


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  DNA (AIC) in 25 adults who were allergic to ragweed.
2 anasal challenge (s.i.n.) with either OVA or ragweed.
3 change for boys except an increase in IgE to ragweed.
4 e for SPP in allergic sensitization to short ragweed.
5 ty and erythema skin prick reaction to short ragweed.
6           When their PBMC were cultured with ragweed Ag (RA), peak IgE responses occurred on day 10;
7 e were immunized and challenged with a short ragweed Ag extract, known to induce a selective eosinoph
8                    During the entire season, ragweed AIT of 1.5, 6, and 12 Amb a 1-U reduced TCS by 1
9                  During peak ragweed season, ragweed AIT of 1.5, 6, and 12 Amb a 1-U reduced TCS by 9
10 ximately 52 weeks of daily self-administered ragweed AIT of 1.5, 6, or 12 units of Ambrosia artemisii
11                               In this trial, ragweed AIT of 12 Amb a 1-U was effective and tolerable
12    Here, we present structures of methylated ragweed allergen Amb a 8, Amb a 8 in the presence of pol
13  studies with TLR-9 vaccines conjugated to a ragweed allergen demonstrate that they reduce symptoms o
14  mg/day for 3 days before and 13 days during ragweed allergen immunization) in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mic
15 ty and efficacy of a sublingual standardized ragweed allergen immunotherapy liquid extract for the tr
16  that permitted daily self-administration of ragweed allergen immunotherapy.
17 xposing participants with ragweed allergy to ragweed allergen in an environmental exposure chamber mo
18  have induced eosinophilic peritonitis using ragweed allergen in P-selectin-deficient, intracellular
19 ger a seasonal increase in IgE antibodies to ragweed allergen in the immunotherapy group after two ye
20 ffects of intranasal challenge with DEP plus ragweed allergen on local humoral immune responses.
21                                          The ragweed allergen repertoire has been recently expanded w
22                    Patients sensitive to the ragweed allergen were challenged intranasally with aller
23 TRGTT motif prevented conalbumin-induced and ragweed allergen-induced allergic inflammation in mice.
24 ized, placebo-controlled crossover trial, 19 ragweed allergen-sensitive subjects who had previously p
25 hil recruitment, and decreased the number of ragweed allergen-specific IgE-producing cells.
26 nifestations of asthma in mice sensitized to ragweed allergen.
27  and challenged them intranasally with short ragweed allergenic extract (SRW).
28                                              Ragweed allergens affect several million people in the U
29                     The results suggest that ragweed allergens associated with lesser IgE reactivity
30 s for T cell and IgE responses for the other ragweed allergens did not correlate.
31                            To date, only two ragweed allergens, Amb t 5 and Amb a 11, have their stru
32 ent of the hierarchy of T cell reactivity in ragweed allergens, which is distinct from that observed
33 ) (on Days 1, 2, 9, and 16) in three groups: ragweed allergic asthmatics with dual phase airway react
34 g-term clinical efficacy in the treatment of ragweed allergic rhinitis.
35 used a segmental Ag challenge (SAC) model in ragweed-allergic asthmatics and nonasthmatic patients an
36 he GCR binding affinity (Kd) was observed in ragweed-allergic asthmatics during ragweed pollen season
37  characterized T cell responses from atopic, ragweed-allergic subjects to Amb a 1, Amb a 3, Amb a 4,
38 dred twenty-eight patients with a history of ragweed allergy and positive skin prick test responses t
39 y contribute to the increasing prevalence of ragweed allergy in Lombardy plain.
40 estion induced by exposing participants with ragweed allergy to ragweed allergen in an environmental
41 s revealed that 50 (54%) of 92 patients with ragweed allergy were sensitized to a 37-kDa allergen dis
42 ity to activate basophils from patients with ragweed allergy, were confirmed.
43 ional trial of this therapeutic modality for ragweed allergy.
44 era from 92 American or European donors with ragweed allergy.
45 for molecule-based diagnosis and therapy for ragweed allergy.
46                    Intranasal challenge with ragweed alone induced inconsistent and low levels of muc
47                                              Ragweed alone stimulated the production of IL-4 (0.6 ng/
48              As compared with challenge with ragweed alone, challenge with both DEP and ragweed induc
49 ophagoides farinae, dog, cat, timothy grass, ragweed, Alternaria alternata, egg, peanut, milk, and Ge
50 ic-related pollution on the allergenicity of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen through a fi
51 range of a globally invasive species, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), from a temperature
52                                        Short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) allergies affect more
53 llen allergy in humans, focusing upon common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Europe.
54                 Allergy to pollen from short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is a serious and expan
55                                              Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is a strong elicitor o
56                         Allergy to the short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen is a major heal
57 to simulate the invasion of Europe by common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a globally invasive p
58 s (dust mite (Dematophagoides farinae), cat, ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), and timothy grass (Ph
59                                              Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), the major cause of la
60          Here we report that duration of the ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) pollen season has been increasin
61 h OVA but also with two unrelated allergens (ragweed and BSA) induced Vgamma4(+) cells capable of sup
62 g PBMC from atopic asthmatics with allergen (ragweed and cat) versus Candida albicans.
63                                              Ragweed and mugwort are closely related weeds that repre
64  IgE to mite and cat and decreases in IgE to ragweed and timothy from 2 to 4 years of age, whereas th
65  (controls) were cultured in the presence of ragweed and/or chitin for 3 days (recall responses).
66 ity to the aeroallergens Der P 1 and 2, cat, ragweed, and mouse was compared in cases and controls.
67 lences of sensitization to Der p 1, Der p 2, ragweed, and mouse were low and similar in the two group
68 hay-fever symptoms, skin-test sensitivity to ragweed, and sensitivity to bronchial challenges and inc
69                             We conclude that ragweed antigen causes neutrophil recruitment into the a
70 fluid (BALF) before and 24 h after segmental ragweed antigen challenge in 18 asthmatic subjects at ba
71                              We administered ragweed antigen to an isolated, superfused tracheal segm
72 a associated with natural populations of the ragweed aphid, Uroleucon ambrosiae.
73     Aeroallergens such as Amb a I from short ragweed are important in the development of allergic air
74 l challenges and increased IgG antibodies to ragweed as compared with the placebo group; there was no
75   For regionally occurring pollen allergens (ragweed, birch, cypress), IgE sensitization was signific
76       The model predicts the region in which ragweed can reach reproductive maturity before frost kil
77               Among subjects challenged with ragweed, cat dander, or house dust mite, there were no d
78 t to eosinophil peritoneal recruitment after ragweed challenge.
79 hmatic serum and bronchoalveolar lavage from ragweed challenged animals on the BMSCs in vitro.
80 BAL fluid compared to the OVA-sensitized and ragweed-challenged or nonsensitized mice.
81                                              Ragweed/chitin stimulation resulted in significant decre
82 l cross-sectional area (A(min)) after bolus (ragweed) complete nasal allergen challenge at screening
83                                    Moreover, ragweed did not affect the integrity of the intestinal e
84 ll responses correlated with conservation of ragweed epitopes with sequences of other well-known alle
85 r adults with asthma exacerbated by seasonal ragweed exposure had positive effects on objective measu
86 notherapy for asthma exacerbated by seasonal ragweed exposure.
87 r airway challenge with nebulized Amb a I or ragweed extract in mice sensitized to Amb a I or ragweed
88 f bronchial epithelial cells stimulated with ragweed extract only if adenosine was present.
89 eed extract in mice sensitized to Amb a I or ragweed extract, respectively.
90 were randomly assigned to receive placebo or ragweed-extract immunotherapy in doses that increased we
91 (PBMCs) from donors positive for IgE towards ragweed extracts after in vitro expansion for secretion
92                                              Ragweed extracts contain five different isoforms of the
93  Subjects were then challenged with grass or ragweed extracts on each inferior turbinate.
94 studied blood eosinophils from patients with ragweed hay fever.
95 n cells (4 x 106 cells/ml) isolated from the ragweed-immunized mice (controls) were cultured in the p
96                                        These ragweed-immunized mice were given ragweed intratracheall
97 orms might be a more attractive strategy for ragweed immunotherapy.
98 icited after out-of-season exposure to short ragweed in a PCC and during the natural season for giant
99 ynergy was also observed between the DEP and ragweed in altering the profile of epsilon mRNAs generat
100 h ragweed alone, challenge with both DEP and ragweed induced markedly higher ragweed-specific IgE but
101                       In this study, using a ragweed induced mouse asthma model, we studied if BMSCs
102 betaTCR(+)) CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells suppressed ragweed-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammat
103                         Adenosine aggravated ragweed-induced allergic lung inflammation.
104 extract enzymatically to analyze its role in ragweed-induced allergy.
105 et (AIT; SCH 39641/MK-3641) for treatment of ragweed-induced AR/C in the first large randomized, doub
106                  Adults (n = 784) with short ragweed-induced AR/C were randomly assigned to approxima
107            In a separate inflammatory model (ragweed-induced peritoneal eosinophilia), we demonstrate
108 nflammatory ocular changes associated with a ragweed-induced type-1 hypersensitivity reaction.
109      These ragweed-immunized mice were given ragweed intratracheally on day 11.
110  of international trade have accelerated the ragweed invasion.
111                                              Ragweed is a major cause of seasonal allergy, affecting
112 se, adults with asthma who were sensitive to ragweed kept daily diaries and recorded peak expiratory
113 ctive was to assess the clinical efficacy of Ragweed MATA MPL (short ragweed pollen allergoid adsorbe
114 evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Ragweed MATA MPL compared with placebo by using controll
115 n improvement in total symptom scores in the Ragweed MATA MPL group was statistically significantly g
116 dy demonstrated that an ultrashort course of Ragweed MATA MPL is efficacious in reducing allergy symp
117              In addition, in the presence of ragweed, mouse dendritic cells upregulated their activat
118 o mountain cedar (n = 21), oak (n = 34), and ragweed (n = 23) recorded TSSs during separate out-of-se
119  dust mite, ryegrass, and fungi but not cat, ragweed, or food sources.
120 tic characteristics, efficacy, and safety in ragweed- or birch pollen-induced seasonal allergic rhini
121  significantly reduced after incubation with ragweed (p < 0.001) or cat allergen (p < 0.001) compared
122     Mature pollen grains were collected from ragweed plants grown along main roadsides and in vegetat
123 receptor blocks and a total of 100,938 giant ragweed plants were screened with glyphosate applied at
124             In contrast, challenge with both ragweed plus DEP resulted in decreased expression for Th
125 derstand the effects of chemically processed ragweed pollen (Ambrosia elatior) on the innate immune s
126     This study has shown that in response to ragweed pollen all these cells release inflammatory cyto
127  all minor (Amb a 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9) short ragweed pollen allergen repertoire as well as NADH oxida
128 cross-reactivity might be Amb a 1, the major ragweed pollen allergen, and Art v 6, a highly homologou
129 gest that traffic-related pollution enhances ragweed pollen allergenicity, which may contribute to th
130 clinical efficacy of Ragweed MATA MPL (short ragweed pollen allergoid adsorbed to L-Tyrosine + MPL) v
131     Our quantitative estimates indicate that ragweed pollen allergy will become a common health probl
132  molecule for diagnosis and immunotherapy of ragweed pollen allergy.
133 measured mass spectra from materials such as ragweed pollen and road dust that are likely to form a b
134  PCC and during the natural season for giant ragweed pollen are highly correlated.
135                        Various components of ragweed pollen are thought to play a role in the develop
136 elated with spatial and temporal patterns of ragweed pollen concentrations, which are fully independe
137      Hosts sensitized cutaneously with short ragweed pollen developed cutaneous immediate hypersensit
138 PL compared with placebo by using controlled ragweed pollen exposure in an EEC.
139   After cellular oxidative insult induced by ragweed pollen extract (RWE) exposure, we have identifie
140                    We recently reported that ragweed pollen extract (RWPE) requires Toll-like recepto
141          Upon Th2 priming of murine B cells, ragweed pollen extract caused a dose-dependent increase
142 challenge with Amb a 1, the major antigen in ragweed pollen extract that does not possess NADPH oxida
143                              Instillation of ragweed pollen extract, but not of the major allergen or
144                                      Aqueous ragweed pollen extract, the low molecular weight fractio
145  days under Th2-like conditions with aqueous ragweed pollen extracts (Amb-APE) or its constituents.
146                                              Ragweed pollen grains release subpollen particles (SPP)
147  these participants were challenged to short ragweed pollen in a PCC for 3 hours per day for up to 4
148 entify critical factors for allergenicity of ragweed pollen in a physiological model of allergic airw
149 ergic rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms caused by ragweed pollen in an environmental exposure chamber (EEC
150 symptomatology after exposure to VLO, MC, or ragweed pollen in the PCC.
151  A second model simulated current and future ragweed pollen levels.
152                                              Ragweed pollen proteins were submitted to high-resolutio
153 en source planted in the center and GS giant ragweed pollen receptors surrounding the center in eight
154                                              Ragweed pollen represents a major allergy risk factor.
155 r MS sequencing of the protein combined with ragweed pollen RNA sequencing.
156  a significant increase in the length of the ragweed pollen season by as much as 13-27 d at latitudes
157 served in ragweed-allergic asthmatics during ragweed pollen season compared with PBMC obtained before
158 o 16 weeks before and through the end of the ragweed pollen season.
159 that besides transporting the vaccine cargo, ragweed pollen shells have additional immunomodulatory p
160 ted in a concentric design with the GR giant ragweed pollen source planted in the center and GS giant
161 e sensitized by topical application of short ragweed pollen to the nasal mucosa followed by a challen
162 OT fractions as novel allergens of the short ragweed pollen, as previously described.
163 imental Ag, OVA, or a common allergen, short ragweed pollen, induced no or minimal immune responses t
164 include respiratory allergens from birch and ragweed pollen, midge larvae, and horse dander; food all
165  protein extract (APE) using sera from short ragweed pollen-sensitized patients.
166 without conjunctivitis (AR/C) on exposure to ragweed pollen.
167  topically for 7 consecutive days with short ragweed pollen.
168 imaging revealed that macrophages can engulf ragweed pollen.
169 otease Amb a 11 as a new major allergen from ragweed pollen.
170 ate the presence of undescribed allergens in ragweed pollen.
171  trial of a vaccine consisting of Amb a 1, a ragweed-pollen antigen, conjugated to a phosphorothioate
172 en-derived adenosine is a critical factor in ragweed-pollen-induced allergic airway inflammation.
173                                              Ragweed pollens did not cause significant cell membrane
174                                              Ragweed pollens were also found in the subepithelial reg
175 the most prevalent allergies (e.g. grass and ragweed pollens, dust mites, and cat) and those that ind
176 symptom score [TSS]) during the VLO, MC, and ragweed pollinating seasons and during 2 consecutive PCC
177 n cedar (MC)-positive, 8 MC-negative, and 26 ragweed-positive participants recorded AR symptoms (tota
178  0.34, 0.54, and 0.65 for VLO(+), MC(+), and ragweed-positive participants, respectively).
179  will increase in countries with an existing ragweed problem (e.g., Hungary, the Balkans), but the gr
180                    Mice were sensitized with ragweed (RW) and PCF (RW/PCF), PCF alone, or RW alone an
181 ts of IFN-gamma-inducing factor (IL-18) in a ragweed (RW) mouse model of allergic asthma.
182  Ascaris suum (A. suum) eggs concurrent with ragweed (RW) sensitization (RW/acute) or by repeated ino
183 tions starting in 1950 accurately reproduced ragweed's current distribution, including the presence o
184  process-based model estimated the change in ragweed's range under climate change.
185 cant change in IgE antibody titer during the ragweed season (P=0.19).
186 acebo (n = 136) subcutaneously just prior to ragweed season and repeated during the pollen season eve
187  the AIC or placebo vaccine before the first ragweed season and were monitored during the next two ra
188 ymptoms for 15 days during the natural giant ragweed season in San Antonio, Texas.
189                                  During peak ragweed season, ragweed AIT of 1.5, 6, and 12 Amb a 1-U
190                             During the first ragweed season, the AIC group had better peak-season rhi
191 of AIC were again observed in the subsequent ragweed season, with improvements over placebo in peak-s
192 y symptom/medication score (TCS) during peak ragweed season.
193 uce symptoms of allergic rhinitis during the ragweed season.
194 compared with PBMC obtained before and after ragweed season.
195 eason and were monitored during the next two ragweed seasons.
196                                   Thirty-one ragweed-sensitive participants recorded symptoms for 15
197              We collected nasal lavages from ragweed sensitized subjects at different times after nas
198 antly increased in the blood of serum IgE(+) ragweed-sensitized (RS) compared with serum IgE-nonatopi
199  an isolated, superfused tracheal segment of ragweed-sensitized dogs.
200                               Interestingly, ragweed-sensitized patients also displayed an IgG respon
201 hy grass SLIT-tablet trials (n = 3094) and 2 ragweed SLIT-tablet trials (n = 658) and during the last
202                                 In grass and ragweed SLIT-tablet trials, overall improvement in TNSSs
203 cts on nasal symptoms with timothy grass and ragweed SLIT-tablets were nearly as great as with MFNS a
204                    The IgE elevation was not ragweed specific.
205 both DEP and ragweed induced markedly higher ragweed-specific IgE but not total IgE levels or IgE-sec
206 early and late dosages, strikingly decreased ragweed-specific serum IgE, tracheal ring reactivity to
207 terize the proteomes and allergomes of short ragweed SPP and total pollen protein extract (TOT), and
208                                   Control of ragweed spread may be an important adaptation strategy i
209          Assumptions about the rate at which ragweed spreads throughout Europe had a large influence
210 ular basis of immune responsiveness to short ragweed (SRW) (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) extract, and gro
211 ce were sensitized in the footpad with short ragweed (SRW) allergen and challenged topically for seve
212 and later challenged intranasally with short ragweed (SRW) allergenic extract.
213 naive A/J mice, A/J mice sensitized to short ragweed (SRW) pollen by intraperitoneal injection and th
214 tal allergic conjunctivitis induced by short ragweed (SRW) pollen, typical allergic signs, stimulated
215 phils and eosinophils toward supernatants of ragweed-stimulated bronchial epithelial cells was analyz
216 isolated from the chitin-treated mice showed ragweed-stimulated IFN-gamma production (15 U/ml) and si
217                                          For ragweed, such forecasts are extremely important as the s
218 /c allergic hosts was analyzed using a short ragweed (SWR) pollen model of allergic conjunctivitis.
219 kroach, dog, Dermatophagoides farinae, short ragweed, timothy grass, and egg.
220 dog, Dermatophagoides farinae (Der F), Short Ragweed, Timothy grass, egg, milk and peanut.
221 nt (GR) to glyphosate-susceptible (GS) giant ragweed under simulated field conditions using glyphosat
222 gens from short and giant (Ambrosia trifida) ragweed using transgenic mice expressing DQ6 (HLA-DQA1*0
223 /J mice sensitized and challenged with short ragweed was used to test immunostimulatory DNA sequences
224                            Seeds of GS giant ragweed were harvested from the pollen receptor blocks a
225 gy and positive skin prick test responses to ragweed were randomized and received 4 weekly injections
226 to a clinically relevant neo-allergen (i.e., ragweed) were investigated.
227 (house dust, mixed grasses, mixed trees, and ragweed); wheal size was measured at 20 min.
228 ry estimates indicated that sensitization to ragweed will more than double in Europe, from 33 to 77 m
229 halation allergen (cat, mite, orchard grass, ragweed, wormwood, dog, cockroach, Japan cedar).

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