


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 (in the amygdala) and 5-HT1A binding (in the raphe).
2 respiratory centres, including the medullary raphe.
3 in the habenula, which project to the median raphe.
4 in the amygdala, medial septum, and inferior raphe.
5 transsynaptic viral tracer injected into the raphe.
6 ontine tegmentum, locus ceruleus, and dorsal raphe.
7 bed subjectively: clustering at the temporal raphe.
8 n raphe, whereas 237 (11.2%) had BAV without raphe.
9 ific cell death of 5HT neurons in the dorsal raphe.
10 between MDD subjects and controls was in the raphe (132%, p=0.000).
11 d 110 [9.5%] at 5 years) vs patients without raphe (2 [1.8%] at 1 year, 3 [3.0%] at 2 years, and 5 [4
12 ns: the NTS (14% of CTB-ir neurons), midline raphe (26%), LHA (22%), zona incerta (ZI, 15%), CeA (5%)
13  447 [24.4%] at 5 years) vs patients without raphe (30 [14.0%] at 1 year, 32 [15.0%] at 2 years, and
14 ficantly higher among patients with BAV with raphe (364 [19.9%] at 1 year, 393 [21.4%] at 2 years, an
15  caudal ventrolateral medulla (17%), midline raphe (40%), ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (VLPAG, 1
16 stration, we found that inhibition of dorsal raphe 5-HT1A autoreceptors attenuates cocaine self-admin
17 ion to rodents desensitizes or downregulates raphe 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A (5-HT1A) autoreceptors.
18 ficantly higher among patients with BAV with raphe (77 [5.1%] at 1 year, 87 [6.2%] at 2 years, and 11
19 selective death of 5HT neurons in the dorsal raphe, a defined neuroanatomical pathway, and a behavior
20            We examined more rapid effects of raphe activation on two classes of principal neurons in
21 le mitral cells at rest were also excited by raphe activation, their odor responses were bidirectiona
22                            To explore retino-raphe anatomical organization, retinal afferents labeled
23 vation of striatal projection neurons by the raphe and pedunculopontine nuclei.
24 cleus of the solitary tract (NTS), medullary raphe and retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN).
25 ciation between the presence and location of raphe and the risk of significant (moderate and severe)
26 ntral amygdala, mediodorsal thalamus, dorsal raphe, and deep mesencephalic nuclei, and sparse project
27 posterior hypothalamus, median raphe, dorsal raphe, and dorsal tegmentum.
28  bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, dorsal raphe, and lateral hypothalamus, which regulate primitiv
29 to the RMTg, the median raphe, caudal dorsal raphe, and pontine central gray are major recipients of
30 pothalamus, VTA, median raphe, caudal dorsal raphe, and pontine central gray reside in characteristic
31 nding to the supramammillary nucleus, median raphe, and the NI.
32 refrontal cortex (PFC), amygdala, and dorsal raphe are known to be involved in anxiety disorders.
33 de that dysfunction of even a portion of the raphe, as observed in many SIDS cases, can impair abilit
34 aled that specific optogenetic activation of raphe axons affected bulbar neurons through dual release
35  the MnR/PMnR and DTg/interfascicular dorsal raphe, both areas rich in serotonergic neurons.
36 ure of the raphe system, which consists of a raphe canal raised on a keel (wing), supported by rib li
37 how that in addition to the RMTg, the median raphe, caudal dorsal raphe, and pontine central gray are
38  projecting to the hypothalamus, VTA, median raphe, caudal dorsal raphe, and pontine central gray res
39 imulation of serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe causes mice to move more slowly without causing an
40 HT1A autoreceptor expression in serotonergic raphe cells while enhancing postsynaptic 5-HT1A heterore
41 Tph2(+) versus Pet1(+),Tph2(low or negative) raphe cells.
42 long with some Pet1(+),Tph2(low or negative) raphe cells; in the other, approximately three-fourths o
43            Transient silencing of this rubro-raphe circuit in vivo via activation of the inhibitory D
44 ivity and c-fos mRNA in the habenula and the raphe compared with control.
45 xpression and the consequent deficiencies in raphe-derived neuromodulators such as TRH.
46                                              Raphe-derived serotonin (5-HT) and thyrotropin-releasing
47 e lateral and posterior hypothalamus, median raphe, dorsal raphe, and dorsal tegmentum.
48 and serotonin transporter mRNA in the dorsal raphe dorsalis and ventralis, and increases in glucocort
49  of orexin receptor expression in the dorsal raphe (DR) and in the locus coeruleus (LC) of mice lacki
50         Electrical stimulation of the dorsal raphe (DR) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) activates th
51          The locus coeruleus (LC) and dorsal raphe (DR) are monoamine nuclei implicated in stress-rel
52                                       Dorsal raphe (DR) harbors cell bodies of serotonin-producing ne
53 strates a role for the serotonin-rich dorsal raphe (DR) in anxiety following ethanol withdrawal.
54       The serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe (DR) nucleus in the CNS are involved in fear, anxi
55                                   The dorsal raphe (DR) nucleus is associated with the behavioral act
56 in cell bodies originating within the dorsal raphe (DR) play a major role in the regulation of behavi
57 ine neurons in the ventral PAG (vPAG)/dorsal raphe (DR) region are a potentially critical site for th
58 pite the recognized importance of the dorsal raphe (DR) serotonergic (5-HT) nuclei in the pathophysio
59                                   The dorsal raphe (DR) serotonergic neurons have long been implicate
60 ked in part through regulation of the dorsal raphe (DR)-serotonin (5-HT) system by the stress-related
61 ugh its signaling in the serotonergic dorsal raphe (DR).
62 in the interfascicular nucleus of the dorsal raphe (DRif), resulting in decreased 5HTergic innervatio
63 lts suggest that serotonergic afferents from raphe dynamically modulate olfactory processing through
64                          We hypothesize that raphe dysfunction contributes to a failure to autoresusc
65 inating from a small group of neurons in the raphe form an extensive plexus on most of the ventricula
66 ostnatal life induced by a partial defect in raphe function.
67                            To explore retino-raphe functional organization, light-evoked c-fos expres
68  to hypercapnia in BN rats is due to altered raphe gene expression and the consequent deficiencies in
69                  Bicuspid aortic valves with raphe had a significantly higher prevalence of valve dys
70               Although patients with BAV and raphe had higher mortality rates than patients without,
71  or a P2-receptor blocker into the medullary raphe had no effect on cardiorespiratory activity or the
72                                   The dorsal raphe ICC value was sensitive to a measurement outlier.
73 activation of 5-HT neurons within the dorsal raphe in females and activation of hypothalamic AVP neur
74  Omnipause neurons (OPNs) within the nucleus raphe interpositus (RIP) help gate the transition betwee
75 n that knockout of 5-HT1A selectively in the raphe leads to higher levels of anxiety during adulthood
76 lei included: cuneiform/subcuneiform, dorsal raphe, locus coeruleus, median raphe, parabrachial compl
77 fferent inputs from the dorsal raphe, median raphe, locus coeruleus, ventral tegmentum and nucleus ba
78 n rats, electrical stimulation of the dorsal raphe lowered movement thresholds and this effect could
79 tion of the hindbrain's serotonergic nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
80 cuit between the red nucleus and the nucleus raphe magnus.
81 he amygdala, afferent inputs from the dorsal raphe, median raphe, locus coeruleus, ventral tegmentum
82 ncular nucleus (IP), median raphe/paramedian raphe (MnR/PMnR), and dorsal tegmental area (DTg).
83                           Presynaptic dorsal raphe neuron (DRN) 5-HT1A receptors are known to have a
84  blocked by pharmacological inhibition or by raphe neuron ablation, commissural pathfinding is disrup
85 essed VCMs but did not alter 5-HT release or raphe neuron activation.
86  the light chain from tetanus toxin (tox) in raphe neurons expressing serotonergic bacterial artifici
87                            We found that the raphe neurons extend projections toward midline-crossing
88 ively suppress 5-HT1A levels in serotonergic raphe neurons from post-natal days (P) 14 to P30, with a
89 alterations in the serotonergic phenotype of raphe neurons have dramatic effects on affective behavio
90 eted different fractions of serotonergic and raphe neurons in mice for tetanus toxin light chain expr
91  that knock-down of htr2a or ablation of the raphe neurons increases ephrinB2a protein levels in comm
92 at regulation of serotonin expression in the raphe neurons is modulated in response to the developmen
93 monstrate that serotonergic projections from raphe neurons regulate pathfinding of crossing axons.
94  of the acetylation-mimic mutant of Hsp90 in raphe neurons reproduced the behavioral effect of ACY-73
95 ants of human SERT in dissociated rat dorsal raphe neurons to examine the role of SEC24C-dependent ER
96                           CO2/H(+)-sensitive raphe neurons were unaffected by ATP or P2-receptor bloc
97           We recorded the activity of dorsal raphe neurons while mice experienced a task in which rew
98 n expanded peripheral division of the dorsal raphe nuclear complex appears likely to play a role in t
99 n enlarged peripheral division of the dorsal raphe nuclear complex of the minke whale, all indicate t
100   Serotonin neurons in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei (DR and MR) are clustered into heterogeneou
101  found that neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN) significantly decreased HAL-induced V
102 a) in serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN).
103 C regions (F1,88 = 5.19; P = .03) and in the raphe nuclei (F1,87 = 7.38; P = .008; R2 = 0.12).
104 FC regions (F1,88 = 0.03; P = .87) or in the raphe nuclei (F1,88 = 0.29; P = .59).
105 ncluding basal ganglia, locus coeruleus, and raphe nuclei (phase II), followed by primary motor corte
106  higher serotonin1A binding potential in the raphe nuclei (RN) is associated with greater lethality o
107 anscripts expressed in neurons of the dorsal raphe nuclei and lateral hypothalamus that project to th
108                         We conclude that the raphe nuclei are affected in a subgroup of early drug-na
109                             The serotonergic raphe nuclei are involved in regulating brain states ove
110 in transporter availability in the brainstem raphe nuclei compared to controls (P < 0.01) and subject
111        Serotonergic neurons in the brainstem raphe nuclei densely innervate the olfactory bulb (OB),
112 the level of involvement of the serotonergic raphe nuclei in early Parkinson's disease is still debat
113 etermine: (i) the integrity of the brainstem raphe nuclei in early Parkinson's disease; and (ii) whet
114 ey role for microRNA-135a [corrected] in the raphe nuclei in the molecular mechanisms underlying the
115 formation as well as the spinally projecting raphe nuclei increased their projections to the cortical
116 mosensory behaviours driven by the brainstem raphe nuclei into these parallel systems.
117                   Elevated 5-HT1A binding in raphe nuclei is associated with subsequent remission wit
118                     Brief stimulation of the raphe nuclei led to excitation of tufted cells at rest a
119      Serotonin (5-HT) neurons located in the raphe nuclei modulate a wide range of behaviors by means
120 sms through which 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nuclei modulate amygdala circuits.
121                     Serotonin(1A )BPF in the raphe nuclei of suicide attempters was positively correl
122 malian spinal cord, originates mainly in the raphe nuclei of the brainstem.
123                             The serotonergic raphe nuclei of the midbrain are principal centers from
124                                          The raphe nuclei provide serotonergic innervation widely in
125                                   The dorsal raphe nuclei receive light input from the circadian visu
126 n the striatum, its binding in the brainstem raphe nuclei reflects serotonin transporter availability
127 TP influx rate was observed in the amygdala, raphe nuclei region, caudate nucleus, putamen, hippocamp
128  elevated [11C]DASB binding potential in the raphe nuclei region, caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus,
129                                              Raphe nuclei serotonin(1A) BPF was 45.1% greater in high
130 dbrain but higher uptake in the thalamus and raphe nuclei than control patients.
131 ad 33% higher baseline 5-HT1A binding in the raphe nuclei than nonremitters (p = .047).
132 l molecular and neurochemical changes in the raphe nuclei that dysregulate 5-HT neuronal activity and
133 ulate 5-HT neuronal activity in the midbrain raphe nuclei through alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-is
134    Serotonin (5-HT) neurons project from the raphe nuclei throughout the brain where they act to main
135                                      The two raphe nuclei thus give dual innervation within the OB, w
136  find that serotonergic projections from the raphe nuclei to the olfactory bulb dramatically enhance
137 ffinity dihydroergotamine receptors, and the raphe nuclei, a postulated brainstem site of action duri
138 ngulate cortex, nucleus accumbens, thalamus, raphe nuclei, and bed nucleus of the stria terminals.
139 is bilaterally connected with serotoninergic raphe nuclei, and expresses high density of serotonin re
140 ubstantia nigra, serotonergic input from the raphe nuclei, and noradrenergic input from the nucleus l
141 rea, the rhabdoid nucleus, the mesencephalic raphe nuclei, and the dorsal tegmental nucleus.
142                               Therefore, the raphe nuclei, in addition to their role in neuromodulati
143  system, which originates from the brainstem raphe nuclei, is disrupted in Parkinson's disease.
144                 Consistent SERT pathology in raphe nuclei, striatum, thalamus, and hypothalamus and a
145 ing the neural circuitry between the LHb and raphe nuclei.
146 subpopulation of SERT-containing synapses in raphe nuclei.
147 tic acid (5-HIAA), and norepinephrine in the raphe nuclei.
148 roughout both cortical brain regions and the raphe nuclei.
149 mical modulation via the locus coeruleus and raphe nuclei.
150 rgic genes that are known to be expressed in raphe nuclei.
151       Here we show that 5-HT from the dorsal raphe nucleus (5-HT(DRN)) enhances fear and anxiety and
152                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) controls forebrain serotonin neurotra
153 e level of three glutamate afferents: dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN), and
154 tingly, the RMTg also projects to the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), which also receives direct LHb proje
155  serotonergic innervation is from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), which contains both serotonin and GA
156 including the median (MnR) and caudal dorsal raphe nucleus (DRC), may contribute to the behavioral ef
157              We found that activating dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) 5-HT neurons induced a strong suppre
158  that stimulation of the serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) afferents to the nucleus accumbens (
159 ses through axonal collaterals to the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and SC.
160                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and the median raphe nucleus (MRN) a
161 edial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) are of particular interest, in part,
162 ion in 5-HT1A receptor domains in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) in brain slices and in vivo, which i
163                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) in the midbrain is a key center for
164                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) is an important brain area for body-
165                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) is implicated in mood regulation, co
166 hesized that GABAergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) may participate in socioaffective re
167 , we discovered that the serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) mediates short-term locomotor learni
168  on activation of serotonergic (5-HT) dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) neurons that project to the basolate
169                   5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) often fire locked to sensory stimuli
170 ) in the locus coeruleus (LC) and the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) regions of postmortem human brains.
171 ow short- and long-term activation of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serotonergic neurons induces robust
172 -command Mauthner cells also activate dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serotonergic neurons, which project
173 s that median raphe nucleus (MRN) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serotonergic projections differentia
174  (alpha1-ARs) control the activity of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRn) serotonin (5-HT) neurons and play cr
175 ions and is extensively innervated by dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT
176 The serotonin (5-HT) pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPF
177 ically identified 5-HT cells from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) were examined with whole-cell record
178 TrkB are both highly expressed in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), a brain region that has been sugges
179                                In the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), feedback activation by Galphai/o -c
180 functional role for DA neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), in which we observe synaptic change
181 nfralimbic prefrontal cortex (PFC) or dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), prevented disruption of DRL perform
182 eable binding potential (BPND) in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), the core area of 5-HT synthesis, an
183                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), the major source of serotonergic in
184 neurons send dense projections to the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN).
185 omedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN).
186 including 5-HT2c-Rs, are found in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN); however, the function of 5-HT2c-Rs
187         We tested the hypothesis that median raphe nucleus (MRN) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serot
188 he dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and the median raphe nucleus (MRN) are known to densely innervate the O
189 urons to serotonergic neurons in the ventral raphe nucleus (vRN).
190 uit from the lateral hypothalamus and dorsal raphe nucleus and defined a discrete subset of transcrip
191                       Here, we show that the raphe nucleus and its serotonergic projections regulate
192 xytryptamine (5,7-DHT) lesions of the dorsal raphe nucleus and median raphe nucleus prevents LiCl-ind
193 sing the nucleus accumbens shell, the dorsal raphe nucleus and the medial prefrontal cortex.
194  unknown whether BDNF and TrkB in the dorsal raphe nucleus are involved in these processes.
195 ess, we show that 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus are less responsive to stimulation.
196         Here, we demonstrate that the dorsal raphe nucleus DA neurons are critical modulators of beha
197 nography, we observed time-delineated dorsal raphe nucleus dopaminergic (DRN(DA)) activity upon expos
198 lls or selectively in the area of the dorsal raphe nucleus failed to form an aversion to formalin-ind
199  evoked serotonin transmission in the dorsal raphe nucleus mediated by metabotropic 5-HT1A autorecept
200     Deakin and Graeff argued that the median raphe nucleus normally acts to inhibit consolidation of
201 -B, and tryptophan hydroxylase in the dorsal raphe nucleus of highly perseverative rats.
202             Serotonin neurons located in the raphe nucleus of the hindbrain have crucial roles in reg
203 ced GR translocation were observed in dorsal raphe nucleus of vulnerable mice after chronic social de
204 sions of the dorsal raphe nucleus and median raphe nucleus prevents LiCl-induced conditioned disgust
205 development of ruminations, while the dorsal raphe nucleus system is engaged by distal cues predictiv
206 inobutyric acidergic pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus to the NAcSh to influence behavioral respo
207 uccessful loss-avoidance although the median raphe nucleus was not found to be underactive.
208 oxlyase-immunoreactive neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus were related to depressive symptoms.
209 rder is associated with an overactive dorsal raphe nucleus with overactive projections to the amygdal
210 grey and striatum, and an underactive median raphe nucleus with underactive projections to the hippoc
211 the nucleus accumbens (NAC) shell and dorsal raphe nucleus, and found that disruption of NF-kappaB-ex
212 mentation in serotonin neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus, and long-term Ovx monkeys had fewer serot
213 e amygdala, brainstem in the vicinity of the raphe nucleus, and reticular formation, hypothalamus, an
214     Here, we show that neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, expressing vesicular transporters for GAB
215  periaqueductal gray, area postrema, pontine raphe nucleus, gracile nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleu
216 noradrenergic locus coeruleus and the dorsal raphe nucleus, in parallel with decreased DNA methylatio
217                                In the dorsal raphe nucleus, it is known that serotonin release activa
218 hypothalamic area, trochlear nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, medial lemniscus, pontine nuclei, vagus n
219 , but not in the nucleus basalis of Meynert, raphe nucleus, or other brain regions.
220 nergic neurons in the locus ceruleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra, and ventral tegmental a
221  of these receptors specifically from dorsal raphe nucleus, which provides serotonergic (5-hydroxytry
222 -releasing factor (CRF) regulates the dorsal raphe nucleus-serotonin (DRN-5-HT) system during stress
223 als in the NAcSh originating from the dorsal raphe nucleus.
224 ng in amygdala, caudate, putamen, and median raphe nucleus.
225 R translocation were performed in the dorsal raphe nucleus.
226 l nucleus of the hypothalamus and the dorsal raphe nucleus.
227 etected in the basal forebrain or the dorsal raphe nucleus.
228 ca, supramammillary nuclei (SUM), and median raphe nucleus.
229  reticular formation, including the inferior raphe nucleus.
230 thin the dorsal portion of the caudal dorsal raphe nucleus.
231                                   The dorsal raphe nucleus/ periaqueductal grey region of the midbrai
232 ch region) of DbetaH(Cre/0) mice or into the raphe of ePet(Cre/0) mice.
233  serotonin(1A) autoreceptor in the brainstem raphe of individuals who die by suicide.
234 V containing an anomalous cord attaching the raphe of the conjoined cusp near its free margin to the
235  conditions in the LLC-CPK1 cell line and in raphe or hippocampal neurons from rat embryos.
236 muscarinic cholinergic inhibition of rostral raphe pallidus (rRPa) neurons influences thermogenesis o
237  cholinergic input to neurons in the rostral raphe pallidus (rRPa), the site of sympathetic premotor
238 hough the DMH neurons project to the rostral raphe pallidus (rRPa), these projections did not contain
239 eus [PaMP]) and autonomic (rostral medullary raphe pallidus [RPa]) responses were targeted with disti
240 gonist clonidine (1.2 nmol) into the rostral raphe pallidus area (rRPa) inhibited BAT sympathetic ner
241  the neuroaxis with highest densities in the raphe pallidus nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, p
242 iform, dorsal raphe, locus coeruleus, median raphe, parabrachial complex, pontine oralis, pedunculopo
243  in the interpeduncular nucleus (IP), median raphe/paramedian raphe (MnR/PMnR), and dorsal tegmental
244 dissection of inputs originating from dorsal raphe, pedunculopontine, and subthalamic nuclei were tes
245  a suppression of an inhibitory NPVF-ventral raphe peptidergic projection.
246 d down 5-HT1A receptors in either the dorsal raphe (presynaptic autoreceptors) or the hippocampus (a
247                                 In turn, the raphe receives a vast array of synaptic inputs, and a re
248                     We found that the median raphe region (MnR) is important for regulating hippocamp
249 )-sensitive neurons in the NTS and medullary raphe respond to ATP, and whether purinergic signalling
250 es often have abnormalities of the brainstem raphe serotonergic (5-HT) system.
251                                  Both dorsal raphe serotonergic activity during aversive reinforcemen
252         Finally, optogenetically stimulating raphe serotonergic afferents in the OB had heterogeneous
253 ained [Ca(2+)]i may influence development of raphe serotonergic and ventral tegmental dopaminergic ne
254 ists induced tagged-5-HT(1A)R endocytosis in raphe serotonergic neurons and a portion of hippocampal
255 ers targeted different portions of medullary raphe serotonergic, tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2)(+) n
256  coeruleus norepinephrine (LC-NE) and dorsal raphe serotonin (DR 5-HT) systems.
257 in mice demonstrates that stimulating dorsal raphe serotonin boosts patient waiting but stimulation i
258 ings in mice to study a population of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons, whose activity we could link to
259 ent induces enduring changes in mouse dorsal raphe serotonin neurons-programming their firing rate, r
260             There was no association between raphe serotonin transporter availability and fatigue, de
261 n's disease subgroup had significantly lower raphe serotonin transporter availability but less severe
262 arkinson's disease patients and that reduced raphe serotonin transporter availability is associated w
263                                              Raphe serotonin transporter availability over the entire
264                       In tremulous patients, raphe serotonin transporter availability was also associ
265  early Parkinson's disease; and (ii) whether raphe serotonin transporter levels correlate with severi
266                                       Dorsal raphe serotonin's unique contribution provides a neural
267                             Higher brainstem raphe serotonin(1A) BPF would be consistent with lower l
268                             Higher brainstem raphe serotonin(1A)BPF observed in higher-lethality suic
269 basal forebrain (acetylcholine; ACh), dorsal raphe (serotonin; 5HT), and singly labeled Fos(+) cells
270 T1A receptors in hippocampus, but not dorsal raphe, significantly decreased the antidepressant-like e
271 protein-coupled 5-HT receptors responding to raphe-spinal activity, although these signaling molecule
272 and found that prolonged stimulations of the raphe-spinal pathway increased the level of 5-HT to a co
273 , we found that prolonged stimulation of the raphe-spinal pathway--as during motor exercise--activate
274 ession of optical reporters to visualize how raphe stimulation alters sensory responses in two classe
275            In PG and SA cells, brief (1-4 s) raphe stimulation elicited a large increase in the magni
276 rast, in MT cells imaged from the dorsal OB, raphe stimulation elicited a strong increase in resting
277 ation that reveals the true structure of the raphe system, which consists of a raphe canal raised on
278 ppropriately described as part of the median raphe system.
279 erotonergic projection neurons in the dorsal raphe that project to the anterior hypothalamus and may
280  with prior studies of IP projections to the raphe, these results form an emerging map of the habenul
281 e ICC values ranged from -0.13 in the dorsal raphe to 0.88 in the caudate nucleus.
282        We traced projections from the dorsal raphe to a major visual area, the optic tectum.
283 rodents, whereas monkeys and humans showed a raphe to cerebellum ratio of approximately 3.
284                           Hypoxia causes the raphe to decrease serotonin levels, leading to a reducti
285                                    Medullary raphe transcriptome comparisons revealed lower expressio
286                               In particular, raphe Trh mRNA and peptide levels were significantly red
287 ssociation between BAV morphologic findings (raphe vs nonraphe) and the degree of valve dysfunction,
288                              Quantitation of raphe was affected by the resolution of the PET scanners
289                              The presence of raphe was also associated with increased rates of aortic
290  international BAV registry, the presence of raphe was associated with a higher prevalence of signifi
291 serotonin circuitry in the dorsal and median raphe was functionally mature during the first 3 postnat
292 tes than patients without, the presence of a raphe was not independently associated with increased al
293 , on multivariable analysis, the presence of raphe was not significantly associated with all-cause mo
294 Mefway in cortical regions, hippocampus, and raphe was observed across all species.
295               5-HT1A autoreceptor BPF in the raphe was reduced 18% on SSRI treatment (df = 1,18; F =
296 valopa cell population found in the superior raphe was serotonergic in nature.
297 known about the postnatal development of the raphe where serotonin is made.
298 .0%] male), 1881 (88.8%) had BAV with fusion raphe, whereas 237 (11.2%) had BAV without raphe.
299 itzschia, with bridges (fibulae) beneath the raphe, which is marginal.
300  the rhombomeric segments 2-3 of the rostral raphe, which participate in high-order brain functions.

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