


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ew Schedule was used at baseline and at each reassessment.
2 (s) as a measure of selective strength needs reassessment.
3 role of continent urinary diversion requires reassessment.
4 ith the 14-day rule and led to calls for its reassessment.
5  and stable coronary artery disease warrants reassessment.
6  subjects (3 men) returned 1 y later for BMI reassessment.
7 development, these AUC will require periodic reassessment.
8                           Patients underwent reassessment 2 years after discharge.
9                       Participants underwent reassessment 2, 6, and 8 years after baseline.
10 formed after baseline evaluation followed by reassessment 3 months later.
11 larized patients were more likely to have EF reassessment (76.9% [95% CI, 75.8-78.0)] versus 53.7% [9
12                                           At reassessment, a mean pulmonary artery pressure of >/=30
13 omprehensive assessment, periodical clinical reassessment, activities of daily living and care manage
14 thout transplantation to undergo hemodynamic reassessment after 8+/-6 months of treatment tailored to
15 nsion systems will be stressed and will need reassessment along with retirement policies.
16 ed the association between time-dependent EF reassessment and 1-year ICD implantation, stratified by
17  of PH is recommended, with careful periodic reassessment and adjustment of therapy.
18  often require long-term care, with frequent reassessment and adjustment of therapy.
19 previous studies are indecisive and call for reassessment and development of new targets.
20 ts were followed up on a 6-monthly basis for reassessment and further investigations if indicated.
21        We examined rates of postdischarge EF reassessment and ICD implantation among 10 289 Medicare-
22 rie intake and activity recommendations need reassessment and improved quantification at a population
23 ical usefulness of HPV quantitation requires reassessment and is assay dependent.
24 -control studies, we describe the process of reassessment and the resulting correlation between value
25              This study examines rates of EF reassessment and their association with 1-year ICD impla
26                                     Frequent reassessment and updating will be needed.
27                                     Frequent reassessment and updating will be needed.
28 risk are provided, but will require frequent reassessment and updating.
29 ures are a continuous process; this requires reassessment and variation in techniques in addition to
30 opy only, or no treatment (attendance of one reassessment appointment with a specialist shoulder clin
31                         Serial follow-up and reassessment are warranted.
32                           In US practice, EF reassessments are commonly performed among patients with
33 alth Assessment Questionnaire, and diagnosis reassessment at 1 year.
34 e clinical pattern of disease onset, and its reassessment at 6 months appears useful for assessing lo
35 m 508 (80%) and 402 (82%) were available for reassessment at 9 months.
36             The CIT07 subjects who completed reassessment at day 365 exhibited increasing AIRpot by t
37 hysical models of Uranus and Neptune require reassessment because chemical reactivity of planetary ic
38 e criteria were widely adopted, but required reassessment because of identified limitations and the i
39 ned status, highlights candidate species for reassessment, contributes important evidential data to m
40 ular resistance >/=425 dynes.s(-1).cm(-5) at reassessment correlated with worse long-term survival.
41 notic tuberculosis in people needs important reassessment, especially in areas where bovine tuberculo
42            The present paper provides such a reassessment, focusing on patients with left ventricular
43                        In the control group, reassessment followed 3 months after baseline evaluation
44 ed by stricture etiology and with endoscopic reassessment for resolution every 3 months (plastic sten
45 n for asymptomatic carotid stenosis, require reassessment given advances in both medical therapy and
46                                     Frequent reassessment has been emphasized to ensure appropriate m
47     The herein presented results calls for a reassessment how results obtained in the most commonly u
48 mbly and turnover, and accordingly suggest a reassessment in how OEC activities of different catalyst
49        This UK study provides a contemporary reassessment in one of the few countries in the world wi
50 s generating hypotheses that usually require reassessment in prospectively conducted confirmatory tri
51 egimens in BRAF-driven cancers could warrant reassessment in trials with implications for cost of can
52                      Since eventual clinical reassessment, including muscle imaging, pointed towards
53                            Posttreatment MRI reassessment indicated a "safe" ymrLRP in 33 of 113 (29.
54                           Although 1-year EF reassessment is associated with increased likelihood of
55                                     Periodic reassessment is beneficial to ensure calibration is main
56         For these reasons, treatment regimen reassessment is indicated during adolescence.
57                     One approach that merits reassessment is the use of induction chemotherapy in the
58 -55.2]; P<0.001) and had shorter times to EF reassessment (median, 67 versus 84 days; P<0.001) than n
59                         A modified continual reassessment method (CRM) was used to estimate the MTD b
60 3 and September 2013 that used the continual reassessment method (CRM), CRM using escalation with ove
61 solid tumors employing a modified continuous reassessment method (mCRM) using real-time pharmacodynam
62 ndard design and the time-to-event continual reassessment method (TITE-CRM) for dose-escalation trial
63                  The Time-to-Event Continual Reassessment Method trial design allowed rapid completio
64                       The modified continual reassessment method was used for dose escalation.
65                         A modified continual reassessment method was used for dose-level assignment t
66                       The modified continual reassessment method was used to estimate the MTD.
67 escalated according to a modified continuous reassessment method.
68 as guided using the time-to-event continuous reassessment method.
69  of 50 mg/m(2) using Time-to-Event Continual Reassessment Method.
70 scalated according to the modified continual reassessment method.
71 alation decisions were informed by continual reassessment methodology.
72 therapy, with an exposure-adjusted continual reassessment methodology.
73 ion adjusted following a modified continuous reassessment model.
74  duration adjusted by following a continuous reassessment model.
75                                              Reassessment occurred after completion of the interventi
76                                              Reassessment of 12 children found that six worsened in t
77  this property of Ras would require profound reassessment of a large amount of published data and mod
78 and severe sepsis without septic shock (1D); reassessment of antibiotic therapy with microbiology and
79 ut septic shock (1C) as the goal of therapy; reassessment of antimicrobial therapy daily for de-escal
80                                        Early reassessment of antiplatelet eligibility may represent a
81  is unclear, this observation necessitates a reassessment of archaeal lipid-based paleotemperature pr
82 rvous system lymphatic system may call for a reassessment of basic assumptions in neuroimmunology and
83     This highlights the need for a worldwide reassessment of biodiversity values, forest management s
84                        This study presents a reassessment of Boas' data within a modern statistical a
85 nts underwent repeated Holter monitoring and reassessment of cardiac function.
86                       This update provides a reassessment of clinical scenarios that the writing grou
87                       This update provides a reassessment of clinical scenarios the writing group fel
88 d history implied by these data will require reassessment of comparative analyses of passerine divers
89 ng of stroke pathophysiology have prompted a reassessment of cryptogenic stroke.
90 se advances into clinical practice demands a reassessment of current approaches to diagnosis, classif
91                     These results call for a reassessment of current perspectives on BG information p
92 n in membrane protein biogenesis and require reassessment of current views based on a single small fu
93  and antiinfarct effects of late PC impels a reassessment of current views regarding this enzyme, whi
94 recommend serial ultrasound examinations and reassessment of cytology if significant growth is observ
95 how the importance of thorough follow-up and reassessment of diagnosis in IVF patients.
96                                            A reassessment of diagnostic criteria for spontaneous bact
97  burden worldwide incorporating a systematic reassessment of disease and injury-specific epidemiology
98 ost interaction and provides the basis for a reassessment of disease mechanisms.
99  management of rejection after PTLD requires reassessment of disease status and judicious reintroduct
100                     This new taxon prompts a reassessment of early osteichthyan interrelationships, i
101 tional study was conducted with standardized reassessment of echocardiographic parameters in 474 adul
102                                              Reassessment of EF was associated with a higher likeliho
103 without loss of origin function, demanding a reassessment of existing models for initiation.
104  to decreased cost-effectiveness thresholds, reassessment of existing risk group-based vaccine progra
105 onsubstrate ligand binding site and prompt a reassessment of how these ligands interact with GST A1-1
106 ve role in the choice mechanism and forces a reassessment of how X chromosome choosing is thought to
107 lus orientation and strength and calls for a reassessment of mechanisms that underlie cross-orientati
108 mended protocols at this stage would require reassessment of methods before clinical trials are perfo
109           These findings require fundamental reassessment of models that invoke a significant role fo
110 proved clinical outcomes makes paramount the reassessment of neoadjuvant ADT with more robust androge
111 rithms and to provide a basis for a possible reassessment of NIST-certified Ho3+(aq) band locations.
112 on of the MAC servicing rate, coupled with a reassessment of non-RAC aerosol emissions, are required
113                      These results require a reassessment of observed high-concentration effects and
114              These key conclusions warrant a reassessment of our notion of oxidative decomposition of
115                        This requires a major reassessment of our previous understanding of how animal
116                            We present here a reassessment of our transition-metal free Suzuki-type co
117                              This surprising reassessment of over 40 years of experimental data simpl
118                                              Reassessment of physiologic variables and their ranges,
119                               We performed a reassessment of PKCbeta regulation of the oxidoreductase
120  to swiddening, our meta-analysis supports a reassessment of policies that encourage land-cover conve
121       Our thorough 3' UTR annotations permit reassessment of post-transcriptional regulatory networks
122 iptional specification, and should encourage reassessment of presumed requirements for direct DNA bin
123 p with the dorsal raphe nucleus will require reassessment of previous studies of the role of the dors
124         The new observations thus call for a reassessment of previously presented evidence for ancien
125 portant first helix, however, has prompted a reassessment of previously reported structures.
126 reatment, with particularly valuable data on reassessment of prognosis after treatment with epoproste
127 mately 2 years later, these boys underwent a reassessment of psychiatric status and an assessment of
128 ency of existing practices is illustrated by reassessment of published results on the effect of polye
129                     These findings encourage reassessment of recommendations against lithium during b
130                                              Reassessment of resistant parasites following further pa
131 we discuss recent results that may lead to a reassessment of risk categories in CLL focusing on fit p
132 mong primates, an observation that calls for reassessment of RNA expression influence on primate geno
133                To develop an evidenced-based reassessment of schistosomiasis-related disability, we d
134                        Our results argue for reassessment of several dams planned, and call for a new
135 macaques, as well as in humans, has led to a reassessment of several tenets of mycobacterial infectio
136 ects and necrotrophic fungi, (2) argue for a reassessment of signaling activities ascribed to OPDA, a
137 ses by approximately 100 years and requiring reassessment of standard interpretations of associations
138 rgency incontinence medications, with timely reassessment of symptoms, can be started without extensi
139  and of recent clinical experience compels a reassessment of target antigens that traditionally have
140                                     Clinical reassessment of the 9 patients with anti-HEV IgM indicat
141       This surprising finding necessitates a reassessment of the assembly of these important receptor
142 arch on the WNT signaling pathway warrants a reassessment of the basic mechanism that transmits signa
143                                              Reassessment of the carbapenem minimum inhibitory concen
144      The properties of these mutants require reassessment of the catalytic roles of these residues.
145 d host gene expression profiling may force a reassessment of the concepts of microbial disease causat
146                       These findings warrant reassessment of the conservation potential of large trac
147                                            A reassessment of the conventional procedure for estimatin
148 ce of new CPX research in recent years and a reassessment of the current algorithms in light of the b
149 kton communities in the ocean and call for a reassessment of the current understanding of phytoplankt
150                     We begin with a critical reassessment of the diagnosis and a deliberate attempt t
151                 Plastid genotyping enables a reassessment of the evolutionary relationships of cytopl
152 d on molecular data, with constraints from a reassessment of the fossil record.
153  of redundancy not previously appreciated, a reassessment of the function of CD45 in the B and myeloi
154 the multiprotein TFIID complex prompt both a reassessment of the functional role of TFIID in gene act
155 calization near volcanic centres, requires a reassessment of the geologic conditions that control hyd
156 ries that may serve as a basis for a careful reassessment of the health implications of their exposur
157 f a mouse model for CHM prompts the need for reassessment of the human disease in anticipation of tre
158 nzyme at 1.8 A resolution and refinement and reassessment of the hydroxylamine oxidoreductase structu
159 lecular data - have been published, enabling reassessment of the hypotheses concerning myiasis evolut
160 tamases (ESBLs) has resulted in the need for reassessment of the interpretative criteria (breakpoints
161                         If so, a fundamental reassessment of the mechanism by which aqueous humor cro
162 g influence on the CHL field, thus requiring reassessment of the mechanism for the observed covariabi
163 rect Src kinase/Na,K-ATPase binding requires reassessment of the mechanism of ouabain-dependent signa
164 k of an open cytoplasmic sleeve, forcing the reassessment of the mechanisms that control plant cell-c
165 mental systems with microbeams have led to a reassessment of the model of how cells are killed by ion
166                      These findings demand a reassessment of the modifications of F-ATP synthase that
167 n to a target goal, and suggest the need for reassessment of the National Cholesterol Education Progr
168 ine, and geothermal habitats, necessitates a reassessment of the nitrogen cycle.
169 urations of time to cancer are essential for reassessment of the optimal screening interval in light
170  of NH(3) and NH(4)(+), and thus calls for a reassessment of the overall permeation mechanism in ammo
171 true risk of their occurrence, and whether a reassessment of the overall risk-benefit of tumor necros
172 e Tehuacan Valley (Puebla, Mexico) and allow reassessment of the overall temporal context of plant do
173 sion presented here is directed at opening a reassessment of the pathophysiology of congestion in con
174                                   A critical reassessment of the published evidence, however, suggest
175                                            A reassessment of the rationale for the use of stem cells
176                            This has led to a reassessment of the risk of several strains registered b
177 or receiving cancer treatment, with periodic reassessment of the risks and benefits.
178   Together, these advances are stimulating a reassessment of the role of brown adipose tissue in huma
179                   The past year has led to a reassessment of the role of cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors
180                         These results invite reassessment of the role of molecular signaling, particu
181  terrestrial vegetation, which may require a reassessment of the role of stomatal control in regulati
182 carbon isotope mass balance, and may lead to reassessment of the role that the delta(13)C record play
183               Recent evidence has prompted a reassessment of the safety of paracetamol in certain gro
184 c proxy for climate change and necessitate a reassessment of the species concept for the group.
185                         The results prompt a reassessment of the stereochemical course of these react
186 implemented into guidelines without critical reassessment of the strengths and limitations of the evi
187                                            A reassessment of the structural and functional consequenc
188                Following a complete spectral reassessment of the structural assignments to many scler
189 s involved in hormone processing demanding a reassessment of the structural integrity of hIGF-I in re
190 ex diseases and malignancies has motivated a reassessment of the therapeutic value of promiscuity.
191                 These observations suggest a reassessment of the transforming mechanisms of mdm2 and
192 e periodic health examination, and continual reassessment of the value and limitations of the examina
193                         Our findings offer a reassessment of the visual adaptation of ancestral prima
194        The data support the suggestion for a reassessment of the vitamin K requirements that are base
195 ropriate ICD therapies and had not undergone reassessment of their LVEF.
196                      These data call for the reassessment of theories on the development, homology, a
197                               Accordingly, a reassessment of these conditions is of general interest.
198 information continues to emerge that prompts reassessment of this classic regulatory system.
199                                              Reassessment of this toxicity limit is also appropriate
200 kalpha) antibodies cross-react with Nckbeta, reassessment of those studies with specific Nck genes wo
201                                              Reassessment of TMD boundaries based on hydrophobic char
202 ases involving AIDS-associated malignancy, a reassessment of treatment strategies and the potential f
203 patients with refractory gout is prompting a reassessment of treatment strategy.
204 up to 7 weeks followed by 1 week of rest and reassessment of tumor.
205                 These findings necessitate a reassessment of two central aspects of theories for unde
206                                              Reassessment of vaccination policy is recommended.
207                               We suggest the reassessment of vector control policies that are based o
208                These results should prompt a reassessment of whether the classification of benign adr
209  highly mobile top predators, we focused our reassessment on the most mobile and most abundant predat
210                       Among patients with EF reassessment, only 11% received an ICD within 1 year.
211                                  Hemodynamic reassessment performed in 35 patients who were treated w
212               As part of the U.S. EPA Dioxin Reassessment Program, the 2,3,7,8-chlorine-substituted d
213 assic congenital adrenal hyperplasia require reassessment regarding the need for glucocorticoid drug
214  remain very low even among patients with EF reassessment, regardless of revascularization status.
215                                   During our reassessment, some of the original studies were repeated
216  FA of the dorsal cingulum over time, and at reassessment these FA values were higher than both comba
217 e avoided with early clinical assessment and reassessments throughout the resuscitation.
218        Present screening strategies may need reassessment to include consideration for increasing the
219                                       Age at reassessment was 64.6 (range: 39 to 84; SD +/- 9.0) year
220                                              Reassessment was performed 6 months after successful HP
221        Patients routinely underwent detailed reassessment with right heart catheterization and noninv
222  confidence interval [CI], 65.9-67.8) had EF reassessment within the next year.

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