


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s, and its noise performance is close to the quantum limit.
2 a noise floor 10 decibels above the standard quantum limit.
3  of clean conductors, in particular near the quantum limit.
4  and the amplitude of phase diffusion at the quantum limit.
5 ce measurement precision beyond the standard quantum limit.
6 ure component are reduced below the standard quantum limit.
7 es many angle-dependent lines in the extreme quantum limit.
8 real operating conditions is three times the quantum limit.
9 drature of the field well below the standard quantum limit.
10      This high contrast obviates a following quantum-limited amplifier.
11 tal channels, namely bosonic lossy channels, quantum-limited amplifiers, dephasing and erasure channe
12 ity that is a factor of 4 above the standard quantum limit and consistent with theoretical prediction
13 for studying macroscopic spin systems in the quantum limit and for investigations of important topics
14 extended to sense forces beyond the standard quantum limit, and may enable tests of quantum theory.
15                                  This is the quantum limit attained in other dilute metals upon appli
16 n with average fidelity of 0.77, beating the quantum limit by 10 standard deviations.
17         The measurements are extended to the quantum limit by reducing the drive power until, on aver
18                     This bound, the standard quantum limit, can be reached when the oscillator subjec
19                         Finally, we show how quantum-limited circulators can be realized with the sam
20 ping a three-dimensional electron gas in the quantum limit emerges as an outstanding open question.
21  Fermi energy, the system enters the extreme quantum limit (EQL) and becomes susceptible to a number
22 atomic displacements dips below the standard quantum limit for half of a cycle.
23 findings imply that tunnelling establishes a quantum limit for plasmonic field confinement of about 1
24 vation, the sensitivity is near the standard quantum limit for sensing the motion of a cesium atom.
25 vity roughly a factor of 100 larger than the quantum limit for this oscillator.
26 imic the behavior of fermions in the extreme quantum limit, giving rise to a sequence of plateaus at
27 otonic transistor and its counterpart in the quantum limit, i.e., single-photon transistor based on a
28 owing measurements that surpass the standard quantum limit in sensitivity.
29 osition resolution a factor of 4.3 above the quantum limit is achieved and demonstrates the near-idea
30 mplementation outperforms any ideal standard-quantum-limited measurement performing the same non-idea
31                    Once in the ground state, quantum-limited measurements must then be demonstrated.
32                             The thermal- and quantum-limiting noise involved in the conversion proces
33             Such molecular layers are at the quantum limit of device miniaturization and can show enh
34 ty approaches a value set by [planck]/m, the quantum limit of diffusion, where [planck]/m is Planck's
35 as the FET, the SET can approach closely the quantum limit of sensitivity.
36 uare-lattice site percolation in the extreme quantum limit of spin one-half.
37 ow-power quantum optical devices, surpassing quantum limits on position and force sensing, and the co
38 stals, providing exquisitely sensitive (near quantum-limited), optical measurements of mechanical vib
39 iated quantum measurement at its fundamental quantum limit over a non-trivial region of parameter spa
40                                 Using a near-quantum-limited parametric amplifier, we selectively mea
41 for amplifiers and frequency converters with quantum-limited performance in the microwave range.
42 o-frequency STM is expected to be capable of quantum-limited position measurements.
43 ws a linear magnetic field dependence in the quantum limit regime.
44 ement with an imprecision below the standard quantum limit scale.
45 a sensor on the basis of its atomic size and quantum-limited sensing capabilities.
46     One implementation that might allow near quantum-limited sensitivity is to use a single electron
47  are detected as an optical phase shift with quantum-limited sensitivity.
48 ptical techniques that are routinely used in quantum-limited signal detection.
49               The torque changes sign in the quantum limit, signalling a reversal of the magnetic ani
50 projection noise, gives rise to the standard quantum limit (SQL) to phase resolution.
51 of the Weyl semimetal NbAs upon entering the quantum limit state in high magnetic fields.
52  is pushed below a scale set by the standard quantum limit, the measurement must perturb the motion o
53 nd time (10(-13) to 10(-12) s) represent the quantum limit, the nonstatistical regime of rates.
54 s of one system (to better than its standard quantum limit) through measurements on the other correla
55 d detection noise levels below this standard quantum limit to realize the benefits of the intrinsic s
56  describe the physics that gives rise to the quantum limit to the Q-f product, explain design strateg
57             In this context, the fundamental quantum limit to the quality of the clones is imposed by
58 ic mechanical objects, providing fundamental quantum limits to the sensitivity of mechanical sensors
59         Our results establish that anomalous quantum limit torque measurements provide a direct exper
60 d magnetic fields that vanishes in the ultra-quantum limit, when only a single Landau level is occupi
61  up to 60 T drives the system into the ultra-quantum limit, where we observe abrupt changes in the ma
62 ds can be taken to the relativistic magnetic quantum limit, which has so far been inaccessible in nat
63 onducting topological boundary states in the quantum limit, which opens up the possibility for studyi
64 tate metrology 8 decibels below the standard quantum limit with a detection system that has a noise f

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