


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  glutamate receptor agonists (AMPA, kainate, quisqualate).
2 of Ca2+ oscillations induced by glutamate or quisqualate.
3 tered the relative efficacy of glutamate and quisqualate.
4 ion by its namesake agonist AMPA and also by quisqualate.
5 m HEK cells or cortical cell types bound [3H]quisqualate.
6 esponses evoked by the orthosteric agonist l-quisqualate.
7 ists was ibotenate > L-glutamate > kainate = quisqualate.
8 s, such as N-methyl-d-aspartate, kainate and quisqualate.
9 erebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of quisqualate.
10 acid but were not significantly displaced by quisqualate.
11  this current is preferentially activated by quisqualate.
12 ibution, and are differentially sensitive to quisqualate.
13  in Gm, a response similar to that evoked by quisqualate.
14 was more sensitive to NEM than inhibition by quisqualate.
15 ed the peak amplitude of the Ca2+ signals to quisqualate (1 microM; Quis) in both the somatic and den
16 lication of the type I and II mGluR agonists quisqualate (10 micro;M), trans-(+/-)-1-amino-1,3-cyclop
17 -decarboxylic acid (1S,3R-ACPD; 200 microM), quisqualate (10 microM) and (2S,1'S,2'S)-2-(carboxycyclo
18           When recording with K+ electrodes, quisqualate (10-50 microM) produced an inward current wh
19            At a holding potential of -70 mV, quisqualate (2 microM) induced an inward current of abou
20  microM), N-methyl-D-aspartate (100 microM), quisqualate (300 microM), or kainate (100 microM) increa
21 rch states that non-NMDA glutamate agonists (quisqualate (5 microliters of 2 mg/ml i.c.v.), AMPA (4 m
22 lectrodes in external Ba2+ and Cs+ solution, quisqualate activated an inward current more potently th
23 with a positive allosteric modulator or with quisqualate alone.
24              Inhibition of System X(C)- with quisqualate also decreased cystine uptake in both astroc
25 e on synaptic activity, it was observed that quisqualate also induced a slow inward current.
26                     Inhibition by DCG-IV and quisqualate also was reduced by omega-CgTx.
27 d activated both signaling pathways, whereas quisqualate and (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine stimulate
28 abotropic glutamate receptor (mGlu) agonists quisqualate and 1S,3R-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxyl
29 data are consistent with the hypothesis that quisqualate and 1S,3R-ACPD in Ba2+ and Cs+ solution acti
30 -millisecond conformational dynamics because quisqualate and AMPA bind with similar affinities that a
31 and ketamine (60 mg/kg i.p.) both diminished quisqualate and AMPA hsp70 induction in the CA1, CA2, CA
32                                Inhibition by quisqualate and DCG-IV was nonocclusive in neurons respo
33                                Inhibition by quisqualate and DCG-IV was voltage-dependent.
34  rises, whereas in a smaller number of cells quisqualate and L-CCG-I showed both inhibitory and addit
35 als elicited by glutamate receptor agonists (quisqualate and NMDA) was examined in developing cerebel
36 on of responses to the orthosteric agonist l-quisqualate and the allosteric modulator Ro 67-4853 by e
37 allographic data on the interactions between quisqualate and the GluR2 receptor ion channel and its c
38 sistent with those of group 1 (high-affinity quisqualate) and group 2 (low-affinity quisqualate) mGlu
39  glutamic acid (glutamate), quisqualic acid (quisqualate), and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxa
40    Incubation of the cells with L-glutamate, quisqualate, and 1-aminocyclopentane-1S, 3R-dicarboxylic
41  by four different ligands, glutamate, AMPA, quisqualate, and 2-Me-Tet-AMPA, full agonists that vary
42 otentiates threshold responses to glutamate, quisqualate, and 3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine in fluoromet
43 rences exist between the agonists glutamate, quisqualate, and AMPA in modulating glutamate receptor f
44 enylglycine attenuated inhibition by t-ACPD, quisqualate, and DCG-IV.
45                  These data suggest that the quisqualate- and 1S,3R-ACPD-induced currents are mediate
46                                          The quisqualate- and 1S,3R-ACPD-induced inward currents were
47 or 50 mM) or with 100 mM choline reduced the quisqualate- and 1S,3R-ACPD-induced inward currents, res
48 e LY393053 and LY367366 not only blocked [3H]quisqualate binding but also prevented nontransported ag
49               Nevertheless, the mechanism of quisqualate binding is different from that of AMPA but s
50 -CCG-I displaces both high- and low-affinity quisqualate binding sites, but unlike the other two comp
51  DCG-IV binding correlates with low-affinity quisqualate binding, whereas low-affinity DCG-IV binding
52 DCG-IV binding correlates with high-affinity quisqualate binding.
53 mate binding, corresponding to high-affinity quisqualate binding.
54 onformationally distinct from glutamate- and quisqualate-bound forms of GluR2 S1S2.
55 cs, in AMPA-bound compared to glutamate- and quisqualate-bound states.
56                   A sublethal i.c.v. dose of quisqualate caused episodes of prolonged akinesia and co
57                                          The quisqualate current with no Gm change was inhibited by i
58 IV binding by anatomic region correlate with quisqualate-defined binding subtypes: high-affinity DCG-
59                                          The quisqualate exchange current mediated through a group I
60                                              Quisqualate (group I mGluR agonist), decreases the f-IPS
61 amate, 2S,4R-4-methylglutamate, kainate, and quisqualate have now been solved.
62 inate), and two full agonists (glutamate and quisqualate) in the wildtype and two mutant receptors.
63           The mGluR agonists L-glutamate and quisqualate increased the open state probability (NP(o))
64 h as glutamate induced both effects, whereas quisqualate induced only PI hydrolysis.
65 or infusion of psychosine greatly attenuated quisqualate-induced behaviors, and fully prevented destr
66          The current-voltage relation of the quisqualate-induced current was linear with a reversal p
67 on to block voltage-gated Ca2+ currents, the quisqualate-induced current was not altered, but the 1S,
68                                          The quisqualate-induced inward current was markedly reduced
69 utamate binding site (A168V) shows increased quisqualate-induced IP formation and, similar to R375G,
70 ilar to that of glutamate, illustrating that quisqualate is a faithful glutamate analogue.
71                                              Quisqualate is a high-affinity, full agonist which like
72                                              Quisqualate is a potent specific agonist for Group 1 met
73 NOS- cultures to high-dose NMDA and low-dose quisqualate is identical to the response of NOS-immunopo
74 inity quisqualate) and group 2 (low-affinity quisqualate) mGluRs.
75 otoxicity and differential susceptibility to quisqualate neurotoxicity remain intact in the nNOS- cul
76 ype cultures and only a modest resistance to quisqualate neurotoxicity, confirming observations that
77 ehaviors, and fully prevented destruction by quisqualate of vulnerable hippocampal neurons.
78             During studies of the effects of quisqualate on synaptic activity, it was observed that q
79   In contrast, neither LY compound prevented quisqualate or glutamate from activating intracellular r
80 ons were unresponsive to the group I agonist quisqualate or the group II agonist 2-(2,3-dicarboxycycl
81 abotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonist quisqualate (QA).
82  Extracellular ligands such as glutamate and quisqualate reach nuclear receptors via both sodium-depe
83 s to L-alpha-aminoadipate blocks or reverses quisqualate sensitization, making the neurons unresponsi
84 or reverses the persistent depolarization of quisqualate-sensitized neurons which is induced by expos
85                                  Exposure of quisqualate-sensitized slices of rat hippocampus to 400
86 s increased ERK1/2 activation in response to quisqualate stimulation.
87 trongly desensitizing agonists glutamate and quisqualate than the weakly desensitizing agonist kainat
88 None of these analogs affects binding of [3H]quisqualate to the orthosteric (glutamate) site, but the
89  partial agonist kainate or the full agonist quisqualate together with a positive allosteric modulato
90 /pyruvate, the maximal [3H]InsP1 response to quisqualate was increased by >/=75%, and the EC50 shifte
91             Both C[93]S and C[129]S bind [3H]quisqualate, whereas binding to C[57]S or C[99]S mutants
92                                              Quisqualate, which is biased toward PI hydrolysis, faile

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