


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 shoot beyond baseline, triggered by stimulus reappearance.
2 osition and velocity at the moment of object reappearance.
3  infected cell, and may predispose to lesion-reappearance.
4 ion in planaria, increasing the rate of head reappearance.
5 ce of I kappaB alpha protein, its subsequent reappearance 90-min later or the rapid induction of I ka
6 fter DDC priming contribute to the rapid MDB reappearance and associate with MDB formation in general
7            It is proposed, however, that the reappearance and subsequent disappearance of mioC transc
8 lymerization, resulted in the time-dependent reappearance and subsequent distal accumulation of float
9 nce of PhaC(Av) at early time points and its reappearance as the molecular weight of the PHB approach
10 n the beta(2) and beta(4) regions, and their reappearance at lower temperatures indicates unfolding a
11  the pericentriolar region followed by their reappearance at the cell surface.
12 th participants less likely to report object reappearance being behind than ahead of the expected pos
13 e kinetics of this photodegradation and dark-reappearance cycling of IPU in the presence of DOM proxi
14 shed before nuclear division followed by its reappearance in divided nuclei and mother-bud necks duri
15 nscript levels in high-grade dysplasias, its reappearance in grade 3 cancers, and its diminution/abse
16 nce in adult mouse and human livers, and its reappearance in livers from carriers with chronic liver
17  of approximately 0.7 mM, and can induce its reappearance in older mutant mice (>P100).
18 , results in rephosphorylation of NFAT1, its reappearance in the cytoplasm, and a return of its DNA b
19 rements of intestinal tracer utilization and reappearance in the portal blood were used to calculate
20             Arboviruses have made unexpected reappearances in recent years.
21 232 patients achieving SVR developed HCV RNA reappearance, including five HCV genotype 1/HBV-coinfect
22    This high rate of loss and higher rate of reappearance is unlike any known nucleic acid replicon b
23 ated by desensitization, and I kappa B-alpha reappearance normally occurs within 30-60 min.
24 IN(+)], prolonged incubation facilitates the reappearance of [PIN(+)].
25  cryostat caused the release of O(2) and the reappearance of a diferrous Delta 9D.18:0-ACP complex wi
26 the entire dataset, we were able to use each reappearance of a fluorophore to improve the localizatio
27 ely following the degradation and subsequent reappearance of a GFP-tagged DELLA (GFP-RGA).
28                                          The reappearance of a given category's activity pattern corr
29 ncreased COLX expression, accompanied by the reappearance of a hypertrophic zone and IHH expression.
30 astrocytes are necessary for survival and/or reappearance of a mature phenotype in culture.
31       This recovery was complete despite the reappearance of a reduced population of CV taste buds (
32 on remains poorly understood [corrected] The reappearance of a stimulus held in WM enhanced activity
33  synthetic MC-1R antagonist resulting in the reappearance of a subapical yellow band.
34 on, with hyperdelayed loss of epithelium and reappearance of adipocytes.
35 e human mutations, the mutant represents the reappearance of an ancestral amino acid state.
36 down in 3T3-K-Ras-hi fibroblasts resulted in reappearance of an organized cytoskeleton and shutdown o
37  to phenotypes that resemble the progressive reappearance of ancestral morphologies.
38 groups, the humoral response was manifest by reappearance of anti-Gal IgM below baseline level, with
39 tigen (Ag)--positive hepatocytes followed by reappearance of anti-HCV; HCV Ag disappeared concordant
40                               Persistence or reappearance of anti-PLA2R antibodies after kidney trans
41 .3 months) after induction, with a sustained reappearance of B cells in 8 of 16 patients and with imp
42 ed from the 1D NMR spectrum by measuring the reappearance of biotin's ureido NH protons and the disap
43          It is characterized by a pronounced reappearance of both single-chain HGF/SF as well as two-
44                                          The reappearance of C2H4 along with CH4 at U less than -0.85
45 tants in CoVF-treated animals coincided with reappearance of C3.
46              This conclusion is based on the reappearance of cAMP-activated chloride currents, the re
47 o syntaxin 6-inhibited cells resulted in the reappearance of caveolin-1 and caveolae at the plasma me
48             Immunohistology demonstrated the reappearance of CD3+ and CD4+ T cells, as well as CD20+
49 munity in three such patients, including the reappearance of CD4 T-cells capable of mediating beta-ce
50 ronal death during development to unexpected reappearance of cell cycle events, we investigated the b
51 n in the centrobin-depleted cells led to the reappearance of centriolar CPAP.
52              The chronology of depletion and reappearance of CGRP-li is congruent with previously rep
53 TD expression is coupled temporally with the reappearance of cholinergic fibers in hippocampus, as as
54 val of calmodulin inhibitors resulted in the reappearance of constitutive NF-kappaB activity and the
55 esulted in restoration of acid tolerance and reappearance of cytoplasmic Ffh.
56 tively common but occurred typically without reappearance of detectable HBV DNA or ALT elevation.
57 es may in part explain the commonly observed reappearance of detectable plasma viremia in HIV-infecte
58 d by beta-cell destruction in the grafts and reappearance of diabetes.
59           An rCDI episode was defined by the reappearance of diarrhea leading to a treatment, with or
60  month 28 was the rate of major relapse (the reappearance of disease activity or worsening, with a Bi
61 on of E(Q)(indoline) followed by a very slow reappearance of E(Q)(indoline).
62                 Instead, HSV-1 prevented the reappearance of endocytosed CD1d on the cell surface by
63 itial virus load decline or the intermittent reappearance of even low levels of detectable viremia.
64  After the antibody dissipated, however, the reappearance of extracellular plaques was preceded by th
65 ticotropin was accompanied by the coincident reappearance of functional I(A) channels.
66 d the amplitude of NMDAR currents and caused reappearance of functional NMDAR channels after initiall
67 labeled GLUT4 at 15 degrees C results in the reappearance of GLUT4 in perinuclear structures and GSV
68 n; in 2 patients this was accompanied by the reappearance of HBeAg.
69  exhibited significantly higher incidence of reappearance of HBsAg after HBV reactivation (100% vs. 2
70              Serological breakthrough (i.e., reappearance of HBsAg) is the most important predictor o
71  the 2-year recurrence rates (defined by the reappearance of HBsAg) were 19% and 76%, respectively.
72 nts (8 of 40, 20%) initiated retreatment for reappearance of HBV markers, and 7 showed biochemical an
73                                              Reappearance of HCV RNA induced HCV-specific T-cell resp
74            Sequence comparisons suggest that reappearance of HCV RNA years after a SVR can be from re
75                   Lamivudine retreatment for reappearance of hepatitis B markers can achieve resumpti
76       Discontinuation of hCG resulted in the reappearance of HIV transcripts and proteins, skin lesio
77                                              Reappearance of HPV16 DNA was observed in 18% of women.
78      Stopping AS-ODN was associated with the reappearance of hyperalgesia at both sites.
79                                          The reappearance of IK(IR) and the development of IK(Ca) and
80 e of surface-bound IL-15 due to the constant reappearance of IL-15 on plasma membranes.
81 C-immunized or nonimmunized mice despite the reappearance of indigenous oral organisms.
82  full restoration of the B-cell pool and the reappearance of insulitis and sialitis.
83 on pathway for IPU in sunlit waters, but the reappearance of IPU in the absence of light is observed
84                                              Reappearance of Kit on day 28 fetal liver-derived mast c
85                                              Reappearance of labelled hormone was accompanied by simi
86                               The unexpected reappearance of labelled progesterone cannot be explaine
87 gyrus was correlated closely to the loss and reappearance of laminin-alpha2 chain immunoreactivity.
88 associated with cold glacial conditions, the reappearance of large lakes in the Great Basin is unlike
89                             Ten months after reappearance of LCH in the liver graft a follow-up chola
90 retinoic acid receptor type alpha blocks the reappearance of mature, olfactory marker protein (OMP) (
91                                              Reappearance of microlesions was rare within the short t
92 ns lasted for approximately 175 days despite reappearance of moderate hyperglycemia.
93 btained MRI and MDCT, we demonstrate in vivo reappearance of myocardial tissue in the MI zone accompa
94                                          The reappearance of MZ Crb is necessary to maintain an intac
95 hese vacuoles disappear in parallel with the reappearance of new SVs.
96  all of the effects were reversed, including reappearance of normal TGN morphology.
97  pharmacologic inhibition of MAPK led to the reappearance of organized actin fibers and focal contact
98 nous insulin secretion is accompanied by the reappearance of pancreatic beta cells.
99 radication at 1 year was associated with the reappearance of parietal cells, partial regression of in
100                    Tbeta4 also inhibited the reappearance of PDGF-betar after its PDGF-BB-dependent d
101 anol volume fraction generally resulted in a reappearance of peptide-lipid binding, with binding stre
102         However, in both cases, the eventual reappearance of peripheral B cells triggered autoantibod
103 initiation of zygotic transcription, and the reappearance of phosphotyrosine on Cdc2.
104                  Two of three baboons showed reappearance of pig cells on days 11 and 16, respectivel
105 ne in levels of CD8(+) T cells and the rapid reappearance of plasma viraemia.
106                     Sequencing confirmed the reappearance of pretreatment virus strains in all cases.
107 -ray binary, 4U 1630-47, coincident with the reappearance of radio emission from the jets of the sour
108 established by regain of enzyme activity and reappearance of S2B in the 1.43 angstrom resolution stru
109 sed as an early-warning system to detect the reappearance of SARS or pandemic influenza.
110 oximately 6 days p.i. and coincided with the reappearance of SCV, which increased in number at 8 days
111 HCV RNA; 5 have been followed and 2 have had reappearance of serum HCV RNA 12 months after therapy.
112        During the 18-month follow-up period, reappearance of severe bladder pathologies was rare, and
113     Worsening of hemodynamics coincided with reappearance of significant electrical (QRS width 161 +/
114 hat was again suppressed coincident with the reappearance of SIV-specific CD8+ T cells.
115 l correlated with the disappearance and then reappearance of SNV-specific IgG, indicating that the pr
116 rse of denervation-induced loss and reactive reappearance of spines in the molecular layer of the den
117 y to block spinal reflex pathways during the reappearance of spontaneous activity.
118 wever, deletion of T(reg) cells leads to the reappearance of T(H)17 cells in Il6-/- mice, suggesting
119 ythmically, peaking just before the expected reappearance of target times.
120 estigation is necessary to determine whether reappearance of TH-LI at the lesion site contributes to
121  at 25 days post-lesion all animals showed a reappearance of TH-LI staining in the lesioned region.
122                                         Slow reappearance of the AbetaCu(II) EPR signal indicates tha
123                                              Reappearance of the c-kit receptor on the cell surface r
124 ed sites showed neither barrier recovery nor reappearance of the calcium gradient at 5 h.
125                     Depletion of fuel causes reappearance of the charged moieties and leads to disass
126 ginally spared motor cortex, resulted in the reappearance of the deficits that had partially recovere
127   Late secondary injury, as indicated by the reappearance of the diffusion-weighted imaging lesion, h
128 ties around the world and to prepare for any reappearance of the disease, whether through deliberate
129 a progressive long-term retinal healing with reappearance of the ellipsoid line and visual acuity imp
130 s of the outer retinal layers can occur with reappearance of the ellipsoid zone on OCT.
131 ypertrophied and failing hearts leads to the reappearance of the fetal metabolic pattern, ie, decreas
132 Starch grain reformation appeared to precede reappearance of the graviresponse in these sucrose-fed p
133                                          The reappearance of the green signal reports the synthesis o
134 rganization of the PML nuclear body (NB) and reappearance of the IR-induced TopBP1 foci.
135 V species, but retreatment led to more rapid reappearance of the mutant virus.
136 nts on PI(4,5)P2 synthesis, we monitored the reappearance of the PI(4,5)P2-specific PH domain PH-phos
137 n changes lasted only a few weeks before the reappearance of the pretreatment envelope variants.
138 er withdrawal of the inducer, as observed by reappearance of the protein and a restoration of the ori
139                                          The reappearance of the TME in the latter clade was followed
140 ement direction had been specified either by reappearance of the visual landmark or a pro-/anti-reach
141            Cessation of treatment led to the reappearance of these abnormalities.
142          The algorithm was used to track the reappearance of these activity patterns during the recal
143 ocument that DNA replication accompanies the reappearance of these proteins in at-risk neuronal cells
144                              To minimize the reappearance of this lesion, it must be completely excis
145 gher ratios of rHCII(L444R) to thrombin, the reappearance of thrombin activity is delayed and the fin
146 teolysis of excess rHCII(L444R) precedes the reappearance of thrombin activity.
147 rly persisted in both study populations, but reappearance of toxin in fecal filtrates was observed in
148 ng the enzyme with 3-CBA (16 mM) induced the reappearance of two NepsilonH signals, those of alphaArg
149 9, and CD9 expression was accompanied with a reappearance of undifferentiated ES cells.
150 nhibited enzyme (the aging reaction) and the reappearance of unmodified AChE (spontaneous reactivatio
151                                     With the reappearance of viremia, responding CD8 and CD4 T cells
152 wever, the relapse rate, with regard to both reappearance of virus in the bloodstream and hepatic inf
153  timing of neuroinvasion, disappearance, and reappearance of virus in the CNS, and questions the abil
154 sions to levels of untreated animals without reappearance of virus, but treatment through 8 days resu
155    Here, we have investigated the subsequent reappearance of vzg-1 expression in the postnatal murine
156                 Lamivudine withdrawal led to reappearance of wild-type HBV species, but retreatment l
157 ersely, loss of response was associated with reappearance of WT1 transcripts (P < .01).
158  CD8(+) T-cell responses was associated with reappearance of WT1 transcripts, consistent with a molec
159 ucture in heart failure show plasticity with reappearance of z-grooves and T-tubules in reverse-remod
160 ants by the difference between actual object reappearance position and an extrapolation based on pre-
161 ocardium and measurement of their myocardial reappearance rate at steady state will provide a measure
162          Ascending the visual hierarchy, the reappearance-related overshoot gradually subsided for bl
163  and extent of hair cell loss and subsequent reappearance revealed by SEM corresponded with that deri
164  which no stimulus was presented, but target reappearance was anticipated in conditions of high versu
165            Cytokine-mediated I kappa B alpha reappearance was completely blocked by the protein synth
166 resynthesis, suggesting that I kappa B-alpha reappearance was prevented by continued TNF signaling.
167          On cessation of DFO infusion, NTBPI reappearance was rapid; the kinetics also being biphasic
168 when study participants detected rare target reappearances while maintaining fixation, or when the ec
169 sappearance of these genes followed by their reappearance with new positions appearing to predict the
170 iated with beta-band suppression, and target reappearances with beta-band enhancement.

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