


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g specific pathogen-free room, these lesions reappear.
2 r with the loss of vortex mobility, but then reappear.
3 lting commitment to sporulation if nutrients reappear.
4 tate is destabilized and number fluctuations reappear.
5 r 2005, when the Cassini spacecraft saw them reappear.
6 lation that subjects already know, the error reappears.
7 a distinct spike burst when the same pattern reappears.
8 embled, and properly polarized actin patches reappeared.
9 uished, whereas with 50 ms between floors it reappeared.
10 haracteristic current pattern of fenvalerate reappeared.
11  growth restarted, but only after SAMHD1 had reappeared.
12 ophilic infiltration (>/=15 eosinophils/hpf) reappeared.
13 n faded, and the original adaptation effects reappeared.
14 on (pH >12), signals from the pigment moiety reappeared.
15         Rickets, once thought vanquished, is reappearing.
16                                    Will SARS reappear?
17                               Spontaneous VT reappeared 13.1+/-6.0 days after surgery (phase 2 VT).
18 d classical or early preconditioning, or can reappear 24 hours later as second window or late precond
19 ubsequently, CSW virtually vanished, only to reappear a quarter century later in the neurosurgical li
20 lls mostly disappear by 5 h, and they do not reappear after 1 wk.
21  in registration across leaflets, and do not reappear after temperature is cycled.
22 rating rat OE, where HBCs disappear and then reappear after tissue lesion.
23                        One genotype H strain reappeared after an absence of 4 years.
24          The functional neuronal impairments reappeared after infusion of soluble Abeta, mechanistica
25 n heterozygous mothers during pregnancy, but reappeared after parturition.
26 ereas SICI was absent during contraction and reappeared after relaxation.
27                               14-3-3 binding reappeared after several hours of re-feeding with sugars
28 nt (P < 0.0001); however, once again, tumors reappeared after the termination of therapy despite an e
29 r the administration of antibiotics and then reappeared after withdrawal of antibiotics.
30                      Extinguished fear often reappears after extinction through spontaneous recovery.
31 amic inhibitory synapses often disappear and reappear again in the same location.
32        The sensitivity to arginine partially reappeared again 30 residues away from the signal sequen
33 n early anagen, then gradually declined, and reappeared again in middle catagen.
34 low15 K the k component of the ICM structure reappears, along with second-order ICM Bragg peaks, whic
35 wly moving stimuli, the latter disappear and reappear alternately for periods of several seconds.
36 ng sulfide caused the g(av) = 1.82 signal to reappear and activity to recover.
37  found that all three NM-II-GFP isoforms can reappear and form filaments but to different degrees in
38 ression disappeared after 19 to 34 weeks but reappeared and was sustained, in one dog beyond 16 month
39 veloped to deal with this virus if it should reappear, and prospective vaccines must be developed to
40 n further passages, however, the GLuc signal reappeared, and after eight passages it had reached the
41         However, 2 weeks later, her symptoms reappeared, and therefore, she was admitted to the Natio
42                          Later, both stimuli reappeared, and to receive a reward the monkeys had to c
43 wrinkles can be permanently erased and never reappear; and (3) irreversible wrinkles formation II: on
44 d the emerging threat that old pathogens may reappear as new agents of terrorism, measles virus (MV)
45 ent during mitosis and early G(1) phase, and reappeared as cells progressed through G(1) phase.
46 time of first polar body formation, and then reappeared as larger clusters in mature eggs.
47 the original 14 fusion-positive small clones reappeared as the dominant relapse clone.
48 arge-budded cells undergoing cytokinesis, it reappears as a ring at the neck.
49  however, are often temporary and the cancer reappears as androgen-independent tumor, suggesting the
50 this therapy invariably fails and the cancer reappears as castration-resistant disease.
51 decomposition, to shallower levels, where it reappears as latent heat of condensation of ice.
52   After a delay period, the same two stimuli reappeared (as choice stimuli), and the monkeys' task wa
53 les than in males), disappeared at 8 wk, and reappeared at 16 and 52 wk.
54  cellular migration across the wound, but it reappeared at points of cell contact during the reinitia
55 resistance-associated variants (RAVs) stably reappeared at relapse in all 3 patients with virologic f
56 he next time the extract entered M phase and reappeared at the end of mitosis.
57 rylation of Cdc2, absent during cycles 2-12, reappeared at the midblastula transition coincident with
58                    In regressor nice, tumors reappeared at the site of injection when Flt3-L therapy
59 ssion ceased during catagen and telogen, but reappeared at the start of the postnatal hair cycle, con
60 ry NS3 and NS5A variant detected at baseline reappeared at the time of relapse and persisted througho
61 tsZ and remains at division septa after FtsZ reappears at the equators of daughter cells.
62                                         AIR9 reappears at the former PPB site precisely when the cort
63 helation and proteolysis with subtilisin and reappears at the tips of stereocilia as transduction rec
64            The idea of motor equivalence has reappeared because single-cell studies in monkeys have s
65 iscibility transition temperature (Tmix) and reappear below Tmix, over multiple heating and cooling c
66 ant differences in muscle tissue oxygenation reappeared between groups (2.0 +/- 0.3, 1.5 +/- 0.7, and
67 have limited image quality and resolution to reappear both amplitude and phase information required o
68 ng associated with cup-like efferent endings reappears but is not completely restored even after 60 d
69              Over the next few days, neurons reappear, but only in those areas in which GBCs are pres
70 continued irradiation the fluorescence often reappeared, but all molecules did not show the same beha
71 ocytes and neurons in 0-min slices, began to reappear by 1 hour, and had fully recovered by 3 hours.
72 y 3 days, and substantial numbers of neurons reappear by 4 days.
73 radation of IkappaB-alpha, but IkappaB-alpha reappears by 4 h without resequestration of NF-kappaB.
74                  A significant percentage of reappearing CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells newly expressed ac
75 hosphate diet, premature aging-like features reappeared, clearly suggesting that phosphate toxicity i
76 uration as meiosis resumes, Cyclin A protein reappears, coincident with polyadenylation of the mRNA a
77  temperature (30 degrees C), the transcripts reappeared coordinately about 15 min after the first syn
78 ndent manner, but the activity of the enzyme reappears due to the slow hydrolysis of the covalently a
79 H/D exchange causes the C5-OH(exo) signal to reappear during relaxation upon annealing to 230 K; for
80 xpressed during non-oscillatory behavior but reappear during subsequent gamma-oscillatory events.
81                                      LR-GBCs reappear during the acute recovery period following MeBr
82 ed during the first half of the stimulus and reappeared during the second half and prerelease periods
83 esis, declines during the larval stages, and reappears during pupation.
84 ules traversed an endothelial monolayer, and reappeared focally compacted on its distal surface, away
85                 Two days later, type C cells reappear, followed at 4.5 days by migrating neuroblasts.
86 er population decreases in size with age but reappears following immunization of older RAG2:GFP mice.
87 onset, remaining invisible for 750 ms before reappearing for the last 200 ms of motion.
88 imination about a small target stimulus that reappeared from "behind" a peripheral occluding band.
89      Results indicated that MIB occasionally reappeared from suppression with its salient yellow targ
90                                           It reappeared, however, in spontaneous retransformants deri
91 n and new RNA synthesis, because Kit did not reappear if cycloheximide or actinomycin D was added to
92  of Gcr1p disappears in delta gcr2 cells but reappears if they harbor a doubly point-mutated GCR1 all
93  to undetectable levels, the virus generally reappears if treatment is stopped.
94  which some taxa become undetectable only to reappear in a subsequent season.
95  failure and hypertrophy, ANF expression can reappear in adult ventricular cardiomyocytes.
96 eech tracking and analytic auditory training reappear in computerized forms.
97 sidered a "law" that a lost structure cannot reappear in evolution.
98  yet, days after the first rains, mosquitoes reappear in large numbers.
99 oncerted function, that combination tends to reappear in multiple genomic contexts.
100 sappeared early in metamorphosis and did not reappear in the adult.
101 sed drug piperaquine, and mature gametocytes reappear in the bloodstream 10 days after the initial ap
102 sequently these activated dermal macrophages reappear in the bone marrow to aid in disruption of hema
103 ansient, however, and within hours the STATs reappear in the cytoplasm.
104 ell to detect sensitizing antigens when they reappear in the gut lumen.
105 etocytes exhibit increased deformability and reappear in the peripheral circulation, allowing uptake
106 erved in the heterozygous NT animals did not reappear in the serially produced null animals.
107                    Recurrent obstruction has reappeared in 3 of these 17 children during follow-up.
108                                      Varices reappeared in 37% of children, and 97% survived for 3 ye
109                                      Varices reappeared in 45%, and 10% had breakthrough bleeding; 84
110              The characteristic green colour reappeared in a small portion of mycelia during mid-expo
111 C deficiency silent, but its negative impact reappeared in a strain lacking both PDHC and formate hyd
112           Pericardial effusions resolved and reappeared in both groups.
113  for myeloid cell chemotaxis and homeostasis reappeared in BRAFi-resistant tumors.
114                             Human CD8+ cells reappeared in circulation as early as 2-3 wk.
115  sequentially studied individuals, HSV-2 DNA reappeared in clinically and histologically normal-appea
116      Their magnetic orientation capabilities reappeared in electrically grounded, aluminium-screened
117                                      Cholera reappeared in Haiti in October, 2010 after decades of ab
118                          All three subgroups reappeared in Japan, a wintering site for waterfowl from
119                   In cases in which speckles reappeared in K-fragment K fibers, speckles and K fragme
120 e underwent an enterohepatic circulation and reappeared in liver tissue and bile ducts after approxim
121 n declined as PCa developed in the gland but reappeared in lymph node and bone metastases.
122                                      HBV DNA reappeared in one patient with histological evidence of
123                  OspC-expressing spirochetes reappeared in SCID mice after the anti-OspC antibody was
124                         PKH(+) cells already reappeared in the afferent lymph after 4 h.
125         After withdrawal of GCV, osteoblasts reappeared in the bone compartment together with a recov
126 table by in situ hybridization at birth, but reappeared in the hindbrain during the 1st postnatal wee
127             In 2000-2002, H5N1 avian viruses reappeared in the poultry markets of Hong Kong, although
128 as blocked for a period (30-90 min) but then reappeared in the presence of the drugs.
129 ranscript, because this long atp1 transcript reappeared in the progeny from self-crosses.
130 ile an infiltration of >/=15 eosinophils/hpf reappeared in the remaining two patients.
131 , 0.99; 95% CI, 0.95-1.03; P = .64) and then reappeared in young adulthood (ages 18-36 years: aHR, 0.
132 rcept disappeared for several minutes before reappearing in a distant location, providing direct evid
133 then displaced across a broad region, before reappearing in southwest Europe at the height of the las
134 atopoietic progenitors and is then silenced, reappearing in the platelet/thrombocyte lineage.
135 y is detected in hyper-excitable conditions, reappears in each culture group in the presence of these
136                  MacroH2A protein expression reappears in embryos after the 8-cell stage and persists
137 pears transiently during cellularization but reappears in patches in the subaleurone cell walls aroun
138                       This embryonic process reappears in several pathological situations, such as va
139 etaphase II-arrested eggs and because CENP-E reappears in telophase of mouse oocytes activated in the
140  single band during early embryogenesis that reappears in the adult gut, and recognizes a 57-kDa fusi
141 reverts to its original phosphorylated form, reappears in the cytoplasm, and again displays a low aff
142 st in prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and reappears in the high-grade tumors, suggesting a complex
143 rate and differentiate, but GFP subsequently reappears in the Pax7(+) reserve population.
144 rent after 6 days, but end buds subsequently reappeared, indicating that the inhibition of beta1 inte
145                                        Espin reappeared later in inner ear development in differentia
146 pment, ATML1 mRNA disappeared altogether but reappeared later only in the L1 layer of the shoot apica
147 l visual response, but the modulation of LGN reappears later in the response, suggesting separate ear
148               Should the sensitizing antigen reappear, mast cells detect it and signal its presence t
149 n, transcripts from mioC that traversed oriC reappeared more slowly in seqA+ dam+ cells than in seqA-
150 -3 class E vps double mutants these proteins reappear on the vacuole.
151 bination kinetics between P798+ and [FA/FB]- reappeared on a laser flash.
152  when treatment with HU was withheld, and it reappeared on treatment rechallenge.
153 sponsible for species recognition constantly reappears on a local basis.
154 al of TPO from the supernatant, Mpl promptly reappears on the cell surface, suggesting that a pool of
155 29 IgG shows that pulse affinity-labeled p29 reappears on the plasma membrane approximately 2 h after
156                              GBV-C RNA never reappeared once it was cleared, and there were no new GB
157 -like current (n=1113 trials) caused EADs to reappear over a wide range of Ito conductance (0.005-0.1
158 fter Embryonic Day 14 in both sexes and then reappears postnatally in the supporting cells of the gon
159 , 0.5-1.75 h after disappearance the hormone reappeared, reaching 20% (median, 5%) of the initial max
160 tudy now suggests that wings may indeed have reappeared several times within the ancestrally wingless
161  to the cell midpoint; however, medial rings reappeared soon after switching back to the permissive t
162 sitivity of the standard clinical assay, can reappear sporadically in treatment responders.
163 V RNA of pretreatment sequence persisted and reappeared sporadically in the circulation within 8 year
164  initial trials when a plan would be formed, reappeared step by step until reward receipt, and readil
165                The unusual protonation state reappears, suggesting that crystal structures (wild type
166 ry, an old concept in medicine and dentistry reappeared: that the infection and inflammation of perio
167 o detect foreign antigens as they appear and reappear throughout the life of the individual.
168 ty under nitrogenase turnover conditions and reappeared to the original intensity when the MoFe prote
169 e wind and polar coronal holes disappear and reappear together.
170                                   Expression reappears transiently in the left lateral-plate mesoderm
171 quires surgical removal, and the lesions may reappear unpredictably after the operation.
172  caused disappearance of the vesicles, which reappeared upon readdition of ceramide.
173 s reduced in the complex in late S and G(2), reappearing upon mitosis.
174 ing patients regarding the risk of parasites reappearing weeks after AL treatment.
175 e not permanent, and the defects immediately reappear when mannose is removed.
176 cked by the Ito blocker 4-aminopyridine, but reappeared when a virtual current with appropriate Ito-l
177 clovir sensitivity, although resistant virus reappeared when antiviral prophylaxis was resumed.
178                              Dimer formation reappeared when arginine mutants were mixed with other A
179 ll-mediated skin symptoms was observed which reappeared when CyA treatment was reduced or stopped.
180 -fixing conditions (aerobic, N-enriched) but reappeared when shifted to conditions favoring N2 fixati
181  same time as ftsZ transcription begins, and reappears when ftsZ transcription decreases at the end o
182 pears as the pentacoordinate state forms and reappears when pentacoordinate NO-Hb is reconverted to t
183  salient target spontaneously disappears and reappears when surrounded by a moving mask.
184  When drug treatment ceased, HBV DNA species reappeared with a pattern that recapitulated the initiat
185 cificity and conserved T-cell receptor later reappeared with further C-peptide loss over the next 2 y
186 e eliminated by a gap junction uncoupler and reappeared with its removal.
187 ed during either learning or washout, errors reappeared with performance immediately returning to the
188 olved after discontinuation of sirolimus and reappeared with rechallenge.
189 y approximately 50% of the thrombin activity reappears with a t1/2 of approximately 20 min.
190 y lost with a frequency of 10(-4)-10(-5) and reappears with variegated phenotypic expression with a f
191 but annealing at 70 degrees C causes them to reappear within a few days or weeks.
192 onds of the end of the seizure, and over 80% reappeared within 3 min (taurecov = 104 +/- 22 s).
193 ing active stages of myelin destruction, but reappeared within inactive or remyelinating areas.
194 xide was then scavenged, the enzyme activity reappeared within minutes, in concert with the disappear
195 id following seizure termination: some units reappeared within tens of seconds of the end of the seiz
196 om the heat shock treatment, the IKK complex reappeared within the soluble fraction of cells and was
197   However, before completely disappearing, I reappears without another flash and reaches a second max

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