorescence microscopy, quantitative gene expression analysis and mathematical m
8                                              Quantitative gene expression analysis of PDI, BiP, bZIP6
9                    The results obtained from quantitative gene expression analysis of region-specific
10 uorescence measurements, immunolabeling, and quantitative gene expression analysis point to S. oneide
11 of captured target DNA and therefore permits quantitative gene expression analysis.
12  of ultrasensitive DNA biosensors capable of quantitative gene expression analysis.
13  acute phase and detoxification responses in quantitative gene expression and (phospho-)proteomics da
14     This study validated the use of a robust quantitative gene expression assay to detect immune and
15 lity of seven microarray platforms and three quantitative gene expression assays in profiling the exp
16 ndorf and the National Cancer Institute, and quantitative gene expression assays included TaqMan Gene
17                                 We developed quantitative gene expression assays to assess recurrence
18 esented here are various examples to present quantitative gene expression data using this method.
19              Here we report, on the basis of quantitative gene expression data, substantial anterior
20 anging from qualitative trait information to quantitative gene expression data, which vary among inbr
21 s used to infer regulatory interactions from quantitative gene expression data.
22 f flagellar biosynthesis in E. coli based on quantitative gene expression data.
23 or focused investigations of qualitative and quantitative gene expression differences between humans
24 amily-based sample of 14 human families, for quantitative gene expression dissection, and a sample of
25          Two different methods of presenting quantitative gene expression exist: absolute and relativ
26  can now serve as new data sources to obtain quantitative gene expression information.
27 y data set has been validated by alternative quantitative gene expression platforms thus supporting t
28 rom five different inbred lines of mice with quantitative gene expression profiling in normal brains
29 al analysis of six inbred mouse strains with quantitative gene expression profiling of several brain
30                                              Quantitative gene expression revealed that zonulin is ov
31 ascent RNA transcripts and yields predictive quantitative gene expression signatures.
32                                              Quantitative gene expression studies using laser capture
33  overview of the comparative C(T) method for quantitative gene expression studies.
34 ted the performance characteristics of three quantitative gene expression technologies and correlated
35         We observed high correlation between quantitative gene expression values and microarray platf
36    Here, we combine in vitro ligand binding, quantitative gene expression, protein-DNA interaction an
37                                            A quantitative gene expression-based assay reveals that tp
38                                              Quantitative gene-expression analyses showed a correspon
39 ltimate goal of delivering calibrated, truly quantitative gene-expression measurements on a genomic s
40 d used to obtain comprehensive, unbiased and quantitative gene-expression profiles.
41 ve developed a new microarray technology for quantitative gene-expression profiling on the basis of r
42         We report a flexible, sensitive, and quantitative gene-expression profiling system for assayi
43 agent effects for each gene, ATARiS produces quantitative, gene-level phenotype values, which provide
44 ination is likely to be a general feature of quantitative gene regulation in a chromatin context.
45     Supporting the essential role of GluN2B, quantitative gene-tagging revealed a fourfold molar exce

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