


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 solution multidimensional single- and double-quantum (1)H solid-state NMR spectroscopy with density f
2 mulator and could enable realizations of new quantum algorithms.
3 o the Q reduction, we employ here multiscale quantum and classical molecular simulations.
4 based on state-of-the-art implementations of quantum annealing.
5                                          The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, which has been real
6                                 To date, the quantum anomalous Hall effect has been investigated usin
7 cent progress in topological insulators, the quantum anomalous Hall effect, chiral topological superc
8 rana fermion modes in the hybrid system of a quantum anomalous Hall insulator thin film coupled with
9 and the spin dynamics of potential molecular quantum bits, and enriches the guidelines to design mole
10  FTIR/smog chamber experiments and ab initio quantum calculations were performed to investigate the a
11  afferent to potentials where a single EPSP (quantum) can generate an action potential.
12 for optoelectronic tuning of feedback into a quantum cascade laser.
13            The development of rapidly tuning quantum cascade lasers has increased the PTIR throughput
14  coined "pseudolaratriene." Combined NMR and quantum chemical analysis verified the structure of pseu
15          To support the proposed mechanisms, quantum chemical based density functional theory calcula
16   Our experimental findings are supported by quantum chemical calculations and noncovalent interactio
17 stry in Li-S batteries through sophisticated quantum chemical calculations, in combination with (7) L
18  a model compound for test and refinement of quantum chemical calculations.
19 ed alkyne units has not been investigated by quantum chemical calculations.
20 approach is presented that combines accurate quantum chemical descriptions with state-of-the-art mode
21 for a diamagnetic compound in agreement with quantum chemical predictions.
22 l X-ray diffraction, and in the gas phase by quantum-chemical calculations.
23 w well-established concepts in the fields of quantum chemistry and material sciences have to be adapt
24                           We employ standard quantum chemistry techniques to describe kinetic and mec
25 nd K-edge absorption spectroscopy as well as quantum chemistry to determine molecular and electronic
26 ble in the readout chains of superconducting quantum circuits.
27 mes, such as those that use high-dimensional quantum codes in a modular architecture, have potential
28                   These results confirm that quantum coherence of the retinal-based protein system, e
29 orthodox view of rapidly decaying electronic quantum coherence on a timescale of 60 fs.
30            Isotopic purification has enabled quantum coherence times on the order of seconds, thereby
31 rovide evidence of any long-lived electronic quantum coherence, but confirm the orthodox view of rapi
32  design molecule-based systems with enhanced quantum coherence.
33 tical task for spatial-mode multiplexing and quantum communication - basis-specific principles are in
34 , future quantum Internet, and long-distance quantum communications.
35  versatile platform for solid-state physics, quantum computation and nanotechnology.
36 can be performed in reasonable time on small quantum computers.
37 ardware size and reliability requirements of quantum computing algorithms and the physical machines f
38 antum states are most promising for building quantum computing and information storage devices, as th
39                                              Quantum computing promises significant speed-up for cert
40 se of molecular electron spins as qubits for quantum computing will depend on the ability to produce
41 l for achieving fidelity in spectroscopy and quantum computing, but inherent nonlinearities and param
42  Given the stringent resource constraints in quantum computing, information passed between layers of
43 fermions for implementing robust topological quantum computing.
44 ment of layered Sr2 IrO4 induces distinct 1D quantum-confined electronic states, as observed from opt
45 rned by changes in the band structure due to quantum confinement and are most profound if the underly
46                                       Strong quantum confinement effects lead to striking new physics
47 eformations in the material resulting in the quantum confinement of excitons.
48 effects of the spatial nonuniform collective quantum confinement of sp(2) domains, and the trapping o
49 que one-dimensional structure enables strong quantum confinement with the formation of self-trapped e
50 ongly dependent on the film thickness due to quantum-confinement effects.
51 ctance mapping", which allows us to suppress quantum corrections to reveal the underlying mechanisms
52 ment swapping may be used to generate remote quantum correlations between particles that have not int
53                                   The subtle quantum correlations in a Bose gas approaching the conde
54 hermal forces and thus strong optomechanical quantum correlations.
55 al form, enabling DFET to study the stronger quantum couplings between covalently bonded subsystems.
56                                            A quantum critical point (QCP) is currently being conjectu
57  vicinity of a field-tuned antiferromagnetic quantum critical point at Hc approximately 50 tesla.
58  route for tuning appropriate materials to a quantum critical point.
59 ctor charge island is promising for a future quantum current standard.
60 energy above twice band gap could indicate a quantum cutting due to the low dimensionality.Understand
61 Via photophysical studies Ni et al. observe 'quantum cutting' in 0D metal-organic hybrid materials ba
62                                              Quantum defects are an emerging class of synthetic singl
63 rting number of 2000 atoms, 1400 atoms reach quantum degeneracy in 300 milliseconds, as confirmed by
64 genides are characterized by valley and spin quantum degrees of freedom, making it possible to explor
65                          In the context of a quantum description of solids, we identify novel capabil
66 challenge is to achieve a fully programmable quantum device featuring coherent adiabatic quantum dyna
67                 Scaling of nonlinear optical quantum devices is of significant interest to enable qua
68 e for generic bottom-up synthesis of complex quantum devices with a special focus on nanowire network
69 devices is of significant interest to enable quantum devices with high performance.
70 agnonic elements with planar superconducting quantum devices.
71  ideal for realizing various low-dimensional quantum devices.
72                               Alternatively, quantum digital signatures offer security guaranteed by
73 interacting system of phonons as well as the quantum discord between distinct degrees of freedoms can
74 ear connection between the amplification and quantum discord like measurements as well as classical c
75                          A single-sized CdSe quantum dot (3.0 +/- 0.2 nm) can replace several differe
76           The physical properties of a doped quantum dot (QD) are strongly influenced by the dopant s
77 resent study reports the fabrication of CdSe quantum dot (QD)-sensitized photocathodes on NiO-coated
78 t-free, top-down method to create large-area quantum dot arrays with nanometer-scale spatial density
79                               In particular, quantum dot circuits represent model systems for the stu
80                                          Our quantum dot device architecture enables multi-qubit algo
81  be necessary to improve the yield of single quantum dot nanophotonic devices.
82  immunolabeling of the apoptotic cells using quantum dot reporters.
83                            Here we present a quantum dot signalling-based cell assay carried out in a
84                    Specifically, we couple a quantum dot to a high-quality-factor microwave cavity to
85  states of an electron confined in a silicon quantum dot.
86                                 Here, we use quantum-dot-coated nanopipette electrodes (tip diameters
87 s, such as Ti-Si molecular sieves and carbon quantum dots (CQDs), are also briefly appraised in view
88                                       Double quantum dots (DQDs) are a versatile platform for solid-s
89 t DA based on l-cysteine capped Mn doped ZnS quantum dots (l-cys ZnS:Mn QDs).
90  125 (CA 125) using polyamidoamine dendrimer-quantum dots (PAMAM-QDs) and PAMAM-sulfanilic acid-Ru(bp
91                           Aptamer-conjugated Quantum dots (QDs) are adsorbed to Au nanoparticles (AuN
92                                              Quantum dots (QDs) are extremely bright, photostable, na
93         The use of semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots (QDs) in optoelectronic devices typically r
94 ned FRET pair, including the donor, CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs), and the acceptor, dextran-binding ma
95 esting nanomaterials, such as semiconducting quantum dots (QDs), metal nanoparticles, semiconductor-m
96 nal response in the fluorescence of CdTe@CdS quantum dots (QDs).
97 ctron transport layers (ETLs) and engineered quantum dots (QDs).
98 s in a semiconductor device: a chain of InAs quantum dots embedded in an InP nanowire.
99                                     Graphene quantum dots embedded silica molecular imprinted polymer
100 e a very attractive feature of semiconductor quantum dots for optoelectronics applications.
101 nterface between Si3N4 waveguides and single-quantum dots in GaAs geometries, with performance approa
102 We anticipate that the approach of screening quantum dots not only based on their optical properties,
103             The etchant rapidly quenches the quantum dots through cation exchange (ionic etching), an
104 nometer-scale spatial density that allow the quantum dots to interfere with each other and create art
105 sts ranging from classical dyes to drugs and quantum dots, allowing changes in the photochemical beha
106  integrated with proteins, fluorescent dyes, quantum dots, and magnetic nanoparticles can be further
107 ts, luminescent carbon dots, nanocrystals as quantum dots, and photon up-converting particles.
108  based on parametric downconversion sources, quantum dots, colour centres or atoms are fundamentally
109 anic fluorescent dyes ( approximately 4 nm), quantum dots, either small ( approximately 10 nm diamete
110 cavities containing self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots-a mature class of solid-state quantum emitt
111 hed carboxylates on the (100) facets of CdSe quantum dots.
112 and 30-fold narrower, respectively, than for quantum dots.
113 al clearance of metal ions released from the quantum dots.
114 s and GaAs nanophotonic geometries with InAs quantum dots.
115 mes reported to date in Si/SiGe gate-defined quantum dots.
116 les as small as 50 nm in diameter and single quantum-dots.
117 of research including accurate simulation of quantum dynamics and cryptography.
118                                Understanding quantum dynamics away from equilibrium is an outstanding
119 of the vinylidene anions H2CC- and D2CC- and quantum dynamics calculations.
120  quantum device featuring coherent adiabatic quantum dynamics.
121 lay between energetic, entropic, and nuclear quantum effects on the evolution of water clusters from
122                          We achieve external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) up to 1.1%, the highest valu
123 white-light emissions with photoluminescence quantum efficiencies of approximately 20% for the bulk s
124 (EL) peak at 325 nm and achieved an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of about 0.03%, for a deep UV-L
125     Clear improvements in measured detective quantum efficiency and combined energy resolution/energy
126 he great potential of improving the internal quantum efficiency for mid- and deep-UV device applicati
127 larify the necessary means to achieve device quantum efficiency higher than the state-of-the-art GaN:
128 om cut-off wavelength at 77 K and exhibits a quantum efficiency of 31% for a 2 microm-thick absorptio
129 on-optimized NYS:0.10Sm(3+) exhibited a high quantum efficiency of 73.2%, and its luminescence intens
130                                          The quantum efficiency of this photoconversion is similar to
131 nsport and charge separation with near unity quantum efficiency.
132 ce sensor, infrared photodetector and cavity quantum electrodynamics devices.
133 ons, as described in the framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics, leads to the hybridization of l
134 alising a surface acoustic version of cavity quantum electrodynamics.
135  Our first three-dimensional simulation with quantum-electrodynamics incorporated shows that a GeV po
136 s quantum dots-a mature class of solid-state quantum emitter-with low-loss Si3N4 waveguides.
137 ing into account the substantial overhead of quantum error correction, and the need to compile into d
138                               Simulating the quantum evolution in three-dimensions and time, we show
139                        We obtain the optimal quantum Fisher information for parameters in time-depend
140 rmode), coupled to atomic density waves of a quantum gas.
141          Our findings could prove useful for quantum gate operations, but also for classical charge a
142 s the key to applications of dissipationless quantum Hall edge states in electronic devices.
143  via the observation of an ambipolar surface quantum Hall effect and quantum oscillations in the Seeb
144   Consequently, the relationship between the quantum Hall effect and topological bulk insulator break
145 ntional two-dimensional systems, this unique quantum Hall effect may be related to the quantized vers
146 gnetic materials and more recently using the quantum Hall effect, parametric permittivity modulation
147 and spin-polarized chiral edge states in the quantum Hall regime.
148     In addition, during the whole procedure, quantum information is almost fully transferred between
149 coupled mechanical resonators are useful for quantum information processing and fundamental tests of
150 chemical sensing, materials engineering, and quantum information processing.
151 the potential to enable practical and robust quantum information processing.
152 lead to applications in opto-spintronics and quantum information processing.
153  can also enable the assembly of large scale quantum information systems and open up new avenues for
154 in the fields of chip-scale atomic clock and quantum information.
155 ide heterostructure LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 , exhibit quantum interference signatures up to room temperature.
156 , which is a clear signature of constructive quantum interference.
157 d in experimental quantum networking, future quantum Internet, and long-distance quantum communicatio
158  diamond, we experimentally demonstrate that quantum interpolation can achieve spectroscopy of classi
159                                              Quantum key distribution (QKD) promises security based o
160                         By disentangling the quantum kinetic complexities, we prove that fcc lithium
161 ely probing and controlling behaviour at the quantum level.
162 erization of electroluminescence emitters as quantum light sources, which can be studied with high ti
163 s, and its noise performance is close to the quantum limit.
164                                 The field of quantum machine learning explores how to devise and impl
165                  The ultimate consequence of quantum many-body physics is that even the air we breath
166 a seminal role in expanding the frontiers of quantum materials.
167                                  Topological quantum matter can be realized by subjecting engineered
168 ing this quantum regime entails, inter alia, quantum measurement backaction exceeding thermal forces
169                                         This quantum measurement backaction is typically much smaller
170  into a significantly enhanced precision for quantum measurements.
171 tope effect (BIE) measurements combined with quantum mechanical (QM) calculations to solve the transi
172 yd for the first time, and two complementary quantum mechanical approaches (CASPT2/MM and PCM/TD-CAM-
173 ng nanosecond time-resolved spectroscopy and quantum mechanical calculations (TD-DFT), it focuses on
174                                              Quantum mechanical calculations are employed to investig
175  simulations, thermodynamic integration, and quantum mechanical calculations on aromatic model system
176 l findings was supported by state-of-the-art quantum mechanical calculations.
177                                          The quantum mechanical description of the chemical bond is g
178 ucture and conformational, as well as purely quantum mechanical effects like charge-transfer or excit
179         BICs arise naturally from Feshbach's quantum mechanical theory of resonances, as explained by
180 etics do not follow these predictions unless quantum mechanical tunneling along the heme doming coord
181 thods reviewed here include multidimensional quantum mechanical tunneling, multistructural VTST (MS-V
182 e, we performed electrochemical analysis and quantum-mechanical calculations to describe the mechanis
183  and reveal detailed information on the pure quantum-mechanical contribution to the stereodynamics.
184 classical molecular dynamics simulations and quantum-mechanical density functional theory calculation
185                                   Applied to quantum-mechanical signals, however, these phenomena fac
186 n 1929, only three years after the advent of quantum mechanics, von Neumann and Wigner showed that Sc
187 rising and counter-intuitive consequences of quantum mechanics, with potent applications in cryptogra
188  security guaranteed by the physical laws of quantum mechanics.
189 c physics usually found in ultrarelativistic quantum mechanics.
190  and are thus not restricted to the realm of quantum mechanics.
191  use classical molecular dynamics and hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations at th
192 t between millions of atoms in a solid-state quantum memory prepared by the heralded absorption of a
193 riment that realizes a multiplexed DLCZ-type quantum memory with 225 individually accessible memory c
194 long-term data storage or nuclear-spin-based quantum memory.
195  the condensed phase with both classical and quantum methods using explicitly and implicitly solvated
196                                           In quantum metrology, the qubit coherence time defines the
197    We perform here large-scale classical and quantum molecular simulations to study the function of t
198        We used numerically exact determinant quantum Monte Carlo calculations to demonstrate dynamica
199 aterial sciences have to be adapted when the quantum nature of light becomes important in correlated
200 e, we introduce and experimentally realise a quantum network architecture, where the nodes are fully
201  assess nonclassical correlations in an open quantum network, such as quantum transport through nano-
202   The results can be applied in experimental quantum networking, future quantum Internet, and long-di
203                                       Hybrid quantum networks rely on efficient interfacing of dissim
204  rely on efficient interfacing of dissimilar quantum nodes, as elements based on parametric downconve
205                                   Sources of quantum noise are thus ideal for this application due to
206 e on (or 'propensity rule' for) the magnetic quantum number m of the molecules, and a previously unre
207 number required by their total electron spin quantum number.
208 e of SOC implies that the spin is not a good quantum number.
209  generate and mobilise funds-to estimate the quantum of financing mobilised from 2002 to 2015.
210 s are one of the most distinctive aspects of quantum optics, being the trigger of multiple nonclassic
211 ams have found applications in classical and quantum optics.
212 an ambipolar surface quantum Hall effect and quantum oscillations in the Seebeck and Nernst effect.
213 ere, the authors provide evidence for such a quantum phase transition in the attractive Coulomb poten
214 ess this superconducting dome, unveiling the quantum phase transition of local character.
215   This is an example of a (zero temperature) quantum phase transition.
216 scovering pathways to experimentally realize quantum phases of matter and exert control over their pr
217 hes outline a potential roadmap to an era of quantum phenomena on demand.
218  orbital interaction (SOI) can induce unique quantum phenomena such as topological insulators, the Ra
219        The Josephson effect is a fundamental quantum phenomenon where a dissipationless supercurrent
220 ance GaN-based optoelectronic, photonic, and quantum photonic devices.
221                                         In a quantum picture, however, the collision is described in
222  for fundamental studies and applications in quantum plasmonics.
223    Our experiment offers a novel macroscopic quantum platform to explore the non-Hermitian physics of
224                                        Using quantum point contact measurements on single nucleotides
225           Tosi et al. present a design for a quantum processor based on electron-nuclear spins in sil
226 t connectivity is an important property of a quantum processor, with an ideal processor having random
227 forefront of efforts to create a solid-state quantum processor.
228 lboxes may become critical when studying the quantum radiation field in junctions.
229                                Reaching this quantum regime entails, inter alia, quantum measurement
230 ce communications, both in the classical and quantum regimes.
231 interacted; this is the core ingredient of a quantum repeater, akin to repeaters in optical fibre net
232 he ultimate rates that are reachable without quantum repeaters.
233 tiveness of our proposal by characterizing a quantum resource engineered combining two-photon hyperen
234  coordinate VTST (VRC-VTST), system-specific quantum Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel theory (SS-QRRK) for pred
235                                      Using a quantum sensor associated with the nitrogen vacancy cent
236 t integrates a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) diamond quantum sensor with optical and microwave waveguide deli
237                                     However, quantum sensors lose their sensitivity in the presence o
238 s the fundamentals of swarm intelligence and quantum Shannon theory.
239 alues p approximately 12.7 obtained by dimer quantum simulations are preferred for the argon gas whil
240              In this study, state-of-the-art quantum simulations with a many-body water potential ene
241 loring many-body phenomena on a programmable quantum simulator and could enable realizations of new q
242 ithm known requires infinite memory, while a quantum simulator requires only finite memory.
243                         One reason for using quantum simulators has recently come to the fore: they g
244 earning explores how to devise and implement quantum software that could enable machine learning that
245  of classical magnetic fields and individual quantum spins with orders of magnitude finer frequency r
246   Topological nodal line semimetals, a novel quantum state of materials, possess topologically nontri
247          This reaction was investigated with quantum state specificity by high-resolution photoelectr
248 e used to transform materials into a desired quantum state.
249                                     Toroidal quantum states are most promising for building quantum c
250 onsequence of interference between different quantum states has great importance in the fields of chi
251       We show here how to create macroscopic quantum states in a semiconductor device: a chain of InA
252  entanglement, the ability to transport such quantum states robustly over long distances remains chal
253 sentations for storing physically accessible quantum states.
254 st apply atomistic simulation techniques and quantum/statistical mechanics methods to understand how
255 cules, and a previously unrecognized type of quantum stereodynamics that has no classical analogue or
256 he continuous scale symmetry of a scale-free quantum system is broken into a discrete scale symmetry
257 perimentally study phase transitions of open quantum systems.
258 ezed light is a key resource in the field of quantum technologies and has already improved sensing ca
259 es, and therefore are promising for scalable quantum technologies.
260                               In addition to quantum technology, we expect that our results will be u
261 nowledge gap by obtaining reliable values by quantum theoretical calculations using G4 model chemistr
262   Here we experimentally probe hyper-complex quantum theories, studying one of their deviations from
263 ensity functional theory (DFT), supported by quantum theory of atoms in molecules and natural bond or
264 tudying one of their deviations from complex quantum theory: the non-commutativity of phases.
265                          In the framework of quantum thermodynamics, we propose a method to quantitat
266 arises whether there are instances where the quantum time evolution of a macroscopic system is qualit
267                                              Quantum toolflows must expose more physical details betw
268 s by employing the donor-bound electron as a quantum transducer, much in the spirit of recent works w
269        Here we report the unusual interlayer quantum transport behavior resulting from the zeroth LL
270  We argue that theoretical approaches of the quantum transport community (and in particular, the Gree
271 tion metal dichalcogenides, which may enable quantum transport measurements and devices.
272 elations in an open quantum network, such as quantum transport through nano-structures or excitation
273                                        Using quantum tunneling of electrons into vibrating surface at
274        Here we demonstrate the phenomenon of quantum wave mixing (QWM) on a single superconducting ar
275 ction-centered interpretations: instead of a quantum wave passing through both slits, we have a local
276  at harnessing the complex interplay between quantum wavefunctions and various factors such as dimens
277 rent injection efficiency model for a GaN:Eu quantum well (QW) has been developed to clarify the nece
278  within the domain wall, displaying discrete quantum-well energy levels.
279 tonic insulator gap in an inverted InAs/GaSb quantum-well system at low temperatures and low electron
280 surfaces, wherein distributed semiconducting quantum wells display extreme absorption and emission po
281 tudy a cavity device with four embedded GaAs quantum wells hosting excitons that are spectrally match
282 en-Popper perovskites are solution-processed quantum wells wherein the band gap can be tuned by varyi
283 shba spin-orbit coupling in In0.75 Ga0.25 As quantum wells, which indeed can be tuned by the indium c
284                  Our results also imply that quantum wires and junctions can be isolated in line defe
285 /g-C3 N4 PHJ, achieving an enhanced apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 27% at 440 nm over PCzF/g-C3 N4 .
286     The abrupt increase in photoluminescence quantum yield at excitation energy above twice band gap
287 n, easily observable even by naked eye, with quantum yield higher than the standard 9,10-diphenylanth
288                                          The quantum yield of a photochemical reaction is one of the
289 cture, a 1.6-fold enhanced photoluminescence quantum yield, and a longer emission lifetime than the s
290 the NIR region with large Stokes shift, high quantum yield, and strong solvatochromism.
291 fficiency of (3)DOM* formation (the apparent quantum yield, AQYT).
292 sion rate, far-field emission intensity, and quantum yield.
293 equently, externally measured effective PSII quantum yields may be composed of signals derived from c
294              In particular, we find that the quantum yields of photorelease are improved with derivat
295 ht of the spectrometer, and the ratio of the quantum yields of these processes is about 3.3.
296                         The donor, qAN1, has quantum yields reaching 21% and 11% in single- and doubl
297 ll increase both the up- and down-conversion quantum yields, potentially exceeding the Shockley-Queis
298 derivatives with higher intersystem crossing quantum yields, which can be promoted by core heavy atom
299 ovalent bonds and near-unity phosphorescence quantum yields.
300 06-707 nm), but also the lowest fluorescence quantum yields.

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