


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 guidelines for cervical cancer screening are reassessed.
2 presents the toxic center of LPS needs to be reassessed.
3 approximately 0.15) and the four traits were reassessed.
4 teness of the HPS exception policy should be reassessed.
5 ASIC1a in LTP and spatial learning should be reassessed.
6 nditioned (UC) subjects], and locomotion was reassessed.
7  which the echocardiographic parameters were reassessed.
8    The outcome of these patients needs to be reassessed.
9  histories and power requirements need to be reassessed.
10 ssociated diseases will need to be carefully reassessed.
11 s, and the role of these documents should be reassessed.
12 ued SCIP measurement and reporting should be reassessed.
13 itutes an autoinflammatory disease should be reassessed.
14 an that the role of radiotherapy needs to be reassessed.
15 the program, quadriceps strength and QA were reassessed.
16 scovered a little more than 50 years ago, is reassessed.
17  the invertebrate immune systems needs to be reassessed.
18 ic effects of the IABP and the SMV were then reassessed.
19 aracteristics of the rapid antigen test were reassessed.
20 ham OFC lesions, responding to the light was reassessed.
21 , and the practice of circumcision have been reassessed.
22 rs of modified LDL uptake in vivo need to be reassessed.
23 ents after PCI, current guidelines should be reassessed.
24 of adipose tissue in obesity will need to be reassessed.
25 esence of J chain in invertebrates should be reassessed.
26 rver reproducibility of the measurements was reassessed.
27  of cold subduction zones is dry needs to be reassessed.
28 GFR inhibition in these patients needs to be reassessed.
29 l carcinoma of the head and neck needs to be reassessed.
30 ollow-up time of 4.5 years, 76 patients were reassessed.
31      Cardiac catheterization performance was reassessed 1 week post baseline assessment.
32 d more conciliatory attitudes when they were reassessed 1 y after the intervention.
33                                    They were reassessed 1 year later.
34                                           We reassessed 10 NSTEMI and 10 SA patients after 1 year.
35 aseline in rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms were reassessed 2 years after the start of treatment.
36 y food intake was assessed at enrollment and reassessed 2 years later.
37 were aged 65 to 84 years in 1993 to 1995 and reassessed 2, 6, and 8 years later.
38  for all SWHS participants at enrollment and reassessed 2-3 years later.
39 ter myocardial infarction (MI) have their EF reassessed 40 days after MI for implantable cardioverter
40                 The participants' weight was reassessed 6 mo later.
41                                Symptoms were reassessed 8 months after the hurricane.
42                        Allergy/tolerance was reassessed 9-12 months later (T1) in PEA-EA.
43     Fear extinction learning, the ability to reassess a learned cue of danger as safe when it no long
44 o bank allowances in significant numbers and reassess abatement approaches going forward.
45  as well as progression during follow-up was reassessed according to the National Cancer Institute Wo
46 , the search for past life on Mars should be reassessed accordingly.
47 were recruited into a longitudinal study and reassessed after 18 and 36 months.
48                           Safety and BW were reassessed after 6 months.
49            The ultra-high-risk subjects were reassessed after a mean of 17 months, using the same mea
50 ated with alkaline phosphatase, subsequently reassessed after a period of prestretch and finally trea
51            Here, this vast amount of data is reassessed after probing the substrate reduction steps a
52 se was induced, the vasodepressor reflex was reassessed after suppression of the asystolic reflex by
53                                Interpreter 1 reassessed all cases and repeated the BPU measurements.
54                     In 2010, a single reader reassessed all images for mammographic density using Cum
55 from a collection of esteemed researchers, I reassess and eventually find largely intact my claim tha
56  York Heart Association functional class was reassessed and an echocardiogram was obtained and compar
57   At each follow-up visit, visual acuity was reassessed and an ophthalmic examination was carried out
58 t the use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin should be reassessed and its licence status might need to be revie
59 of strains harboring single plasmids must be reassessed and the potential roles of newly identified a
60         Leaders evolve the system of care by reassessing and modifying practice patterns to continual
61 re then serially discussed, debated, edited, reassessed, and finally presented for formal voting.
62  into the aqueous humor may lead surgeons to reassess appropriate dosing and patient selection when t
63 e study in the first month because they were reassessed as not having TB by their managing doctor (61
64    The assay specificity must continually be reassessed as other closely related viruses are identifi
65  traditional tumor biomarkers may need to be reassessed as targeted therapies designed against oncopr
66 92 had baseline values >1,000 pg/ml and were reassessed at 1 and 8 months.
67 toms of PTSD and functional limitations were reassessed at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the index
68          Ninety-one of the 132 patients were reassessed at 12-month follow-up.
69 me of ovariectomy and cognitive function was reassessed at 2, 12, and 24 weeks postoperatively.
70 inded to therapy during follow-up period and reassessed at 2, 12, and 26 weeks.
71                                 Fathers were reassessed at 21 months.
72 py showed substantial membrane staining when reassessed at 24 h after TF12 exposure.
73  monthly booster treatment sessions and were reassessed at 3 and 6 months following treatment.
74 tivity of the patients on the study drug was reassessed at 3 and 6 months.
75 tely 6 months after cancer diagnosis and was reassessed at 3 follow-up interviews conducted at 18, 36
76 ients were enrolled at baseline and 266 were reassessed at 4 years (94% of surviving patients).
77 vel (CBL) were measured at baseline and were reassessed at 6 and 9 months after therapy to evaluate t
78 ers and their employees were followed up and reassessed at 6 months after randomisation.
79                                     LVEF was reassessed at 6 months, and subjects were followed up fo
80     Confirmed WNV-seropositive patients were reassessed at 8 months.
81                        Fifteen patients were reassessed at a mean of 12.5 months after their first as
82                          Diagnosis should be reassessed at all follow-up points.
83               Participants and controls were reassessed at end of study.
84                        Diagnostic status was reassessed at five contiguous 2-year time periods.
85                        Functional status was reassessed at followup by postal questionnaire.
86                     Of these, 112 (80%) were reassessed at the 10-year follow-up (mean age at follow-
87            Of the 112 ADHD subjects who were reassessed at the 10-year follow-up, 82 (73%) had been t
88                Patients were followed up and reassessed at weeks 6, 12, 36, 52, and 86 post-randomisa
89                    Apart from collecting and reassessing available experimental data on protein-prote
90 naling activities ascribed to OPDA should be reassessed because opr3 can produce JAs.
91 cribe the lowest effective dosage, carefully reassess benefits and risks when considering increasing
92 hom treatment was indicated, 93 of whom were reassessed between ages 10 and 17.
93 screened from the community, 90 of whom were reassessed between ages 9 and 13.
94 cycline with Streptococcus pneumoniae and to reassess breakpoints for tetracycline using the requirem
95      All components of the imaging data were reassessed by 3 masked interpreters.
96                      Their configuration was reassessed by a known enzymatic test in combination with
97 SG) transitions in Ni-Mn and Au-Fe have been reassessed by acoustic measurements of the magneto-mecha
98                           Disease status was reassessed by CTC count (> or = 5 vs. < 5 CTC/7.5 mL of
99                          Mucosal healing was reassessed by ileocolonoscopy at weeks 12 and 52.
100 tified from original laboratory reports were reassessed by the investigators in line with modern crit
101                  To review recent trials and reassess cardiovascular risk in people with diabetes.
102 quantitative molecular diagnostic methods to reassess causes of diarrhoea in the Global Enteric Multi
103                                Patients were reassessed clinically and radiographically after 8 years
104                                  We have now reassessed coreceptor rescue and the concept that lineag
105                                      We have reassessed coronal suture fusion in an Apert Fgfr2 (S252
106 l migration research, as well as the need to reassess current dogma.
107                                           We reassess current models of stop-codon recognition by eRF
108 ation based on WGST demonstrated the need to reassess currently accepted taxonomic classifications of
109 sting genetic data and the potential need to reassess diagnostic boundaries of neuropsychiatric disor
110                  Participating patients were reassessed during a prospectively scheduled outpatient c
111 soy food intake was assessed at baseline and reassessed during follow-up through in-person interviews
112 learning (ML) or standard practice (SP) were reassessed during subsequent TEPs.
113 ake was assessed at baseline (1997-2000) and reassessed during the first follow-up (2000-2002) throug
114                                      CFI was reassessed during transient balloon occlusion 5 minutes
115                                      We will reassess endoscopic treatments on large sessile and flat
116     Participants' cognitive experiences were reassessed every 2 years using the same interview.
117 f healthy preferences, encouraging people to reassess existing unhealthy preferences at the point-of-
118 ttempted abdominal wall closure, and need to reassess extent of bowel viability.
119 Furthermore, it underlined the importance of reassessing food consumption in all patients after a neg
120 criteria prompting repeat catheterization to reassess for possible PH.
121                                Patients were reassessed for eligibility on day 28 after HCT.
122                               Rats were then reassessed for impulsivity and underwent a second [(18)F
123                   Patients were periodically reassessed for resectability.
124 ed eye during 5 to 6 years of follow-up were reassessed for the presence of GA, using revised grading
125 ended by the Institute of Medicine should be reassessed for young children.
126           In the current research, they were reassessed, for the first time in the last fifty years,
127                                           We reassessed GWAS-Associated single-nucleotide polymorphis
128 hose preferences are learned, expressed, and reassessed has a central role.
129 dly been described, resulting in the need to reassess HER2 status during the disease course.
130  queries about GM facts cause respondents to reassess how much they know.
131 te of an impacting projectile may need to be reassessed, however, because only a small, unpredictable
132 or 8 weeks, and PBMC telomerase activity was reassessed in 15 of these individuals after treatment.
133      Baseline smokers recruited in 1963 were reassessed in 1965 (n = 4,633; mean age, 51 years) and f
134 ism associations from the meta-analysis were reassessed in 6 additional cohorts comprising 5767 subje
135                   Permanent organ damage was reassessed in 68 patients after a median of 4.7 years.
136                             This premise was reassessed in a murine model in light of the recent defi
137 the sham group at 3 months and outcomes were reassessed in all patients after 6 months of active trea
138                               Literature was reassessed in April 2013, and additional studies were in
139                 This approach may need to be reassessed in light of the American College of Radiology
140 ns at Asa Issie, Maka, Hadar, and Bouri were reassessed in light of these findings.
141                                  Outcome was reassessed in subgroups defined by extended RAS mutation
142 ention rate was 73.3%, and 417 students were reassessed in the 11th grade.
143 red in 47 children with IBD during flare and reassessed in the next remission.
144    Here, OsHKT2;4 functional properties were reassessed in Xenopus oocytes.
145 ul measurement of cortical reorganization to reassess its relationship to phantom pain in upper limb
146 rayed with Roundup) and the isogenic corn to reassess its substantial equivalence status.
147 rigorous post-implementation surveillance to reassess its value to health systems with directly recor
148 In a subset of patients from both groups, we reassessed left ventricular mass and self-reported physi
149 itations or inadequate legal demands, and to reassess longstanding ethical certainties in the stricte
150 complex with peptide-MHC ligands allow us to reassess many prior mutagenesis results.
151 mbilical-cord blood unit selection should be reassessed; matching at HLA C for units that are matched
152 HD and 91 (75%) of the comparison girls were reassessed (mean age=22 years).
153 rting programs should build in mechanisms to reassess measures over time.
154 reimplantation embryos, suggesting a need to reassess mechanisms of post-fertilization demethylation.
155                            MRI as a tool for reassessing men over the surveillance period, as an alte
156                        Further research that reassesses more broadly the relationship between cortica
157 teen years later, 1,692 of the students were reassessed (nearly 75% of the original sample).
158                                 Second, they reassessed NTZ PML lesions with all the previous MR imag
159                               Variables were reassessed on day 21 before and after undergoing a 2-hou
160                       Enrolled patients were reassessed on day 3, 4, or 5, and on day 14 a structured
161 clear, the clinician is faced with a need to reassess osteoarthritis therapy.
162 ient-preference studies, indicates a need to reassess our priorities for treating this silent pandemi
163  consequences may be unavoidable, we need to reassess our sedation and care practices to ensure we ar
164         Our findings demonstrate the need to reassess our understanding of Tfp dynamics and functions
165                                         When reassessed over the entire 16 years of the study, the pr
166 .1% vs post = 84.2% P < 0.001), continuously reassess patient (pre = 42.1% vs post = 100%, P < 0.001)
167                                      We next reassessed PEC recruitment in juvenile mice using a diff
168     The mean difference between original and reassessed percent density values was -0.7% (95% confide
169                     Follow-up health surveys reassessed physician-diagnosed cardiovascular ailments 1
170                   Based on these results, we reassess previous models for ATP synthase regulation and
171                             Additionally, we reassess previous phylogeographic studies within the gro
172                                     Finally, reassessing previous C. pneumoniae microarray data based
173 n in patients with HCV replication should be reassessed prospectively in the era of new direct antivi
174                                           We reassessed protection against RVGE, decomposing the inci
175 (i.e., Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale) to reassess PTSD in 598 service members and military vetera
176 plantation (SLK), there is a current need to reassess published guidelines for SLK because of continu
177 gthened when a calibrated value based on 100 reassessed radiographs was used.
178 atients who do not undergo imaging should be reassessed regularly.
179                                  We aimed to reassess the association between cumulative length of de
180 tein structure classification allowing us to reassess the available hierarchical methods and perhaps
181     The purpose of this updated review is to reassess the benefits and harms of fall prevention progr
182                                           To reassess the biochemical features of MT6-MMP, we have ex
183 Bio-Dictionary-based Gene Finder was used to reassess the coding potential of the AD169 laboratory st
184 rlap to some extent, thus it is important to reassess the contributions of each of these myeloid cell
185 ed military reports, and casualty returns to reassess the conventional narrative about the effect of
186                        These data lead us to reassess the conventional view of combinatorial phosphor
187 o discuss past and current literature and to reassess the dietary reference intake for vitamin D in a
188      Here, ribosome display has been used to reassess the estrogen receptor for new and enlarged pept
189                                           We reassess the evidence and conclude that there is likely
190  objectives of this study were to update and reassess the evidence for causality through a rapid and
191                                           We reassess the existing literature and discuss the signifi
192                            In this study, we reassess the existing or potential criteria for delirium
193               Our findings suggest a need to reassess the global allocation of conservation resources
194   Here, based on Pb isotope measurements, we reassess the importance of natural and anthropogenic Pb
195 ese were followed by numerous experiments to reassess the in vitro characteristics of oritavancin; th
196 esenting ca. 82% of the extant families, and reassess the insect fossil diversity using up-to-date re
197                        The authors sought to reassess the interaction between bevacizumab and mVEGF-A
198         The Task Force has asked modelers to reassess the loading reduction required to achieve the 2
199                 These findings require us to reassess the mechanisms of abiotic and microbial Fe redu
200  studies, it is of significant importance to reassess the mechanisms of inhalational anthrax dissemin
201 se a multi-pronged systems-level approach to reassess the metabolic functions for methane utilization
202 rococcal nuclease and molecular modelling to reassess the mode of DNase I digestion.
203              Our results introduce a need to reassess the models for division plane selection in cocc
204      Here, we use geometric morphometrics to reassess the morphological affinities of BAR 1002'00 wit
205  consent could possibly lead tumour banks to reassess the nature and process of obtaining consent for
206 therapy response and demonstrate the need to reassess the paradigm for p53 in cancer therapy.
207             The purpose of this review is to reassess the place of refractive lens exchange in high m
208                                           We reassess the potential contribution to eustatic and regi
209                                     Here, we reassess the potential for pharmacological manipulation
210 into the specificities of NK cells led us to reassess the potential modulation of this innate immune
211 ve used a novel label-free cellular assay to reassess the potential of C5a(desArg) to induce activati
212                                           To reassess the prevalence and incidence of post-cataract s
213                   In this study, we aimed to reassess the prognostic value of cytogenetic abnormaliti
214     They agreed to reconvene periodically to reassess the public-private partnership principles.
215 rent species have offered the opportunity to reassess the relationships between protostomian and deut
216 ervical cancer staging, suggesting a need to reassess the relevance of the FIGO guidelines to current
217  for researchers, regulators and industry to reassess the risk of resistance and the most effective s
218 delphia chromosome-negative ALL, we aimed to reassess the role of allogeneic stem cell transplantatio
219                            In this paper, we reassess the role of common variants on epilepsy using e
220 lly transparent variant of TIGR4 in order to reassess the role of phage or transparency separately.
221 urvivin mutants against a null background to reassess the role of several key residues reveals that D
222 or RB1 in late-stage cancer calls upon us to reassess the significance of RB1 inactivation in other c
223                                           We reassess the significance of this site for current model
224  data, is needed to corroborate the finding, reassess the size of these associations, and gain insigh
225 glected diseases' researchers have chosen to reassess the therapeutic value of nitroaromatic compound
226  of Mg(2+) to the RNAP active center, and we reassess the three lines of biochemical evidence, obtain
227                            We also wanted to reassess the threshold of LV dimension, beyond which mor
228             In this new context, we aimed to reassess the value of conventional risk factors with reg
229           When applying the DiSPRE scheme to reassess the weak interactions between the N-terminal do
230                                           We reassessed the ability to predict T lymphocyte flow cyto
231                                  Finally, we reassessed the abundance of dystrophin in striated muscl
232                                 We have also reassessed the activation of phospholipid-bound human pr
233                    The present investigation reassessed the antagonistic effects of the mixed 5-H2C/1
234                                           We reassessed the available children 8 months later.
235                                 We have also reassessed the binding of a nonactivating metal ion (cal
236 ion appeared coincident during ascension, we reassessed the contribution of fliC to ascending UTI usi
237 read the consensus group recommendations and reassessed the CT scans.
238                                      We have reassessed the function of zebrafish FoxH1 using antisen
239 these modules as an analytical tool, we have reassessed the hypothesis linking an ES cell signature w
240 icularly at risk for acquired infections, we reassessed the impact of this protocol as a routine proc
241                                 Here we have reassessed the interaction between cAMP/PKA and Ca(2+)/C
242                                           We reassessed the molecular weight of dissolved organic mat
243                In the current study, we have reassessed the potential of such antigens as skin test r
244                                           We reassessed the prevalence of probable mental disorders i
245                                     Here, we reassessed the prior influences of signal probability an
246                                      We have reassessed the rate of glucose cycling in pancreatic isl
247  kinetics of (18)F-sodium fluoride (NaF) and reassessed the recommended dose, optimal uptake period,
248                            The present study reassessed the reliability of placing erythromycin and c
249                                           We reassessed the role of SAGA by mapping its genome-wide l
250 tically studies the substrates of hKAT-I and reassesses the effects of pH, Tris, amino acids and alph
251                   In patients such as these, reassessing the asthma diagnosis may be warranted.
252                                   We suggest reassessing the N-removal strategy for WWTPs to minimize
253 ogression, development of complications, and reassessing the need for treatment.
254         These data suggest the timeliness of reassessing the potential of DI viruses as a novel class
255 g the utility of genomic footprinting and is reassessing the proposed approaches in terms of robust d
256 o other disease and patient indications, and reassessing the safety approval pathway in light of 10 y
257 on by AMH, and underscores the importance of reassessing the timing and environmental context of the
258 w process to target specific disease states, reassessing the usefulness of current metrics, and integ
259 ut the body plan can mount this response and reassess their new A/P location in the complete absence
260                       We call for the AHA to reassess their recommendations in light of this systemat
261 activities; 4) institutions should regularly reassess their staffing; 5) high staff turnover or decre
262 activities; 4) institutions should regularly reassess their staffing; 5) high staff turnover or decre
263                                      Centers reassessed their classifications based on a comprehensiv
264 laboratory as young adults, at which time we reassessed their life circumstances, acquired fMRI data
265 carolina foundresses was, however, that they reassessed their reproductive options by actively monito
266 t on tumorigenesis and metastasis is key for reassessing their potential as pharmacological targets f
267 ssachusetts before 17 weeks of pregnancy and reassessed them at 28 (+/-4) weeks of pregnancy and 8 (+
268  structural equation modelling approaches to reassess these conclusions using both global LES data as
269                             Future work will reassess these estimates in light of more clinical trial
270                                           We reassess this question by focusing on a single lineage o
271                                Here, we have reassessed this conclusion by using a fusion protein dec
272                                      We have reassessed this issue by differentiating human embryonic
273                                      We have reassessed this issue in vivo and find that naive CD8(+)
274 escribe four new species of Xenoturbella and reassess those hypotheses.
275  K57A, K57E, K67A, K67E), have allowed us to reassess those regions on SCR1 that are essential for CR
276  standardized clinical aphasia assessment is reassessed through detailed analysis of his publications
277 lennium Development Goal (MDG) Target 7c was reassessed to account for the need to protect communitie
278  by which unidirectional flow arises must be reassessed to be congruent with the natural history of t
279 gement and conservation strategies should be reassessed to better account for the central role of hum
280           Leg photographs were independently reassessed to confirm interobserver reliability.
281    8834 of 9184 RefSeq "noncoding" GASs were reassessed to have potential regulatory functionalities.
282 lts on prior MR studies were retrospectively reassessed to identify possibly reasons why cancers had
283 nger RNA abundance in less than 12 hours, we reassessed total messenger RNA abundance from the first
284 ific interdisciplinary tumor board that also reassessed treatment decisions.
285 ors pre-selected in the first screening were reassessed using a Plackett-Burman 12.
286 skeletal roles for APCs in mammals should be reassessed using loss of function tools.
287 mplexes of the capsids, the relationship was reassessed using recombinant forms of the antigens and a
288 rs of returning to intensive care, they were reassessed using transthoracic echocardiography.
289 re similar using the original values and the reassessed values but were slightly strengthened when a
290 nants of the difference between original and reassessed values; in combination, these factors explain
291 one cycle of treatment and had their disease reassessed were included in the analyses of response.
292                            In this study, we reassess whether African lions suppress populations of c
293 stic rationale for clinical trial design and reassess whether disease-free survival is the primary en
294                In this replication study, we reassessed whether these genes are associated with MetS
295 he risks and benefits of natalizumab must be reassessed with continued therapy duration.
296                            All children were reassessed with myometry and MRI at 30 minutes and 60 mi
297 d into the UTI cohort; the latter cohort was reassessed with the UTISA questionnaire 3 to 7 days late
298          The CBPs for voriconazole should be reassessed, with consideration for development of specie
299        The global control strategy should be reassessed, with emphasis given also to adults to progre
300 ble to that observed in individuals who were reassessed without any training whatsoever.

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