


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sphate-linked template-assembled synthetic G-quartet.
2 ses from its end-stacking interaction with G-quartet.
3 K, the singlet was transformed into a new AB quartet.
4 ing states: Null, A, AB and B for each probe quartet.
5 e to create a G-(G-C) triple and a U-(A-U)-U quartet.
6  to facilitate consecutive stacking of six G-quartets.
7  of square arrangements of guanines called G-quartets.
8 stranded structures that contain stacks of G-quartets.
9 oops exhibit much more variation than do the quartets.
10  by the formation and the self-assembly of G-quartets.
11  linear array of seven K(+) ions between the quartets.
12 ble G-quadruplex structures, also known as G-quartets.
13 that this complex contains fewer stacks of G-quartets.
14 adruplex structures that are stabilized by G-quartets.
15 on of quartets, being themselves synthetic G-quartets.
16  twin quartets, and 10 monozygotic (MZ) twin quartets.
17 e ligand and guanine residues of the outer G-quartets.
18 nd, hence, presumably only two consecutive G-quartets.
19 tion of the dye with the more stable G4.K(+) quartets.
20 sine-borate (GB) diesters, as well as the G4-quartets.
21 f loop interactions for the top and bottom G-quartets.
22 sing various types of folding and numbers of quartets.
23 litates cation-templated assembly of G4.K(+) quartets.
24 -quadruplex stability than the stacking of G-quartets.
25 llusion, based on the visual apparent-motion quartet [2].
26  for the ventral-anterior cells of the third quartet, 3a and 3b.
27 hange in the geometry and bonding, where the quartet ((4)B) and the sextet ((6)A) states are close in
28         We used joint music making in string quartets, a complex, naturalistic nonverbal behavior, as
29 new orthology database constructed using the QuartetS algorithm.
30 on, we trace the evolution of organ identity quartets along the stem lineage of crown angiosperms.
31         Incubation in cations discouraging G-quartets altered gel mobility of the gag template consis
32 xes, or G4 DNA, stabilized by base-stacked G quartets, an arrangement of four hydrogen-bonded guanine
33 ificantly lower in energy than its high-spin quartet analogue Q(1).
34                  The results have shown that quartet analysis is a powerful technique to screen homol
35             This is the first application of quartet analysis of HGT for the phylum Crenarchaeota.
36 islandicum DSM 4184T) were investigated with quartet analysis.
37 o cercopithecoids and two hominoids by using quartet analysis.
38 inding site is formed by an intermolecular G-quartet and the anion binding site is provided by the 5'
39 d G-quadruplex structure composed of three G-quartets and a mixed tetrad connected to an RNA duplex.
40 angement, with a core of seven consecutive G-quartets and an uninterrupted run of six potassium ions
41 ically to G4 DNA, stacking on the terminal G-quartets and contacting the flanking bases.
42 (+) ion containing solution exhibits three G-quartets and flexible propeller-type loops.
43 ur (UUAGGG) repeats stabilized by parallel G-quartets and joined by UUA linkers.
44 ve size and timing of formation of micromere quartets and none can be considered, by itself, as evide
45 lar chaperone by end stacking on terminal G4-quartets and promoting the assembly of these smaller fra
46 -scale phylogenetic and functional analysis, QuartetS and QuartetS-C should be preferred, respectivel
47 alized by their cation coordination of the G-quartets and the extensive H-bond network between the fo
48 es from 228 trios, eight dizygotic (DZ) twin quartets, and 10 monozygotic (MZ) twin quartets.
49 gher-order assemblies, such as G-ribbons, G4-quartets, and G-quadruplexes.
50 ded structures that are based on stacks of G-quartets, and sequences with the potential to adopt thes
51 r lengths, enrichment for FMRP binding and G-quartets, and their genes are under greater evolutionary
52 it can explain experimental results from the quartet apparent motion illusion, which is a prototypica
53 9-base ssDNA sequence that can fold into a G-quartet aptamer and bind the protein thrombin.
54 oscopy and ThT fluorescence indicate that G4 quartets are formed by the Li(+) GB system.
55                         Different forms of G-quartets are formed including monomers and, significantl
56 coupling and the involvement of higher-lying quartets are found.
57  the interactions of the TTA loop with the G-quartets are much less defined.
58 mmetric divisions that produce the micromere quartets are particularly important for patterning becau
59 hs and the presence of a bulge between the G-quartets are structural elements that potentially can be
60 ntifies the region we have termed the charge quartet as the HSL interaction site.
61 ranscriptase pausing at G runs that can form quartets as a unique feature of the gag recombination ho
62 ast trial persists by using ambiguous motion quartets as stimuli.
63 abilized by formation of an intermolecular G-quartet at a distant site near the cPPT.
64  methylene hydrogens of 4a appeared as an AB quartet at low temperature that coalesced to a singlet u
65   The structure has a distorted G.C.G.C base quartet at one end and four flipped-out adenosine nucleo
66               Pollen from NPG1 mutant in the quartet background has confirmed that NPG1 is dispensabl
67 n studies with pollen from the mutant in the quartet background indicate that pollen carrying a mutan
68  c-di-GMP are essential for formation of the quartets, because substitution of inosine for one guanos
69  designed to exploit the self-association of quartets, being themselves synthetic G-quartets.
70  NC induces the unfolding of the monomeric G-quartet but stabilizes the dimeric interaction.
71 adruplex structure that is stabilized by G-4 quartets, but the ways in which the sequence folds into
72 olves formation of borate dimers and G4.K(+) quartets by G 1 and KB(OH)4.
73 similar mechanical stability for all three G-quartets by significant reduction of loop interactions f
74 irectional best hit (BBH), outgroup, OMA and QuartetS-C (QuartetS followed by clustering)], involving
75 enetic and functional analysis, QuartetS and QuartetS-C should be preferred, respectively, in applica
76 leic acid quadruplexes, based on the guanine quartet, can arise from one or several strands, dependin
77 osome breaks at anaphase I, and that >33% of quartets carry cells that either lack an organized nucle
78         Segregation of this RNA to the first quartet cells does not occur if centrosomal localization
79  RNA is specifically segregated to the first quartet cells during the third cleavage.
80 specific inheritance of the RNA by the first quartet cells is driven by a discrete RNA sequence in th
81  sequences such as the 12-nucleotide guanine quartet (CGG)4 motif that can form RNA G-quadruplex stru
82 h Li(+) the tetramolecular and octamolecular quartet complexes are present in approximately equal amo
83 4)(+) favor formation of one or more guanine quartet complexes as well.
84 nd all-anti tetramolecular and octamolecular quartet complexes.
85  way that limits their ability to form these quartet complexes.
86 engths in coalescent units is estimated from quartet concordance factors.
87 ment forms a parallel structure with three G-quartets connected by a four-nucleotide loop and two sho
88 ed pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from a quartet consisting of two BD-affected brothers and their
89    A link between the third and the fourth G-quartets consists of two adenine residues that are flipp
90 ed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on a family quartet containing an affected proband and her unaffecte
91              We show that this RNA forms a G quartet-containing structure, which is recognized with h
92 d free energetic analyses for simplified two-quartet [d(GG)](4) models and suggests that the four bas
93                                              QuartetS-DB is a new orthology database constructed usin
94                                              QuartetS-DB is one of the largest orthology resources av
95 ion to its size, a distinguishing feature of QuartetS-DB is the ability to allow users to select a cu
96  here provides a convenient means to perform Quartet Decomposition analyses and will empower users to
97                                          The Quartet Decomposition server is accessible at http://qua
98                                          The Quartet Decomposition server presented here provides a c
99 ther with spin symmetry, leads to a fourfold quartet degeneracy of the Landau levels, observed as pea
100 (silylynes) examined, whose range of doublet-quartet differences calculated is impressive, 120 (100)
101 monomer was observed without NC, whereas a G-quartet dimer was observed with NC, both only in the pre
102 367 and nt 382-384), a region that forms a G-quartet dimer, adhering the two RNA templates.
103 le cylinders consisting of hydrogen-bonded G-quartet disks, which are stacked on top of one another.
104                The SOMAmer, comprised of a G-quartet domain and a stem-loop domain, engages IL-6 in a
105                                        The G-quartet domain retains considerable binding activity as
106 omeres, just prior to the birth of the third quartet (e.g., late during the 16-cell and subsequently
107                                      A sharp quartet ENDOR pattern from a nearby deuteron of substrat
108                                      A sharp quartet ENDOR pattern from a nearby deuteron of the subs
109 e for the doublet of the parent SiH (doublet-quartet energy difference approximately 39 kcal/mol, fav
110 nctional were used to explore the sextet and quartet energy potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the t
111 the Oct4-activating compounds along with the quartet factors exhibited typical ESC morphology, gene-e
112  We used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of 85 quartet families (parents and two ASD-affected siblings)
113 e novo and inherited variants from 1,781 ASD quartet families, we show a significantly higher burden
114 est hit (BBH), outgroup, OMA and QuartetS-C (QuartetS followed by clustering)], involving 624 bacteri
115 '-guanosine monophosphate (GMP) solutions, G-quartets form by the self-assembly of four GMP nucleotid
116 en 270 and 325 nm that report primarily on G-quartet formation and stacking showed that quadruplex fo
117                   Our results confirm that G-quartet formation is essential for biological activity o
118        We tested this by inserting a known G-quartet formation sequence, 5'-(UGGGGU)(4)-3', into a re
119 her encourage (K(+)) or discourage (Li(+)) G-quartet formation with or without NC.
120 ecific CpG dinucleotides will participate in quartet formation, causing the shift of the equilibrium
121 ith all of the guanosines participating in G-quartet formation.
122 depending on which G runs are utilized for G quartet formation.
123 ne in Li(+) or Cs(+), which do not support G-quartet formation.
124   Hence, R-loop formation does not rely on G-quartet formation.
125 ility, reversibility and ion dependence of G-quartet formation.
126 nical G-quadruplex structures are based on G-quartets formed by hydrogen bonding and cation-coordinat
127 and RNA G-quadruplexes containing only two G-quartets formed from sequences r[(GGA)(3)GG] and r[(GGUU
128 RP is an RNA binding protein that binds to G quartet forming RNA using its RGG box motif.
129 shown to use its RGG box domain to bind to G quartet-forming RNA.
130 old enhancement in binding affinity of the G-quartet fragment (Kd = 7.4 nm).
131 different folds of the cation-stabilized two-quartet G-DNA stem, each having more than 250 atoms.
132 own experimental structures of 2-, 3-, and 4-quartet G-DNA stems.
133 gion showed formation of a stable parallel 2-quartet G-quadruplex on the 3' side of the antisense ret
134 s required for pilin Av and formed a guanine quartet (G4) structure in vitro.
135 antigenic variation (Av) to occur, a guanine quartet (G4) structure must form upstream of pilE.
136 e planar structures of 4 guanines known as G-quartets (G4s).
137 uses an approximate phylogenetic analysis of quartet gene trees to infer the occurrence of duplicatio
138 on of gene phylogenies, decomposes them into quartets, generates a Quartet Spectrum, and draws a spli
139 lations suggest a doublet GES for 2N_L and a quartet GES for 3N_L.
140 ons, and of Mavridis and Harrison; i.e., the quartet ground state spin of some CR/SiR species is larg
141 zation (M(H)) data are in accord with a spin quartet ground state with large magnetocrystalline aniso
142                 As a result, the doublet and quartet ground states are not related by a single electr
143 nding gained leads to the prediction of some quartet-ground state carbynes (CMgH, CAlH2, CZnH, CSiH3,
144                      For over 50 years the G-quartet has been a defining self-assembled structure in
145 associated virus type 8 (AAV8) called the pH quartet has been shown to undergo a structural change wh
146 criminate paralogous from orthologous genes, QuartetS has been shown to improve orthology detection a
147 h as loops and tetraguanine (G) planes (or G-quartets), has hindered the development of small-molecul
148 nate quantum-mechanically mixed-spin (sextet-quartet) heme center in cytochrome c' was investigated b
149     These results demonstrate that micromere quartet identity, a hallmark of the ancient spiralian de
150       Thus, this study establishes a residue quartet in the extracellular membrane proximal domain of
151 two modified guanines in each of the three G-quartets in human telomeric G-quadruplex.
152 uctures that result from stacking of guanine quartets in nucleic acids possess such thermodynamic sta
153 ys of four hydrogen-bonded guanines called G quartets, in the presence of potassium ions.
154 s highlighting their interactions with the G-quartets including formation of an A:A base pair, triad,
155 rations, which differ in base stacking and G-quartet interactions.
156 arge applied magnetic fields, separating the quartet into integer and, more recently, fractional leve
157                    Stacking of these G4.M(+) quartets into G4-nanowires gives a hydrogel.
158 single K(+), irrespective of the number of G-quartets involved or whether the G-quadruplex is formed
159                                   The charge quartet is conserved on other FABPs that interact with H
160  is shown here for the first time that the G-quartet is isolatable in water in the absence of stabili
161 hat localization of another RNA to the first quartet is mediated by a similar element.
162                                              QuartetS is a recently reported algorithm for large-scal
163 opy reveal that a stable hybrid possessing G-quartets is formed between the PNA and DNA.
164 to infer the phylogenetic relationship among quartets is implemented in the software SVDquartets, ava
165 eptide, possibly with the stem and/or stem-G quartet junction region, are required.
166 uadruplex structures consisting of stacked G-quartets linked by d(TTA) loops.
167  into G-quadruplex structures that involve G-quartets linked by loop nucleotides.
168 he kinetoplast, and a segment of microtubule quartet linking the flagellar pocket collar and bi-lobe
169                             Mutations in the QUARTET loci in Arabidopsis result in failure of microsp
170 ed quality of indel calls in family trios or quartets, MATE-CLEVER integrates statistics that reflect
171 This result similarly indicates that the PIF quartet members are capable of intrinsically promoting h
172  results in more detail, we have developed a quartet method that estimates the relative contribution
173                                    The first-quartet micromere of the dorsal D lineage (1d) is smalle
174                         Removal of the first quartet micromeres at the 8-cell stage also leads to the
175  the gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta, the first-quartet micromeres of the A, B and C lineages (1a, 1b, a
176 o the interval when the progeny of the first quartet micromeres specify the D quadrant macromere.
177 tially activated in the progeny of the first quartet micromeres, just prior to the birth of the third
178 tions involving the derivatives of the first quartet micromeres.
179 tive interactions, presumably from the first quartet micromeres.
180  all other spiralians studied to date (first-quartet micromeres: 1a, 1c).
181 ted from different lineal precursors (second-quartet micromeres: 2a, 2c) compared to those in all oth
182 rotein-protein interaction studies, a floral quartet model was proposed that describes how these MADS
183 eterodimerization is predicted by the floral quartet model, but evidence for the functional importanc
184 and E-class proteins predicted by the floral quartet model.
185 rovide solid in vivo evidence for the floral quartet model.
186 in floral tissues as proposed in the "floral quartet" model.
187                              Strikingly, a G-quartet monomer was observed without NC, whereas a G-qua
188  same gag sequence was able to fold into a G-quartet monomer, dimer, and tetramer, depending on the c
189  was predicted to be involved in forming a G-quartet monomer, diminished with increased HIV-1 nucleoc
190  an RNA binding domain that interacts with G-quartet motifs.
191 ture and number of the nucleotides linking G-quartet motifs.
192  fluorescent proteins of three colors in the quartet mutant background.
193 rad analysis performed using the Arabidopsis quartet mutation demonstrated that the pollen-lethal phe
194 clo[n]pyrrole externally stacked below the G-quartets occur under these experimental conditions.
195                                            A quartet of attachment proteins and a trio of fusion prot
196 by a gene regulatory network consisting of a quartet of high-mobility group (HMG) box transcription f
197  dense LDL in hypertriglyceridemia through a quartet of kinetic perturbations: increased flux from ap
198                  Nonetheless, mutations of a quartet of leucine residues (either single or multiple m
199 d VCAM-1, P-selectin, TNFRI, and CXCL16 as a quartet of molecules that have potential pathogenic sign
200  VCAM-1, P-selectin, TNFR-1, and CXCL16 as a quartet of molecules that may have potential diagnostic
201                     SHREC consists of a core quartet of proteins - Clr1, Clr2, Clr3, and Mit1 - which
202 ead, our data prove that after binding, this quartet of residues on propeller blade 5 conducts confor
203                               In contrast, a quartet of residues previously shown to sustain SLAM-dep
204 vector containing mouse cDNAs for Yamanaka's quartet of stemness factors were used for transduction o
205 ulatory molecules, the dyad model features a quartet of synaptotagmins arrayed at the synaptic vesicl
206 ing promoted by the collective activity of a quartet of transcription factors, called PIF1, PIF3, PIF
207 olecular quadruplex structures stabilized by quartets of guanines.
208 evelop a method to infer relationships among quartets of taxa under the coalescent model using techni
209 M2 differ by a factor of two for the outer G-quartets of the unimolecular parallel G-quadruplex under
210  formed by the micromeres of the 1st and 2nd quartet, of which 1a, 1c, and 1d form the anterior apica
211 ds retain the triplet excitation in Baird pi-quartets or octets, enabling the outer benzene rings to
212 ed states coexist: either with six stacked G-quartets or only three, in various combinations.
213 metry by the G oxidation peak decrease and G-quartets oxidation peak occurrence, in a time and K(+) i
214  dimeric G-quadruplex exhibits six stacked G-quartets, parallel strand orientations, and propeller-ty
215              Equine hybrids, in particular a quartet pedigree composed of a fertile mule showed a mos
216 uous R irradiation and (2) show that the PIF quartet (PIF1, PIF3, PIF4, and PIF5) retain and exert a
217 re stabilized by formation and stacking of G quartets, planar arrays of four hydrogen-bonded guanines
218 ificant dynamic behavior when stacked on a G-quartet plane.
219 of which are interspersed between adjacent G-quartet planes and one in each of the two thymine loops.
220 allow these ligands to occupy not only the G-quartet planes but also the grooves of the G4DNA.
221 ing only 0.5% additional computational time, QuartetS predicted 50% more orthologs with a 50% lower f
222 ta is mainly formed by micromeres of the 3rd quartet (principally 3a and 3b), which presumably repres
223 is "MEK/ERK-focal adhesion kinase-DLC1-PP2A" quartet provides a novel checkpoint in the spatiotempora
224                                              Quartet puzzling places them with fairly low support as
225 2)BPNO(*) to form excited doublet (D(1)) and quartet (Q) states, which are both spectrally resolved f
226           Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) QUARTET (QRT) genes are required for pollen separation d
227 scovered that are segregated into particular quartets, raising the possibility that such RNAs could b
228 ngeneric carbyne, CR, to adopt the high-spin quartet rather than the low-spin doublet as its ground s
229           Interestingly, we found that the G quartet recognition is necessary but not sufficient for
230  to the reprogramming mixture along with the quartet reprogramming factors (Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Kl
231 aled that this residue was part of a residue quartet responsible for specific local structural change
232                          Because the tactile quartet results in switching perceptual states despite u
233                           The folding of a 2-quartet RNA G-quadruplex with single nucleotide A loops
234         Our results also indicate that the G quartet RNA recognition is not a general feature of the
235 box binding increases the stability of the G quartet RNA structure significantly.
236 Previous studies identified intramolecular G-quartet RNAs as high-affinity targets for the RGG box, b
237 sing complex RNA, but not by high-affinity G-quartet RNAs.
238 in- and valley-degenerate Landau levels into quartets separated by interaction-enhanced energy gaps.
239           The tRSA system with an attached G-quartet sequence also could efficiently and specifically
240                                We found that QuartetS slightly, but consistently, outperformed the hi
241  such RNAs could be involved in establishing quartet-specific developmental potentials.
242      We provide evidence that current floral quartets specifying male organ identity, which consist o
243 , decomposes them into quartets, generates a Quartet Spectrum, and draws a split network.
244                               The doublet-to-quartet spin crossover is significantly faster than the
245 y linked Cu(II)-alkoxide intermediate with a quartet spin state responsible BIAA oxidation.
246 al has a doublet ground state with a doublet-quartet splitting of 35.5 kcal/mol.
247 d on the loop lengths, rather than only on G-quartet stability.
248 The hairpins may subsequently form nascent G-quartets stabilized by H-bonding and cation binding foll
249 e same G-quadruplex face and form an eight-G-quartet stack, with a linear array of seven K(+) ions be
250  direct comparison of loop interaction and G-quartet stacking in G-quadruplex provides unprecedented
251 ble in water in the absence of stabilizing G-quartet stacking or cations through the construction of
252               Beyond those conditions, the G-quartet stacks dissociate laterally into monomer stacks
253  the temperature and pressure stability of G-quartet stacks formed by disodium guanosine 5'-monophosp
254                                        The G-quartet stacks serve as an excellent model to understand
255 on in 1 is so strong that only the high-spin quartet state (S(T) = (3)/(2)) is thermally populated at
256          pi-Acceptors also help to lower the quartet state energy of the many carbynes (silylynes) ex
257 l has doublet ground state, but a band for a quartet state is missing from the photoelectron spectrum
258                         The other, high-spin quartet state, persists for 67 ns due to spin-forbidden
259 blet ground state and a thermally accessible quartet state.
260 lative stability and admixture of sextet and quartet states and whose electronic details were thus el
261                                   Although G-quartet stems have been well characterized, the interact
262 t pauses caused by hairpins, indicating that quartet structure causes pausing.
263                                            G-quartet structure formation is highly dependent on the p
264 reover, gel analysis with cations favoring G-quartet structure indicated no structure in mutated temp
265             It is likely that formation of G-quartet structure near the cPPT in vivo keeps the RNA ge
266 P and FXR1P RGG box are able to unwind the G quartet structure of S3F RNA, however, the peptide conce
267 pplication of the low-pH MALDI matrix, the G-quartet structure of the aptamer unfolds, releasing the
268  gag template consistent with breakdown of G-quartet structure.
269 NA sequence sc1, which encodes a stem loop G-quartet structure.
270 to fold in a typical two- or three-layered G-quartet structure.
271 imerize in vitro through an intermolecular G-quartet structure.
272 eoxynucleotides, which form intramolecular G-quartet structures (GQ-ODN), as a new class of Stat3 inh
273 ther RGG box proteins, ICP27 does not bind G-quartet structures but instead binds GC-rich sequences t
274 s to telomeric sequences that form diverse G-quartet structures in vitro.
275 ably, the ICP27 RGG box was unable to bind G-quartet structures recognized by the RGG domains of othe
276          Some G-rich sequences can develop G-quartet structures, which were first proposed to form in
277 resumably due to multiplex binding forming G-quartet structures.
278 rmal dissociation characteristics indicate G-quartet structures.
279 etal center, by an oxidative addition on the quartet surface followed by crossover to the doublet sur
280  are formed by the stacking of two or more G-quartets that are linked together by three loops.
281 ure consisting of a stacked array of guanine-quartets that can disrupt critical cellular functions su
282 t a novel orthology detection method, termed QuartetS, that exploits evolutionary evidence in a compu
283  is the production of tiers of cells, called quartets, that share distinct developmental potentials.
284  RNA is segregated into the second and third quartets, then decays in nearly all lineages except for
285 tatistical aggregation across multiple probe quartets to provide a high-quality genotype call along w
286                                              Quartet transition states ((4)TSs) are found to react vi
287 Decomposition server is accessible at http://quartets.uga.edu.
288    Decomposition of gene trees into embedded quartets (unrooted trees each with four taxa) is a conve
289 rigin, probably owing to unstacking of the G-quartets upon protein binding.
290 an be used to discriminate homologous genes, QuartetS uses an approximate phylogenetic analysis of qu
291               We report artificial imidazole-quartet water channels with 2.6 A pores, similar to AQP
292 molecular DNA and RNA G4s with four to six G-quartets, we found that DHX36-mediated disruption is hig
293  expected decrease in stability if the six G-quartets were stacked together in a single structure.
294 olecules group structurally together to form quartets while switching, as believed by most, to spin S
295 ine-rich DNA and RNA sequences can produce G-quartets, whose stacking leads to the formation of a G-q
296 e searched for de novo mutations in a family quartet with a sporadic case of epileptic encephalopathy
297 metal systems, leaving a Kramers doublet and quartet with effective angular momentum of J eff = 1/2 a
298 e GMP-quadruplex, built by the stacking of G-quartets with no covalent linking between them, as the b
299 c comparison of the orthology predictions of QuartetS with those of four other methods [bi-directiona
300 moiety is bound at one end of the stack of G-quartets, within one of the thymine loops.

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