


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng the possible preservation of the original quaternary structure.
2 idase to chaperone involves changes in their quaternary structure.
3 sidues that are critical for stabilizing the quaternary structure.
4 ed without impact on secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure.
5 oth regarding ligand binding and the protein quaternary structure.
6 e the same functional properties within each quaternary structure.
7  the equilibrium toward an amyloid-resistant quaternary structure.
8 C, slow chromophore formation and obligatory quaternary structure.
9 tive manner, which most likely is due to its quaternary structure.
10 guous domain assignments and reveal a linear quaternary structure.
11 ities, including targeting of polysaccharide quaternary structure.
12 s a-g), which combine to form a 24-mer (4x6) quaternary structure.
13            However, SInv displays an unusual quaternary structure.
14 transcriptional regulation by regulating its quaternary structure.
15 dence for assembly blockade of the RRM1-RRM2 quaternary structure.
16  change in tertiary but not net secondary or quaternary structure.
17 Da) and which constitute the doughnut-shaped quaternary structure.
18 bling the polypeptide chains into the native quaternary structure.
19 this superfamily (CAX(CK31)) and analyze its quaternary structure.
20 wo days, and is therefore uncoupled from the quaternary structure.
21 e bond results in a loss of peptide fold and quaternary structure.
22 ne residues enriched with (13)C to probe its quaternary structure.
23 ese sera mainly recognize native molecule or quaternary structure.
24 oligomerization to form a highly intertwined quaternary structure.
25 TR-Abeta interaction strongly depends on TTR quaternary structure.
26 o probe internal chromophores as a marker of quaternary structure.
27 e E1 components with an alpha(2) homodimeric quaternary structure.
28  well as for predicting protein function and quaternary structure.
29 led me to propose a structural model for its quaternary structure.
30 uence to secondary, tertiary, and ultimately quaternary structure.
31 e accounting for the complete folded protein quaternary structure.
32 rs to be separable from the alteration in gB quaternary structure.
33 ion while retaining overall protein fold and quaternary structure.
34 , to address key questions regarding laminin quaternary structure.
35 revealing its unique integrated tertiary and quaternary structure.
36 ignificantly different void volumes in their quaternary structure.
37               Both classes exhibit a dimeric quaternary structure.
38 een proteins constitute the basis of protein quaternary structures.
39 h native dimer or tetramer (dimer-of-dimers) quaternary structures.
40 mbling into 2D lattices and other prescribed quaternary structures.
41 the same fast and slow rates in both R and T quaternary structures.
42 nce in hemoglobin oxygen affinity of the two quaternary structures.
43 ween more reactive (R) and less reactive (T) quaternary structures.
44 n contacts, indicating similar secondary and quaternary structures.
45  stable signaling machines with well-defined quaternary structures.
46 q reflects the equilibrium between different quaternary structures.
47  by unique interactions with distinct ligand quaternary structures.
48  crystallized, capable of taking on multiple quaternary structures.
49 tantially different secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures.
50 ptides display undistorted four-helix bundle quaternary structures.
51 f protein interfaces to predict most dimeric quaternary structures.
52 h to the creation of complex abiotic peptide quaternary structures.
53 principles involving secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.
54 roteins assemble into complexes with diverse quaternary structures.
55 y of the D3 receptor and possibly other GPCR quaternary structures.
56 ve charge of Keggin-type POMs determines the quaternary structure adopted by PrP 27-30.
57                                          The quaternary structure, allosteric regulation, and propert
58 cture ofSdGluc5_26A adopts a stable trimeric quaternary structure also observable in solution.
59                                              Quaternary structure analysis of other members of the st
60 ein complexes into smaller substructures for quaternary structure analysis.
61  to 10 A, HAP18 caused only minor changes in quaternary structure and actually decreased the capsid d
62                              At the level of quaternary structure and assembly, we find that CENP-A a
63                       WlbB adopts a trimeric quaternary structure and belongs to the LbetaH superfami
64 s, we generated alpha-syn standards of known quaternary structure and conformational properties and c
65 ) unfavorably alter the heme environment and quaternary structure and destabilize the alpha1beta2 int
66 xplored the impact of phosphorylation on the quaternary structure and dynamics of Hsp27.
67                                          The quaternary structure and dynamics of the human small hea
68 ategies, however, are limited by adiponectin quaternary structure and effective concentrations in cir
69 guingly, one subfamily retained a multimeric quaternary structure and has small insertions and deleti
70 ential to test the hypothesized link between quaternary structure and heme heterogeneity in wild-type
71 l role in promoting the stability of protein quaternary structure and in the assembly of large macrom
72                     The rod adopts a helical quaternary structure and is thought to play essential ro
73 resentative structures revealed that loss of quaternary structure and large deletions or insertions a
74  According to the proposed model, spectrin's quaternary structure and mechanism of extension is simil
75 y identified protein-DNA contacts within the quaternary structure and reveal hitherto unknown roles f
76                                          The quaternary structure and substrate preferences of MERS-C
77           The SAXS data capture the enzyme's quaternary structure and suggest a conformational rearra
78 TET2 dodecameric particle displayed the same quaternary structure and thermal stability as the wild-t
79 oth kinds of homodimers adopt a head-to-tail quaternary structure and thus do not contain direct knob
80  studying the relationship between chemokine quaternary structure and various aspects of function.
81  two sHsps are strikingly different in their quaternary structures and chaperone properties, defining
82 crete protein-like bundles possessing unique quaternary structures and exceptional thermodynamic stab
83  The recent achievements concerning tertiary/quaternary structures and the self-assembling foldameric
84 timate relationships among protein assembly, quaternary structure, and evolution and demonstrate on a
85 n domain architecture, oligomeric state, and quaternary structure, and these variations represent dif
86 ity, RNA substrate preference, processivity, quaternary structures, and auxiliary domains vary signif
87 f flavin-binding proteins with a dodecameric quaternary structure, are able to incorporate two flavin
88 s that DnaB adopts a closed spiral staircase quaternary structure around an A-form ssDNA with each C-
89 ommonly assemble into complexes with diverse quaternary structure arrangements.
90 nterface rather than generating all putative quaternary structures as accomplished by PISA or EPPIC,
91 nalysis of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures as well as the dynamics that accom
92                              Thus, a dimeric quaternary structure, as opposed to two cooperative acti
93 ear is whether XEEL and hIntL-1 have similar quaternary structures, as XEEL lacks the corresponding c
94 this peptide to form dimers and more complex quaternary structures at micromolar concentrations.
95 ed changes in protein higher order (tertiary/quaternary) structure at the picogram level, which is un
96 receptor-induced conformational changes, and quaternary structure-based strategies for immune evasion
97  transcarbamoylase exists in an intermediate quaternary structure between the canonical T and R struc
98  generally well-accommodated in helix-bundle quaternary structure, but that such replacements can be
99 e of Escherichia coli ATCase locked in the R quaternary structure by specific introduction of disulfi
100 pportive evidences that the space of protein quaternary structures can be represented by the combinat
101                   The spectra establish that quaternary structure change in the gel takes a week or m
102 hysical characterization indicates that this quaternary structure change is not accompanied by substa
103 tein dynamics, as well as introduce possible quaternary structure changes.
104 hibitors of the parasite enzyme based on its quaternary structure characteristics.
105   Archaeal DHNA shows a unique secondary and quaternary structure compared with bacterial and plant D
106 t in subunit orientation leads to a peculiar quaternary structure compared with that of its ortholog
107 mn using the bNAb PGT145, which recognizes a quaternary structure-dependent epitope at the trimer ape
108 nd KNH1144 T162A, did not present the glycan/quaternary structure-dependent epitope for PGT145 bindin
109 s; cleaved, SOSIP-stabilized trimers express quaternary structure-dependent epitopes, whereas uncleav
110  at the intra-dimer interface, and the virus quaternary structure-dependent inter-dimer and inter-raf
111 triphosphate, MnCl2, and tartrate, but their quaternary structure did not conform to the canonical pa
112 acetate decarboxylase, though the respective quaternary structures differ markedly and structural dif
113  of a class I terpenoid cyclase, its dimeric quaternary structure differs from that previously observ
114                      This intermediate has a quaternary structure distinct from the native protein.
115 n implemented, including SALIGN, modeling of quaternary structures, DOPE scores, disulfide bond model
116 hese results indicate that aberrant myocilin quaternary structure drives Grp94 recognition, rather th
117 y, suggesting the formation of an asymmetric quaternary structure during sequential ligation of subst
118 topes, whereas alloimmunogens lacking native quaternary structure elicited antibodies to shared alpha
119  temperature, concentration, and primary and quaternary structure, employing an instrument of our own
120 proteolysis at different rates, dependent on quaternary structure environment, while particle stabili
121 tralize DENV infection by binding a complex, quaternary structure epitope that is expressed only when
122  neutralize ZIKV and DENVs recognize complex quaternary structure epitopes displayed on E-homo-dimers
123 duce recombinant E protein dimers displaying quaternary structure epitopes is an important advance wi
124                     Both antibodies bound to quaternary structure epitopes near the hinge region betw
125 to further evaluation of their effect on the quaternary structure equilibrium and enzymatic activity.
126 is associated with human PBGS variants whose quaternary structure equilibrium is shifted toward the h
127 oteins is found to be useful for identifying quaternary-structure errors in published crystal structu
128 t these mutants retain the same tertiary and quaternary structures, establishing that the reduced act
129  of holoenzyme complexes can create distinct quaternary structures even though the R(1):C(1) heterodi
130  show that SAA1.1 and SAA2.2 differ in their quaternary structure, fibrillation kinetics, prefibrilla
131 ind that hemoglobin must be in the T (tense) quaternary structure for nucleation, but the presence of
132                                          The quaternary structures for 8 of the 16 complexes purified
133 that relying solely on previously determined quaternary structures for homologous proteins may not be
134 oligomers, although the significance of such quaternary structures for signaling or receptor traffick
135 c disulfide bonds to impart defined tertiary/quaternary structures for the formation of binding pocke
136 oteins in any case when cofactor assembly or quaternary structure formation occurs after transport.
137 dification are well established, controlling quaternary structure formation remains a significant cha
138         We find that these proteins range in quaternary structure from monomers to tetramers, with 6
139 er revealed how the active-site residues and quaternary structure govern regioselectivity.
140                         In their model, each quaternary structure has a single reactivity.
141  but the atomic details of TRIM tertiary and quaternary structure have not been fully understood.
142                    However, the tertiary and quaternary structures have been elusive.
143 -ssDNA complex reported here shows a compact quaternary structure held together by a four-way interfa
144 t lie next to bulky domains or are masked by quaternary structures.Importin alpha3 facilitates the nu
145 ional clustering while utilizing the protein quaternary structure in 3D space.
146 fferent CpAMs and find that they also affect quaternary structure in different ways.
147 lexes that must assemble into a well-defined quaternary structure in order to function.
148 es (UGDHDelta132) to investigate the role of quaternary structure in regulation of the enzyme.
149 , and in vivo data support the importance of quaternary structure in RNA-mediated regulation of targe
150  solution, and all display four-helix bundle quaternary structure in the crystalline state.
151 d to retain the ability to form a tetrameric quaternary structure in which the individual molecules a
152 sistent with the D3 receptor also assuming a quaternary structure in which two transmembrane domain I
153 rotein dimers, existing in several different quaternary structures in infected hepatocytes, participa
154 eir distribution and clustering throughout a quaternary structure, including at interfaces.
155 epresentations to include dynamic aspects of quaternary structure, including conformational changes u
156 comprise a protein family that forms diverse quaternary structures, including pentamers and 60-subuni
157 /T19C and N21C/A22C) converged onto the same quaternary structure, indicating that the disulphide-cro
158 ges were correlated with changes in the GMPR quaternary structure, induced by the binding of GMP, GTP
159 However, difficulties in engineering protein quaternary structure into stable and well-ordered shapes
160        The characterization of a unique ACAD quaternary structure involved in sterol metabolism that
161 the AQP family, the signature homotetrameric quaternary structure is conserved.
162  proteins assemble into dodecamers and their quaternary structure is entirely critical to their funct
163                 Determining membrane protein quaternary structure is extremely challenging, especiall
164 y are generally dimers or tetramers, and the quaternary structure is linked to substrate affinity.
165 bits nucleus formation even when the correct quaternary structure is present.
166  AP-2 in the BiFC assay, indicating that Nef quaternary structure is required for CD4 and AP-2 recrui
167  it has been found that the space of protein quaternary structures is highly degenerate due to the pa
168 ly determined database of all representative quaternary structures is not likely in the near future.
169  a ds-DNA-binding protein functioning at the quaternary structure level and regulated by Ca(2+) ions.
170        This large reorganization of the PSTK quaternary structure likely provides a means by which th
171  with its analogous epitope, a discontinuous quaternary structure located at the surface of the viral
172   The H-tube's highly repetitive primary and quaternary structures made it amenable to a genetic anal
173                             The evolution of quaternary structure occurs via changes in self-assembly
174  and dimers, morin affected the tertiary and quaternary structure of Abeta, even at low concentration
175  observations suggest that disruption of the quaternary structure of alpha1A/B-AR:CXCR4 heteromeric c
176 y targeted alloepitopes that depended on the quaternary structure of alpha345NC1 hexamers.
177 by size exclusion chromatography indicates a quaternary structure of alpha6beta'6.
178 ectron microscopy (cryo-EM) to determine the quaternary structure of an active complex of DNA-bound E
179 er (FRET)-based experiments to determine the quaternary structure of Ano1.
180        These data are the first to probe the quaternary structure of Ano1.
181 Ms and is a direct consequence of the unique quaternary structure of Aspergillus UGM.
182    The new QUAFIT method for determining the quaternary structure of biological macromolecular assemb
183                             Furthermore, the quaternary structure of both mutants, normally hexameric
184                                    Thus, the quaternary structure of BRAF complexes is shaped by its
185 ethods for determining the stoichiometry and quaternary structure of complexes of macromolecules in l
186                                    The bulky quaternary structure of cpPNPase compared with RNR1 coul
187                                  Because the quaternary structure of ENaC is yet undetermined, the ba
188                                          The quaternary structure of Filamin A (FLNa) 16-23 was recen
189                                          The quaternary structure of GabR is a head-to-tail domain-sw
190         We discuss the effect of Gal3 on the quaternary structure of Gal80 in light of the evidence p
191                     Isoflurane disrupted the quaternary structure of GLIC, as evidenced in a striking
192 ins in S. coelicolor possesses a dodecameric quaternary structure of high stability.
193  incorporate additional flexibility into the quaternary structure of highly populated multienzyme com
194                 Here, we report the solution quaternary structure of homodimeric CzrA bound to a pali
195 ial role in modulating both the tertiary and quaternary structure of Hsp27, which is pivotal to its f
196                                          The quaternary structure of human MBL is built from oligomer
197 DGF complexes and lend new insights into the quaternary structure of LEDGF-bound IN tetramers.
198                                          The quaternary structure of MIBS is nonetheless similar in s
199                          We suggest that the quaternary structure of protein aggregates, especially s
200 r structural biology, helping to unravel the quaternary structure of protein complexes.
201 of potential differences in the tertiary and quaternary structure of protein reference standards is a
202 ationally derived models of the tertiary and quaternary structure of Purbeta.
203  design of novel GR ligands and redefine the quaternary structure of steroid receptors.
204                              Deciphering the quaternary structure of such protein complexes is an ard
205 er are distinct, supporting a model in which quaternary structure of the 2:2 ChpT-CtrA complex enforc
206  the role of Ca(2+) in the modulation of the quaternary structure of the A(2A)-D(2) receptor heterome
207      In this work, we have characterized the quaternary structure of the ABCD1 and ABCD2 proteins in
208 meropathy" that involves perturbation of the quaternary structure of the alpha345NC1 hexamer, inducin
209 utational approaches to not only address the quaternary structure of the beta subunits within the PhK
210                                Regarding the quaternary structure of the beta subunits, they were dir
211                            The most probable quaternary structure of the complex is identified from t
212 and TM6, which also selectively modified the quaternary structure of the D1R-D3R heteromer, as demons
213 g site, the DNA-binding domain of GR and the quaternary structure of the dimeric complex.
214 y avoiding steric constraints imposed by the quaternary structure of the functional Env spike.
215 at unique positions required to maintain the quaternary structure of the gp160 trimer, as well as con
216 stal structure of TDO shows a dimer of dimer quaternary structure of the homotetrameric protein.
217 and that signals by changing the location or quaternary structure of the kinase domain.
218  although they have major differences in the quaternary structure of the ligand-binding domain.
219 , our data suggest how tetramers, the native quaternary structure of the mammalian CBS enzymes, are f
220 cover a previously undescribed force-induced quaternary structure of the N. gonorrhoeae Tfp.
221                    Our results establish the quaternary structure of the p73 DNA-binding domain requi
222     PLM phosphomimetic mutations altered the quaternary structure of the regulatory complex and reduc
223                                          The quaternary structure of the RIIbeta tetramer differs app
224 of immunoediting, in which modulation of the quaternary structure of the secreted tumor-specific anti
225  terminus is an important determinant of the quaternary structure of the SERCA regulatory complex.
226 ium distribution in tertiary features and/or quaternary structure of the sHsp ensembles.
227  derive a detailed, experimentally-supported quaternary structure of the spectrin heterotetramer.
228 a liposomal preparation strongly support the quaternary structure of the transmembrane helical bundle
229                       We also found that the quaternary structure of the transporter, which has fewer
230 tional changes in gp120 and gp41, changes in quaternary structure of the trimer have only recently be
231 elected AKAP79 complexes have determined the quaternary structure of these signaling complexes.
232                           Here we report the quaternary structure of this rare multimeric RNA at 3.5
233                       Thus, the dissociating quaternary structure of TyrRS(Mini) regulates two opposi
234                  We propose that the dimeric quaternary structure of VH1 is essential for specific re
235 nding on their interaction with the distinct quaternary structures of core protein.
236 cate that while the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of CsoR and RcnR are quite similar
237          In contrast, the number of possible quaternary structures of dimers is estimated to be about
238  Here we determine the oligomeric states and quaternary structures of four bacterial P5CDHs using a c
239                                     Trapping quaternary structures of hemoglobin in single crystals o
240 s the potential of utilizing IM-SID to study quaternary structures of protein complexes and provides
241 nanes, knots, and cages, have shown that the quaternary structures of proteins are a prerequisite for
242                 The secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of squid hemocyanin (Hc) were char
243 ciation pathway that we link directly to the quaternary structures of the precursor ions selected.
244 ans by which alterations in the tertiary and quaternary structures of the WCC can lead to its distinc
245 he protomers within protein complexes (i.e., quaternary structure) of membrane receptors and transpor
246 SPOUT enzymes, Trm10 does not share the same quaternary structure or key sequences with other members
247 osteric mechanisms, including changes to the quaternary structure or large, rigid-body conformational
248 tanding of the general principles underlying quaternary structure organization in protein complexes.
249 ciples that control symmetric and asymmetric quaternary structure organization.
250 hese results have important implications for quaternary structure prediction, modeling, and engineeri
251 ent protein interactions in terms of protein quaternary structure, protein-protein and protein-ligand
252 ns among beta-sheets occur widely in protein quaternary structure, protein-protein interaction, and p
253 f gnathostomes and cyclostomes, multisubunit quaternary structures provide the basis for cooperative
254                                              Quaternary structure regulates the virus-neutralizing po
255 and suggests the possibility of dissociating quaternary structures regulating novel functions of othe
256 c proteins fold and assemble into functional quaternary structures remains unclear.
257                                The different quaternary structure results in an incompletely formed s
258                         An analysis of AChBP quaternary structure shows that cooperative ligand bindi
259 vestigate the very different explorations of quaternary structure space that have occurred in differe
260                                              Quaternary structure-specific antibodies appear to targe
261                                         Such quaternary structure-specific antibodies have diverse ne
262 ment (Fab) of PGT145, a broadly neutralizing quaternary-structure-specific antibody.
263 ns of the capsid subunit and their effect on quaternary structure stabilization.
264                   SID can be very useful for quaternary structure studies of large noncovalent protei
265 zymes are known to have similar tertiary and quaternary structure, subtle differences in structure, a
266 rotein misfolding and toxicity via different quaternary structures, suggesting a means to generate mo
267 f receptors and also have markedly different quaternary structures, suggesting that the CXC/CC motif
268  small-molecule inhibitor (JNJ525) induces a quaternary structure switch of TNFalpha that inhibits th
269 cidating general mechanisms that explain how quaternary structure tends to evolve.
270 n solution adopts a stable tertiary fold and quaternary structure that is consistent with previously
271  is consistent with a dimer of dimer protein quaternary structure that now extends to the electronic
272 se of P. denitrificans by a hitherto unknown quaternary structure that was first modeled here by stru
273 ein characterized by a variety of infectious quaternary structures that can propagate stably and fait
274 an important feature of protein tertiary and quaternary structures that has been associated with prot
275                                  Within each quaternary structure, the evolving nu(FeHis) frequencies
276 ral and functional properties, including the quaternary structure, the tertiary structure, and the li
277 ubunits, intermolecular interactions lead to quaternary structure--the ordered aggregation of separat
278 at they resemble LigD POL in their monomeric quaternary structures, their ability to add templated an
279             Highly repetitive in primary and quaternary structure, they are amenable to structure-fun
280 ein monooxygenase and is similar in fold and quaternary structure to MtmOIV and OxyS, which are enzym
281 operidol, resulted in re-organization of D3R quaternary structure to promote monomerization.
282 ructure, and the Polyomino model for protein quaternary structure-to a simple random null model that
283       We found that laforin adopts a dimeric quaternary structure, topologically similar to the proto
284 curately predict the expected frequencies of quaternary structure topologies, including those not yet
285 momeric complexes with cyclic and asymmetric quaternary structure topologies.
286 haustively enumerate a large set of possible quaternary structure topologies.
287 hexameric ring destabilization, and discrete quaternary structure transitions.
288                                        Their quaternary structure was also established using light sc
289  dumbbell-shaped, zipper-like and multi-loop quaternary structures were formed selectively.
290 , attributed to differences in secondary and quaternary structures, were observed in P-II.
291 processes ranging from acquisition of native quaternary structure (where the association is tightly c
292  HA, have disparate secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures, where some regions are displaced
293 of B. thailandensis DNase II shows a dimeric quaternary structure which appears capable of binding do
294                                          The quaternary structure, which has been conserved through e
295  therefore appear to be a consequence of its quaternary structure, which is required for increased th
296 uperfamily, has an exceptional homodecameric quaternary structure with a molecular mass of about 500k
297 nal analysis of E1E2 secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure with functional and immunological m
298                             The sheath has a quaternary structure with handedness opposite that of co
299     The tetrameric enzyme assumes an unusual quaternary structure with the dinucleotides positioned q
300  we study the formation of preferred protein quaternary structures within such rapidly evaporating na

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