


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ts frontolimbic functioning during cognitive reappraisal.
2 ging on renal function has prompted a recent reappraisal.
3 frontal cortex for contextual processing and reappraisal.
4 hese devices in clinical management warrants reappraisal.
5 hanged behavior, affective ties, and ingroup reappraisal.
6 orms of emotion processing such as cognitive reappraisal.
7 or DSM-III-R (SCID) was used in the clinical reappraisal.
8                                              Reappraisal, among other mechanisms, is suggested to fac
9                          However, the recent reappraisal and rejection of these steranes as contamina
10 is too simplistic - the relationship between reappraisal and resilience depends on context.
11 rocesses--positive situation classification, reappraisal, and interference inhibition--that can be in
12      Kalisch et al. argue that appraisal and reappraisal are key mechanisms promoting resilience; how
13         Kalisch et al. propose that positive reappraisal constitutes a resilience mechanism for highl
14  set of strategies defined there by allowing reappraisal during the game.
15                                              Reappraisal engages regions of the prefrontal cortex tha
16 and functional connectivity during cognitive reappraisal in a sample of healthy adults.
17 sorder (SAD) is thought to enhance cognitive reappraisal in patients with SAD.
18 with current depression in the 1982 clinical reappraisal interview with those identified by the DIS a
19 librated against blinded structured clinical reappraisal interviews to approximate the 30-day prevale
20 red with diagnoses based on blinded clinical reappraisal interviews), fully structured diagnostic int
21                                    Cognitive reappraisal is a form of emotion regulation that alters
22  lay interview was 75%, and for the clinical reappraisal it was 72%.
23       Indeed, there may be contexts in which reappraisal leads to harm, not resilience.
24 nt for Bayesian learning, wherein appraisals/reappraisals may update active inferential CP self-model
25  now is more important than ever, a critical reappraisal of available techniques in light of clinical
26 gative emotional experience during cognitive reappraisal of aversive images.
27 pervision to mitigate distress and encourage reappraisal of care during which neonatal death has occu
28                                            A reappraisal of current daptomycin dosing recommendations
29 t gaining this insight has entailed critical reappraisal of data from transplant trials that have alr
30 ge of cadaveric donors necessitates constant reappraisal of donor refusal criteria.
31                         These data suggest a reappraisal of dopaminergic therapeutic targets in migra
32                                            A reappraisal of early work has been brought about by rece
33 hether brain areas associated with voluntary reappraisal of emotional experiences also mediate the an
34 (dlPFC) functional coupling during cognitive reappraisal of emotionally negative pictures.
35 y also be the result of the patient's upward reappraisal of functional ability with increasing time.
36                                            A reappraisal of fungal associations in early land plants
37 , and the available genomic data allow for a reappraisal of gene family evolution.
38 proteins with which it interacts, allowing a reappraisal of ideas about Xist function.
39 inical use of TXA and to provide a pragmatic reappraisal of its effectiveness and safety.
40 negative affect pathway involving rVLPFC and reappraisal of negative emotion.
41 a functional neuroimaging task involving the reappraisal of negative emotional stimuli.
42  changes were observed only during cognitive reappraisal of negative images.
43                              This warrants a reappraisal of our care of critically ill patients.
44 associated with ambiguity and may call for a reappraisal of previous data.
45                   These measurements force a reappraisal of previous studies that have used erroneous
46  of the NMDA receptor coagonists, preventing reappraisal of previously published work.
47                                              Reappraisal of radiocarbon age estimates through bayesia
48 ds of subaerial exposure may necessitate the reappraisal of some of the delta(13)C anomalies associat
49 sistent with a dynamic and context-sensitive reappraisal of subjective value.
50 nd that mTLL1 binds PCOLCE1, thus suggesting reappraisal of the accepted paradigm for how PCOLCE1 enh
51  implantation is not supported by a critical reappraisal of the available evidence.
52                                            A reappraisal of the benefits and potential hazards of ICD
53                 DNA amplification allows for reappraisal of the extent of infection in men.
54  in T. brucei rhodesiense and the consequent reappraisal of the identity of this trypanosome prompt t
55 itation scheme, a logical start is an honest reappraisal of the importance and priorities of each of
56 ed mutagenesis in mice has led to a critical reappraisal of the integrated physiology of insulin acti
57                  Our findings could initiate reappraisal of the interactions between lipid assemblage
58                                              Reappraisal of the literature based on the new signal as
59 RNA and PRC2 proteins and, as such, prompt a reappraisal of the mechanism for PRC2 recruitment in X c
60 and sudden cardiac death, thus calling for a reappraisal of the mechanisms responsible for coronary i
61          Recent studies have brought about a reappraisal of the origins of junction-specific endonucl
62 2010, removal of the quarry backfill enabled reappraisal of the palaeoecology of this important site.
63  control Ag receptor allelic exclusion and a reappraisal of the physiologic relevance of this immunol
64 t strains of M. tuberculosis is leading to a reappraisal of the possibility of treating tuberculosis
65  warrant scrutiny and call for a fundamental reappraisal of the role of the ANT in liver metabolism.
66  of innate immunity have driven an important reappraisal of the role of these processes in airway dis
67                                         This reappraisal of the roles of stromal elements has also re
68                       We report a systematic reappraisal of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome that
69            In combination with a comparative reappraisal of the Site G footprints, the evidence colle
70 s, recent archaeological research suggests a reappraisal of the socio-political organization of Tiwan
71 mary headache disorders, requiring a radical reappraisal of the tenet of structural normality.
72 ranslational contributions to timekeeping, a reappraisal of the transcriptional contribution to oscil
73                                   A critical reappraisal of the underlying disease mechanisms, in par
74 eginning to emerge, necessitating a critical reappraisal of the underlying pathogenesis and therapeut
75 ts the activity of 5 and 6 and also allows a reappraisal of the unexpected activity previously report
76                 In this review, we present a reappraisal of the usefulness of high-dose cytarabine fo
77 several observations have led to a favorable reappraisal of the utility of ST segment monitoring as a
78 pidemiology and methodology dictate periodic reappraisal of these methods.
79 ease in vaccine recipients may necessitate a reappraisal of this intervention in other settings.
80                    We suggest that a radical reappraisal of this type of headache is needed and that
81 dings provide an opportunity for the present reappraisal of vascular cognitive impairment.
82 are available, there will need to be serious reappraisals of how decisions are made to advance the ne
83                              There have been reappraisals of immunomodulators and further evaluation
84                                              Reappraisals of quality of life, person-centered plannin
85 ound in studies of experimentally instructed reappraisal or value.
86 ts (25 GAD and 23 PD) reduced (via cognitive reappraisal) or maintained their emotional responses to
87                                     A recent reappraisal proposed that Phi values for DeltaDeltaG(D-N
88                                              Reappraisal-related activation was not a significant mod
89                      Modulation of cognitive reappraisal-related brain responses, timing, and functio
90                                      Greater reappraisal-related engagement of the dorsal anterior ci
91  improvements should be evident in cognitive reappraisal-related prefrontal cortex responses.
92 enuation of negative affect during cognitive reappraisal, relative to placebo, THC increased amygdala
93 xcessively positive or negative appraisal or reappraisal styles; that complex systems do not always c
94 ough ventral amygdala that predicted reduced reappraisal success (i.e., more negative emotion).
95 f the association between vlPFC activity and reappraisal success (i.e., reductions in reported emotio
96 ugh nucleus accumbens that predicted greater reappraisal success, and (2) a path through ventral amyg
97  of human participants performed a cognitive reappraisal task while undergoing fMRI.
98   Furthermore, during an effortful affective reappraisal task, nondepressed individuals showed an inv
99 bitory control (stop-signal task and emotion reappraisal task, respectively); and methamphetamine-dep
100 n, suggesting that the rVLPFC is involved in reappraisal that neutralizes negative emotional response
101                                Upon clinical reappraisal, the 1-month prevalence estimate of OCD drop
102                             During cognitive reappraisal trials, compared with wait list, CBT produce
103 ted images, measures of trait anxiety and of reappraisal use (an effective emotion-regulation style),
104                                              Reappraisal use predicted the microstructure of pathways
105 ting stronger pathways for persons with high reappraisal use.
106            Our results are consistent with a reappraisal view of control and suggest that the analges
107                                      In this reappraisal, we revisit some key properties and pivotal
108 ramarginal, and superior frontal gyri during reappraisal were among the best predictors, with greater
109                                     Clinical reappraisals were conducted with approximately 10% of th
110                                         This reappraisal will clarify relatedness within and between
111 , we tested whether prefrontal engagement by reappraisal would be associated with atherosclerotic CVD

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