


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r, known as an exciton, which is yet another quasiparticle.
2 lian anyons, a highly desired type of exotic quasiparticle.
3 d structure features three-dimensional Dirac quasiparticles.
4 annels involving electron-like and hole-like quasiparticles.
5 al single-electron-like excitations known as quasiparticles.
6 ity originating from the condense of anyonic quasiparticles.
7 ual electrons in graphene behave as massless quasiparticles.
8 order and the emerging of the fractionalized quasiparticles.
9  improving screening of interactions between quasiparticles.
10 th the presence of long-lived spin-polarized quasiparticles.
11 dau's Fermi liquid theory of non-interacting quasiparticles.
12 oscopic parameters, rather than well-defined quasiparticles.
13 rmi surface reconstruction, and conventional quasiparticles.
14 , by implication, in other systems with Bose quasiparticles.
15 r if they coexist with conventional, massive quasiparticles.
16 C theory regarding the recombination rate of quasiparticles.
17  matter that hosts Weyl fermions as emergent quasiparticles.
18 spatiotemporal map of the diffusion of these quasiparticles.
19 omistic electronic structure of the magnetic quasiparticles.
20  strongly coupled systems without long-lived quasiparticles.
21 he thermally induced motion of particles and quasiparticles.
22 ring state allows for the existence of nodal quasiparticles.
23 ed system reaching beyond the regime of free quasiparticles.
24    Exciton-polaritons are mixed light-matter quasiparticles.
25  nanocomposite heterostructure with magnetic quasiparticles (0) embedded in a ferroelectric film matr
26 spatially-extended pairs of fractional S=1/2 quasiparticles, 2D analogues of 1D spinons.
27 the apparent breakdown of the concept of the quasiparticle, a cornerstone of existing theories of str
28 tudying many-body interactions of electronic quasiparticles among themselves and with lattice vibrati
29 a correlated phase with fractionally charged quasiparticles and a ground-state degeneracy that grows
30  matter that hosts Weyl fermions as emergent quasiparticles and admits a topological classification t
31 ch may be considered as Frenkel exciton-like quasiparticles and analyze the dependence of their densi
32 s to a k-space differentiation between nodal quasiparticles and antinodal excitations.
33 es the simplest phase supporting non-Abelian quasiparticles and can be seen as the blueprint of fract
34  a feasible experimental realization of Weyl quasiparticles and related phenomena in clean and contro
35 s collision experiments with various complex quasiparticles and suggests a promising new way of gener
36 isms in controlling the dynamics of residual quasiparticle, and show quantized changes in quasipartic
37 dispersion behave as massless Weyl- or Dirac-quasiparticles, and continue to intrigue due to their cl
38 demand, enabling relativistic massless Dirac quasiparticles, and thus inducing low-loss transport eit
39                The structure and dynamics of quasiparticles are important because they define macrosc
40 degeneracy that grows exponentially as these quasiparticles are introduced.
41 the oxygen sites are in the Hamiltonian, the quasiparticles are much simpler than in the exact soluti
42 hat neither well-defined electron nor phonon quasiparticles are present in this material.
43          In such Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids, quasiparticles are replaced by distinct collective excit
44      The most prominent examples of emergent quasiparticles are the ones with fractional electric cha
45 ation of polaritons - part-light part-matter quasiparticles, are highly advantageous since the requir
46 ge or may reflect multiple passes of the e/4 quasiparticle around the interferometer.
47          The Landau-Fermi liquid picture for quasiparticles assumes that charge carriers are dressed
48    Using a local electrometer to compare how quasiparticles at nu = 5/2 and nu = 7/3 charge these pud
49    Here we present observations of localized quasiparticles at nu = 5/2, confined to puddles by disor
50                                          The quasiparticle band gaps of semiconducting carbon nanotub
51 rst-principles calculations have predicted a quasiparticle bandgap much larger than the measured opti
52 inescence excitation spectroscopy suggests a quasiparticle bandgap of 2.2 eV, from which we estimate
53 proximately 0.7 electronvolts), leading to a quasiparticle bandgap of 2.7 electronvolts.
54        The transport of electrically charged quasiparticles (based on electrons or ions) plays a pivo
55                                 Unlike other quasiparticle BEC systems, this system has a spectrum wi
56 ntually approaching the temperature at which quasiparticles become identifiable at all.
57 hors unveil the existence of another type of quasiparticle, bielectron vortices, which are bosonic an
58 nce of a new type of energetically favorable quasiparticle: bielectron vortices, which are double-cha
59 Here we show, using neutron scattering, that quasiparticle breakdown can also occur in a quantum magn
60                                         Such quasiparticle breakdown was first predicted for an exoti
61 larity, so that excited states are no longer quasiparticles but occupy a wide band of energy.
62 or large systems, enabling fast and accurate quasiparticle calculations for complex materials systems
63 uctor microcavity chips using exciton-photon quasiparticles called polaritons.
64                     But interactions between quasiparticles can be substantial in dense systems.
65         Oppositely charged electron and hole quasiparticles can coexist in an ionized but correlated
66 he thermally induced motion of particles and quasiparticles can in turn interact with electronic degr
67 ption: in some systems the very existence of quasiparticles cannot be taken for granted.
68          Like unstable elementary particles, quasiparticles cannot survive beyond a threshold where c
69 tions from gapped (localized) to delocalized quasiparticles characterized by a longer lifetime.
70 nsmission through the device consistent with quasiparticle charge e/4 is observed at nu = 5/2 and at
71 ve e/2 period may empirically reflect an e/2 quasiparticle charge or may reflect multiple passes of t
72 ssibilities, we attribute to the partitioned quasiparticle charge.
73  reveals the long-sought four-fold symmetric quasiparticle 'cloud' aligned with the nodes of the d-wa
74  of attosecond science, to explore ultrafast quasiparticle collisions directly in the time domain: a
75 optical bandstructure reconstruction8,9, and quasiparticle collisions10,11.
76 ansistor of tightly bound negative trions, a quasiparticle composed of two electrons and a hole.
77                           Instead, different quasiparticle configurations are stabilized dominantly b
78                       Exciton-polaritons are quasiparticles consisting of a linear superposition of p
79 h the quasiparticle peak merges with the two-quasiparticle continuum.
80  that scale inversely with width, supporting quasiparticle corrections to the calculated gap.
81 he pairing occurs between weakly interacting quasiparticles (corresponding to the electrons in ordina
82     Imaging of the spatial dependence of the quasiparticle density of states in the vicinity of the i
83                       A 70% reduction in the quasiparticle density results in a threefold enhancement
84                 Recently, magnons, which are quasiparticles describing the collective motion of spins
85 solated conducting chains, the Fermi-liquid (quasiparticle) description appropriate for higher dimens
86 tion of this quantum coherent suppression of quasiparticle dissipation across a Josephson junction.
87  Josephson's key theoretical prediction that quasiparticle dissipation should vanish in transport thr
88 have shown that Coulomb correlations between quasiparticles dominate the nonlinear optical response o
89 cribed within the framework of gapping Dirac quasiparticles due to broken time-reversal symmetry.
90 esolved photoemission can directly image the quasiparticle dynamics of the d-electron subband ladder
91 re typically an indication of unconventional quasiparticle dynamics, such as inelastic scattering, or
92 ect the current to be carried by partitioned quasiparticles, each with energy-dependent charge, being
93 ealing a dramatic doping-dependent upturn in quasiparticle effective mass at a critical metal-insulat
94 ions that reveal a strong enhancement of the quasiparticle effective mass toward optimal doping.
95 cal point (QCP) characterized by a divergent quasiparticle effective mass.
96  Luttinger's theorem and a strongly enhanced quasiparticle effective mass.
97                                 How coherent quasiparticles emerge by doping quantum antiferromagnets
98           Magnetoelectricity creates a novel quasiparticle excitation--the electromagnon--at terahert
99 which occur in systems with an energy gap to quasiparticle excitations (such as insulators or superco
100 f dissipation, despite the presence of lossy quasiparticle excitations above the superconducting gap,
101 ignals can be dissipative in the presence of quasiparticle excitations above the superconducting gap.
102  unusual crystal that hosts Weyl fermions as quasiparticle excitations and features Fermi arcs on its
103 tation spectrum often has nodes, which allow quasiparticle excitations at low energies.
104                      Majorana zero modes are quasiparticle excitations in condensed matter systems th
105 We thus uncover the softening of a branch of quasiparticle excitations located away from the traditio
106 tonian that has independent spinon and holon quasiparticle excitations plus a weak coupling of the tw
107 esults are discussed within a picture of e/4 quasiparticle excitations potentially possessing non-Abe
108                        Andreev reflection of quasiparticle excitations provides a sensitive and passi
109 redicted to produce the long-sought Majorana quasiparticle excitations.
110 m chaos for a critical Fermi surface without quasiparticle excitations.
111 phase in the spectrum of hybrid light-matter quasiparticles-exciton-polaritons in semiconductor micro
112 described by the concept of non-interacting 'quasiparticles' first introduced by Landau.
113 neous time-reversal symmetry breaking, whose quasiparticles form three-dimensional quantum Hall and W
114   Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles formed by strongly interacting photons an
115 se transitions, generating a series of novel quasiparticles, from isospin-1 triplet fermions to tripl
116 stood in terms of elementary excitations, or quasiparticles--fundamental quanta of energy and momentu
117 agnetic disorder, which close and reopen the quasiparticle gap of the paired electrons in a nontrivia
118                                  Non-Abelian quasiparticles have been predicted to exist in a variety
119 on of a Bose glass of field-induced magnetic quasiparticles in a doped quantum magnet (bromine-doped
120          Magnons and phonons are fundamental quasiparticles in a solid and can be coupled together to
121 onductivity is a signature of the absence of quasiparticles in a strongly correlated electron fluid w
122 , which we call chirons, resemble low-energy quasiparticles in bilayer graphene and emerge regardless
123 msey spectroscopy methods for observing Weyl quasiparticles in cold alkaline-earth-atom systems.
124 provides a new technique with which to study quasiparticles in correlated materials.
125           Here we demonstrate that the Dirac quasiparticles in graphene provide a dramatic departure
126  the pump pulses photoexcite non-equilibrium quasiparticles in LCMO, which rapidly interact with phon
127                   Trimerons may be important quasiparticles in magnetite above the Verwey transition
128                         Creating polaritonic quasiparticles in monolithic, compact architectures with
129 ntly for polaritons: half-matter, half-light quasiparticles in semiconductor microcavities.
130  a strong lattice coupling of photon-induced quasiparticles in spin-orbital coupling Mott insulator S
131           Here we report that spin-polarized quasiparticles in superconducting aluminium layers have
132 r an abrupt destruction of Fermi liquid-like quasiparticles in the correlated metal LaNiO(3) when con
133 esults establish the existence of fractional quasiparticles in the high-energy spectrum of a quasi-tw
134 ding reveals significantly slower buildup of quasiparticles in the superconducting state than in the
135 we show that the recent observation of Ising quasiparticles in URu(2)Si(2) results from a spinor orde
136  standard Fermi-liquid picture of long-lived quasiparticles in well-defined band states emerge at low
137 laritons, which are localized or propagating quasiparticles in which photons are coupled to the quasi
138  to reduce the number of unpaired electrons (quasiparticles) in close proximity to the device.
139 device whose memristive behavior arises from quasiparticle-induced tunneling when supercurrents are c
140 equent relaxation, which are consistent with quasiparticles injection across a rigid semiconducting g
141 nsition metal dichalcogenides can couple the quasiparticle interaction between the 2D material and su
142 o the tunable interplay between topology and quasiparticle interactions (3-6) .
143                                   Additional quasiparticle interactions may also create strongly corr
144  system (exciton) and bath (vacuum and other quasiparticles) interactions and determines the timescal
145 dge state interferometer designed to observe quasiparticle interference effects.
146  delocalized electronic states detectable by quasiparticle interference imaging are dispersive along
147                           We used Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference imaging to determine the Ferm
148 ts of the heavy-fermion band structure using quasiparticle interference imaging to reveal quantitativ
149                                        Heavy-quasiparticle interference imaging within this gap revea
150 enology that was theoretically predicted for quasiparticle interference in a phase-incoherent d-wave
151 rous sets of dispersing modulations with the quasiparticle interference model shows that no additiona
152 e symmetric "octet" of dispersive Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference modulations.
153 g tunneling spectroscopy was used to measure quasiparticle interference patterns in epitaxial graphen
154 otoemission spectroscopy data indicates that quasiparticle interference, due to elastic scattering be
155                When analysed as arising from quasiparticle interference, the modulations yield elemen
156                              In the model of quasiparticle interference, this presence of an effectiv
157   By combining Landau level spectroscopy and quasiparticle interference, we distinguish a large spin-
158  to observe temperature evolution of the 5/2 quasiparticle interference.
159 al systems, even weak interactions break the quasiparticles into collective excitations.
160                  Scattering of the antinodal quasiparticles is therefore strongly influenced by nanom
161 Scattering and interference of the composite quasiparticles is used to resolve their energy-momentum
162 ons with Ising 5f(2) states to produce Ising quasiparticles; it accounts for the large entropy of con
163 search, and they have been found to form new quasiparticles known as Fermi polarons.
164  accurate measurement of the band structure, quasiparticle lifetime, electron reflectivity, and phase
165                    The system exhibits Dirac quasiparticle-like transport, that is, pseudo-diffusion
166 The four states correspond to two spin-(1/2) quasiparticles localised at the ends of the macroscopic
167                                              Quasiparticles made of such light-matter microcavity pol
168 relate this effect to the Berry curvature of quasiparticle magnetic sub-bands, and calculate the depe
169 nts reveal an unusual coexistence of a light quasiparticle mass and signatures of strong many-body in
170 s of a Weyl state, including light effective quasiparticle masses, ultrahigh carrier mobility, as wel
171               These interactions may lead to quasiparticles mimicking the massless relativistic dynam
172 hene, annealed so that it achieves very high quasiparticle mobilities (greater than 10(6) square cent
173                                     Ordinary quasiparticle models can account for neither the strengt
174 s achieved both classically, by manipulating quasiparticle momenta with a magnetic field, and quantum
175                                   Bogolyubov quasiparticles move in a practically uniform magnetic fi
176  in real space, which is the hallmark of its quasiparticle nature, has so far remained elusive.
177 within the CuO chains appear to retain their quasiparticle nature.
178                                          The quasiparticles near the Weyl nodes develop out of the Ko
179 -degenerate nodes realize emergent fermionic quasiparticles not present in relativistic quantum field
180 is the use of mobile impurities that bind to quasiparticles of a host many-body system.
181                    In the bi-layer case, the quasiparticles of the system (skyrmions) have bosonic st
182    Magnon-polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles originating from the strong coupling betw
183 bserve a threshold momentum beyond which the quasiparticle peak merges with the two-quasiparticle con
184 ta-phases, predict the existence of a strong quasiparticle peak near the Fermi level and give a new v
185  the relaxation component of superconducting quasiparticles persisted from the superconducting state
186              Here, we show that the standard quasiparticle picture of the entanglement evolution, com
187 que opportunity to explore how the fermionic quasiparticle picture recovers, and over what time scale
188                                         This quasiparticle plays an important role in the spectral fu
189 solid systems and are often described from a quasiparticle point of view as magnons.
190                                      Gap and quasiparticle population dynamics revealed marked depend
191 tudy the initial rise of the non-equilibrium quasiparticle population in a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta cuprat
192    We report a detailed investigation of the quasiparticle (QP) recombination lifetime, tauqp, as a f
193                              Using many-body quasiparticle (QP) techniques, we show that the frontier
194 ing degrees of freedom emerge weakly coupled quasiparticles (QPs), in terms of which most physical pr
195 dow into the dynamical processes that govern quasiparticle recombination and gap formation in cuprate
196 , for repulsive interactions, we study novel quasiparticles--repulsive polarons--the lifetime of whic
197 ices of sizes up to 8 x 8, shows anisotropic quasiparticle residue around the pocket Fermi surfaces.
198 ions that alter the nature of the electronic quasiparticles, resulting in phenomena such as non-Fermi
199           The lifetime of the emergent heavy quasiparticles reveals signatures of enhanced scattering
200 a scanning tunneling microscope to visualize quasiparticle scattering and interference at the surface
201 is of the impurity-state energies shows that quasiparticle scattering at Ni is predominantly non-magn
202      Here, we introduce intraband Bogoliubov quasiparticle scattering interference (QPI) techniques f
203  interpretation of these signals in terms of quasiparticle scattering is developed.
204           These results refocus attention on quasiparticle scattering processes as potential explanat
205                              We find intense quasiparticle scattering resonances at the Zn sites, coi
206    Confirming the existence of localized e/4 quasiparticles shows that proposed interferometry experi
207 for a wide range of proposals to achieve new quasiparticle species and device functionality.
208 in the superconducting state have revealed a quasiparticle spectrum with a d-wave gap structure that
209                                          The quasiparticle spins are mapped onto a robust, macroscopi
210 electron fluid, where anisotropically paired quasiparticle states are energetically favoured.
211                                        Nodal quasiparticle states are well established in copper-oxid
212  results in the presence of gapless or nodal quasiparticle states in the excitation spectrum.
213 logical phases of matter hosting non-Abelian quasiparticles (such as anyons) can emerge when a semico
214                              The notion of a quasiparticle, such as a phonon, a roton or a magnon, is
215                  Materials harbouring exotic quasiparticles, such as massless Dirac and Weyl fermions
216 ns lead to characteristic resonances--called quasiparticles--such as excitons, dropletons, polarons a
217 ons, either free ions or correlated domains (quasiparticles), take on the role of ions in traditional
218 f crystalline solids by introducing suitable quasiparticles that have an effective mass, spin or char
219 o the unique electronic configuration of the quasiparticles, the strong lattice correlation is unexpe
220                     The simplest non-Abelian quasiparticles--the Majorana bound states--can occur in
221 nd present difficulties, of the renormalized quasiparticle theory of metals ("AGD" or Fermi liquid th
222       We use the recently developed critical quasiparticle theory to derive the scaling behavior asso
223                             The copper oxide quasiparticles therefore apparently exhibit particle-hol
224 ntum states formed by half-matter half-light quasiparticles, thus connecting the phenomena of atomic
225         In correlated oxides the coupling of quasiparticles to other degrees of freedom such as spin
226 n by an externally applied heat current, the quasiparticles' trajectories may bend, causing a tempera
227 hese results highlight the prominent role of quasiparticle trapping in future development of supercon
228 quasiparticle, and show quantized changes in quasiparticle trapping rate because of individual vortic
229 ically, the coupling between NGBs and Landau quasiparticles vanishes at low energies, leaving the gap
230 ng data for the Fermi surface topography and quasiparticle velocities of Sr(3)Ru(2)O(7), we show that
231 essed because of the symmetries of the Dirac quasiparticles, we show that, when its source is atomic-
232 symmetry, the t 2g manifold is split and the quasiparticle weight is renormalized significantly in th
233 ns--Nambu-Goldstone bosons (NGBs) and Landau quasiparticles--when coupled to one another, which is of
234 , the low-energy electronic states behave as quasiparticles, whereas in one-dimensional systems, even
235 ocess to the composite nature of these heavy quasiparticles, which arises from quantum entanglement o
236                                        These quasiparticles, which can be optically created with vall
237  characterizing the dispersion of individual quasiparticles, which gives a direct probe of their frac
238 tion of electrons into anyons and chargeless quasiparticles, which in some cases can be Majorana ferm
239 ollective phases emerge, is characterized by quasiparticles whose spin is locked to their valley pseu
240             Non-Abelian anyons are a type of quasiparticle with the potential to encode quantum infor
241 t approach is to bind electrons into bosonic quasiparticles with a photonic component.
242 ifferent dispersion relations indicates that quasiparticles with different group velocity may coexist
243 c flux quanta bind to form complex composite quasiparticles with fractional electronic charge; these
244  latter, unpaired holes behave like coherent quasiparticles with pairing drastically weakened, whose
245 ing a condensed-matter platform for studying quasiparticles with relativistic-like features.
246  connect these two realms, producing bosonic quasiparticles with static dipole moments.
247  are successfully treated as a collection of quasiparticles with weak or no interactions.
248 ough never observed as elementary particles, quasiparticles with Weyl dispersion have recently been e
249 ity correlates with the presence of coherent quasiparticles within the layers.

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