


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  mouse model of lung cancer induced by the K-Ras oncogene.
2 tive in mouse keratinocytes transformed by a ras oncogene.
3 thelial hyperplastic phenotype induced by Ha-ras oncogene.
4 t transformation by an introduced H-ras or K-ras oncogene.
5 r similar to that caused by the activated Ha-ras oncogene.
6 at have been transfected with an activated K-ras oncogene.
7 esistant to a subsequent transformation by H-ras oncogene.
8 inal epithelial cells harboring an inducible ras oncogene.
9 er, specifically G to A transitions in the K-ras oncogene.
10 d kinases (MAPK/ERKs) when compared to the H-Ras oncogene.
11 , is an antioncogene that down-regulates the RAS oncogene.
12        SW480.7 cells contain an activated Ki-ras oncogene.
13 ma cell lines PA-1 that contain an activated ras oncogene.
14 growth advantage to cells transformed by the ras oncogene.
15 fied by virtue of its down-regulation by the ras oncogene.
16 o 30% of adenocarcinomas show mutations in K-RAS oncogene.
17 ined for the presence of mutations in the Ha-Ras oncogene.
18 rative transformation with the activated T24 ras oncogene.
19 s a necessary component in the action of the ras oncogene.
20 primer-labeled (109 bp) PCR product of the H-ras oncogene.
21 mids and plasmids expressing the Erb-B2 or v-ras oncogene.
22 -kDa gelatinase B expression by an activated ras oncogene.
23 previously correlated with the presence of a ras oncogene.
24 NIH-3T3 cells transformed by an activated Ha-ras oncogene.
25 tients for codon 12 point mutations of the K-ras oncogene.
26 formation of primary cells with an activated ras oncogene.
27  detection of point mutations in the human K-ras oncogene.
28  controlled by Hsp72 was associated with the Ras oncogene.
29 targets in tumors expressing the activated K-Ras oncogene.
30  malignant transformation by an endogenous K-ras oncogene.
31 otch mammary cancer cells which also express ras oncogene.
32 igned to target tumors with mutations of the ras oncogene.
33 lammation, and activating mutations of the K-Ras oncogene.
34 n both p53 alleles and harbor an activated H-ras oncogene.
35 ant to breast cancers induced by the neu and ras oncogenes.
36 ive autocrine loop coordinately activated by ras oncogenes.
37  associated with frequent activations of the Ras oncogenes.
38  5' G of the GG doublet in codon 12 of human ras oncogenes.
39  signaling pathway such as the Her-2/neu and ras oncogenes.
40 cotransformed with HPV-16 E6 and E7 and c-Ha-ras oncogenes.
41 roblasts (MEFs) expressing the E1A and T24 H-ras oncogenes.
42 la homologue of mammalian H-ras, K-ras and N-ras oncogenes.
43 tions in rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (RAS) oncogenes.
44 ity of cotransfected, malignantly activated, ras oncogenes (5-7-fold).
45 in pancreatic cancer are activation of the K-ras oncogene (~90%) and inactivation of the p16 (~95%),
46 thioate oligonucleotides, which target the K-ras oncogene (a gene that is mutated in 85 to 95% of pan
47                                  Because the ras oncogene, a gene activated in many human cancers tre
48 papillary thyroid carcinoma was positive for ras oncogene abnormalities.
49     Our results imply that targeting NRAS or RAS oncogene-activated pathways is a good therapeutic st
50 Among the pivotal genetic alterations are Ki-RAS oncogene activation and p53 tumor suppressor gene in
51 is of many human malignancies, .OH-induced K-ras oncogene activation could be an important mechanism
52                  Given the high frequency of ras oncogene activation in several common human cancers,
53  have compared the proliferative response to ras oncogene activation in two normal cell types--fibrob
54 ibitory effect on primary mesenchymal cells, RAS oncogene activation induces a proliferative phenotyp
55 e-derived .OH-induced DNA damage can cause K-ras oncogene activation, and suggests that there may be
56 be a characteristic pattern of .OH-induced K-ras oncogene activation.
57 y mechanisms that bypass the requirement for Ras oncogene activity and drive leukemia relapse.
58 ascades play the critical role in regulating Ras oncogene activity by phosphorylation-dependent mecha
59 eport LDR-SERS multiplex SNP genotyping of K-Ras oncogene alleles at 10 pM detection levels, optimiza
60 including the ability to be transformed by a ras oncogene alone.
61                                          The Ras oncogene also activates signaling via the related Rh
62    In colon cancer, the frequently mutated K-ras oncogene also can regulate VEGF expression, but the
63 ny of these effects are cell autonomous, the ras oncogene also regulates the expression of genes that
64                      Signaling through the K-ras oncogene, also frequently mutated in benign colonic
65  Y80A can also detect the G13D mutation in K-ras oncogene, an A/C mismatch embedded in a G/C rich seq
66 as potential anticancer agents targeting the ras oncogene and are currently in clinical trials.
67 e, which undergo somatic activation of the K-ras oncogene and display morphologic changes in alveolar
68 feration and tumorigenicity activated by the ras oncogene and highlight an alternative functional rol
69       We studied the interaction between the ras oncogene and hypoxia in up-regulating glut1 mRNA lev
70 errelationship between activation of the c-K-ras oncogene and increased expression of cyclin D1 and R
71                    Activating mutations in K-Ras oncogene and increased expression of FOXM1 protein a
72  latency and in transgene expression among N-ras oncogene and N-ras proto-oncogene transgenics.
73       MCF10A cells that stably express the K-Ras oncogene and obscurin short hairpin RNA (shRNA), but
74 denocarcinomas, including mutations in the K-ras oncogene and p53 and DPC4 tumor suppressor genes, us
75 have established that splicing of both the K-ras oncogene and proto-oncogene is altered in CRC in fav
76 y, we show that DiRas3 associates with the H-Ras oncogene and that activation of H-Ras enforces this
77 diated by the cooperation of the activated H-ras oncogene and the inactivated p53 tumor suppressor ge
78 pes is in agreement with the idea that the N-ras oncogene and the N-ras proto-oncogene act through th
79 We compared the tumorigenic effects of the N-ras oncogene and the N-ras proto-oncogene in lymphoid an
80 ocarcinomas for genetic alterations in the K-ras oncogene and the p16, p53, and DPC4 tumor suppressor
81 adenocarcinomas including mutations in the K-ras oncogene and the p53 and DPC4 tumor suppressor genes
82            In addition to mutations in the k-ras oncogene and the p53 gene, which are frequently seen
83      UPase expression is affected by the c-H-ras oncogene and various cytokines through unknown mecha
84   Our experiments are the first to show that ras oncogenes and oncogenic transcription factors can in
85 d from p21 knockout mice, transformed with a ras oncogene, and injected subcutaneously into nude mice
86 ng the epidermal growth factor receptor, the ras oncogene, and the immune system.
87        Many patients have mutations of the K-ras oncogene, and various tumour-suppressor genes are al
88                  Activating mutations in the RAS oncogene are common in cancer but are difficult to t
89                             Mutations in the Ras oncogene are one of the most frequent events in huma
90 nknown, activating mutations in the N- and K-ras oncogenes are common.
91             Although activating mutations in RAS oncogenes are known to result in aberrant signaling
92                                              ras oncogenes are mutated in at variety of human tumors,
93 30% of all human cancers; however, different RAS oncogenes are preferentially associated with differe
94                      Furthermore, unlike the Ras oncogene, ARHI inhibits cell growth, and loss of its
95     Human tumor cell lines with or without a ras oncogene as well as a pair of isogenic cell lines wi
96 f ribozymes targeted against the activated H-ras oncogene as well as against the nuclear proto-oncoge
97 y was used to detect a point mutation in a K-ras oncogene at a level of 1 mutant DNA in 10,000 wild-t
98 t were examined had the mutation of the c-Ki-ras oncogene at codon 12 and all tumors expressed blood
99 kemogenesis driven by Bcr-Abl or activated N-Ras oncogenes but enhancing the selection for and leukem
100 t an activating hot spot, codon 12, of the K-ras oncogene, but none in their adjacent normal tissues.
101 Y294002 radiosensitized cells bearing mutant ras oncogenes, but the survival of cells with wild-type
102 volved in the pattern of activation of human ras oncogenes, by causing GC-->AT transitions preferenti
103  tumor suppressor gene (exons 5-8) and the K-ras oncogene (codons 12 and 13) by polymerase chain reac
104 ion of primary murine fibroblasts by the E1A/ras oncogene combination and dramatically accelerated my
105                        This may occur by the ras oncogene compromising an S-phase checkpoint.
106 2-145%), thus demonstrating efficacy against ras oncogene-containing tumors in vivo.
107 n that enforced expression of an activated H-ras oncogene converted non-tumorigenic, TNF-resistant C3
108                 Human tumor cells containing ras oncogenes display enhanced sensitivity to 1-beta-D-a
109             However, because introduction of ras oncogenes does not increase radiation survival in al
110 mation of NIH-3T3 cells with an activated Ha-ras oncogene down-modulated RAR expression and abolished
111 ogether, these experimental results define a RAS oncogene-driven function that is critical for leukem
112 show that Fancd2-deficient mice are prone to Ras-oncogene-driven skin carcinogenesis, while Usp1-defi
113   In particular, malignant transformation by Ras oncogenes exploits mitochondrial STAT3 functions.
114 rmation and extracellular matrix invasion of ras oncogene expressing NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by expressin
115 n(TAM67) had no effect on the ability of the ras oncogene-expressing cells to grow in soft agar or in
116 nsformed cells was dependent on the level of ras oncogene expression.
117 ogenic cell lines with and without activated Ras oncogene expression.
118 d RUNX3; association of SVZ involvement with Ras oncogene family members, such as RAP2A, and the meta
119 ssociated athanogene 5, Rab7L1 (RAB7, member RAS oncogene family-like 1), and Cyclin-G-associated kin
120 ras-bound GTP to GDP, thereby converting the ras oncogene from its active to inactive form.
121 ouse line (Tg.AC) carrying an activated v-Ha-ras oncogene fused to the embryonic zeta-globin promoter
122 op lung cancer from activation of a latent K-ras oncogene had high intratumoral JNK activity and low
123 s in the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the K-ras oncogene have been frequently found in sputum and br
124                                              RAS oncogenes have been implicated in >30% of human canc
125                             Mutations in the ras oncogenes have been linked to many different cancers
126 nown, although adhesion or transformation by ras oncogenes have been shown to protect epithelial cell
127 p53-normal MEFs expressing the E1A and T24 H-ras oncogenes have suffered compensatory alterations tha
128                      We found that all three RAS oncogenes have the ability to induce myeloid leukemi
129 titutively active neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog with Gly12Val substitution (NRAS(G
130 h wild-type BRAF, neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog, and phosphatase and tensin homolo
131 mutation in NRAS [neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog].
132  and FGFR3, tyrosine phosphatase PTPN11, and RAS oncogene homologs HRAS and KRAS) from 16 of 22 tubul
133 erature-sensitive activating mutation in the Ras oncogene homologue let-60.
134                                   Unlike the Ras oncogene, however, ARHI inhibits tumor cell growth.
135                                              Ras oncogenes (Hras, Kras and Nras) are important driver
136 ults strongly support the involvement of the ras oncogene in both the initiation and regression of ke
137  the appearance of G to A mutations in the K-ras oncogene in colorectal tumors.
138 tivation of expression of a single copy of K-ras oncogene in cultured murine embryonic cells induced
139       When coexpressed with the activated Ha-ras oncogene in double transgenic mice, EGFr had no appa
140  to inhibit the transforming activity of the ras oncogene in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and was hence named
141                    Prolonged expression of a ras oncogene in primary cells accelerates the natural pr
142 th Tg.AC transgenic mice, which express v-Ha-ras oncogene in the skin, and compared the susceptibilit
143 monstrated through the detection of a mutant ras oncogene in the stool of patients with colorectal ca
144 t the constitutive expression of an active H-Ras oncogene in these cells further attenuates the check
145                           PRL also activated Ras oncogene in these cells.
146           This system uses expression of the Ras oncogene in which an 8OG replaces guanine in codon 6
147 ven by the Akt1, c-MYC, HER2/neu, Wnt1, or H-Ras oncogenes in genetically engineered mice, correlatin
148 we show that genetic inactivation of K- or N-ras oncogenes in human tumor cells (DLD-1 and HT1080, re
149    The most frequently observed mutations in ras oncogenes in solid human tumors are GC-->AT transiti
150 s to the most frequent mode of activation of ras oncogenes in solid human tumors, the results of thes
151 activating point mutations in N-, Ki- and Ha-ras oncogenes in solid human tumors.
152                      Whereas the effect of K-ras oncogenes in the intestine can been observed only af
153          The introduction of the c-Myc and H-RAS oncogenes in the setting of loss of p53 function eff
154           Since the discovery of the role of ras oncogenes in tumorigenesis, we have witnessed an exp
155 ence pathways are activated in response to a ras oncogene, inactivation of TGFbeta1 secretion or resp
156                Our findings demonstrate that Ras oncogene-independent activation of RALB signaling is
157 trate that the inhibitory effect of FOXO1 on Ras oncogene-induced colony formation in fibroblasts is
158 biting replicative senescence, Ndy1 inhibits Ras oncogene-induced senescence via a similar molecular
159 topic Runx-induced senescence contrasts with Ras oncogene-induced senescence, as it occurs directly a
160 tly, they are highly resistant to endogenous Ras oncogene-induced tumorigenesis.
161                                 An activated ras oncogene induces a program of differentiation in the
162            Among the mechanisms by which the Ras oncogene induces cellular transformation, Ras activa
163 or models to evaluate how the c-myc and v-Ha-ras oncogenes influence tumor growth characteristics in
164 use model that the MYC oncogene, but not the RAS oncogene, initiates and maintains RCC.
165 any human tumor lines that lack an activated ras oncogene is also blocked by treatment with SCH 66336
166                                       The Ki-RAS oncogene is altered in pancreatic ductal neoplasms.
167                    Since activation of the K-ras oncogene is believed to play a crucial role in the p
168 e used a recently described model in which a ras oncogene is expressed in cytokeratin 5 (K5)-expressi
169 n fibroblasts, an important effector for the Ras oncogene is Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PtdIns 3-
170               Mutational activation of the K-Ras oncogene is well established as a key genetic step i
171 xpression, thereby activating the PLAU and K-Ras oncogenes is important for distinct aspects of cellu
172 imary cells in cooperation with an activated ras oncogene, JunD antagonizes ras-mediated transformati
173                  Transformation with Ela and ras oncogenes leads to the abrogation of this arrest and
174                                    The three RAS oncogenes make up the most frequently mutated gene f
175 in keratinocytes expressing the activated Ha-ras oncogene, making it a candidate tumor suppressor gen
176               These results suggest that the ras oncogene may play a determinant role in rendering tu
177        Organ-specific cancers with activated ras oncogenes most often are associated exclusively with
178                      Chronic pancreatitis, K-ras oncogene mutations, and the subsequent generation of
179 ss than 10% marrow monocytes, and absence of RAS oncogene mutations.
180  similarity of the mutation spectra in the K-ras oncogene observed in tobacco smoke-induced tumors, a
181              Mutations in the Kirsten-ras (K-ras) oncogene occur early and frequently (approximately
182                                Activation of ras oncogenes occurs in a high percentage of tumors, mak
183                   The influence of activated ras oncogenes on the sensitivity of human tumor cells to
184 mice from tumors induced by mutations of the RAS oncogene or a hot spot mutation in the tumor suppres
185  cells to escape OIS caused by the activated Ras oncogene or by reduced expression of the tumor suppr
186 ultaneously, via conditional activation of K-ras oncogene or deletion of Nf1 or Pten tumor suppressor
187 erated transgenic mice with high levels of N-ras oncogene or N-ras proto-oncogene expression, driven
188 ts) and transgenic mice with low levels of N-ras oncogene or N-ras proto-oncogene expression, driven
189 ine NIH3T3 and C127 cells transformed by the Ras oncogene overexpress the Met receptor, resulting in
190             However, the precise role that K-ras oncogenes play in tumor formation is still unclear.
191                                          The ras oncogene plays an important role in the multistep pr
192 ant stages of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is K-ras oncogene point mutation.
193                Cysteine farnesylation of the ras oncogene product Ras is required for its transformin
194  NORE1A has been shown to bind to the active Ras oncogene product.
195                                          The Ras oncogene products regulate the expression of genes i
196 ansforming activity than the closely related Ras oncogene products.
197                                    Activated ras oncogenes protect cells from this form of apoptosis.
198                                              Ras oncogene proteins are plasma membrane-associated sig
199 terest in their more celebrated cousins, the Ras oncogene proteins.
200                                          The Ras oncogene regulates cellular proliferation, different
201 er transformation to tumorigenicity with the ras oncogene resulted in loss of detectable LRAT express
202                          Transformation with ras oncogenes results in increased radiation sur vival i
203 hown to inhibit the transforming activity of Ras oncogene signaling.
204                                    Thus, the ras oncogene specifically renders human cells more sensi
205 ivating point mutations in codon 12 of the K-ras oncogene, suggesting that K-ras mutational status ma
206 n with transforming growth factor-alpha or K-Ras oncogene, synergistically induced AR expression and
207  In this study, we provide evidence that the ras oncogene, targeted to a specifically sensitive cell
208      The mice carry in the germline a mutant ras oncogene that has an arginine at codon 12 instead of
209 fy a single base mutation in codon 12 of a K-ras oncogene that has high diagnostic value for colorect
210 occurred in Tg.AC mice, which carry the v-Ha-ras oncogene, that received arsenic in the drinking wate
211 n (col1a1) is markedly down-regulated by the ras oncogene through the mitogen-activated protein kinas
212                           The ability of the Ras oncogene to transform normal cells has been well est
213                            However, T24 c-Ha-ras oncogene-transfected MCF10A cells (MCF10AT) form sma
214 factors (RalGEFs) serve as key effectors for Ras oncogene transformation of immortalized human cells.
215 ly restores AP-2 transcriptional activity in ras oncogene-transformed cells suggesting that it might
216                                              ras oncogene-transformed PA-1 human teratocarcinoma cell
217   We found that human tumor cells containing ras oncogenes upon entry into the S phase of the cell cy
218                        In both tumors, the N-ras oncogene was mutated.
219                     The presence of a mutant ras oncogene was not a prerequisite for sensitivity.
220                            For instance, the Ras oncogene was postulated to signal through cyclin D1,
221  G of GG doublets in codon 12 in the various ras oncogenes was affected by the base immediately upstr
222  Since mouse lung tumors present a mutated K-ras oncogene, we hypothesized that this special suscepti
223                             Mutations of the ras oncogene were not identified.
224                  Whereas cells lacking the K-Ras oncogene were unable to efficiently form xenograft t
225  cell lines with one containing an activated ras oncogene were used to study the basis for differenti
226  had been transfected with the c-myc or c-Ha-ras oncogene were X-irradiated, after which individual c
227                                              Ras-oncogenes were discovered over three decades ago, bu
228 ng to the leucine 61 oncogenic lesion of the ras oncogenes when introduced into R-ras3, activates its
229           A few cultures were transformed by ras oncogenes when transfected with DNA from neoplastic
230 us carcinomas (SCCs) induced by an activated Ras oncogene, whereas FVB/N mice are highly susceptible.
231 A549 and NCI-H460, each have a mutant active Ras oncogene, whereas the two melanoma lines G361 and M1
232 ancer is an activating point mutation in the Ras oncogene, which disrupts its GTPase activity and lea
233 cal for the function of the gene products of ras oncogenes, which are frequently mutated in cancer.
234 hat both, the N-ras proto-oncogene and the N-ras oncogene with a C:G-->A:T mutation at codon 61, lead
235 lay marked differences in the association of RAS oncogenes with tumor type.
236  anchorage-independent growth induced by the ras oncogene, with the use of a somatic cell mutant fibr

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