


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ression of MMP9 also contributes to impaired re-epithelialization.
2 s suggested a function during the process of re-epithelialization.
3 romotes wound edge IGF1R phosphorylation and re-epithelialization.
4 pha SMA and TGF beta, neovascularization and re-epithelialization.
5 monstrated that beta-AR agonists delay wound re-epithelialization.
6 orneas before (original) and after (regrown) re-epithelialization.
7 , and ultimately accelerate human skin wound re-epithelialization.
8 arly leukocyte emigration appears to promote re-epithelialization.
9 icosatrienoic acid, had no impact on corneal re-epithelialization.
10 with neutralizing VEGFR-1 antibodies delayed re-epithelialization.
11 e in glycoprotein expression occurred during re-epithelialization.
12 al cells did not express Dsc3 or Dsg3 during re-epithelialization.
13 or eosinophils in negatively affecting wound re-epithelialization.
14  and the resultant phenotypic change directs re-epithelialization.
15 enhances keratinocyte migration and promotes re-epithelialization.
16 fects of genes and molecules affecting wound re-epithelialization.
17  with AT-RvD3, which also promoted cutaneous re-epithelialization.
18 is leading to increased proliferation during re-epithelialization.
19 d induced AD-like lesions, there was delayed re-epithelialization.
20 peutic penetrating keratoplasty; and time to re-epithelialization.
21 ing amniotic membrane grafting to facilitate re-epithelialization.
22 Keratinocyte migration is critical for wound re-epithelialization.
23 py and require debridement and AMT for rapid re-epithelialization.
24 dermal fibroblasts are recruited only during re-epithelialization.
25 he local inflammatory response and promoting re-epithelialization.
26 rocesses, including cell migration and wound re-epithelialization.
27 mpairs keratinocyte migration and skin wound re-epithelialization.
28 d exposure to estrogen markedly delays wound re-epithelialization.
29 excisional wounds enhanced the rate of wound re-epithelialization.
30 (4) or NPD1 (1 microg) increased the rate of re-epithelialization (65-90%, n = 6-10, p < 0.03) and at
31 ture were examined by IF at times up to full re-epithelialization (96 hours).
32 g/mL TGF-beta 1 induced a transient delay in re-epithelialization, a reduction in proliferation, and
33 l cytoarchitectural changes and the onset of re-epithelialization after 18 h post-injury.
34   In vivo, TIMP-1 deficiency enhanced airway re-epithelialization after naphthalene injury.
35 roteinases by resident corneal cells impedes re-epithelialization after some types of corneal injury.
36 r increased keratinocyte migration and hence re-epithelialization, although the mechanisms responsibl
37 t day 2-4 postwound, resulting in a complete re- epithelialization and profound granulation tissue fo
38                       Eyes were examined for re-epithelialization and clarity throughout the 21-day o
39  enhanced wound closure, vascularization and re-epithelialization and confirmed that DRP1 has a vital
40  we demonstrate a beta2-AR-mediated delay in re-epithelialization and decrease in wound-induced epide
41 and that abrogation of this response impairs re-epithelialization and efficient wound closure.
42 human AM lumican to cultured medium promoted re-epithelialization and enhanced cell proliferation of
43                                              Re-epithelialization and epithelial cell division were b
44 ng, influencing multiple processes including re-epithelialization and granulation tissue matrix depos
45 wound closure resulted primarily from faster re-epithelialization and increased formation of granulat
46 ion of these cells resulted in delayed wound re-epithelialization and kinetics of wound closure.
47 signaling system for wound repair, promoting re-epithelialization and modulating the maturation of th
48 erimental gastric ulcer healing and promoted re-epithelialization and muscle restoration.
49 ient mice exhibited a defect in both corneal re-epithelialization and neutrophil recruitment that cor
50 osal wound-healing is characterized by rapid re-epithelialization and remodeling, with minimal scar f
51 smooth muscle cells, which are essential for re-epithelialization and restoration of muscular structu
52 ls acquire a collagenolytic phenotype during re-epithelialization and that contact with different ECM
53 for wound-healing interventions that enhance re-epithelialization and the formation of granulation ti
54 ate receptors and EAAC1 were observed during re-epithelialization, and alterations in N-methyl-D-aspa
55 t with inflammatory responses, wound healing re-epithelialization, and altered differentiation.
56 oliferation, keratinocyte proliferation with re-epithelialization, and angiogenesis compared with der
57 d healing by stimulating cell proliferation, re-epithelialization, and angiogenesis in a diabetic mic
58 ying diagnoses, previous treatments, days to re-epithelialization, and complications for subsequent a
59 visual acuity, infiltrate/scar size, time to re-epithelialization, and corneal perforation.
60 aling kinetics, including wound contraction, re-epithelialization, and microscopic metrics such as ce
61 the limbus of abraded corneas contributes to re-epithelialization, and P-selectin provides a necessar
62 ffects of exogenous IGF-1 on cell migration, re-epithelialization, and proliferation-essential compon
63 he defect, number of specimens with complete re-epithelialization, and rate of wound closure were eva
64  of treatment, durability of the neosquamous re-epithelialization, and safety of the procedure were d
65 hronic skin wounds are characterized by poor re-epithelialization, angiogenesis and granulation.
66                          Surprisingly, wound re-epithelialization, angiogenesis, and collagen synthes
67 healing characterized by impaired or delayed re-epithelialization are a serious medical problem.
68 vo, we reveal that IGF-1-mediated effects on re-epithelialization are directly mediated by IGF-1R.
69 ough HoxD3-treated wounds also show improved re-epithelialization as compared to control db/db wounds
70      This delay included a decreased rate of re-epithelialization as well as a delay in dermal reorga
71 cluded microbiologic cure at 6 days, rate of re-epithelialization, best-corrected visual acuity and i
72 ngiogenesis, dermal fibroblast function, and re-epithelialization, but had no effect on wound inflamm
73 e mobilization is a critical aspect of wound re-epithelialization, but the mechanisms that control it
74  that TIMP-1 overexpression restricts airway re-epithelialization by inhibiting matrilysin activity,
75 ypoxia component of ischemia may limit wound re-epithelialization by stabilizing HIF-1alpha, which in
76 loss, activated parietal cells mediated tuft re-epithelialization by two distinct mechanisms.
77 rin does not significantly alter the rate of re-epithelialization, collagen deposition, or tensile st
78 y naltrexone (NTX) showed an acceleration in re-epithelialization compared to controls.
79 s four times daily significantly accelerated re-epithelialization compared to controls.
80 roved epidermal cellular migration and wound re-epithelialization compared with vehicle-treated STZ-d
81 )-integrins show enhanced wound healing with re-epithelialization complete several days earlier than
82           Inhibition of Wnt signalling after re-epithelialization completely abrogates this wounding-
83                    Wound healing consists of re-epithelialization, contraction and formation of granu
84  PKD1-deficient mice exhibited delayed wound re-epithelialization correlated with a reduced prolifera
85                                       Before re-epithelialization (days 1 and 2) V+, EIIIA+, and EIII
86                                        After re-epithelialization (days 3 to 42) and reconstitution o
87 c wound healing as a consequence of complete re-epithelialization, diminished inflammation, and enhan
88 ha9beta1 is crucial for efficient and proper re-epithelialization during cutaneous wound healing.
89        Cell migration is an integral part of re-epithelialization during skin wound healing, a comple
90 lagenase (MMP-1) expression is important for re-epithelialization during wound healing and indicate t
91 servations suggest that APLP2 contributes to re-epithelialization during wound healing by supporting
92    Keratinocyte migration is a key aspect of re-epithelialization during wound healing.
93 ad2 in regulating keratinocyte migration and re-epithelialization during wound healing.
94 litates cell migration and proliferation and re-epithelialization during wound healing.
95 he OR 2AT4 is involved in human keratinocyte re-epithelialization during wound-healing processes.
96 und healing by rapid wound closure, improved re-epithelialization, enhanced extracellular matrix remo
97 directionally into the wound bed to initiate re-epithelialization, essential for wound repair and res
98                                    Following re-epithelialization, expression of the syndecans return
99 ic epithelial T cells (DETCs), which promote re-epithelialization following injury.
100 Skints, or DETCs are silenced in young skin, re-epithelialization following wounding is perturbed.
101 tinocytes are fully differentiated, to study re-epithelialization following wounding.
102 ired prohealing functions by promoting wound re-epithelialization, formulation of granulation tissue,
103 ion, redox response, inflammation, epidermis re-epithelialization, granulation formation, and proper
104                 Healing was induced by rapid re-epithelialization, granulation tissue formation, and
105 ic animals, they coacted to accelerate wound re-epithelialization, granulation tissue formation, and
106                      These studies show that re-epithelialization, granulation tissue formation, incl
107 igher MIC was associated with slower time to re-epithelialization (hazards ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, .86-.
108 nding that beta-AR antagonists promote wound re-epithelialization in a "chronic" human skin wound-hea
109                    The incidence of complete re-epithelialization in animals given systemic administr
110 e-epithelialization in pig burn wounds (100% re-epithelialization in antagonist-treated wounds vs. ap
111        The significant impairment in corneal re-epithelialization in AQP3-deficient mice results from
112 agonist-treated wounds vs. approximately 70% re-epithelialization in control wounds on postburn day 2
113 ted inflammation and significantly increased re-epithelialization in corneal wounds.
114 rylation in human skin wounds and a delay in re-epithelialization in murine tail-clip wounds.
115  a keratinocyte cell line and enhances wound re-epithelialization in ob/ob mice.
116  of a synthetic TGF-b antagonist accelerates re-epithelialization in pig burn wounds (100% re-epithel
117 in does not appear to be required for proper re-epithelialization in response to injury, potentially
118 cycles of hair follicle regeneration and for re-epithelialization in response to wounding.
119               We found that wound closure by re-epithelialization in the experimental group was 4 day
120 inocytes to stimulate cell proliferation and re-epithelialization in the skin, whereas IL-27 leads to
121 type of oral keratinocytes is altered during re-epithelialization in vitro and that this process is m
122  addition, a deficiency of TNF-alpha delayed re-epithelialization in vivo and this correlated with re
123                              Time to corneal re-epithelialization in vivo was significantly delayed i
124 ocytes in vitro, we found no effect on wound re-epithelialization in vivo.
125 hat these cells may also contribute to wound re-epithelialization in vivo.
126 crucial part in the pathogenesis of retarded re-epithelialization in wound.
127 nocytes from the adjacent epidermis and make re-epithelialization independent of keratinocyte prolife
128                                              Re-epithelialization involves interactions between kerat
129                                     Impaired re-epithelialization is a hallmark of these wounds, whic
130 endogenous "wound current" upon injury until re-epithelialization is complete.
131 inocytes late in the regenerative phase when re-epithelialization is completed and matrix maturation
132 cells being located in the basal layer until re-epithelialization is completed.
133 ng a rat thermal injury model suggested that re-epithelialization is impeded by products of resident
134 bited; bone histolysis does not occur, wound re-epithelialization is inhibited and the blastema does
135                                              Re-epithelialization is not dependent on DNA synthesis i
136 onal role of keratinocyte alpha9beta1 during re-epithelialization is unknown and analysis has been pr
137                                           On re-epithelialization, MCT3 was detected in chick and hfR
138 directionally into the wound bed to initiate re-epithelialization, necessary for wound closure and re
139 was associated with increased proliferation, re-epithelialization, neovascularization, and blood flow
140                                              Re-epithelialization, neutrophil influx, and platelet ac
141                          In this manner, all re-epithelialization occurred from residual appendageal
142                                              Re-epithelialization occurred in 17 of 20 eyes.
143                                              Re-epithelialization occurs as keratinocytes are activat
144                                              Re-epithelialization of 5- to 6-mm-wide rabbit corneal e
145  (HK) migration plays a critical role in the re-epithelialization of acute skin wounds.
146 ay epithelial repair and is required for the re-epithelialization of airway wounds by facilitating ce
147 ed the expression of MCT3 after wounding and re-epithelialization of chick RPE explant and human feta
148 in MCT expression after scratch wounding and re-epithelialization of chick RPE/choroid explant cultur
149 beta signaling would be predicted to enhance re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds and reduce scar
150                                              Re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds in adult mammal
151 collagenase-1-dependent migration during the re-epithelialization of epidermal wounds.
152 tinocytes in intact skin and is required for re-epithelialization of human skin wounds.
153 cyte motility plays an important role in the re-epithelialization of human skin wounds.
154 rate that L. rhamnosus GG lysate accelerates re-epithelialization of keratinocyte scratch assays, pot
155 ancer cells in the brain by facilitating the re-epithelialization of metastatic breast cancer cells a
156 ted that PAM induced senescence and impaired re-epithelialization of oral mucosa.
157 of collagenase-1 in ex vivo wounded skin and re-epithelialization of partial thickness porcine burn w
158                                              Re-epithelialization of partial- or full-thickness skin
159                                              Re-epithelialization of skin wounds depends upon the mig
160 otes neovascularization, resulting in faster re-epithelialization of skin wounds in diabetic mice.
161 ng progenitor epithelial cells contribute to re-epithelialization of the airway and re-establishment
162                                      Delayed re-epithelialization of the cornea after injury usually
163 ring with opioid-receptor interaction during re-epithelialization of the cornea in the rat using both
164                       The data revealed that re-epithelialization of the corneal epithelium is not de
165 , and 4 weeks after surgery for the complete re-epithelialization of the palatal wound (CWE), the alt
166 healed wounds while simultaneously promoting re-epithelialization of the remaining provisional wound.
167  The mean best-corrected visual acuity after re-epithelialization of the shield ulcer was 20/30, 20/3
168 flammation and by enhancing angiogenesis and re-epithelialization of the wound, thereby reversing the
169 ation to form a thick granulation tissue and re-epithelialization of the wounds.
170                                              Re-epithelialization of treated monolayers was compared
171 y, unlike galectin-3, galectin-7 accelerated re-epithelialization of wounds in both gal3(-/-) and gal
172             Exogenous galectin-3 accelerated re-epithelialization of wounds in gal3(+/+) mice but, su
173 llicles (HFs) are able to contribute to this re-epithelialization of wounds in vivo.
174 d suggest a potential mechanism for enhanced re-epithelialization of wounds under low oxygen tensions
175 o different models of corneal wound healing, re-epithelialization of wounds was significantly slower
176                The extent of acceleration of re-epithelialization of wounds with both galectin-3 and
177 drate-binding proteins galectins-3 and -7 in re-epithelialization of wounds.
178  3 after injury (28 +/- 5% versus 79 +/- 14% re-epithelialization, P < 0.005).
179 l structures as sources of keratinocytes for re-epithelialization, particularly the sweat apparatus.
180                                              Re-epithelialization, patterns of neutrophil influx and
181 to the dermal compartment to synchronize the re-epithelialization process.
182                                              Re-epithelialization progressed as a gradient of cell la
183            Presence of desmosomes throughout re-epithelialization raises the question of how migratin
184                                          The re-epithelialization rate was similar among treatment gr
185 filtrate/scar size, corneal perforation, and re-epithelialization rates stratified by culture positiv
186 uch macrophage depletion resulted in delayed re-epithelialization, reduced collagen deposition, impai
187                                 In addition, re-epithelialization requires long-range epithelial rear
188           Collective processes such as wound re-epithelialization result from the integration of indi
189 They contribute to inflammation, histolysis, re-epithelialization, revascularization and cell prolife
190 ect keratinocyte migration, proliferation or re-epithelialization, suggesting that the effect of bery
191 e capacity to migrate and contribute to this re-epithelialization: the less differentiated cells of t
192 udy was to determine whether TIMP-1 inhibits re-epithelialization through matrilysin.
193               First, COL7A1 was required for re-epithelialization through organization of laminin-332
194 als were sacrificed at day 3 before making a re-epithelialization time analysis with fluorescein stai
195                                              Re-epithelialization time and best-corrected visual acui
196                       main outcome measures: Re-epithelialization time and best-corrected visual acui
197 h lamellar de-epithelialization, followed by re-epithelialization to form an epithelialized tunnel as
198 n response to manual debridement wounds when re-epithelialization took more than 24 hours.
199 icroRNAs may be implicated in limiting wound re-epithelialization under hypoxia, a major component of
200 nt evidence revealed that DAMPs also trigger re-epithelialization upon kidney injury and contribute t
201                                        Wound re-epithelialization was also significantly faster in be
202 f AQP3-facilitated cell migration to corneal re-epithelialization was assessed using an organ culture
203 erproliferative in response to wounding, and re-epithelialization was complete by 24 h.
204                       By 5 d after wounding, re-epithelialization was complete in all EGFR wild-type
205  of TGF-beta receptor immunoreactivity until re-epithelialization was completed by day 7 after woundi
206                                              Re-epithelialization was delayed with a deficient deline
207 moval of the corneal epithelium by scraping, re-epithelialization was followed by fluorescein stainin
208                                              Re-epithelialization was rapid and complete within 3 day
209                        In the grade 2 group, re-epithelialization was seen in 36 (88%) eyes that rece
210                        In the grade 1 group, re-epithelialization was seen in 67 (94%) eyes.
211                        In the grade 3 group, re-epithelialization was seen in only 1 (1.7%) eye that
212                                              Re-epithelialization was significantly delayed in mice w
213 n of marapsin, which closely correlated with re-epithelialization, was virtually absent in a genetic
214            To address mechanisms of impaired re-epithelialization we examined MMP9 expression in vivo
215 esent the most promising targets to engineer re-epithelialization, we examined collective and individ
216 e keratinocyte behavior and phenotype during re-epithelialization, we have investigated this process
217                         Therefore, targeting re-epithelialization, which mainly involves keratinocyte
218 e monolayer scratch assay was used to assess re-epithelialization; which comprises keratinocyte proli
219  for wound closure, keratinocyte AR promoted re-epithelialization, while fibroblast AR suppressed it.
220 lactosidase transgene (n = 4) impaired wound re-epithelialization with an epithelial gap of 5.11 +/-
221 kin from Smad7 tg mice exhibited accelerated re-epithelialization, with increased activation of extra
222  reuteri significantly increased the rate of re-epithelialization, with L. rhamnosus GG being the mos
223 ) mice displayed significantly delayed wound re-epithelialization, with the greatest delay at day 3 a
224 ocalization, proliferation, human skin wound re-epithelialization, wound-induced ERK phosphorylation,

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