


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bles, on ecosystem dynamics in a subtropical rainforest.
2 it-scarce periods in a West African tropical rainforest.
3 ation ranging from wooded savannahs to humid rainforest.
4 CO2), with highest levels in rivers draining rainforest.
5 tions located west-to-east of the equatorial rainforest.
6 anging from cool Andean highland to Amazonia rainforest.
7 he earliest megafossil record of Neotropical rainforest.
8 -scale "dieback" or degradation of Amazonian rainforest.
9 lar family composition to extant Neotropical rainforest.
10 nitrogen and volatile organic compounds than rainforest.
11 large tracts of commercially logged tropical rainforest.
12 em due to deforestation only of parts of the rainforest.
13 non-ENSO year 2000 in a Costa Rican tropical rainforest.
14 heir unique lifestyle in the Central African rainforest.
15 in the photochemistry active over the Amazon rainforest.
16 ree Pacific coast to the VBRV-endemic Amazon rainforest.
17 triggers tree death from drought in tropical rainforest.
18 ion experiment (TFE) in an eastern Amazonian rainforest.
19 ersity over 8-16 years in eight successional rainforests.
20 r of avian speciation in lowland Neotropical rainforests.
21 al ecosystem processes dominated by tropical rainforests.
22 ose clades that succeeded radiating into the rainforests.
23  in few animal-pollinated plants in tropical rainforests.
24 N in stream waters of temperate and tropical rainforests.
25 od shortages in their native Southeast Asian rainforests.
26 pproximately 25% in a majority of the Amazon rainforests.
27  corridor between the Amazonian and Atlantic rainforests.
28 s similar to the litter of extant equatorial rainforests.
29 matic events pose severe hazards to tropical rainforests.
30 reme heat and drought over most of Amazonian rainforests.
31 t role in the redistribution of nutrients in rainforests.
32 n shape community dynamics in highly diverse rainforests.
33 se are limiting factors in coastal temperate rainforests.
34 is roughly equivalent to that of terrestrial rainforests.
35 ese ecological processes operate in tropical rainforests.
36                                  In tropical rainforests, 30-65% of tree species grow at densities of
37 of large geometric earthworks beneath intact rainforest across southern Amazonia challenges its statu
38 seen in a set of well characterized Hawaiian rainforests, across which we have measured the 15N/14N o
39  orders of magnitude higher than in pristine rainforest air.
40 arts of the boreal forest belt, the tropical rainforest, alpine regions worldwide, steppe and prairie
41 centrations do not differ significantly over rainforest and adjacent oil palm plantation landscapes.
42 berg rock outcrops in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest and are thus long-term fragmented by nature.
43                                 In contrast, rainforest and circum-arctic hunter-gatherers and some p
44 rns, which occupies the junction between the rainforest and dry forest and currently is known only fr
45 go, with a distinct preference for semi-open rainforest and rain forest edges.
46 af-litter ant species in unlogged and logged rainforest and tested four predictions: (i) there is a n
47 e the nonlinear couplings between the Amazon rainforest and the atmospheric moisture transport from t
48 ve compass information for navigation in the rainforest and, additionally, provide cues for visual di
49 te the theory: bird conservation in tropical rainforests and coastal defence provided by mangrove for
50 om the other known mangrove data, a tropical rainforest, and ocean sediment.
51 s collected over three decades, we show that rainforest anthrax is a persistent and widespread cause
52 ercial logging on tree diversity in tropical rainforest are largely unknown.
53                     Rates of BNF in tropical rainforest are thought to be among the highest on Earth,
54 94 out of every 100 individual arthropods in rainforests are ants, and they constitute up to 15% of a
55 future climate and fire conditions: tropical rainforests are especially vulnerable, whereas seasonal
56 topographic positions suggests that tropical rainforests are more sensitive to moisture deficits than
57 correlated with higher isohydricity (so that rainforests are mostly isohydric).
58        However, likely responses of tropical rainforests are poorly understood due to a lack of frequ
59                           Today, the eastern rainforests are separated from the dry deciduous forests
60 e a large proportion of species diversity in rainforests are significantly more species-rich.
61                                     Tropical rainforests are subject to extensive degradation by comm
62 re in Africa coincides with severe losses of rainforest area, especially after the Miocene.
63 ammalian diversity distributions, one in the rainforest areas (Deep Rainforest Diversity, DRD) contai
64 damped driven pendulum, a model of Amazonian rainforest as a known climate tipping element and the Da
65 vey of 49 ecosystems from tundra to tropical rainforest, average worker mass and worker number were u
66 olution experiment conducted in the tropical rainforest, bats visited computer-automated flowers with
67 irst moved southward, through the equatorial rainforest, before spreading toward eastern and southern
68 s have been logged, with dramatic impacts on rainforest biodiversity that may disrupt key ecosystem p
69 at outbreaks located along the limits of the rainforest biome were significantly associated with fore
70 rition and wild meat availability within the Rainforest Biotic Zone in central Africa.
71 esponds strongly to conversion of the Amazon rainforest, but in a manner different from plants and an
72 to assess species diversity in a Costa Rican rainforest butterfly community.
73 ements exclusively within savannah or within rainforest by established rainforest populations.
74  were slowed, delaying the occupation of the rainforest by on average 300 y, compared with similar mi
75  extraordinary abundance of ants in tropical rainforest canopies has led to speculation that numerous
76 rophic 50-foot free-fall from the top of the rainforest canopy to the forest floor at her remote fiel
77                    Rdark was measured on 431 rainforest canopy trees, from 182 species, in French Gui
78  the total invertebrate biomass in an entire rainforest canopy.
79                       Understanding tropical rainforest carbon exchange and its response to heat and
80 h an impact extending over 1,000 km from the rainforest city of Manaus (population 2.1 million).
81                                              Rainforest clades have diversified from the Late Oligoce
82 e, which did not necessitate labor-intensive rainforest clearance for earthwork construction.
83 le, agricultural practices, climate changes, rainforest clearing or air travel).
84       Selective logging is a major driver of rainforest degradation across the tropics.
85 ries under terra firme (upland interfluvial) rainforest, directly challenging the "pristine" status o
86 clude that the wet periods probably affected rainforest distribution, as plant fossils show that fore
87 rsity occurred at the same time as a loss of rainforest diversity and cannot be explained by ecologic
88                      We investigated whether rainforest diversity in Meliaceae has accumulated over a
89 ributions, one in the rainforest areas (Deep Rainforest Diversity, DRD) containing taxa of lower hunt
90 ecies of greater hunting potential (Marginal Rainforest Diversity, MRD).
91 e related to differential losses of tropical rainforests during the Cenozoic, but not to the cumulati
92 lar, the hypothesized replacement of ancient rainforest-dwelling extinct lineages by antecedents of x
93  This work demonstrates that while temperate rainforest dynamics occur at fine spatial scales (<1000
94              We show that wet conditions and rainforest ecosystems on Sulawesi present during marine
95   The impacts of this climate extreme on the rainforest ecosystems remain to be documented and are li
96 of these epiphytes--a neglected component in rainforest ecosystems--can more than double our estimate
97 understanding of the functioning of tropical rainforest ecosystems.
98  biomass of invertebrates living in a common rainforest epiphyte, describe a striking relationship be
99                                     Tropical rainforests exhibit an extraordinarily high level of bio
100 onsistent with the notion that many tropical rainforests exist in a state of N saturation.
101  over the late Quaternary period by modeling rainforest expansion and contraction in 21 biogeographic
102 r settlement despite the climatically driven rainforest expansion that began approximately 2,000 y ag
103 de strong evidence that the same Neotropical rainforest families have characterized the biome since t
104 r is a Sumatran Pleistocene cave with a rich rainforest fauna associated with fossil human teeth.
105 f ants to the removal of food resources from rainforest floors and thus nutrient redistribution.
106 t all tropical fruits are equally desired by rainforest foragers and some fruit trees get depleted mo
107 vironmental data have hinted at pre-Holocene rainforest foraging, earlier human reliance on rainfores
108 mples from extant and Quaternary Neotropical rainforest from similar climates.
109 sumptions by relating field abundance of the rainforest fruit fly Drosophila birchii to ecological ch
110                          However, changes in rainforest function with climate change can disrupt this
111      The thermal environments of this Panama rainforest generate a range of CTmax subsuming 74% of th
112                Transpiration from the Amazon rainforest generates an essential water source at a glob
113                 Human occupation of tropical rainforest habitats is thought to be a mainly Holocene p
114 , followed emerging savannah corridors, with rainforest habitats repeatedly imposing temporal barrier
115 e 2 species coexist are areas where pristine rainforest has been degraded, results also suggest that
116                   More than half the world's rainforest has been lost to agriculture since the Indust
117                                   The Amazon rainforest has been proposed as a tipping element of the
118 illus cereus biovar anthracis, in a tropical rainforest have severe consequences for local wildlife c
119                                  Neotropical rainforests have a very poor fossil record, making hypot
120                                     Tropical rainforests have experienced episodes of severe heat and
121                          Although the Amazon rainforest houses much of Earth's biodiversity and plays
122 ted with the pygmy phenotype in the Batwa, a rainforest hunter-gatherer population from Uganda (east
123 he first socio-economic interactions between rainforest hunter-gatherers and farmers introduced by th
124 enotype and DNA methylation profiles for 362 rainforest hunter-gatherers and sedentary farmers.
125 e confers a selective advantage for tropical rainforest hunter-gatherers but raising questions about
126 hen we expanded our analysis to include Baka rainforest hunter-gatherers from Cameroon and Gabon (wes
127 haracteristic of African and Southeast Asian rainforest hunter-gatherers, is largely unknown.
128  has had an impact on the genetic history of rainforest hunter-gatherers-historically referred to as
129                                     Tropical rainforest hyperdiversity is often suggested to have evo
130                                              Rainforest hyperdiversity may best be explained by recen
131 lia; AmazonFACE in a highly diverse, primary rainforest in Brazil; BIFoR-FACE in a 150-yr-old deciduo
132   In this study, selectively logged tropical rainforest in Indonesian Borneo is shown to contain high
133 ical Station, a protected old-growth lowland rainforest in lower Central America.
134  of ecological data from a protected primary rainforest in Malaysia to illutrate how subsidies from n
135 nts from c. 1 ha plots in a lowland tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia.
136                 We tested this prediction in rainforest in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, b
137  some ecosystems, like the tropical seasonal rainforest in this study.
138  the forests of the North American temperate rainforests in Alaska, which store >2.8 Pg C in biomass
139 f successional community dynamics of lowland rainforests in Costa Rica.
140 ble uncertainty surrounds the fate of Amazon rainforests in response to climate change.
141 nning experimental drought study in tropical rainforest (in the Brazilian Amazon), we test whether ca
142        Visually guided flight control in the rainforest is arguably one of the most complex insect be
143                                   The Amazon rainforest is disproportionately important for global ca
144 how that the vegetation canopy of the Amazon rainforest is highly sensitive to changes in precipitati
145                                   The Amazon rainforest is one of the few continental regions where a
146 Most species-level diversity of Meliaceae in rainforest is recent.
147                                   The Amazon rainforest is the Earth's largest reservoir of plant and
148    The presence of a high-diversity tropical rainforest is unexpected, because other Paleocene floras
149                     The future of the Amazon rainforest is unknown due to uncertainties in projected
150                       The ecology of Bornean rainforests is driven by El Nino-induced droughts that t
151 large majority of plant species diversity in rainforests is recent, suggesting (episodic) species tur
152 t of carbon that is being absorbed by mature rainforests is similar to or greater than that being rel
153   Old-growth forest conservation in tropical rainforests is therefore a highly-recommended solution f
154     Here, we show that some insects, such as rainforest katydids, possess equivalent biophysical mech
155 -year field study of Propithecus edwardsi, a rainforest lemur from Madagascar with a maximum lifespan
156 ithecus diadema, n = 3), endangered Malagasy rainforest lemurs, and we report extremely efficient rec
157 vorous insects in this Paleocene Neotropical rainforest may reflect an early stage in the diversifica
158 e inter-annual variability and that tropical rainforests may become less relevant drivers in the futu
159         One of the key changes that tropical rainforests may experience under future climate change s
160 dence of a large defaunation shadow around a rainforest metropolis.
161  flowering of many tree species in Amazonian rainforests near the Equator.
162 , to our knowledge, the earliest evidence of rainforest occupation by AMH, and underscores the import
163 , the distinctive component of the temperate rainforest of the northwest coast of California.
164 tion zone between the Saharan desert and the rainforests of Central Africa and the Guinean Coast, exp
165  throughout secondary succession in tropical rainforests of north-east Costa Rica, and that attempts
166 11 residential camps) living in the tropical rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia.
167 arctic to 50.8 degrees C in lowland tropical rainforests of Peruvian Amazon.
168 Homo sapiens' relationship with the tropical rainforests of South Asia is therefore long-standing, a
169 andscapes currently occupied by the seasonal rainforests of southern Amazonia may therefore not have
170                          We use the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, the Congo basin and South-Eas
171              Amazonia is the most biodiverse rainforest on Earth, and the debate over how many tree s
172 , but not to the cumulative area of tropical rainforest over geological time.
173 lution of the biomass dynamics of the Amazon rainforest over three decades using a distributed networ
174                   Drought threatens tropical rainforests over seasonal to decadal timescales, but the
175      We quantified the relative stability of rainforests over the late Quaternary period by modeling
176                                   Converting rainforests, peatlands, savannas, or grasslands to produ
177 ly reduced plant transpiration, although the rainforest persisted throughout this time.
178                    They are most abundant in rainforest plants.
179                                   The Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in the climate system, h
180 ost abundant tree species in a 25-ha lowland rainforest plot in Ecuador.
181 g 17 consecutive years of data from tropical rainforest plots in Costa Rica that range from 10 y sinc
182 savannah or within rainforest by established rainforest populations.
183 had the opposite effect, enhancing temperate rainforest productivity.
184 odel), but there is also evidence for recent rainforest radiations.
185 When populations did move from savannah into rainforest, rates of migration were slowed, delaying the
186                                     Tropical rainforest regions are urbanizing rapidly, yet the role
187                                     Tropical rainforest regions have large hydropower generation pote
188 anisms promoting coexistence in hyperdiverse rainforests remains a considerable challenge.
189 ining climate change feedbacks from tropical rainforests requires an understanding of how carbon gain
190 ing the ecological integrity of Kalimantan's rainforests requires immediate transnational management.
191 ng at Los Tuxtlas, the northernmost tropical rainforest reserve in the Americas.
192 show that human foragers relied primarily on rainforest resources from at least ~20,000 years ago, wi
193 inforest foraging, earlier human reliance on rainforest resources has not been shown directly.
194 e in species which adapt to desiccation, and rainforest restricted species which cannot.
195 ng sustainability, the other in the northern rainforest-savanna mosaic, with species of greater hunti
196                                   We use the rainforest-savanna transition region in Brazil to show d
197                    New findings from African rainforests show chimpanzees to have impressively advanc
198 na, a tree from the South American temperate rainforest shows strong heteroblasty affecting leaf shap
199 carbon source was used to enrich a Malaysian rainforest soil sample.
200                           Recent research on rainforest speciation has highlighted the importance of
201 an syntypes of U. kikkawai show that it is a rainforest species occurring from Costa Rica to Brazil.
202 n climate may affect reproductive success of rainforest species.
203                                     Tropical rainforests store enormous amounts of carbon, the protec
204 we suggest that the overall carbon budget of rainforests, summed across terrestrial and aquatic envir
205 thin ecosystems: across 31 trees in a Panama rainforest, surfaces exposed to sun were 8 degrees C war
206 th mechanisms of vicariance in other African rainforest taxa.
207 ' are large stands of trees in the Amazonian rainforest that consist almost entirely of a single spec
208 appear to have filled a niche in Australia's rainforests that has not been occupied by any other mamm
209                          The central African rainforests, the second-largest on Earth, have experienc
210 a long-term drought experiment in the Amazon rainforest to evaluate the role of leaf-level water rela
211 ze the response of an old-growth Neotropical rainforest to the severe heat and drought associated wit
212 , pH, conductivity, and total alkalinity) in rainforests to those more typical for savannah systems.
213 limits of D(V) typical of modern megathermal rainforest trees first appear during a second wave of in
214                          References Tropical rainforest (TRF) is the most species-rich terrestrial bi
215 ryptic predator from the soils of the Amazon rainforest was inferred from several nuclear genes, sequ
216 ing a fertilization experiment in a tropical rainforest, we evaluated how variable substrate stoichio
217 d Bantus, living in the southern Cameroonian rainforest, were matched for sex, age, and ethnicity wit
218 behavior related to perch selection, even in rainforests where much of the solar radiation is shielde
219 rgest size classes than the lowland tropical rainforests where social spiders thrive.
220 d ant-seed mutualism occurs in the Amazonian rainforest, where arboreal ants collect seeds of several
221 tes are dominant species in primary tropical rainforests, where their abundance and diversity contrib
222 changes in the net carbon flux of a tropical rainforest which experiences a pronounced dry season.
223 ed to condensational latent heating over the rainforest, which strongly enhances atmospheric moisture
224 e that urban markets can defaunate deep into rainforest wilderness has implications for other urbaniz
225 l BNF within the historical area of tropical rainforest with current anthropogenic N inputs indicates
226                                           In rainforests with low climatic seasonality, photoperiodic
227 ear to have allowed for the establishment of rainforests within 1.4 million years of the K-T boundary
228  a prominent plant group in lowland tropical rainforests world-wide but also occur in all other tropi
229 ible "tipping point," beyond which extensive rainforest would become unsustainable.

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