コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 background noise substantially more than in quiet.
2 ll background noise speaker locations and in quiet.
3 reas those involved in protein synthesis are quiet.
4 en when the rest of the genome is relatively quiet.
5 ptake of 14C-labeled 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) in quiet.
6 ss group (2.57 minutes) as compared with the quiet (1.77 minutes) and no family witness (1.67 minutes
8 eaction witness groups (4.0 minutes) vs. the quiet (6.5 minutes) and no family witness groups (6.0 mi
9 gh redshift epoch of star formation in radio-quiet active galactic nuclei, similar to that seen in ra
10 o approximately 60 mV, a value often seen in quiet-aged gerbils, with no concomitant loss of hair cel
14 presentations of slowly varying envelopes in quiet and in background noise in the primary auditory co
17 erceptual tasks, including tone detection in quiet and in noise, frequency discrimination, level disc
18 environment that repeatedly switches between quiet and loud, midbrain neurons accrue experience to fi
19 al neurophysiological responses to speech in quiet and noise in a group of highly trained musicians a
25 cluded vowel and consonant identification in quiet and stationary and temporally gated speech-shaped
28 whereas the pFL is a conditional oscillator quiet at rest that, when activated, e.g., during exercis
29 results indicate that pDCs are important in quieting autoimmune responses during EAE, and that traff
30 ortical activity parcellation in head-fixed, quiet awake GCaMP6 mice from both sexes by using mesosco
31 An inhibition of MECIII input to CA1 during quiet awake reduced ripple bursts in CA1 and restricted
32 range place cell sequence replays during the quiet awake state, but roles of neural inputs to CA1 in
34 ursts and long-range replays specifically in quiet awake, whereas CA3 input is essential for both, re
35 be successfully approached with a small and quiet axial flow pump that provides low incidence of dev
37 d via plethysmography, was attenuated during quiet breathing and hypercapnic challenge in Gaa(-/-) mi
38 osol particles than other individuals during quiet breathing and therefore bear the burden of product
40 ry-related PC activity was infrequent during quiet breathing during wakefulness; variable and inconsi
42 ent echo and spin echo) were acquired during quiet breathing in six patients with BPD, six premature
47 spiratory rhythm generation, at least during quiet breathing, but may participate in regulating the e
48 and laterolateral axes were measured during quiet breathing, during occluded breaths and during pass
55 V) is sufficient for understanding speech in quiet, but the rapidly varying temporal fine structure (
56 occur when tgCRND8 mice were kept in a dark, quiet chamber during the delay, paralleling previous fin
57 tory signaling processes, new approaches for quieting chronic or inappropriate inflammatory states ma
61 doses of MDMA that are nontoxic under cool, quiet conditions can become highly dangerous under condi
63 table for a period after returning to normal quiet conditions, which could have perceptual consequenc
81 vels of IL-10 in the setting of a clinically quiet eye may point to impending disease recurrence.
83 : 1) no family witness; 2) a nonobstructive "quiet" family witness; and 3) a family witness displayin
84 ' affected eyes (n = 30) as well as in their quiet fellow-eyes (n = 28) was compared with eyes of age
86 may be sufficient for speech recognition in quiet, FM significantly enhances speech recognition in n
87 nd that the location of a birdsong played in quiet has little effect on the fidelity of the neural en
90 us intervals <100 msec were delivered during quiet immobility, the response to the second stimulus in
93 a neuronal population that may be active or quiet in a coordinated manner during a spinal motor rhyt
94 re active when hip-flexor motor neurons were quiet in normal scratching and had zero overlap with hip
95 itted with cochlear implants perform well in quiet, in the presence of background noise, the speech i
96 of responses were measured during each task: quiet inspiration, prolonged vowels, humming, forced inh
97 on was performed using two serial algorithms-quiet interval analysis and baseline crossing analysis-t
98 ren with behavioral inhibition are cautious, quiet, introverted, and shy in unfamiliar situations.
100 ection of these cells, the virus goes into a quiet latent phase, a characteristic feature of many her
103 eriments, bimodal users were presented under quiet listening conditions with wideband speech (WB), ba
104 l was significantly greater in noisy than in quiet listening conditions, consistent with the principl
105 rbal handoffs were more likely to occur in a quiet location (33.3%; 95% CI, 14.5%-52.2% vs 67.9%; 95%
109 en by the naked eye, and produced not in the quiet mid-latitude ionosphere, but in the midst of a pul
110 nt research evidence supports the benefit of quieting muscle contractions with botulinum toxin inject
112 ctive in an environment unmasked a subset of quiet neurons, enabling the emergence of an alternative
113 s who generated more sleep spindles during a quiet night of sleep went on to exhibit higher tolerance
115 ency, frequency and duration of wakefulness, quiet (non-REM) sleep and active (REM) sleep were determ
116 ells contributes to their removal in situ by quiet, noninflammatory, and nonimmunogenic mechanisms.
120 aste heat recovery with unique advantages of quiet operation, zero hazardous emissions, and long life
125 ng the patterns was adjusted to obtain equal quiet pattern identification performance across all list
126 ow down the active rotation and experience a quiet period before they restore active rotational diffu
127 d HPC environment, and jobs submitted during quiet periods can complete in extraordinarily short time
128 a time line of the sine component identified quiet periods that minimized small-amplitude noise and i
130 actions (e.g., finger to lips indicating "be quiet"), play an important role in human communication.
132 ls by macrophages has been suggested to be a quiet process that does not lead to production of inflam
134 mma-Ray Space Telescope has unveiled a radio quiet pulsar located near the center of the compact sync
135 e Lyman-alpha emission surrounding the radio-quiet quasar UM 287 extends well beyond the virial radiu
136 itude artifacts discretely and to search for quiet recording periods that minimized small-amplitude n
137 on-self-referential tasks were compared with quiet repose either with eyes closed or with simple visu
138 had paradoxical motion of the abdomen during quiet respiration in the erect or sitting position and w
139 muscle response was absent or reduced during quiet respiration, suggesting it is specifically linked
141 eight different C1 and C3 zone sites during quiet rest and during steady walking on a moving belt.
145 d laboratory environment (single-housed in a quiet rest at 22 degrees C) and under conditions that mo
146 ere obtained during each experiment, both in quiet rest conditions and during execution of two behavi
147 s of MDMA under standard control conditions (quiet rest, 22-23 degrees C), but demonstrate dramatic e
153 activity whenever the animals changed from a quiet resting posture to any form of behavioral activati
154 ing population activity in awake rats during quiet resting that intrastriatal inhibition maintains a
155 in numerical weather prediction represent a quiet revolution because they have resulted from a stead
158 , imaging in oncology has been undergoing a "quiet" revolution to treat images as data, not as pictur
163 iscovered for the first time that bursty and quiet seasons, manifested in surface magnetic structures
164 through qualitative research: performance in quiet settings, comfort, feedback, frequency of battery
168 ficantly lower ratio of active sleep (AS) to quiet sleep (QS) and less AS than did infants of low-DHA
170 nsitions from active waking to quiet waking, quiet sleep and active sleep were accompanied by progres
171 ehavioral states, two distinct sleep phases--quiet sleep and active sleep--are identified based on be
172 duce small IPSPs with fast rise-times during quiet sleep are also responsible for the large amplitude
173 e thin-section CT scans were obtained during quiet sleep at a median of 24 months (range, 6-36 months
175 perpnea) was significantly attenuated during quiet sleep in N lambs compared with C lambs and in N la
176 they are present in high-gain records during quiet sleep or during active sleep where they are interm
179 , and that overall activity increases during quiet sleep, and is even more enhanced in active sleep.
181 y on hearing threshold data and listening in quiet-so that a combination of parameters can be set to
182 ve heating may be the prevalent mechanism in quiet solar periods and may contribute to heating the co
185 the sensitivity of auditory cortex such that quiet sounds elicited weak responses in SWS compared wit
187 load release task was also performed during quiet stance in three positions: in the middle of the sw
194 suitable for the low-frequency conditions of quiet standing and believe the passive contribution to b
195 suitable for the low-frequency conditions of quiet standing and believe the passive contribution to b
198 d stiffness relevant to the progression from quiet standing to perturbed balance and movement and can
201 ty to movements which occur naturally during quiet standing, and they produced no evidence of any str
205 via vibrating insoles can be used to improve quiet-standing balance control in 15 patients with diabe
206 e-mode dispersive wave can therefore provide quiet states of soliton comb operation useful in many ap
207 433 Eros imaged during two solar flares and quiet sun conditions during the period of May to July 20
213 vernight immediately after implementation of quiet time in the other unit (62.5 vs 56.1 dB; p < 0.000
214 ere statistically lower in the unit with the quiet time intervention implemented (62.5 vs 59.6 dB; p
217 and whether implementation of an overnight "quiet time" intervention is associated with lower ambien
219 ate the relation between avalanche sizes and quiet times, as well as between sizes of consecutive ava
220 debris, and microbes) in the circulation for quiet transport to the sinusoids of spleen and liver whe
221 in a concert hall-despite seeming relatively quiet under the ear of the player-compared with new viol
222 Among uveitic eyes with quiet or mostly quiet uveitis before cataract surgery, 20/40 visual acui
224 hey stimulate breathing about equally during quiet wake and non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and t
233 eathing has different characteristics during quiet wake, non-REM or REM sleep, including variable dep
234 This increase was specifically composed of quiet wake, while a small but significant decrease of ac
237 ponse of eight normal volunteers during both quiet wakefulness and non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) slee
240 pocampal sharp wave-ripple (SPW-R) events of quiet wakefulness and sleep is believed to play a crucia
241 s during behavior persists during subsequent quiet wakefulness and slow-wave sleep, a process that ma
242 e in these interactions in subsequent SWS or quiet wakefulness and, to a lesser degree, during SWS be
244 during transitions from sleep to wake and in quiet wakefulness but not in REM, and they were not cohe
245 nhance sensory processing, whereas sleep and quiet wakefulness may facilitate learning and memory.
246 active (up) and silent (down) states during quiet wakefulness or NREM sleep regulate fundamental cor
248 ominant form of chemoreceptor interaction in quiet wakefulness when the chemosensory control system i
251 manifesting Up/Down states (slow-wave sleep, quiet wakefulness), probably as a result of a higher fir
253 ve movement under loose or secure restraint, quiet wakefulness, and anesthesia, GPa activity and 6-10
254 o rhythmic activity in states of anesthesia, quiet wakefulness, and sleep, but not when the organism
256 heir firing rates during movement, sleep and quiet wakefulness, suggesting that basket cells coordina
259 responsive (RR) VTA neurons coordinated with quiet wakefulness-associated hippocampal SPW-R events th
266 ls of Hcrt-1 release during AW compared with quiet waking (QW) in our 10 min dialysis samples, we com
267 ng active waking (AW), similar levels during quiet waking (QW), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a
268 0 days of age across the vigilance states of quiet waking (QW), slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye m
269 Cortical arousal together with increased quiet waking and decreased sleep after CHP occurred inde
270 ate that these rapid variations, during both quiet waking and locomotion, are highly correlated with
273 tial state transitions from active waking to quiet waking, quiet sleep and active sleep were accompan
278 he same dose of MOR produced NLX-antagonized quieting without sedation in 7- and 3-day-old pups; high
279 ways in the distal lung have been called the quiet zone because they are difficult to assess and trea
280 is front in the core may explain the Pacific quiet zone in the secular variation of the geomagnetic f
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